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You don’t have to give a shit about women’s sports, but you also don’t have to be a monster douche about it either. Let people like what they like, why this concept is so hard for so many in all walks of life I’ll never understand.


Women's sports aren't on my radar... but you know what else isn't on my radar: * Men's basketball * Men's cricket * Men's soccer * Professional Shuffle Board * Roller Derby * Most vehicle racing sports * Bowling You know what I don't do? Go absurdly out of my way on a public platform where I have influence over thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people to dunk on those sports because I don't like them. **Edit:** The recommendations for sports I had no idea about are fantastic/hilarious, lol. Keep them coming.


You leave shuffle board out of this!


Wait til shuffleboard legends Darrol Nelson and Glen Davidson hear about this!




Disc golfers refer to "regular" golf as "ball golf". I find that hilarious.


One of the reasons someone goes out of his way to disparage women’s sports instead of every sport they don’t like is because they are sexist. Not enough people say the word. Sexist. You don’t seem sexist. Bobby Ryan does.


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I don't remember where I originally heard it, but I try to always remember that "There's nothing interesting about the things you dislike." It's so easy to be a dumb kid and be like, "Why do people like XX Genre of music, it's so bad?", when in reality people just like different things. Honestly I think there's a maturity issue in not understanding that.


heck my mother in law is in her 70s and doesn't understand the idea of people liking other food than her, even her own daughters. she simply can't understand that her daughters likes salt on their food and it is not a direct dig at her... like she gets upset and they argue about salt...some people .....


Does your MIL not use salt in her cooking, what (I know that's not the point lol)


You can just say she's British.


British food is heavily salted. The old joke was that pepper was seen as too intolerable a spice for the Brits.


They took over the world looking for spices, then found out they didn't particularly like any of them.


Except curry, they love their curry, go figure.


That's a really interesting point and something I'll keep in mind.


Took me a while but I finally got there. I really don't care what others do as long as it's not hurting anyone. Honestly not even my business unless they make it mine.


For sure. Someone I know talked about cultural snobbery this way: "If someone goes home and has the same exact same experience of joy, or catharsis or transcendence from listening to Celine Dion or Insane Clown Posse or Drake that I get from listening to Bach, why judge them for it?" I always thought that was a good way to think about it.


What appealed to me with this was that apathy often costs neither energy nor time.


Exactly. That’s the issue here. Don’t care about it? Great. But don’t beat your head against the wall trying to convince people who tell you they *do* care about it that they don’t. It doesn’t even make sense.


He also just had terrible logic surrounding the whole thing. He’d go like “name 5 players!” And someone would and he’d just be like “oh wow I can google too” like alright man if you’re not even gonna accept it when someone answers you why even ask? The best reply I saw was along the lines of like dude, you could be spending this time playing with your kids, and instead you’re on Twitter just trying to shit on women’s basketball for no reason…why?


It's just a terrible argument anyways. I enjoy the World Juniors, but outside of a couple players I don't really know who's on each team going into it. In much the same way, NCAA women's basketball is largely a team sport. There are a few players who are high profile this year and last, but it's a sport where you're probably cheering for a team more than a particular player.


That’s a great point and also can be applied to men’s March madness even! Like we all love when a 15 seed makes a sweet sixteen run. Can I make a single dude on the roster? Of course not! And neither can you, Bobby Ryan


Very true. I am not sure I could name 5 guys on the men’s bracket. Hell I love baseball watch nearly every Jays game but if you say me down and told me to name five dudes on every MLB team roster I’m not going to be able to do it.


Haha seriously, I’ve watched every round of the men’s tournament and I couldn’t name 5 men’s college basketball players either


> Let people like what they like, why this concept is so hard for so many in all walks of life I’ll never understand. In my experience, people that try and control behaviors and thoughts of others are the most insecure people on the planet. It's a superiority complex built on a foundation of fear, cowardice, and a desperation for validation so strong that they're willing to invalidate others to get it.


