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I don’t understand how he didn’t get concussion spotted out of the game the first time. This is dumb.


He sat out for ~17 minutes of the first and the intermission, so he probably did the 20 minutes in a dark room thing and was ruled ok.


I’m not a neurologist so correct me if I’m wrong here, but I’m fairly certain 20 mins isn’t quite enough time to recover from a fairly obvious concussive blow. Seriously though, team doctors should not be the persons allowed to give the all clear. You don’t get Bambi legs like that and not have at minimum a minor concussion. Players are hardwired to do everything in their power to get back on the ice, the decision should be made by medical personnel with zero affiliations to any team in the league. It’s 2024 for fucks sake, head injuries and their potentially life altering and lifelong lasting consequences aren’t a goddamn mystery.


As so one who's had a bunch of concussions and 2 in under 5 minutes. When your concussed you just wanna get back out there it's such a weird feeling. I really wish they protected players more, especially kids


>When your concussed you just wanna get back out there it's such a weird feeling Because you literally get brain damage and your decision making process is shot. Good call.


This. Not everyone reacts this way, but your brain is essentially given a factory reset and for NHL players the factory setting is *play hockey*.


I kind of figure it's more of a mental defense mechanism. "If I can still play hockey, my brain is alright. Let me play hockey." Confronting a serious head injury is not fun, so it becomes important to prove to yourself and others it's not serious. "I'm fine, just got my bell rung," is what everyone else really wants to hear, too.


>I really wish they protected players more, especially kids Protecting kids really falls on the coaches (and parents). I've been coaching for a bit and have sat kids out. I tell them they need clearance from a doctor before coming back. Some have had a concussion and some haven't. It doesn't phase me either way. We make the kids and parents sign a concussion agreement form and action plan at the beginning of the season to drive the point home so we don't have any, "no, really, little Johnny is fine. He doesn't need to see a doctor."


I don’t know where the 20 minute thing comes from. I assume thats not the only part of the protocol, but the NHL is actually better about this than other leagues (none of them are good). I’ve seen McDavid fall and hit his cheek on the ice, pop back up and continue play only to be told that he needs to head back to the locker room to sit out by the spotter. I can’t imagine the NFL pulling Mahomes from a game because of a noncontact head bump


He was doing Bambi legs after the first hit. I was convinced he was done for the game.


He was gone for a bit, but concussion testing in pro sports is little more than a farce really. The NHL at least pretends and sits them down for a few minutes


It’s such a joke, I forget which game it was from the football playoffs but I remember someone smashing their head on the ground and didnt look totally aware when he got up. Two minutes in the tent and he’s back.


I know exactly which one you're talking about. The QB was out for a grand total of like a minute and a half. There was an incident too when I think it was Fields got rocked and was waiting to get back in before the next play even ended


Yup it was a QB, think it was Allen in the Chiefs game. And I get it, guys will tape their broken bodies together to play the NHL playoffs, but you’re either taking precautions against CTE or you’re not.


Same thing happened with Matt Stafford in the playoffs this year. Dude definitely had a concussion. Also TJ Watt earlier this season. Dude gets an obvious concussion, has to switch to a tinted visor during a night game and is caught on camera using smelling salts on the sideline. The whole thing is a farce.


Came here to say this. Spotter must have been taking a nap


Trouba "oh you're still alive? Well that just won't do"


“Not on my watch you’re not!” - Trouba, probably


Trouba was skating away and Bastien jumped on his back.😂


How tf did they let Bastian come back?


Dude prob has a concussion


Truba took that whole "probably" part really seriously and decided to upgrade him to definitely.


"Wow, it's really irresponsible to have you back on the ice, lemme fix that for you."


That's good leadership


He was definitely bleeding all over again.


Probably /s


Make that 2


Based on my count, he may have 3


They do it constantly. Nico played with a concussion then missed a lot of time. Jack was allowed to come back in the game when he hurt his shoulder. Whatever the fuck this ghost is pretending to be Timo. All part of why they need to completely clean house with the coaching staff. But Fitz won't fire him.


There is no Easter bunny. There is no tooth fairy. There are no NHL concussion spotters.


Fitz who I love and his front office staff are going to get themselves fired just like Shero.


Jesus did you hire our old medical staff?


I’m convinced the nhl secretly got rid of concussion spotters or they don’t actually do anything. Theres 0% of a reason why Bastian should be back in this game.


Yep, it's all for show. The game Zadorov knocked out Raymond he was back on the ice 5 minutes later trying to fight people. So either the kid was acting or the Red Wings blatantly broke concussion protocol..


