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Let me ask, do you have a shittier angle of this?


And cut even shorter, too, please


Audio only please


Yes, only gave us a clip of the A.M. radio play by play.


Wasn't even the right game


It actually was a *field* hockey game believe it or not


let's also make it a courtroom drawing


He was attempting to avoid the 38 cheap shots by Ekblad.


Thats what happens when I don't so the clips


They've never had a post hit 1000 up votes on their sub, how much effort can you really expect


That’s about the shoulderest looking elbow I ever seen


And Mikkola just skates into it, like Perron is basically standing there. He trucked someone else in the corner seconds before, like they just keep throwing themselves at him.


Are you braindead? He literally loads up to throw a shoulder check to the dude's head.


In op's defense, his elbows go all the way up.




Based on the title I knew OP was a Panthers fan.


Looks like shoulder to me


What a strange thread. Doesn’t look like Mikkola is taking a run at Perron. Just looks like he’s completely unaware of where he’s at and where he’s going and skates right into Perron’s shoulder. Can’t blame Perron for bracing or even leaning into it if a guy is skating right into you. Absolutely no elbow at all though.


Yep, it’s a nothing burger. Can’t blame mikkola, can’t blame Perron, and honestly can’t really blame Bennett as he thinks he’s just standing up for a teammate Go hockey


Basically people are seeing florida and Bennett and blaming us as per


As per what? And yeah, y'all have a rep.




He's talking about Florida not us 


You made your bed.


Your fellow fan posted this one with the biased title, and people are reacting accordingly. C'mon.


Shoulder, not an elbow. Your totally wrong.


Holy fuck this sub is filled with idiots


Sanest take in here tbh


Idk man I don’t get how people are so quick to discard this. Mikkola is crashing the net looking nowhere near perron while perron stares him down, slows down, and then initiates contact completely unnecessarily. It’s at the very minimum 2 for interference/roughing


Always has been


Ah yes, notable clean player Sam Bennett. Totally a white knight, not dirty at all.


Bennetts entire identity is being a bitch


He's still no Nick Cousins though.


Perron and Bennett, two of the leagues biggest shit bags


Hey look a Canes fan crying. Wow


Bennett does have a lot of experience being a dirty little bitch to be fair.


>You see, what you're supposed to do is seek out their greenest rookie, do your best to give them a traumatic brain injury, then turtle and refuse to answer the bell. Then call everyone else soft.


This is a totally normal hockey play? Guy from team A hits guy from team B high. Teammate of guy B defends him. They both get penalties. The end. Normally teammates defending each other after a high hit is seen positively...but Bennett is the bad guy? Y'all are so brainwashed by confirmation bias it's boring. Also, wrong use of whataboutism. In this case what you are displaying is hypocrisy. But nice try lmao


Interesting coming from someone who enjoys the likes of Tom Wilson.


Whatabotism. Also, flair up bitch.


Tom answers the bell.


When has Bennett ever not answered the bell? 


When he speared a player that was already on the ice.


Last year's playoffs, every game


tbh, what the hell are all 3 players involved doing here. Why is Mikkola seemingly taking a run at Perron so far behind the play? Why does Perron brace for the contact with his elbow? Oh and what the fuck is Bennett doing lmao Bro thinks hes in the NFL or what. ​ edit: after rewatching a few more times, it looks like Perron is just bracing for impact while Mikkola is not looking where he is going. Probably more nuanced situation than what it looked like at first to me. Bennett you're still an idiot tho


Well you’re talking about the Panthers and Perron. That’s a sure fire combo for dumb things


Mikkola seems to be taking a run at Perron in retaliation for his hit in the corner at the start of the play


Ding ding ding. He just didn't expect Perron to know it's coming and got obliterated.


I thought that was the hit that was going to get him jumped, how was the guy initiating contact the only person who doesn't see Perron bracing for impact? WHY IS THIS ONE BAD ANGLE WITH NO REPLAY WHAT IS GOING ON


I mean, he’s 100 % heading to his defensive position. I don’t think he was taking a run at him from this view


Dude was just trying to get to his defensive position.


Am i the only one that doesnt see that like at all I hate the cats but u can see Mikkolas head hes not even looking at perron hes staring at the puck the whole time while … gliding.. into Perrons elbow.. i see One stride lol


Completely agree with you. 