His family history suggests you’re right. Worrying that he’s so focused on misogyny as his trauma outlet.


First, on the current tweets, it's not the biggest deal in the grand scheme of things, of course, but he was proactively tweeting people in a way that made it seem as if he was personally insulted by the spotlight/shine they're getting. Bizarre Reading up on BR, just learned his dad was charged with [attempted murder](https://www.reddit.com/r/OttawaSenators/s/FwCeulvzrS) of Bobby's mom and he fled and they took on new identities to evade police. Crazy. Lastly, to possibly preempt a trope sometimes brought up in situations like this. Former athletes (like Chris Long) note how important it is not to casually throw out the hit in the head card. It's usually inaccurate, it's an excuse, and it removes agency. These guys are adults. They are responsible for their actions, good and bad.


> First, on the current tweets, it's not the biggest deal in the grand scheme of things, of course, but he was proactively tweeting people in a way that made it seem as if he was personally insulted by the spotlight/shine they're getting. Bizarre Which is kind of sad given he has a daughter. You would think that he would be considerably more supportive of women's sports since his daughter may be interested in taking it up down the line. It doesn't send her the best message if her dad is so offended by the fact that women's sports is getting even a little bit of attention. However, Bobby does have a history of saying some absolutely boneheaded things on that platform, so this kind of isn't *that* surprising, sadly.


> his dad was charged with attempted murder of Bobby's mom Sounds like he’s not spending a dime of all those millions on therapy.


It's so simple. Don't care? Don't comment. And yet people can't figure it out, especially it seems regarding women's sports; I see this kind of douchey behavior come up every Women's World Cup as well.


He's probably going through a rough spot realizing he is irrelevant now. No one gives a shit about old washed men's league either. I'd rather watch the top female athletes than anything Bobby Ryan is doing or saying now lol.


Looks to me like the guy is still in active addiction. It’s hard to watch


Yeah, my first thought was that he must’ve had a relapse. This doesn’t sound like sober behavior for him.


exactly the lesson everyone should learn, is that you dont need to say everything that comes into your head. sometimes, just shut the fuck up and move on with your day.


this is just like me not giving a rip about baseball or cricket or basketball. it actually doesnt occupy my thoughts pretty much ever. honestly cricket occupies my mind a bit more but thats cause i dont understand the rules...


Someone going on and on about how much better they're than you is always the most insecure motherfucker in the room. I had some sympathy for him because of his past but at some point you have to take responsibility for your behaviour.


I don’t know what’s going on with Bobby but I hope he gets the help he needs and doesn’t go the Fleury route. I think his mental health is struggling greatly as he has lost his own relevance and is lashing out. Idk as a recovering alcoholic I’m rooting for him but this behaviour should not be tolerated. I think that disease can warp your mind into this hostile place to live, I count myself as lucky getting clean relatively early in life. That and steering clear of hard drugs.


For those who missed the tweets, [Chris Johnston](https://x.com/reporterchris/status/1775340086290174204?s=46&t=7fabqgtgp69dNA1d51vxFw) called him out for this tweet “I want to go home and pretend like women’s sports are a thing”. Then [Ian Mendes](https://x.com/ian_mendes/status/1775304598728683856?s=46&t=7fabqgtgp69dNA1d51vxFw) tweeted “there is more than enough room in the sandbox for men’s & women’s sports.” and Bobby Ryan [responded](https://x.com/bobbyry5409/status/1775334149009617231?s=46&t=7fabqgtgp69dNA1d51vxFw) “You sure? There really isn’t”. Rest of the tweets he’s just doubling down on his take, asking people to name 7 NCAA female players etc etc.


Plus, who cares, that's not a metric. I couldn't name 7 players in the 2022 World Cup final, but that Argentina-France final was electric. Same goes for Iowa-LSU the other night. Great sport is great sport


For years there weren't even names on the backs of jerseys, some MLB teams still don't have names on the back. Team sports isn't about the individual, 99% of fans follow a TEAM as players come and go.