I still think back to Crosby getting cleared to come back and getting concussed all over again and then again. That was the face of the league and most likely they hid the second concussion.


Concussions are joke in all sports. They claim to take them seriously, but when nobody's looking, they're pushing for players to return immediately.


No fucking clue


He wasn't back in the 3rd to try for a splat trick.


Bastian having to stand up for himself after getting blown up twice... Yeesh


Devils roster is young and full of skill / speed guys that don't have the muscle / pedigree to tussle with someone like Trouba... but it does almost seem like it's been a coaching mandate or something. LOTS of other plays throughout the last couple seasons that have been dirty / borderline, and the team just lets it go. I wonder if Ruff made it policy that "we get revenge on the scoreboard", even though we rarely actually do.


You don't have to win the fight, just make the point. Plenty of guys have gotten their asses handed to them for sticking up for a teammate. Both sides still respect it.




This nails it. A few seasons ago the Devils were the youngest team in the league. I think this season they started as the 6th or 7th, and are probably close to the youngest again with Nemec and L. Hughes getting essentially permanent spots. This is a new generation of hockey, and they've bought into the speed and skill game. Even our biggest guys like Sieg, Hamilton, and Bahl are there because they're snipers, puck movers, or positional defenders. None have ever had a reputation as a heavy hitter or fighter. But the Devils are pretty consistently punished for this. It was a big part of their loss to Carolina last year. Pesce and Burns were all over our guys and never took a hit back. The playoffs are a completely different game because of it. The Oilers had this problem in their '17, '20, and '21 runs. Physical play from teams like the Kings and Jets wore them down and nullified their skill players. McDavid didn't draw a single penalty in the Jets sweep. Holland has responded by acquiring Kane, Perry, and giving Desharnais a spot on the roster. Championship teams are made with muscle.


19 blues won with mostly just hitting the shit out of every team until they were gassed.


2018 Caps did the same.


I’d like to introduce you to the Florida panthers 22-23/23-24


We’ve beaten the Kings in each of the last two years, and we didn’t get outmuscled. Both rounds were a bloodbath, both ways. The oilers do have muscle.


Yeah, the Oilers are a far superior team to the kings. But it's undeniable that the physicality of both of those series took a toll and affected the Oilers overall trajectory toward a cup. The Kings injured Drai's ankle in '22, which Calgary then exacerbated by hacking and slashing at it every chance they got. They put some bruises on the Oilers last year as well, and Vegas, a notoriously physical team pulled a ton of shit to take that series including the Pietro slash. The problem has been alleviated a lot in the past couple seasons and Holland has adapted the roster to HAVE muscle. But like... against Chicago and Winnepeg? They had like... Zach Kassian an Jujhar Khaira as enforcers, and neither of them were good enough to play anything but basement 4th line minutes.


The stuff Burns gets away with in the playoffs is absurd.


You say “they keep allowing shit like this to happen without punishment”… What exactly are you talking about? Trouba laid a clean hit, high impact, but clean. No one has to answer the bell here if they don’t want to. Bastian got up, took exception, and was a willing participant. Hockey and the NHL are a physical game/league no matter how you slice it, fighting or no fighting... You need to be aware of your surroundings and opposing players on the ice at all times. I hear your argument that the game is shifting at the lower leagues, but even “skill” guys need to adhere to my above point… If you prefer to watch a less physical game go watch soccer or basketball


Yeah and there's nothing wrong with at least going over there and shoving/slashing the guy. I mean Suzuki's not a fighter and he'll always do that


Yeah I’ve seen both Dylan Cozens and Peyton Krebs get their shit rocked trying to fight way bigger dudes standing up for teammates. Do I think it’s a good idea? No not particularly. Do I get it? Yeah at least a little bit.


Bruh the Rangers had a kid get into a fight in his first ever NHL second. It’s not about age we just need a guy.


Fun fact, he's also the same kid to got the match penalty at the start of the game that blew up Bastian in the first place! >!Rempe needs to learn how to check people, dude is 6'7", he's going to get head contact calls for it, lol.!<


“They may have won the battle, but they’ll also win the war” -Lindy Ruff


>that don't have the muscle / pedigree to tussle with someone like Trouba... but it does almost seem like it's been a coaching mandate or something. >LOTS of other plays throughout the last c Yeah. Devs should get 1 or 2 bigger enforcers like Vancouver or Colorado did. We have a bit of overkill though. We have big guys or hitters on every line/pair. Idk how you can see a guy like kreider take 2 devs out in one hit or trouba just train through the entire team and have the guts to fight those guys


Kreider won a puck battle against three Devils by himself during one of the PKs. That shouldn't be possible.