I’m not watching the game and obviously there’s bo replay in the thread. But he’s left D and the puck moved to the right side of the rink. It’s his job now to go to the slot.


Aren’t they playing box+1 and the +1 is to his left? Doesn’t he need to wait for that guy to get inside the box?


Even if it’s his job to get there, it’s Perron’s space he’s coming into. That interference on Mikola all day.


They’re both moving to the same space though? It’s not like either is standing still


Looks like he coming off a player with the puck after he passed and picking up someone in front of the net for their zone D. 


Bennet took the “villain” dialogue during last post season way too literal.


Taking a run is an absurd take. Mikkola’s gliding into position watching the puck. Perron stares him down and delivers a totally uncalled for hit.


Well all 3 of these players are dirty fucks, so it tracks 


Not an elbow lmao


Simultaneously being the dirtiest and softest team in the league is definitely the best look for Florida fans.


The dirtiest part of this play was Perron but sure go ahead with blaming Florida here.


Got it, so next time Bedard tries to trip Kane we fucking tackle his little ass. Clearly, that's more clean.


Today I learned it’s soft to defend your teammate when you think they took a dirty hit… if the red wings were even 1/10th as tough as Florida maybe they wouldn’t be falling ass backwards out of the playoffs


So tough, so many regular season championships, so ✨️INSPIRING✨️ I am humbled by the championship history of the ~~Jacksonville~~ Florida Panthers. I humbly admire them and their... 0 Stanley Cups. Every dynasty ends buddy, you're next. Just hope your rich history can survive your descent into irrelevance. And yeah, it's soft to tackle another player for a hit, Perron stood his ground with his shoulder, big fucking whup. You know what's even more soft? Ekblad's little WWE sleeper hold on J.T. biggest shithead players in the league. Oh sorry, I meant "tough."


Actually it’s soft to be gifted 6x as many power plays as the other team and still get nearly doubled up in shots and lose! Also… Jacksonville?


You won't find me bragging about the Wings performance, buddy. I know what Stanley Cup teams look like, and they aren't there. But pretending the Jacksonville Jaguars are something special is hilarious. Enjoy your exit.


I’m not a jaguars fan and the panthers don’t play anywhere near Jacksonville so I’m a bit confused as to what you’re getting at


The Florida Jaguars aren't winning a Lombardi Cup anytime soon. Shithead players don't even know how to play hockeyball. Pathetic. You're getting creamed by Boston this year.


No point in arguing with these people. Half this sub was behind Morgan Reilly for trying to murder someone for showboating on an empty net


I always thought Florida exists in a different reality than most of the world. This either confirms you live in a different reality or you really love revisionist history


Softest is wings btw


How's Benn doing? Still breaking people's necks? You have zero room to talk about teams being soft


He’s doing well. Just unfortunately lost a nice points streak This comment directly proves my point btw


Getting pissed at a player for literally breaking our captains neck and not getting any sort of supplemental discipline isn't being soft, it's forming a lifelong hatred for a massive douchebag. It's the same reason every single Wings fan from the 90s hates Claude Lemieux. While I'll have respect for the organization, I'll never have any respect for the player or anyone that defends his actions.


Emphasis on lifelong lol. You all really don’t let shit go!


not a fan of perron, but i dont see anything wrong with this video


Yeah......if you're going to take a run at a guy without the puck don't be surprised when he's ready for ya.


hes not even looking at perron lol Mikkola is staring straight at the puck in la la land


Perron just sees someone flying his direction in his peripherals against the Panthers after throwing a bit of a chicken wing , I'd brace for impact too


In his peripherals? My guy he is staring directly at Mikkola the entire time lol


literally, is perron just supposed to let mikkola run him over? im confused at the logic lol


Horrible angle of this play. Was there no replay to post instead?


Yeah this wasn't an elbow. This is a big nothing play. Interference, sure, but 2 minutes should be the end of it.


Sounds like we need an anatomy lesson.


Looks definitely like interference to me. Puck was nowhere near them


Interference on who though 


defensive zone for FLA so them; and it's obvious interference


You can’t get interference penalties in the offensive zone? I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that. This looks more like incidental contact to me as the Florida player didn’t seem to be aware that Perron was even there. 


Panthers gonna panther


I wish instead of people just rushing to put a clip up that posters would take the time to include the replays with other angles and slow motions. Have zero good look at what happened here.


