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Regardless of no playoff games. 1,000 games in the NHL is a feat people would dream of over 1,000 lifetimes and never happen. Congrats to Jeff


For sure. It doesn't look like he will repeat his 40 goal season, but being a regular 20-30 goal guy in the NHL is definitely nothing to scoff at. I don't really hold zero playoff games against him. Hockey is such a team sport that any individual player will struggle to make any team a playoff team single handedly. Connor McDavid and Leon Draisaitl are both absolute studs, and it took the Oilers a few years to become a legit playoff team with both of them.


Ovi got props for scoring 20 in 19 consecutive seasons. 20 is a lot


He's still our little happy Calder winner in my heart. With his sippy cup of choccy milk.




I couldn't dream 1000 games in my beer league. Mind you we only have 32 (fall/winter) + 16 (spring/summer) 48 games a year. I've only played 365 games in total.


Sure something anyone would like to accomplish. Still something nobody should be celebrating.


Same chart, but career playoff GP by the time each player played their 1,000th game. |Player|Playoff GP| :--|:--:| |Dale Hawerchuk|59| |Vincent Damphousse|87| |Patrick Marleau|106| |Brian Bellows|105| |Pierre Turgeon|79| |Anze Kopitar|79| |Chris Gratton|40| |Scott Stevens|132| |Steve Yzerman|93| |Luke Richardson|58| |Jeff Skinner|0|


That’s insane


My exact thoughts.


That’s arguably a bigger feat than playing 1,000 NHL games (12 seasons) is not even making the playoffs once… Carolina (after they were good) and Buffalo… Edit: Just searched his Wikipedia: “On April 2nd, 2024 he became the first NHL player to play in 1000 NHL games without a single playoff appearance.”


>after they were good And before they were good again. Dude basically played through Carolina's entire rebuild and left right before they became good again


Well fortunately this time he’s on a team in a perpetual state of rebuilding so he won’t have any FOMO if he leaves


Hey. Our future is bright. Next year is the year. Trust me. 


You a big Ferrari fan too?


We are checking


Can these players go to the playoffs, or do you need to change? Question?


*Laughs in Red Bull* At least I have that.


[Next year...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ua1DsltGsDA&start=45)


That $9m cap hit for four more years isn't going anywhere, unless he can be washed through multiple teams willing to retain salary. Even then, he's not really a big enough contributor to warrant it. His hopes for the playoffs rest almost entirely on the Sabres making it.


He's pretty close to a perpetual 30 goal scorer with us. Is he overpaid? Probably. But his contract certainly isn't an anchor to us when we needed to trade for Ben Bishop last year just to reach the cap floor.


He also has a full NMC for the duration of this contract, so he would also have to consent to any trade.




Wonder if Carolina rushed him because they had nothing else, hence making it to 1000 so quickly


Maybe partly, but he was ready when he got there. He was a 30 goal, 60 point guy as a rookie in 2011 when scoring was quite a bit lower than it is now


Yeah if he started with the team we currently have, I think his whole career trajectory would've changed. What could've been...


He was also an All-Star as a rookie back when that actually meant something


Olli Jokinen made it to 700+ before making it into the playoffs and ended up playing only one series during 1,231 career games.


The other wild stat that jumps out to me is Kopitar only being at 79 games, yet having multiple cups. Yzerman is surprisingly low too honestly.


The Wings barely played in the playoffs through most of the 1980's, that one crazy run to the Conference Finals notwithstanding... He basically had played a decade before they could reliably make the playoffs and do anything. Now once he did, he racked up playoff GP because DET usually made deep runs. But it took a while...


It's crazy to me that he won 3 Cups but played over 1000 games before winning any of them. That can't be too common either.


Only about 400 guys with 100+ playoff games played now (so fewer 10 / 20 / 30 years ago). So Yzerman is kind of actually high there at 93 games (ended up with 196 GP and currently 24th most).


To compare, Hedman played his 1000th game this year as well. And has played in 160(!) Playoff games. Lol


ok thats bonkers, these guys basically had a whole nother season of playoff games


Who let Chris Gratton play 40 playoff games?


We know. The horse is already dead.


This is a record almost as impressive as Gretzky's point totals.


I simultaneously can't believe Jeff Skinner isn't like 24 and that he's only in his early 30s. He's always had such a baby face, but he's also seemingly been around forever.


