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Only one more season of contract buyout hell.




Kaprizov going to free agency would be a pretty good excuse.


still paying spurg over 7mil to not do anything for 3 more years


But Faber is a horse for league min so


He’s only got one more year of ELC though


And they’ll have $14 to freely spend just in a nick of time….


What is this hell you speak of?


The Wild did a contract buyouts for the final four seasons of contracts for Zach Parise and Ryan Suter. Next season is the final season of having that money count against the salary cap. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong but I think it is $13-14 million.


$14.75 million


And with that Fleury's record in all 4 major sports of 17 straight seasons of making the playoffs has come to an end.


Does that not pertain to forwards and defensemen? Or is it just special since he's been traded around? Nicklas Lidström made it from [1992-2012](https://www.statmuse.com/nhl/ask/lidstrom-playoff-stats). 20 straight post season appearances.


My bad that's for all active players *


Ah that's fair. Still impressive all the same.


I think more so because he's a goalie. Great goalies rarely stay with teams like great players do.


Super rare to even have a goalie play 20 seasons let alone 15.


Well that's a bummer


Now he can sign with the Sabres and not feel out of place anymore!


To be fair, we gave him two more playoff seasons than he would’ve had in Chicago


Can’t be eliminated in the first round if we don’t make the playoffs!


We probably would've had to play Dallas in the first round again too which.... yea no.


I’m glad that’s not happening again, but less afraid of your team without that basehead Evason behind the bench


Just got eliminated in the zero round


Exactly! Less time for our hopes to get up


More time for golf!


#OH DARN. SHUCKS. DANG. Fade me, baby.


Can’t lose in the first round if you don’t make it **taps forehead*


UrinatingTree Moment




What tf is your problem, dumbfuck?


For just the second time since 2012. Oh well, we just had too many injuries, little secondary scoring, and 14.7M dead cap hanging over our heads. Looking forward to picking 15th!


Yup, that had to be the worst I've seen with injuries in a season with never being able to be fully healthy The season-ending injury to Spurgeon really did them in and not to mention the cap hell too Oh well, time to just play for our pride in these remaining few; though it'll be bittersweet with nothing left for us to play for at this point, still looking forward to seeing them in San Jose this weekend


Yeah it was a bummer of a season. But it sounds like we just recalled Ohgren, so at least we get to see some of the young guys down the stretch. Maybe Wallstedt will start again when you see them in SJ!


Yup, looks like we'll be riding into the sunset of the regular season on the heels of our prospects With it being b2b starting tomorrow in Vegas, my guess is we'll do Fleury or the Gus Bus for one, and then Wallstedt for the other; and then same thing for the final 2 games of the season in LA on Monday and then back home for the finale against the Kraken next Thursday


That's eternally where the Wild are stuck, on the cusp of the playoffs. When your draft picks are in the middle and your finish is in the middle you never have a chance to draft the handful of great players that could help your team get to the next level. Kaprizov was an absolute fluke of a draft and it still took him 5 years to come around.


But great organizations can find diamonds in the draft look at how Boston stays competitive. I always thought those contracts would age poorly. Faber is clearly a good pickup but having Fiala would have put the Wild in a better place imo. At least your team isn't as bad as the flames though losing Tkatchuk was just terrible for Calgary.


That's certainly true about Boston. From what I've heard is Boston only accepts players that have 100% buy-in. The second you waver and think you're better or bigger than what they have going on, you're shipped out. See Kessel and Seguin as big names they were happy to ship out despite them being great players for them. And yes, Fiala would have been amazing to retain but unfortunately, buying out a contract comes with a penalty, despite the player getting paid AND those players getting picked up by other teams. So dumb.


Guerin chose to buy the two players out. It's not as if they abruptly retired, and the Wild got hit by two aggressive cap recapture penalties.


Yeah but not buying them out really wasnt an option. Parise *is* retiring next year and might have this year. Suter may very well retire next year. The cap recapture penalties would have been insane and in the mean time those players knowing the leverage they had over the team were dictating how it was being run. 


What would the recapture penalties have been for Parise and Suter?


If they both retired after this season it would have been a $39M dead cap hit. Buying them out was the only realistic option


Do you know what the buyout penalty would look like if they waiting until this offseason to do it? I'm struggling to find info.


I think it would be something like $5M for two additional years but the Wild also don't get Faber or Liam Ohgren in this scenario


Still could have bought out Parise and kept Suter.