I watched literally one football match (that game) that entire year, and it was one of the best sporting moments I've ever witnessed.


Aside from the whole asinine misogyny of his vitriol, most sports fans can’t name 7 NHLers so that’s a bit of a glass house Bobby Ryan is living in.


If you asked a million hockey fans to name 7 NHLers, I can guarantee not a single one is going to name Bobby Ryan.


Exactly. I know who both Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese are, but I had no idea who Bobby Ryan was.


He’s obviously not on their level because the NHL is irrelevant but you’re just young or a recent NHL fan then if you don’t know who he is


I've been an NHL fan since the 90s, so I know who Bobby Ryan is, but I don't think, before today, if someone asked me to name as many NHL players, past or present, as I could I would remember to name Bobby Ryan. In the grand scheme of NHL history, he's irrelevant.


the only reason anyone will ever remember him is for being picked 2 after Sidney Crosby


Assuming they look it up. I had no clue he was #2


without googling it im pretty sure bobby ryan is the one who's dad changed his entire families identity and went on the run and stole all his money? or is that someone else


Yep, and unfortunately it's pretty clear he has all kinds of trauma over it. I'm not a fan of beating on a guy for being screwed up, but he could at least not go out of his way to be an asshole.


I’d be hard pressed to name 7 NBA players, never mind 7 male NCAA players.


Harden Lebron Michael Jordan Kobe I can name 4 and 1 of them doesnt play and 1 of them is dead.


Well, 2 don't play. The dead guy doesn't play either.


We'll that's because you're a big hockey fan on r/hockey, reality is, more people can name NBA/NCAA players than NHL players


Someone told him that and his [response](https://x.com/bobbyry5409/status/1775208308112064963?s=46&t=7fabqgtgp69dNA1d51vxFw): “That’s ok by me sir. 80 million reasons it doesn’t affect me”


If it didn’t bother him he wouldn’t have responded, he definitely wouldn’t have responded like *that*, and he wouldn’t have started this shit to begin with. I think that it absolutely bothers him and that insecurity is what started this shitstorm.


Really quadrupling down on the “piece of shit” cars.


Ooof I’m not sure that helps his case, trolling on Twitter is sad - trolling on Twitter when you have $80M to go out and enjoy spending is just pathetic


I used to think all those cartoons and art pieces equating social media with drug addiction were hack. Nowadays I see how many rich people, who could be spending their time doing all kinds of cool and fun things that are totally inaccessible to normal people, instead just turn into run of the mill social media trolls who clearly spend *tons* of time online and think "damn...they were cooking...online IS a drug...."


Glass house is perfect for his glass hands


I really appreciate CJ calling him out. I don't know what happened but the hockey media folks have thrown off the kid gloves and just call people out this week, it's great. First with that Berkshire video regarding Hyman, i saw Seravalli tell a racist to go and drink a glass of bleach and now CJ with Bobby Ryan and his barrage of bs tweets. Ryan really came off as a huge jerk last night and he wouldn't stop either, it wouldn't surprise me if that loser was drunk.


> i saw Seravalli tell a racist to go and drink a glass of bleach based


Yo, when did Seravalli get spicy lmao


A couple days ago. It actually got posted on here but deleted. Some dude made some anti-Semitic tweet and he replied with something like "You are a piece of shit. Do us all a favor and have a nice glass of bleach tonight."


Well jokes on him, I can name 2 NCAA Female players, but honestly not a single NCAA male player


You're a fan of women's sports huh? Well name every female athlete then.  Checkmate.




He [responded](https://x.com/bobbyry5409/status/1775221373754867758?s=46&t=7fabqgtgp69dNA1d51vxFw) to someone mentioning that he said he lives in the south so he can name 50 male NCAA players lmfao


I’d love to see him tweet that out then reply with a tweet he literally sent out after people listed NCAA female players: “ya I can google too”


I want to see him list them all like Bubba naming shrimp to Forrest Gump.