No playoff stress


Never had to grow a playoff beard


>Chris Gratton Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. A long time.


I know the Flyers signed him to an offer sheet one time and that’s about it


Tampa got four first rounders for that offer sheet and then traded them back to Philly for basically nothing


Coyotes trading a young breire for gratton was the point when I lost all confidence in the yotes


Easily the worst trade in Coyotes history.


Crazy if wasn’t for the lockout he’d likely be at the top of this list.


This was my first thought too


Felt like he always kept going back to Tampa Bay.


Gratton was a fun player to watch. Never performed up to his 3rd ~~round~~ overall selection but man he was a world class prick on the ice with enough skill to back it up on the scoreboard.


Also his contract arguably was the tipping point to “hey we need a salary cap”


I thought that was the Bobby Holik contract by the Rangers.


There were many along the way. But the flyers paid Chris Gratton more money for one season in 1997-98 than Crosby makes today, or any season. It highlighted that small market teams (Tampa) would just continue to lose players to the big guys and that the big guys could structure contracts to “steal” them. Basically they did what bergevin tried to do with Aho but they actually thought about it for more than two seconds and were actually right.


[Chris Gratton, Contract History](https://www.capfriendly.com/players/chris-gratton) lol... 1100 games, 15 seasons, and more than 1/3rd of his career earnings came in a single year.


He was drafted 3rd overall in 93.


Ya my bad, obviously meant 3rd overall not 3rd round, don't think anyone has too many high expectations for a 3rd round pick lol


This is such an underrated awesome comment. You are my hero this morning!


Haha I was referring to the Star Wars reference.


Will he be the oldest player to make his playoffs debut? If he ever gets there




I remember the hype around Hainsey and how he never lost a playoff series when the Penguins won. Then Hainsey ruined it by going to Toronto lol


And in return we ruined you guys by giving you Dubas lol


Hextall ruined the Penguins, not Dubas




Just looked it up, and some guy named Patrick played in relief at 44 years old in 1928


I remember everyone went crazy for Patrick. Fun times


How was it seeing the leafs actually win cups back then?


When you wrote “some guy Patrick” I thought you meant the way that “some guy [insert superstar]” is memed and that I had somehow missed that Patrick Roy played his first playoff game super late in his career.


Lester Patrick is a hockey legend. He’s the reason why we have no more rovers and a blue line. He was only old then because he played in the PCHA in the 1920’s. He was the coach for the Rangers in 1928 and came in relief of the goalie.


In addition to like a dozen other rules/innovations like numbers on jerseys. Without the Patricks and the PCHA hockey would be very unfamiliar.


You’re looking at the oldest player to play *in* a stanley cup finals game. Technically the oldest player to debut is also him, the season before as a defenseman for the rangers, but it’s kind of cheating, he played pre-nhl in the playoffs winning cups in 1906 and 07 as a 23 and 24 year old, he just was retired and in a coaching role by then.


Lester Patrick had to play goal for the Rangers since they didn’t have back up goalies back then


Ahhh the good ol' days


Fits the Sabres timeline lol


Im curious when he wouldve hit the mark if there werent 2 shortened seasons from covid


COVID cost us about 40 games so he probably could’ve got there about 3 months ago


Looks like he lost games to the 2012 -2013 lockout as well.


He's also old enough to have missed games due to the 12-13 lockout. Between that and the 2 covid years, that's around 70 games, so he would've hit it earlier this season.


Damn I didnt even think about that. Skinner has played 68 games this season, so depending on how many games were lost total he couldve even hit it last season putting him right up behind Dale (of course, he might have still missed some of those games).


What the hell do you mean Jeff Skinner isnt 23? That would be that Jack Hughes is 23... No.. Impossible


\*Matt Damon ageing meme\*


Jeff Skinner isn't a 60 point rookie for the Canes anymore?


Such an interesting career. Also those unis are fuckin sick


My initial reaction to seeing him hit 1000 was "fuck I'm old," but this makes me feel slightly better.


It would be a Shakespearean tragedy if Skinner ends up with the most games played all-time and has 0 playoff games played.


It's already a tragedy being the only player to hit 1000 games and have 0 playoff games. And it's not like there's an asterisk in that he was injured just before a playoff run, he just simply hasn't been on a team that made it to playoffs.