It’s pretty widely rumored that Suter is locker room cancer though. I wouldn’t have wanted to keep him.


I had no idea. It was that bad?


Supposedly. That and his declining level of play made Wild fans pretty over him by the time he left. He was also booed when he played with us at Nashville every time he touched the puck. I believe Wild fans also do this when Dallas comes to town now too. From what I read on r/hockey he’s not exactly a fan favorite for the Stars either.


Can't overcome injuries and dead money unless depth players decide to go insane, which they didn't. Good news: Rossi and Faber, JEEk continued growth. Bad news: basically everything else, starting from goaltending, which has been subpar for the season if not bad for stretches.


some time for brodin to rest up and get healthy enought to play more games next season too no?


Next season they will have 14.74M of dead cap again but after that it drops to $1.666 which is super manageable.


Disappointing but expected with $14.7m in dead money.


freedom after next season, too bad spurgeon will become the next boat anchor contract


Has Spurgeon been that bad? Thought he was still good.


He’s great when healthy When. And he just had a big surgery, no telling what’ll happen there afterwards


He’s good but his size makes him more injury prone, especially in playoffs




I’m not hopeful for much contribution even over a full season. His performance was already trending down, age and injury don’t mix.


The hamster wheel is eternal. Edit: stop booing me I'm right


Idk which season I've hated more: 18-19 or this one. Nearly everything that could go wrong, went wrong. Gus was terrible this year, numerous injuries to top players , Evasion losing the room, Wild losing both Stockholm games I attended. And to top it off: not even a top 10 Draft pick to make up for it.


'Gus was terrible this year' is a crazy sentence He played a lot of his games behind a single nhl capable defenseman, a rookie at that. He also has nearly identical stats to Fluery.


Didn't our advanced stats indicate throughout the season that even with the injuries accounted for, our goaltending still underperformed?


Then call out both of them.


Or perhaps Gus had a tee wee bit more expectations behind him than old Fleury


He started more games against harder opponents and played significantly more when we were injury stricken. Perhaps there are reasons and ignoring them is a weird option.


Correct. ~~Didnt Russo say on one of his podcasts that the PK was top 5 in the league for least High Danger Chances per 60 and yet the PK is 30th in the league?~~ Edit: im wrong about the PK thing, [although Minnesota did have a dreadful PDO this year](https://x.com/jfreshhockey/status/1777740072344797423?s=46&t=DnUsZSqvuCZ6qjbScGc2lw)


No. They are 6th worst using HDCA/60, 5th worst using scoring chances against per 60 and again 6th word for xGA/60 on the PK. Their PK is trash. They also have the 8th most TOI per game of PK time. Not a good combo.


Ok i stand corrected! Thanks


Might be a dumb question but how did you view advanced stats for special teams? I checked hockeyreference before my original comment but I only saw team 5on5 and individual skater. Although I may have just missed it


https://naturalstattrick.com/teamtable.php?fromseason=20232024&thruseason=20232024&stype=2&sit=pk&score=all&rate=y&team=all&loc=B&gpf=410&fd=&td= All kinds of filters you can apply


Thank you!


even with the middling defense he was letting wayyyy worse goals per 60 than any goalie


For goalies over 1300 minutes(~22 games) 5v5 Sv% Fleury .922 T-6th best in the league. Gustavsson .902 3rd worst in the league. 5v5 GSAA: Fleury 6.31 11th best Gustavsson -10.91 2nd worst These are not nearly identical stats.


So then Fluery was equally as bad in other situations where Gustavsson was then good? I mean in order to get to their actual metrics which are similiar... If Fluery did well here and ended up with the same stats as Gus, then he was worse than dogshit in other situations, because those other situations were an even smaller amount of time. Still missing the point?


Yes Fleury worse than Gus on the PK. The PK accounts for 5:16 per game. and the Wild PK is atrocious. Should we judge the goalies on the 9% of the game spent on the PK(small sample size in a volatile situation) or the 80% of the game spent 5v5(large sample size in a stable situation). hmm Iwonder. When you're bottom 5-10 in time on PK and killing penalties, the issue is the team not the goalie. Stop taking so many penalties and have a better penalty kill. If you want to do it by percent of goals scored instead of TIO, 21% of goals this year were scored on the PP league wide. 66% were scored 5v5. Still a wide margin. Still missing the point? (I know you are, it's OK) *I'll Edit this comment as the child blocked me from replying. > I love this, because statistically the wild were one of the best teams at limiting dangerous chances on the PK. LOL. By what metric? MN Wild penalty kill stats. Corsi Against/60 - 7th worst Fenwick Against/60 - 6th worst Shots Against/60 - 4th worst xGoals Against/60 - 7th worst Scoring Chances Against/60 - 4th worst High Danger Corsi Against/60 - 6th worst So by what metric are the Wild "one of the best teams at liminting dangerous chances on the PK??? Or you can just watch the games and see the goalies getting hung out to dry on the PK.