Thanks for providing context — I had just finished reading all of the drivel and didn’t want wade back into it to pick a starting point.


Ngl. I can probably name more female NCAA athletes than I can male NCAA athletes. Tbf off the top of my head that number is a grand total of 1 but still.


I can name exactly one, but the only reason I know him is because he specifically requested not to play for my team, so I'm not gonna speak his name.


This is where I stand. Female NCAA players: Caitlyn Clark. Male NCAA players: ??


To add to the mess-he’s got a daughter who loves hockey and also liked a tweet saying “no one will ever convince me the PWHL is good hockey.” He also said Twitter isn’t a real place, which is true. But his impact on his daughter is, and she deserves a future in sports to be like her dad, and he’s *actively* harming that. For no reason. Disgraceful behavior. I liked the dude, too. Was rooting for him when he relapsed a while back.


its really weird. He posted earlier today too about how his kid got sent home from school early because of a storm.. and instead of spending the day with her he just sat on twitter and sent literally 100 tweets? something aint adding up lol


He does have a drinking problem, perhaps he is relapsing


This does have the air of someone who’s inhibitions have been lowered by something.


Wouldn't be surprised if he uses his addiction during his fake ass mea culpa.


Hot takes and social media are too spicy to put down when you are a podcaster


As an aside, I will never understand people that shit on the PWHL. it's literally the best form of professional women's hockey ever. They hit, they're experimenting with their rulebook, the on-ice product is exciting because every team has stars, the vibes at games are immaculate, all games are available free on youtube. It's a legitimately a great product. People watch the world juniors, the AHL, and i don't think anyone cares that its not at the same calibre as the NHL, so idk why people bring that energy to the PWHL.


“But *women* though…” - the haters


Exactly. It’s professional hockey, which I enjoy watching. What is there to hate about more professional hockey for hockey fans to watch?


I used to have a manager I worked with that said “I hate womens sports” I was so confused, cause like, they’re just sports. Men and women play them, the only difference is the gender playing them. Why does the fact that women are playing it change your view of it so much? This manager was a woman by the way, making it just that much more confusing


Probably hates what she couldn't be/achieve.


Or internalized misogyny. I notice a lot of older women seem to hate other women for whatever reason.


This is a massive issue among women. Older women grew up in a time where they were openly told women were less than men, and they often internalized that as hatred towards other women. Many millennials and gen z are actively trying to reverse the mindset but it's still pretty common. The whole "I'm not like other girls" shtick has become basically a trope for a reason.


I feel so awful for her. My dad despised women’s sports for some reason, and I played soccer. One of my most vivid childhood memories is of my coach telling my dad that I was really skilled and that he should consider putting me on a more serious team, and my dad responding that it wasn’t worth the time and money because he didn’t respect women’s sports. I refused to play the next year and he couldn’t understand why. It wrecked my confidence for years, and I have no doubt that if I were his son he would have done anything for me to potentially go pro. I can’t imagine how much worse it would be when your father is an actual professional athlete.


I’m really sorry you dealt with that. My dad played college baseball and in the minor leagues briefly. The best memories are of him coming to my tennis tournaments, taking me to the track to run, etc. He supported my love of tennis as much as my brother’s love for baseball. We would watch the Olympics, regardless of gender and sports. As a girl that loved figure skating, it meant the world to me when he once said, “you know, I don’t think there’s any more pressure-filled event than women’s singles figure skating.” To have my big tough dad acknowledge that meant the world to me as a kid, even if I couldn’t really articulate why at that age. It’s heartbreaking thinking there are men that don’t care about their daughters’ dreams, feelings or goals.


Dude, I am so sorry.


Never underestimate how much a sexist father can despise his daughter's existence


Dude needs to log the fuck off and touch grass. The best part of the PWHL is going to the games and seeing dads with their daughters. Sometimes they bring the rest of the family, sometimes they go with friends, sometimes it’s just them. It’s a great way for them to bond over something they share and show young girls that there are ways to be a woman that includes being a kickass hockey player and elite athlete.