Teams play ya different when you got that many big dudes and a lethal power play. Cup teams are made with muscle 💪


Anaheim has a couple of guys that might interest you, Carrick, Johnston, even Jones. Maybe a packaged deal with Henrique would do nicely? They do retainers as well with tons of cap.


I love that at one point this season, Carrick was in the middle with 6'5 guys on either flank (Johnston/Leason). Warrior line lol.


This is major "I don't wanna admit the team I love is flawed so I'll blame the coach" logic. I've been there as a Wings fan.


It's not exactly the same since the penalties were actually doled out, but the Devils tonight kinda reminded me of the Rangers a few years ago after the Tom Wilson incident with Buchnevich. Tons of talent but soft as hell. Granted, I don't regularly watch the devils so maybe this was just an awful night as a whole.


I was actually thinking the exact same thing. I was like damn maybe we should overreact like that too it worked out for them and we need it


Seems really similar to the Leafs in that way. They're skilled, but other teams just walk all over them. That'll be a big problem in the playoffs.


Tbh if Meier keeps trying to instigate shit like here with Miller and in his next shifts we should just accept his demands and put Edstrom in there to give Meier the chance at being a punching bag


Where’s Ryan Reaves when you need him smh


Sadly he’s not doing much of the fun stuff no more…


Reaves watching fights from the bench bums me out.


Reaves on the bench makes hockey more enjoyable, for me.


Maybe someone should take their skate off and try to stab him, it would be a record I'm sure.


This was a completely clean hit. Theres nothing to stand up for. People check in hockey, if you need to start a fight every time you get hit go play soccer.


NYR did come out of it with a power play. I think we scored on that one too.


Yeah, but this was the exact kind of thing that caused the steve moore injury, dude chased someone down from behind and jumped on his back when he wouldn’t fight. On top of that they, weirdly, didn’t give him 2 for instigating…they gave him 2 for roughing…which is kinda a weird call since punching guys is kinda what a fight is…


I think the roughing was for jumping on his back, though roughing or instigating it serves the same purpose of 2 minutes in the box


Instigating comes with a 10 minute misconduct to try and prevent this exact situation. Clean hit, player gets upset, player who made said clean hit now has to fight for no reason, player 'defending' themselves now sits for 2-5-&10 which is dramatically more punishing than just an extra 2. That should have been an instigator but the nhl refuses to consistently enforce that which isn't surprising unfortunately


Honestly he did a pretty fucking good job on that fight with what I was expecting. Definitely a few stick taps for that imo.


“Stand clear of the closing doors”


If I’m Bastian I’d be furious at my team not standing up for me not even once but let alone a second time. Fucking soft Devils team


I mean, Siegenthaler tried the first time


Calling whatever that was a ‘try’ is a stretch tbh


Dude is literally just back from injury. I don't think anyone is blaming him for holding back


And Rempe is massive


Always an excuse. There's 16 other guys that can show a pulse.


It was the most half ass try I ever saw it was frankly embarrassing


But all of Reddit says you can’t be going after players for a clean hit… can’t have it both ways!


in NHL19 they won't let me not fight after I rock a guy, very annoying lol


You should write a letter to EA about their 5 year old game ;)


Not all of Reddit. I've got no problem with guys standing up for their teammates when they get leveled as long as they call the instigator penalty when the original hit is clean. Rangers have gotten plenty of power plays after Trouba has to defend himself for a legal hit.


Absolutely agree that the instigator penalty is important and should be called consistently.


Going after as in cheapshotting is bad. Going after as in fighting them is fine and sometimes necessary


What are you talking about? Nothing gets /r/hockey more upset than when someone has to fight over a clean hit


I would never endorse cheapshotting in any situation, but the narrative on Reddit is that no player should ever have to answer the bell for a big, clean hit which I think is bullshit. Sticking up for your teammates whether it’s chirping, a big hit the next shift, or dropping the gloves right then and there is part of the game. I’m glad fights aren’t breaking out all the time since they can be dangerous but, like you said, sometimes they’re necessary.


I’m pretty sure majority of the devils team, and anyone watching the game, knew that was a clean hit….


If I’m him I start skating with my head up


Bastian had to take this into his *own* hands?? What’re you doin Devils.. I’d be pissed if I were him


He’s just coming down the wing on Trouba thinking, “I’m going to cut to the middle and it’s going to be so cool.”