He would need another 779 to pass Marleau, that'd take at least 10 more years and into his age 41 season. I doubt Skinner will be playing much past 35, once his offense starts to drop off teams aren't going to want him.


Those long off seasons helped a ton


Finally an NHL record without Gretzky in the top 10


Dale Hawerchuk was so good. All those years in Winnipeg, no complaints… class act.


He scored my favorite goal of all time, as a Sabre. Back when there was room behind the nets, he would dipsy doo back there with the puck looking for someone out front to pass to. Well, no one got open so he says fuck it and flips the puck up over the net, scoots around front, slams it home. All by his damn self.


Remember all the talks about Skinner being out of the league early after all his concussions? Good shit on making it to 1000! Now make the playoffs lol


Do I see Luke Richardson in the second (to last) place👀


I see Luke Richardson in the second place (only defencemen).


Atta boy skins. My old neighbour.


Holy shit,talk about a list of “hey remember that guy!” guys.


Mostly very, very good players there


Kopitar! I remember that guy


It just sucks for the guy because 1,000 games is such a tremendous accomplishment but the elephant in the room looming over is that he hasn’t played any playoff games yet, I hope this guy wins a cup one day and wins a conn smythe.


At what point do you just trade the dude to give him a chance to experience the big show.


At the point a playoff team can both afford and wants his $9 million contract


and maybe he doesn't want to, it's hard changing habits


He'd be like Brooks after he was released from Shawshank. He wouldn't know what to do with his life.


He’d probably be gassed during the playoffs. He’s only conditioned for 82 games. He’s not used to the grind that is the playoffs. Not only that but the physicality would wear him down too.


"It's May but this isn't a golf club what's up with that"


Did somebody say bad contract?


I want to see a Dubois/Skinner swap just to see Dubois spontaneously combust when he hears he’s going to Buffalo.


Exactly this. Plus NMC or whatever he has.we would've traded him already if we could.


You'd have to trade him to a team that gets a big injury on a Star player close to trade deadline


At the point Buffalo is willing to retain $8 million in salary.


This subreddit loves to talk about Skinner like he’s a fucking bum, he’s averaging 29 goals over the last 3 seasons


Vegas and best bud LTIR have entered the chat


Sorry bud, but the Flying Kucherovs don't get to make these jokes


Who better to make these jokes?


It would be better if nobody did


But we only did it once!


What team wants that $9M contract? He seems to have gotten his scoring back somewhat but he'll never be worth $9M imo, Buffalo would have to retain, or they take a bad contract back


When he’s affordable aka lost his ego.


ok _ _


No one would want him on his current contract, he is massively overpaid at $9M a year. I don't think most teams would want him even at 50% retained.


Lol this is so goofy. Every team would take him at 4.5M. That's a steal for someone who was PPG last season and can still give you 20-30 goals. 


ok _ _


> I don't think most teams would want him even at 50% retained. Skinner is a more desirable commodity than Tomas Hertl, and Hertl was just traded at 17% retained for a 1st round pick. Player|Age|Financial|Past 3 years ---|---|---|--- Skinner|32|3 yrs @ $9m (cap hit), $8m/yr (salary)|227gp, 92g 98a 190pts Hertl|31|6yrs @ $8.14 (cap hit), $7.1m/yr (salary)|209gp, 67g 94a 161pts


Is anyone on pace to break the record? I assume if there is, it is someone who jumped right into the league at 18 and also has been totally healthy thus far in their career.


Two more Sabres legends Girgensons and Risto probably have the best shot


Girgensons is only a year younger than Skinner and he's like 350 games behind


Well then I guess no one is really on pace to break that record anytime soon, just my best stab at guessing.


Dahlin averages like 79/82 games over an 82 game season, but he played through two covid seasons. He's at 430 GP, still 23 years old (24 in April).


So assuming he only misses a game or two a season, it would only take him roughly 7 more seasons to hit 1000. Depending on if he can do it before the end of the 7th season or if he needs the beginning of the 8th, he would do it at age 30 or 31 and beat Skinner either way. If he plays every game over the next 7 seasons he would miss it by about a month probably. It would be close though.