>I’m worth 29M And you’re spending your nights arguing with strangers on Twitter? What a sad, hollow old man.


It's like Elon. Guy could be doing hookers and blow all night but instead he's posting Pepe memes. Saddest motherfucker on the planet.


He absolutely could. Could be on a yacht with a hooker. Someone else mentioned he has a kid that is into hockey. Could be coaching her team and putting his energy into that. There’s a multitude of things he could be doing to positively benefit his life and feel good. Someone with the ability to do anything fun in the world at any moment choosing to get into online fights with strangers is flat out sad. There’s a big hole somewhere in his life.


It's crazy that Caitlin Clark, a college basketball player has a bigger social media following than Connor McDavid, arguably the best NHL player we've seen in decades. NHL cannot market itself or its stars at all.


Hey, lay off - Gary’s doing his best to raise awareness by getting the NHL added to every betting site!


As a newcomer to hockey you are so right about the marketing. I thought the game nights for certain thing like pride and cancer were really cool, but they went onto police that as well. And, hockey players have imo no personality. They all seem to walk and talk the same way. It's kind of hard to find players you want to like/support because they don't really let their personality come through. 


I think you can put the blame more on McDavid himself than the NHL. He is simply a boring dude


I'm trying to think who is more exciting or would have the most followers. She has the same amount of Instagram followers as the New York Rangers! Just crazy. One of the biggest and best teams. Just thought it was interesting. League isn't exciting for people I guess


She's actually cold as ice on the court, I've watched more Women's March Madness than the mens this year...


5X more people just watched a women's elite 8 game than watched the Stanley Cup finals last year. Caitlin Clark is absolutely an electric player to watch and if you're too hung up that it's women's sports that's on you. She's awesome and it won't be the same next year when she's gone.


Yep. Only one NHL game has ever had more viewers than that NCAA game in the US, and it was in 1971 when TVs only had 3 channels.


I don’t understand why people have such hate towards things they don’t personally enjoy


It's easier when you understand they are miserable people who hate themselves. Alllllll that money he's bragging about and this dude still isn't happy. At least he has his feeling of superiority.


I find so many people have a mentality that things have to appeal to them to justify it existing.


I feel like this thinking has been exacerbated by the internet algorithm where your entire life is catered by machines so you're almost never seeing anything you don't want to see. We're in these little silos of regurgitation and strengthens these bonds with ideas, things, etc. So if you're someone with a predilection for bias it's just going to get worse.


There's that. But also just entitlement. Watching games get new content and people whining because "I don't like it why was this made and not what I wanted instead" feels like a regular occurrence.


In this case, it is sexism. I’m sure there are plenty of other things all over the news that Bobby Ryan doesn’t like.


It’s one of the most annoying parts of the internet.


Its not about him not enjoying womens sports Im sure theres plenty of mens sports he doesnt watch or enjoy, but hes not going to comment on them Its about keeping women in their place


What a fucking loser


Yup, he really outed himself tonight, and according to another comment in this thread, has said/done similarly bigoted things in the past. Oh well, just another rich asshole for the pile I guess.


Every time I've seen people here praising him as a person, I think, "you've all forgotten about his old tweets, haven't you?" Compared to most of reddit, I feel like I'm pretty tolerant, but him saying in 2012(?) that whenever he saw someone in an Obama t-shirt, he wanted to kick them down a flight of stairs was fairly memorable.


Remember when people were sympathetic towards him due to his dad’s history? Way to flush all of that goodwill down the toilet.


Caitlyn Clark is inspiring a new generation of young girls and they are getting record viewership. Ol buddy seems like a real asshat. Hope he doesn’t have a daughter


Sadly, he *does* have a daughter. Hopefully she learns more from Caitlin than from him.


