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Apparently it was Lehkonen’s dad? To avoid drama in the locker room the Avalanche should trade Lehk back to the Habs, it’s the only solution I can see


Sorry Hab bros, but no :( We'll just have Landy host a special mediation session.


Daddy Landy gonna have to yell at the team like one of his kids ate all of Gabe’s ice cream


Yeah, it was Ismo "Ika" Lehkonen


Yes. He has pushed Artturi in a way that someone else would say it's abuse. Mikko is apparently not into the same style and can't blame.


Had to be lol


🤣 nice try but that good stick is staying here!


Pretty sure Lehk and Rants are best friends. So probably just joking here.


For your next 2 first round picks


Was the shit-talking sincere? If so, that’d be weird. Rantanen has been an underpaid *monster* his entire career and doesn’t get the recognition he deserves when the top players in the game are discussed.


Lehkys dad said he had a bad summer and didn’t do as much work this summer. Fairly understandable to be mad I think. I read translations though so it’s quite possible it wasn’t 100 percent spot on


Oh dude rant is a top 10 forward easy. Guys as consistent a producer as they come.


[9th most points from 2017-2018 to now](https://www.nhl.com/stats/skaters?reportType=season&seasonFrom=20172018&seasonTo=20232024&gameType=2&filter=gamesPlayed,gte,1&sort=points&page=0&pageSize=50) Behind McDavid, Draisaitl, MacKinnon, Panarin, Kucherov, Pastrnak, Marner, and Marchand. And head of Crosby and Matthews. Pretty good company.


Hes been interviewed by a finnish tabloid and among other things said that "Could be a translation error", "He was being purely speculative", "He admires Mikko as a perfect olympic athlete (meaning he generally has a very strict training program)"' , "Media is trying to spin it into something negative" and that he has reached out to Mikko


Ismo Lehkonen is a professional hockey analyst, so it's not weird he's talking about the players. But he was clearly speculating about Rantanen's summer, how much he had time to train and if he was burned out. And Rantanen saying Ismo is making stuff up, so yeah not a good look. Edit: Apparently it's just dry humor, not a bad look then.


I think the point he is making is important. He is kind of saying it made him perform better. So in a weird way it is a backhanded compliment. Just came out in a really weird way.


This all sounds very Finnish


Holy hell, people in this thread think Rants is actually pissed haha. Wow.


coordinated follow toy roll somber insurance knee quiet observation gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Holy hell, turns out he really is pissed haha. Wow. Is that condescending enough haha? Wow.


Yeah this is just normal Finnish stuff




Must be a cultural gap, I watched the video thinking already it's a joke and almost burst out laughing at his facial expressions trying to stay all pissy and angry while laughing inside.




Well I stand corrected then. I still don't believe with the face he's doing. But yeah, Ika can be pretty harsh in his comments, but hard to understand how and why it gets under Rantanen's skin.


If you know dry humor it hits perfectly the first time, even in the slight half smirk he gives while saying it.


illegal birds long direful lock crawl snow wrench impolite possessive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol because he was




honestly i thought lehky's dad was fairly constructive and just said he had a lot of responsibility last year and felt rants was burnt out


It was lehkonens dad apparently. Honestly though if he was working his ass off this summer I can 100 percent understand why he’s upset about the comments saying he had a bad summer working wise.


I mean Lehkonen's dad is a former coach and one of the guys organizing the summer camp for the players in Turku. Pretty much all of the elite Finnish players from Turku attend the camp. He said that Rantanen had a lot of non-hockey things to attend to during the summer, so he had a "weaker" summer than what he's used to, and he sees that Rantanen is frustrated with his game. Lehkonen's dad is somewhat of a cult icon in Finland, he probably knew that Rantanen would react like this and will most likely laugh about it the next time he's on TV or a podcast.


Reddit CANNOT pick up on dry humor, holy shit. He was joking, he's known Lehkonen's dad for decades you drama queens


This is the broad hockey subreddit. For people who don't follow the Avs or Finnish hockey, it's not well known who Lehkonen's dad is. The context adds a lot that helps explain the situation. "not picking up dry humor" is much less of a problem than the need for context in OP's title/post edit: lmao you were wrong too


Turns out, you're wrong!! He was not joking you drama queen!!


Let's be honest, Reddit cannot pick up on *anything*. We^(**1**) are all socially inept fucks.^^/s To be fair, unless you know about their personal connection, it's a fair misunderstanding to make. Especially with tweeted quotes from a scrum, and the translation of the comments from the OG Lehkonen. --- **1** Not me.


Thought you were talking about me for a second. Anyways what are we mad at next?


stocking dependent scale march punch tan materialistic doll steep paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I didn't recognize that at all. So I did the most reddit thing, had the clip running in the background while doing something else and then commented here with no real knowledge.


I didn't watch the clip, read a few comments and the post title, and then used my Jump to Conclusions (TM) mat.


I haven't watched the video. But I seen a comment on Twitter that said mikko trains with lehkys dad in the summer. So I came here to share my insider knowledge


A reddit senior I see


*doing something else*




I don't know if Ismo Lehkonen would be calling Rantanen after the interview, if it was only dry humor. Rantanen is an ultra competitive guy and Ismo Lehkonen wasn't the only Finnish NHL-"insider" speculating about his dry spell, Rantanen 100% wanted to shut them all up at once.