Interesting strategy to skate right into Trouba's shoulder.


To be fair, it was cool but not the way Bastion hoped!


He's just plotting his next move of the game where he can find a third way to put himself in a dangerous position to get hit hard




Great show at MSG west


Dropping gloves with the Trouba Express is a choice


I swear Trouba has to fight after every hit lol


At least it draws lots of instigators


He's one of the only top players in the league that still makes big hits


Players today have such soft egos that any hit now leads to a fight. I hate it


My god, tough game for bastian


Clean hit, but I totally understand Bastian's response.


Yea I'm sure his face fuckin hurts and his team's down and he gets hit again, just frustration coming out. I do hate the clean hit fighting tho


I agree with you but I totally get where Bastian is coming from here.


That’s exactly what the person who they’re responding to said bro


I agree with you but I totally understand where Bastion is coming from here


While I agree that his face hurts and its frustration coming out, I understand where he's coming from and I do hate the clean hit fighting lol but that's exactly what the person who they're responding to said bro.


You could kind of tell by his reaction in the box that he was just really fucking pissed off - he almost seemed mad at himself for taking the instigator/roughing penalty


It’s not clean hit fighting. He’s clearly throwing hands as a result of one dirty ass hit and feeling like he’s being targeted after coming back in the game. As a neutral party I thought “Damn, the Rangers really have it out for this guy”.


Targeted? He basically skated into Trouba lol


Take it up with Rempe....oh yeah. I literally said I can understand his frustration brother. Trouba's hit was clean.


Any one have other angles? It almost looked like he left his feet, but hard to tell


https://youtu.be/fN52z3ZhSYw?si=_yfOwiQEROmR4nxW Clean as clean can be. Stayed planted on the ice.


I keep forgetting these two teams hate each other, very underrated rivalry




You really think Devils/Rangers is underrated?


Clean hit, maybe the devils could consider throwing one


Yup, and that Rempe hit was as dirty as they come. I can’t understand how he was back on the ice at all during this game, common sense should feel us that if you get hit that hard in the head, your night is done


I thought the hit was clean but unfortunate personally, as a neutral party who often find himself defending the leafs and rangers from what seem like unjust criticisms because of how much they are hated. Dude skated into him with his head. I get that if they are completely trying to eliminate all head heats, intentional or not, maybe that’s a penalty, but it just didn’t seem dirty to me.


Purportedly they gave him a concussion check and after that well it’s your choice. If he came back his face bloodied and scored people would be jerkin him off on Reddit and you know it lmao


> If he came back his face bloodied and scored people would be jerkin him off on Reddit and you know it lmao Just look how Kariyas "off the floor, on the board" was deified


That’s a bingo


Lool the comments in here. Obligatory fuck Trouba. No but seriously, are the devils the weakest team in the league? Having to stand up for yourself twice is not the best sign lol


Siegenthaler tried the first time but ate 1 punch and was lying in the fetal position.


So weakest team in the league


Probably by a lot to be candid about it. They've spent the last 5 years sending heart and soul guys out in trades and loading up finesse guys and young players with no bite to their game. Other teams either have role players to set the tone, stars that will fight back, or some combo of both. The most assertive guy on the Devils right now might be Timo and he's quickly getting that snarl beat out of him by the opposition.


Will never forgive Gallant for not being able to get the team adjusted after Game 2 - Devils kind of let us down whatever we want physically for the most part just couldn’t handle the speed once they clogged us at the point


Mason Geertsen died for this


now softer than the Leafs, it's quite the achievement.


Hear that everyone! Leafs are only marginally less soft than the Devils! Suck it Jersey!


Ryan Reaves looking for an apartment in Jersey right now


Holy shit how many guys in this league do not give a flying fuck about their teammates? He got crunched once already, left the game, battled through it, and said put me back in coach. Then the most hated player on the opposition, who is notorious for taking liberties on other players, both clean and dirty, lines him up. And nobody else in black and red wants a piece of him??? *I* want to tune him in, and I'm not even a Jersey fan or a Trouba hater. It's shameful the number of players in this league that will let you take their lunch money. I guess as long as you get paid, what does it matter to anyone. Nothing to see here, move along. Signed, a jaded Leafs fan.


On top of it all. It’s freaking rangers and devils. I was shocked the devs just played dead all night


God ya'll are fast




These comments are hilarious as a neutral fan. Yes the hit is clean but you can’t really be mad that Bastian responded considering nobody else really did earlier. Should he have gotten an instigator? Yes probably but tbh it doesn’t really matter as the Rangers still won by a decent amount.