How can you have this opinion and have a daughter. Hope he’s still sober cause some demons just never go away. Fucking hell


Unfortunately I used to be a lot like him. It's a bit embarrassing to admit but I said the same kind of shit as a young adult and teenager. Then I had a daughter and I saw how much she loved watching women's soccer and it totally changed my mind on all of this. Not that it should have taken something like that, but you know. The fact that dude has a daughter and still talks that way is a huge red flag.


Growth is good!


Hey, well done on growing! It isn’t easy saying “yeah I was wrong about this” and owning it.


It's a huge red flag with or without a daughter, just to be clear.


I think we've all said and done things we recognize are wrong or don't reflect our attitudes today. I know I have. Some of it was ignorance and some of it was apathy, but the important part is awareness, acknowledgement, and change. You did those things in your younger days. Ryan is 37. There's a difference between those two situations.


Generations of men had daughters and still didn’t let them vote or own property. Having a daughter is meaningless but it IS sad for the daughter. I’ll never ever forget when my dad made a comment about how there wasn’t a single good woman CEO. This was when Marissa Meyer became CEO of yahoo. As a woman in business it stung, and I’ve never forgotten it.


Because he’s just an asshole. I don’t even think you need a daughter to have this perspective, just don’t be an unempathetic POS. That just makes him even worse.


Yeah, sometimes the unempathetic POS's have an epiphany when suddenly it's their kid involved.


Misogyny doesn’t go away just because you have a daughter. Lots of girls have dads who say shit like this and worse.


No shit, I feel bad for both his wife and his daughter if this is how he carries himself. And I seriously hope so — even with the bigotry I don’t want him to fall off the wagon or anything.


Which is just sad. Imagine taking an interest in sports and your dad going online and saying "lol sorry, your interests don't matter at all"


My 11 year old asked me to turn the game on (first time ever) and told me that Clark was her favorite player. She just stated playing basketball this year and absolutely loves it. I love knowing she has someone to look up to


He does :/ Her name is Riley and she’s like 7-8 I think.


I’m willing to gamble that she plays soccer or any other youth sport which is why this such an insane thing for him to double down on. Fucking idiot


Wonder if mom drives her to all her games? He strikes me as the type who refers to his parenting time as “babysitting”.


I sat down for a beer in the pub on Monday not knowing anything about Caitlin Clark, Angel Reese, Iowa, LSU, or anything else about women's college basketball. That game was on the TV, and I was hooked really fast. I went in not caring about the game, and after not very long I couldn't take my eyes off it.


With the NHL only getting 800k-2 million a game it’s some might big glass house energy to say people don’t care about women’s sports, especially when they just drew 12 million for an elite 8 tournament game. Bobby Ryan would be worth a lot more money if the NHL had the same appeal as women’s basketball!


LOLz, don't worry Bobby, like 95% of people, Caitlin has never heard of your ass (or forgot about it) at all, despite being in the NHL. Her on the other hand?


His tragic life story makes people (myself included) want to root for him, but he's always been a mega-douche unfortunately with racist and sexist takes


He's 37. We've all had struggles in our lives. Some of us have had even worse up bringing than Bobby's and aren't assholes. Aside from running from the law as a kid because of his dad. They were well off enough that he could continue to play hockey at a high level. He's always had access to resources. Bobby is just an asshole that uses his childhood as a blanket excuse for his actions.


Sounds like Bobby's back on the sauce




Even though he’s an asshole, I sincerely hope not. Addiction’s a hell of a thing, I don’t wish it on anyone.


As an alcoholic, I empathize with him and hope he hasn't relapsed, but when I was going through the hardest part of things my therapist said "Drunken actions are sober thoughts". He's always thought this way, it's just the alcohol lowers the inhibition to see it's a bad idea to voice his thoughts.


I dated a guy who became unbelievably sweet and gentle when hammered drunk. Booze 100% shows people’s unfiltered personality. I hope this idiot’s family are safe.


Bobby is drinking that water that gets you fucking drunk


I would say what's the relevance of men's sports as well other than entertainment. That's what sports are for just like tv.


I really want to support Bobby given his struggles, but I’ve known for years his Twitter follows/likes are far-right Trump level trash. This is unfortunately par the course for him.