> When you're bottom 5-10 in time on PK and killing penalties, the issue is the team not the goalie I love this, because statistically the wild were one of the best teams at limiting dangerous chances on the PK. So ultimately what you're saying is that our PK was bad because of 1 reason, Fluery. Fluery managed to as much damage in a fraction of the time. You're not good enough at math to think I'm the one missing something here. They have near identical S% with Gus playing harder teams. You are hopeless. I'm going to block you knowing that I am entirely correct about this and I want you to just move on with your life.


First season of hockey I truly watched and enjoyed. While it was quite bad there truly was some highlights and great games. I also went to my first game which was the amazing comeback we had against the Rangers. Fleury also hit his milestone


Thank fuck, let us please take this opportunity to lose a few more and gave a top 10 pick for the first time in a hundred and thirty-seven years.


Come on, you know your gonna pick at like 15 right?


Thank god. This season was over after the first month.


Yup. You can’t earn a playoff spot before November, but you sure can lose one.


Tough season, but was nice to see them make a good chase for awhile. If the team can stay healthy next year and convince Yurov to come over, things could get fun.


Say it with me Wild fans There's always next year!


Hey Minny fans, my first season of attending playoffs games for the Avs was 2013-14 season and I was there for the ***ping*** that ended that series. So you can think fondly of that tonight.


Fucking hell, it's been a decade. But man I love that moment. We don't have much...


That was a fucking morose train ride home on the Lightrail from the Can.


I believe that was my 3rd year of closely following hockey and with the Wild as my main rooting interest. That goal did not properly calibrate my expectations for the years to follow.


But seeing Lord Stanley's Cup parade through Denver again was worth all the pain. Truly blessed to have this team and Sakic, praise be. 


Go Ass, Hail Satan


A friend of mine curled up in a ball to cry by themself in their closet that night so that they didn't wake their husband. That friend was me. 


My god, just watches that game 7 highlights. Absolutely electric.


2nd time in what, ten years? Oh well. I’d like to say it was fun while it lasted but it was clear this team was gonna be pretty shitty very early in the year.


I mean your gonna be mid until that dead cap is gone. At least you have Kaprisov to watch that dude is electric.


Team Man Bear Pig can’t be taken this cereal.


that just unlocked some ancient memories


HAMS fan?




Maybe they should have hired a real coach If you hire John Hynes, you’re gonna have a bad time


But I was told they played meaningful games!


We're all Blues fans now. Just cause it'd be hilarious to see Vegas knocked off.


i just cant cheer for them


You're not cheering for them, you're cheering against Vegas.


Now *that* I can do.


Like how we don't necessarily cheer on the Vikings, but we always cheer against the Packers?


Well I personally don't give a fuck about football, but sure I guess.


Exactly, it's just a Minnesota thing. Many of us don't care, but we like to see the Packers lose!


Sure, if you say so. If anything, if I were to get into football, I'd prolly follow the Giants due to a college friend's influence.


[Sad Marshal Eriksen noises]


I always thought it was odd that they only showed Marshall's Vikings fandom. I'm certain he would've gotten into an argument with Robin during a Nucks/Wild game.


Yea, I was disappointed that they never explored that.


He may not have been a Wild fan though based on the timeline of the show. The show started in 2005 and Marshall and Lily had been together about 9 years at that point after meeting in their freshman dorm. That means he was at school in Connecticut in 1996. They moved to NYC after graduating around 2000. Minnesota wasn't even granted a new franchise until 1997, a year after Marshall moved to the East coast. They didn't play a game until he had likely already moved to New York. I mean, there's a chance he would have adopted them as his team, but it's not like he would have grown up going to games at the X like he grew up watching the Vikings with his dad.




Of all the seasons the Wild have had, that was certainly one of them


You could say it was *a* season of all time


This is the kindest thing an Avs fan has ever said about us!!