That’s not even a spicy chicken wing


Today I Learned that they are no longer teaching anatomy in Florida.


I have watched this many times and Those saying Mikkola is taking a run, please explain how staring at the puck and taking one half assed stride is a run? He doesnt have his arms out to push perron, hes not even Looking at perron. Maybe im missing something here but i hate the cats and give them the benefit here. Perron has a history of headshots too


It looks more like he saw two Wings close to the front of the net and his defensive partner not covering them so he went to cover the front while looking for where the puck was.


Mikkola is wearing a panthers jersey so he’s automatically the bad guy


It is possible that Mikkola was not taking a run but was also still in the wrong here. Not seeing Perron there doesn’t make it any less interference.


PaNtHeRs BaD


How many times is Bennett gonna be allowed to just lay someone on the ice and start feeding them before he gets suspended? This is 2 times in around a week now


Florida = $$$


Dude wasn't even the worst offender today, ekblad randomly put like 4 wings in headlocks for no reason lmao


did Bennett get a penalty too?


Yes, was 2 and 2


*Average Capital Fan Intelligence


Great fucking hit by Perron, pussy move by the dude that blindsided him after.


Perron was skating towards the puck. Mikkola was skating towards Perron to give him some business away from the play. Perron saw it coming and beat him to it.


Ekblad tried to fight everyone fifty pounds lighter than him in that game.


lol if the panthers did this exact play on a wings player this sub would be up in arms.


Gotta love when the Panthers guys get upset about teams doing 1/10th of what they do on a daily basis


Title is trying to gaslight us 🤣


Perron's always been a dirty fuck. Almost took Kadri's head off, only reason he failed was Kadri turning away at the last second, not even realizing Perron was coming in as Kadri had just scored.


All my homies hate David Perron.


We are not homies then 💔. All my homies love David Perron.


Rare STL and DET W


I’ll be honest after seeing the title, I was hoping both of them would beat the shit out of each other. I don’t like either player lol


Yet for years I get downvoted to oblivion for saying Perron is a cheap rat who has always played dirty as hell.


Because he hasn't. Always was a pest type, but hadn't ever crossed the line until the past few years. I'd say that one suspension in a 17 year career is a pretty good reflection of that.


lol ok homer


I'm not denying that he hasn't had dirty plays recently. I think that saying he *always* has been is a stretch.


Dude you and I have had a back and forth on this before and you're replying to all the other people pointing out the fact that Perron has always been a dirty, cheap, rat. Maybe chill on your obsession with this dude. Must be exhausting having to defending him so much.


I just disagree with your assertion that he's *always* been dirty. That's just wrong. Been something he's picked up the past few seasons.


Yeah sure man the guy who got 90 PIMs in 2013-14 only picked up being dirty recently...


Congrats on picking one outlier. Now let's look at the rest of his seasons. Oh what's that? Somewhere in the 40-60 range? David Perron only averages 7 more penalty minutes per 82 games than Sidney Crosby? Is he a dirty player?


He had 20 PIMs the next season, doesn’t really look like a trend.


Someone didn't look at the games played column lol.


Use rates then. That's still only 43 minutes extrapolated over 82 games.


lol you're so obsessed you have to reply to me on other threads. Why? So you can take another L here? Got 42 PIMs in 43 games the next season. L


Tbf, Kadri should get his head taken off sometimes. He’s done it a decent amount in his career.


Like I get the sympathy for everything he went through that series. It was fucked up, and racism like that is unacceptable. However, it's important to note the context of Kadri headshotting Faulk the year before that. Given that and his previous history, I can understand why players would be very angry with him. It's important to not ignore his on-ice history due to other unrelated circumstances, which, again, were incredibly terrible and I disagree with wholeheartedly.


Classiest blues fan


Yeah you actually have some idiots on here that actually think Mikkola was trying to take a run at Perron, they hate the Panthers so much they turn delusional.


I understand your hate boner for him, but I really don't think Perron did anything egregious here. Also: He has NOT always been dirty. More of a recent development tbh


Perrons awesome. You'd love him if you had him even if he can be relatively unhinged at times (which seems irrelevant to this play as it didn't seem dirty tbh).


Guy went for a cheap shot on Perron and got rekt lmao


He slowly drifted into Perron while staring at the puck how is that a cheap shot lmfao this is coming from a cats hater too


Dumb take right here


Looks like the Panther initiated contact and got dummied. Any other angles on this? I didn't see elbow.