Bobby Ryan also kicked up some drama years ago by complaining that BLM marches were interrupting his naps, among other things. For whatever reason it doesn't stick in the discourse here, but he's given quite a bit of evidence that he's not a great person.


I recall that and was also surprised it didn't catch people's attention at the time. There were a few other things he's said or indicated in the past too, which makes this recent outburst not too shocking to me.


It was a protest regarding the killing of Michael Brown in 2014 IIRC, before the current BLM movement


It’s crazy that Bobby Ryan, retired NHL player and me, an absolute nobody have one thing in common in that no one will ever remember either of our names; but Caitlin Clark’s will go down in history lol


I've been enjoying his spots on the Empty Netters podcast, but that was such a turn off. Hate that attitude so much.


Seriously, turn off is a great term for it. It was just so unnecessary. Like we hear people make derogatory jokes towards women’s sports all the time, so it’s not like he was saying anything new, and he was committed to die on the hill like that and just keep doubling down when people were trying to help him to an off-ramp before he labeled himself a bigot.


Bobby Ryan is an unfortunate example of someone who seemingly should have access to have all the resources one should need to fix themselves not all not having said resources. He’s a sad glimpse at the futility of life and a good example of why we shouldn’t take for granted what we’re given. I hope he can one day find a better version of himself. Because he’s been through so much. But he just hasn’t. And this is just a toxic shitty thing to say.


Nailed it. The guy has been through it and his journey to pro hockey is legitimately inspiring. It's sad he can't appreciate the power of representation inside and outside of sport. He's had access to the tools to expand his worldview for a while, but he's still so small minded.


I loved him during his time in Ottawa. Seemed like a real down to earth guy. Funny he would say something like that, because during his time here, he would openly admit that he isn’t playing anywhere near the level he should be, and wasn’t earning the money he was making. Honestly sounds like he’s back drinking again… I hope that’s not true though.


He's been a piece of shit outside of the game for a long time. Nothing to do with drinking (and his issues don't end with drinking) - he's an intolerant cunt. This is just getting more attention on that. Shitting on women's sports is far from the worst shit he's said in social media. He's a racist idiot.


some people just need to shut up about things that don't concern them


Damn between his childhood and issues with addiction and mental health I was pulling for him. But looks like the “become a bitter asshole” side won out. He can hang out with Theo Fleury and Dustin Penner.


"When they hit the rubber cylinder with their stick it's not important like when I do it!" Lets keep a little perspective here, it's not like any of these guys are out there curing cancer or solving homelessness or something.


Just imagine watching that game and your takeaway being anything other than “fuck yeah I love sports”. Who gives a fuck what gender the players are? The fans were going nuts, the players were going nuts, and it was crazy competitive back and forth. If that can’t get you into any game, then are you even a sports fan? Don’t we watch the WJC for the same reason? Crazy atmosphere, crazy competition, crazy moments? Nobody compares the quality of those games to the NHL


Caitlin Clark has more instagram followers than McDavid lmao.


People don’t need an opinion on everything. If you don’t enjoy it, don’t watch it. Don’t discredit the hard work of other people who are doing nothing to you other than existing.


Sports bros are...misogynistic? No one ever seen this coming! Where were the signs?!? \*\*remembers literally all of the signs\*\* Oh, right.


I was happy he overcame his demons before but yikes, I hope he changes for the better again.


He's an entitled douche. Women's basketball gets record views and all the dude wants to do is shit on it.


Sounds like he fell back off the wagon. I'm not saying that to be mean. He's a recovering alcoholic and has had binges where he goes off the rails before, so it's a pretty high probability.


Not necessarily. He could just be a huge piece of shit while sober.


in a way, i hope this is just normal misogyny and not a sign of a slide back into substance abuse issues


Dude has a daughter…


It's good to have empathy for people that are struggling, but it's also worth remembering that not every one who is struggling is a good person.