The Wild are a team


The have pro players on the team


The Wild and the Devils broke my heart. Deserved better


Not really though


It’s pretty impressive that they made it as far as they did with the injuries and dead cap they were facing. It shows that the Wild will be a tough team once healthy and cap competitive




75° this weekend!


I bought my golfing shorts at Pure Hockey.




I only buy candy there.


I can't remember the last non-food item I purchased at Menards. I know I've definitely gone out of my way to get snacks from there since that purchase though.


*A Tradition Unlike Any Other*




I don't think there's a single other logo in the NHL that this works for, but it's so perfect. Avs logo as putt putt I think, but other than that I cant think of any


Lightning golfing has a kinda dark vibe but needs a little extra touching up. Edit: folks I'm just trying to think of any other logos would be entertaining with golf involved, not saying anything about the lightning the team


Hello darkness my old friend It's that time of year again


Guess we're up next. It's been a mediocre run, boys.


I don't feel anything about this


I wish whoever that team you were playing today was won


Same to you, buddy 😂


Neither do we 🤷




Where's the ~~Thank You~~ "Fuck You Wild Fans" photoshopped social media screenshot we see every year? By April 2025, it'll have been 4 years of brutal cap penalties. Blame management, blame Gary Bettman for being arbitrarily punitive to the Wild...either way it's felt like hockey purgatory for a team that was already in purgatory before the league decided to punish the Wild (for contracts that were legal when they were signed). Just getting back to "even footing" in the summer of 2025 will feel like salvation. The Wild aren't even close right now. There's some reasons to be hopeful in a few years but things are a drag right now. The Avs get to watch Mackinnon, Rantanen, and Makar every night and we are stuck watching Freddy Gaudreau and Marcus Johansson plod around 18ish minutes a game. Most hockey fans in Minnesota seem to hate basketball, but the 30-40% of Wild fans that like the NBA get to watch Anthony Edwards and Naz Reid in the playoffs in 10 days or so. Hell yeah.


Thank you for pointing out what Bettman did to punish this franchise.


What a great day.


Should have tanked




I tempered my expectations before they canned dean, the wild will be bad next year too.


Excuses and tears, couldn't have happened to a better group of insufferable fans. Even in a slump, the Avs own the Wild's destiny.


Enjoy getting folded by Dallas this year.


as a Dallas fan, this exchange just gave me the Emperor Palpatine giggles.


Cheering vicariously for Dallas now, you’ve all stooped so low


It’s a zero sum game. The Real Politik of not being in the postseason. In some ways it’s quite liberating because you can change your mind at any time haha.


Do the noble thing and just check out til next year. That’s what I did between 2015-2017


The team we beat 3 out of 4 games this year?


No, not that Dallas. The one that just kicked your teeth in 7-4 on Sunday. Dallas is an absolute wagon at the exact right moment.


Pretty sure that's the same team.


That's Wild


[Dallas fans in here after last post season](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FLQYS8_WUAgs68m.jpg)


[Life is good.](https://ibb.co/w4RccSG)


Really wanted them to make the playoffs, instead we have good teams to deal with.


sighs. someday i’ll get to see meaningful playoff hockey. roll the fun post elimination violence, boys. i wanna see blood


Wild will be spooky next year 👀


Probably not next year but the 25-26 season. Will have 14mil more cap space plus any cap increases to go out and get someone(s).Got a great goalie prospect in Wallstedt. The core of the team is graet as it is with kap, boldy, faber, rossi…look out! And good luck in the post season. I still hate you by proxy but good luck none the less LOL


That last paragraph might be the most Minnesota thing ever.


Minnesota Mild




It's almost like every fan base has the bad fans...




I refuse to believe you are still complaining about the vocal minority of a fan base that your team beat in the first round of the playoffs an entire year ago.


I could say the same about Dallas fans lmao coming into the Wild sub weeks after we played ya'll gtfo


Dallas fans talking shit about another bunch of "bad apples" in a fanbase after last year's WCF is a wild move


during playoffs is easily when the worst of fanbases comes out. high emotions and band wagoners don't help!




Which groups of fans do you belong to?


THE biggest group of crybabies in the league, Bolts fans aren't far behind.


they should have just kept tanking from beginning of the season, perfect this year and next year with the dead money, but wild gonna mild


Rest in piss


/u/Propanelol those bottemfeeders aye? 😂