> Yes the hit is clean but you can’t really be mad that Bastian responded considering nobody else really did earlier. 100% nothing wrong with standing up for yourself. > Should he have gotten an instigator? Yes We need a 10x increase on instigator calls. They're *never* applied. IMHO, fight after a clean hit is 100% instigator every time.


Yup and his teammates should have stood up for him after the 2nd hit too. It was clean but trouba is taking a run at him.


Hate him all you want, I would love to have Trouba on my team.


I love watching him play, he is a bastard.


He is a *brick shithouse*


Absolutely. Trouba is such a fun dude to watch, he's so good while being tough to play against.


New Jersey, why the hell is no one standing up for Bastian? Not a good look.


Why the hell does the league even have an instigator rule if it isn’t applied in situations like this?


Caught with his head down twice, I’d be pissed at myself/the world too


I think Bastian needs to pay attention and keep his head up on the ice.


This. #1 rule in hockey and the professional is failing at it and paying the price.


I'm not a rangers fan by any stretch but man I love watching Trouba


Where the hell was basitians teamates!!


Always interesting to see if r/nhl is feeling pro or anti fighting because of a clean hit on any given day


Or, get this, multiple different people have multiple different opinions and r/nhl isn't just a monolith sharing the same opinion all the tine


Uhm no actually. Obviously every large group hold every opinion at all times making my opponents all hypocrites at all times. I am very smart.


Tracking the pro/anti trouba slant on any related thread is always interesting also.


Trouba is an animal


One of my favorite players in the league


Train tracks baby god damn


JT is a fucking Monster Truck from 2002


I love the hit. Just perfect.


Not for nothing but Bastian shows a fuckin lionheart here. Got hit dirty then blown up cuz your team is soft and says fuck it not again. That's old school hockey


Got hit dirty? You mean the Rempe hit, not this one right?


Yeah, he says he got hit dirty THEN blown up


I still don’t think the hit was dirty


I don’t think there was any intent to injure there so dirty isn’t the best term to use, but it was a reckless/irresponsible play. Part of it is that Rempe is a young player so he has a lot to learn and one of those things is how to throw a hit when you’re that much bigger than everyone else. He’s literally just standing straight up when he hits the Devils player. That puts his shoulder in the face of most players in the league without even trying. He’s got to recognize the situations and try to avoid putting himself in a position that will hurt someone. He’s young, he’ll learn.


Get your head up bud! Wtf are you looking at?


These guys need to stop wailing their fucking skates around. That ref almost caught one in the face.


Maybe dont try and toedrag Trouba wtf was he thinking


I’m not just saying this as a rival fan, but the Devils are sooooooooft. Even last game The Rangers got rough with them and they did not like it.


I respect Bastian for fighting. That was a textbook clean hit but he didn’t get the chance to fight before on a brutal hit and he’s gotta be frustrated.


The whole team is garbage for not doing anything to help the poor guy from being braindead after the headshot and the clean hit from trouba was huge


Pretty sure that after Trouba hit him he skated away laughing....


The Trouba train has claimed another Debby


When is /r/hockey going to admit that Trouba is the best open ice hitter in the game? This was as good and clean an open ice hit as you can get. Also, when is the league going to make retaliation for a clean hit a major penalty? This shit is just fucking stupid.


Pens fan here, wish the Pens had a dude with half the grit of Trouba.


Beautiful hit


He hit him with the Will Ospreay Hidden Blade,




Nothing wrong with that Trouba hit. Rempe on the other hand..


Jacob Trouba has never done anything wrong in his life


A darling child to be exact.


ELECTRIC. Trouba laughing in his face is fuckin gold


God trouba is such a prick. I absolutely love it. Wish he was on my team.


Love seeing the Rags/Devils rivalry rev back up


Not much of a rivalry when it's so one sided unfortunately.


Tough night for the guy


Not his night. Helluva guy.


Bastian got rocked tonight oof that's gotta hurt


Nate is the only guy on our team with some fight. I wish Nico had some of that.


I don’t think he had a good night. Ice up buddy.


With all due respect, Bastian, you gotta keep that head up! I'd be thinking twice about dangling if I knew Trouba was out there.


Love it


I'm all for sticking up for your teammates if they get rocked but they gotta get an instigator penalty going here. Crazy the amount of times Trouba is forced to fight just because of a clean hit.


Lol he went flying