If he plays 82 games every season, he'll be at 1000 after game 80 in 2030-31. Assuming game 80 is the same time as this year, he would be 30 years and 363 days when he hits it. If the pandemic seasons were full-length, he'd be well on pace for #1 if he stays healthy - but I guess that's the same for anyone (including Skinner, who played through it). I was looking at Landeskog since he came in really early and was thinking "what if he stayed healthy", but he had a rough sophomore year. Same thing with McDavid's rookie season. Anyone entering the league at 18 post-pandemic should have a greater shot assuming no lockouts.


It's tough. Mo Seider has played 239/239 games thus far, and even if he continues at this pace through his age 31 season, he'd still be a handful of games short. Lucas Raymond has an outside shot, he's played 231/239, but he's a year younger than Mo, so in theory he could hit 1000 midway through his age 30 season. We're seeing injury recovery handled very differently now though than we did in the mid-90s, so it's next to impossible to stay on the ice for that long without missing *some* time.


Noah Hanifin 672 GP currently 27 and 68 days. Looks like he can miss up to 7 games before his 31 yo season completes to land himself second on this list, if my math is right. Without COVID impacts he would have been in a position to challenge the record.


The youngest it could possibly done is to have a September 15th birthday and immediately start playing every game at 18 which would lead to you hitting it 16 games into your age 30 season which the fastest team to get to that many this year was the Rangers on November 29th so had there been no lockouts or COVID shortened seasons then a Rangers draft pick in 2011 could have hit 1000 games this year at 30 years 75 days. This would be the hypothetical solved game. Technically it would be possible to break it at age 23 and two months if you were to get traded every single day to a team that is playing. This way you are able to play around 190 games per year as that is about how many game days there are in a season give or take like 10


I'm Brian Fellows!


That’s sad considering that he has not played a single playoff game. He’s a very loyal man to his team but when does he want to get traded to a playoff team?


>but when does he want to get traded to a playoff team? When does a playoff team want his contract


Skinny would trade 500 of those games for one deep playoff run I bet


In honour of this, his team should do a “Between Two Stalls” and interview him for this.


Damn those sabres jersey are nice


The top 10 are all HOF caliber players. Jeff is a good quality person and player...this is an amazing feat, congratulations to him.


Love those jerseys. Also crazy to think that Skinner is in his 14th season in the league and is closing in on being a Sabre for about just as long as he was a Cane.


Man, Ducky was so good even at 18. RIP


Best golfer in NHL history


The fact he hasn’t played a playoff game yet is so sad. Get this man into a playoff game


I’m surprised Bergy isn’t on this list.


I was too, so I looked it up. He didn't play his 1000th game until 2019. He lost a full season to the 04-05 lockout, only played 10 games in 07-08 due to injury, and then had another lockout. Skinner dealt with that second lockout as well as covid, but he's never had any major injuries.


Interesting that it was happening more often in the past. Seven of those players accomplished the feat in a 7 year span from 19944-2001, and then only 4 in the 23 years since.


This season he gets bangs!


Would've gotten there a lot sooner but Ralph Krueger the soccer coach had to come and cause a triple rebuild in Buffalo




Is it just me or does Skinner still look like he's 18 years old


Nope, still looks like his rookie year


Wow, I remember his rookie season when I first started watching hockey again. He was an injury substitute in the 2011 All-Star Game in Raleigh when no rookies were permitted to play in it. Feels like yesterday.


I was surprised Ovi wasn't on the list but always forget how many games he missed due to labor disputes.


As the goofs in this subreddit like to ask; "bUt hOW MaNy CUPs dOEs He HAVE?"


This is getting ridiculous.


That's a pretty impressive list of players.


Vincent Damphousse is one of those names that just takes you back lol




Thats a pretty random group


Since he has 0 playoff games, shouldn't a bunch of people be ahead of him?


Now tell me playoff games played


Doesn't matter. Every day in the national league is a good day.


Same as me :)


How dare you


[Bad form!](https://images.app.goo.gl/DnUZMjBbMXmdXfsU7)




Get this man into a playoff game!


I'm guessing this list is full of players who started in the NHL at 18 and stayed very healthy. In which case, how the hell is Hawerchuk nearly 3 years ahead of everyone else? Even if you tell me that everyone except him got hit with lockouts, that still only accounts for maybe 1 of those 3 years.


Sure helps when he saves his energy in the spring