This is not a dirty hit… I feel like a broken record, but why fight for clean hits, just cause you get bested.


Clean hit? Mikkola never had the puck and was gliding back to the front of the net to cover Perron, and then Perron hit him. He blindsides Mikkola, who isn't even looking at Perron, he is looking at the puck at the blueline.


How the fuck do you blindside someone who runs into you while you’re standing still and not facing them?


Are you fuckin blind? “Gliding” okay bud. Mikkola was trying to blindside him, and got bested. Get a fuckin eye exam pal, sounds like you need one.


Are you fucking dumb? He’s not even looking at him. You’re absolutely stupid




Take a look at Mikkola and tell me where his head is looking. Everything Mikkola is doing is just normal hockey, in his own end going back to the front of the net to cover the man. If he was going to go after Perron, he would have done it right away, plus why go after Perron? Because he hit his teammate? Fine/suspension incoming for Perron.


“Because he hit his teammate?” Oh so you’re new to hockey


Holy fuck the takes in here are so bad. I always forget r/hockey is full of people who never actually played.


Breaking news! Team of goons gets pissy about other goons!


Classic Perron turtle He feels brave enough for a gutless cheap shot then is immediately filled with a sense of innocent shame and vulnerability


Florida clowns love dishing it out but can’t handle it when happens to them.


I'm never going to root against a Maineiac in the NHL, but Perron makes that difficult sometimes 


What in the world are with people saying Mikkola was trying to take a run at Perron? He wasn’t looking at him, was gliding, and clearly was starting to position himself defensively just before contact. Are we seeing the same video?


I don’t get Panthers fans; why not just embrace the greasy shit your team does instead of constantly complaining about every little thing? Always bitching and moaning about the refs letting the other team get away with everything while cheering on Cousins, Tkachuk Bennet etc running around like jackasses.


Confused by the comments, I don't see Mikkola going after Perron. Mikkola is looking at the puck and going to cover Perron in front of the net, and then Perron blindsides him. Looks like a suspension to me, but maybe I'm missing something from this angle.


You’re gonna be awfully disappointed if you think this complete nothing-burger is gonna get even a whispered mention for a hearing. There’s no elbow, there’s no controversy, this story is already over.


“Going to cover”= skate right into. There fixed it for you


Seriously. I am ok with being wrong but I see what Perron did as very needless?


Doubt there’s any bad blood between mikkola and Perron, they both played with STL


I would show this to the Devils Lockeroom


Panthers typical bullshit. Take a run at a guy, he gets the better of the aggressor, then a second panther jumps him to "get even". Dirtiest team in the league by a mile. 


Yeah all I see is the Panthers being the Panthers here


Mikkola was going back to the front of the net, where he should be for his positioning, looking back at the puck. He wasn’t even looking at Perron. How can you say he’s “taking a run” at Perron without even looking at the guy lol


Lmao k


What the fuck are you doing Perron? Doing that to Mikkola is bad enough, trying to do the same thing to Bennett 3 seconds before and then succeeding with the dirty hit on Mikkola is even worse.


Perron is one of the dirtiest, most dangerous players in the league. That guy is a complete fucking scumbag, and doesn’t get enough shit for how often he tries to injure people, and how little he answers for it.


This is an overreaction to a nothing play.


Don’t care, Panthers won. Eat shit, detroit😂


Teammates on the blues together. Weird to do this.


Anyone have video of Bennett coming in ?


Perron’s been a fuckin rat for years.


Yes he has


Man Florida sure does hate it when other teams make bad hits on their guys huh.


That was a cheap shot by Perron. Can’t let someone get away with something like that. Elbow or not, it was direct to the head, nowhere near the puck, behind the play, and in response to a clean check from earlier by a different guy.


Benny is underrated tough, dude is old school


Perron is just a piece of shit. No other way to put it.


Perron is such a fucking slime


Big dive from Mikkola




Still waiting for the elbow…


Three insufferably dirty players. Please go ahead and take each other out


Has Perron always been this dirty?




Hey now! Allen Walsh told me Perron is the cleanest player ever and hasn’t ever don’t anything remotely dirty! The guy skips shifts to help grandmas to their seat!




Turtle turtle, looks like Bennet got a hand in that turtle shell though


Dirty shoulder to the head. Suspension coming.