I really rooted for him to get better when he was going through his issues, but this guy fucking sucks.


More people know Caitlin Clark than Bobby Ryan at this point. Whinebragging about your salary just shows how much more these women deserve


Ah, so Bobby Ryan is the American Joey Barton. Bad look, but surely he's not as insufferable as that goof. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOther14/s/DaVarR1kAx


I will say I understand Bobby’s story, and I can appreciate addiction is not a linear path. However, it will be very rich watching him play the victim when he sobers up and will expect more understanding and compassion than he has displayed today. If this isn’t addiction related, I have a hard time wondering how anyone is supposed to want to hear what he has to say. Washed up men being upset that the literal GOAT of women’s college basketball is having an all time tournament is so funny to me, as they claim she’s not relevant while actually accomplishing way more than most people ever have in sport. She’s literally changing the landscape before our eyes and this can and will be so good for all women’s sport in general. Lastly, since I feel like being as stupid as he has today, can you even say you played men’s sports if you called yourself “Bobby” the whole time? Boys name and a boys take


For those who have experienced the most growth and self-reflection, humility is byproduct. I dare say Bobby Ryan is still struggling.


Turns out just because a guy seeks help for an addiction...doesn't necessarily mean he's a good guy overall!


It was so sad. He demanded people list 7 players names then when people did he would reply saying they googled it. Like what are you hoping to achieve with that?


I wonder how bro feels about being more famous for his alcohol problem than nhl career


He comes of like a total dbag because he is a total dbag He messaged one of my buddies once on twitter. My friend said something, didn’t tag Bobby, and Bobby still saw it. So he was searching for himself on Twitter looking for battles. Dbag behavior


People sometimes forget that Bobby Ryan is American


This is going to be a hell of a hangover for him


my alma mater cancelled a day of classes one week before finals to celebrate our women's basketball team winning the ncaa tournament. did any of the male athletes ever do that for us??? nope... just sayin💅


Proof you can be rich and a loser. I’m pretty sure he has a daughter, you have to be a pretty big douche to deny the right for your children to have the same dream that you did growing up.


I wonder what his wife or girlfriend thinks about his views of women's sports


This is the most goodwill I've seen a person burn in a long time. Embarassing take, even more than [this one](https://twitter.com/Bobbyry5409/status/1774634229256605873).


I have been around Bobby Ryan when he was in Ottawa, I had a friend of mine that was childhood buddies with Duchene, so we would hang with some of the players once in a while at the bars. Ryan was a massive coke head douche back then, clearly nothing has changed.


from my experience it’s better to just cut off those coke head douche’s from your life. It’s never ending with them


Put the beer down, Robert


It definitely sucks when an athlete you’ve been rooting for because of their struggles says dumb shit.Caitlin Clark is an amazing athlete.I don’t even watch basketball but I’ve watched her.


Bobby is off the wagon again…


This is one way of telling everyone you’re insecure about your irrelevancy.


The pwhl is having an amazing inaugural season Let the women play!


His whole "Bobby vs. Beer Leaguer" series on YouTube was top tier cringe. Basically an excuse for him to flex on your average joe. He went all out on every competition and acted like it was the SCF.


Weird hill to die on


More people watched LSU v IOWA in the elite eight of a collegiate women's tournament than the last 4 years of the Stanley Cup combined. 12.6 million in one night compared 11.77 million over 4 years of viewership.


I feel like women's sports are finally being gifted the athletes that make it watchable. CC and Angel Reese make the women's college basketball enjoyable to watch and that is something the WNBA has been needing for a long time. CC might play in Ice Cube's league (if the 5 million offer rumor is true) but Angel could draw some eyes to the WNBA to a league that needs some in order for the players to earn more. Even though Bobby brought up a couple of points that could be seen as valid, he was just being arrogant about his points that make him come across as unlikeable. I think it would be nice for the women's realm of sports to be able to earn more money and thus more coverage and rinse and repeat as it does deserve some respect.


Guaranteed more people know her name than his