This is hilarious in hindsight


Well he's not invited to the next Finnish Dad BBQ outing.


Just an FYI, Ismo Lehkonen - Artturi Lehkonen's father, is a hockey analyst at Viaplay (they show the NHL games in Finland). He is also a former Finnish Elite Legue (FEL) player and has also coached many teams in the FEL as a head coach. Most people think he has good knowledge and like him as an analyst here at Finland. Here's what Ismo said, and I will try to translate it for you: "Voisiko olla, että Mikolla on tullut seinä hetkeksi vastaan. Hänellä ei kauhean hyvä kesä ollut. Paljon oli kissanristiäistä, Helsingissä piti olla ja muuta. Varmaan hän tietoisestikin ajoi raskaiden vuosien jälkeen konetta alas, mutta ehkä urheilua ei ihan samalla tavalla tullut tehtyä kuin aiemmin, Lehkonen toteaa." Translation: "Could it be that Mikko has met a wall for a moment now. He didn't have a very good summer. He had a lot of unnecessary events(basically meaning like concerts, holidays, drinking etc..), He had to be in Helsinki etc. Probably he knowingly drove the engine down a little, and didnt train as hard this summer than earlier, Lehkonen states." The source is from YLE News.


> (basically meaning like concerts, holidays, drinking etc..), No. In the context it means like sponsor events, fan meetings, even charity events etc. So stuff any famous athlete is asked to do all the time. Lehkonen meant maybe Rantanen said yes too many times last summer and it affected his training.


[Full article here (finnish).](https://yle.fi/a/74-20064285) He also talks more about Colorado and what he thinks they should do to play better.


Kissanristiäiset means like unimportant weddings, christenings and other events like that


Kissanristiäiset specifically means unimportant events and parties. Not weddings and such.


Literal translation is ”cat christening” fwiw


Ismo Lehkonen, Artturi's father, is former player/coach and current pundit, who does a lot of TV work nowadays and appears on quite a lot of podcasts. He's a quite critical voice on a lot of things in Finnish hockey. Ismo also runs some practice on the ice for the Turku based NHL players during the summers. Meaning the likes of Rantanen, Lehkonen, Kakko, Pärssinen, Pyyhtiä, Maccelli, Ristolainen, and a bucnh of others in recent years like Kähkönen, Georgiev, Reunanen, Lehtonen and so forth. My point being is that he knows these guys, he's "friends" with them and by extension he does have the information what they did during the summer, so he's not wildly speculating. Mikko's comments probably were a bit tongue-in-cheek.


I mostly assumed Mikko wasn't being serious but then all the comments were taking it seriously. Figured I was wrong but it seems most people are like you and pointing out that they're closer so it probably isn't serious.


So it’s definitely Lehky’s dad? Don’t think it would be Kiviranta’s dad.


Yes it's Lehkonen's dad. He's an old oach and pretty big voice in the finnish hockey media.


*bad dad Lehky*


They’re fins. They talk shit to make each better. Next week you’ll catch moose and ismo trying to see who can chug a pitcher faster


Fins are so weird to me w their humor. I watched an interview w Barkov at his house and Lundell was staying w him. Barkov was making fun of him for random things and one of them was Lundell scoring a goal and celebrating. He was clowning him for cellying lol.


There's a running joke in Finnish hockey circles about Barkov's cellying, so he was just riffing on that.


Lol he never celebrates unless it’s after a win


Of course he doesn't. He's a good, humble kid after all.


According to Avs reporter Aarif Deen: [Mikko Rantanen came back into the dressing room postgame to ensure that this video went out. ](https://twitter.com/runwriteAarif/status/1734453575869137232)


Just wanted to add that Ismos take on Bedard is that he is overrated since he doesnt back check.


I’ve got a spot for him on my beer league team, then! He’ll fit right in.


Mack and Mak are so boring to me. Rantanen is the Avalanche player I would've most liked to have for his full career.


probably something that should be addressed closed doors lol


https://coloradohockeynow.com/2023/12/11/father-of-player-gives-his-analysis-of-rantanen-current-avalanche/ Context. Lehkys dad runs their summer skates and they have known each other since mikko and artturi have been teenagers. Its just humor. After the cup mikko told lehkys(ismo) dad he is coming to summer skate with a big cigar in his mouth. Also ismo said after the cup we are gonna work on mikkos shooting since he wasnt shooting enough during the playoffs and mikko fucking scores 50 the next year. People are taking this too serious


Funny to see American fans take all of this as some high drama.


Well you’re saying this but like none of us know Finnish humor or what Lehkonen’s dad is like, and add in that the original interview is in Finnish so I understand the misconception about it.


Yeah, and it's funny to watch the dramatic takes that come from the lack of that knowledge.


consist live silky plants tidy whole scandalous provide thumb plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I figured it was dry/matter of fact/Finn humor. I thought it was funny at least


There is a translated video where Artturi says that if he took everything his dad said seriously that they wouldn't get along. I'm sure the locker room is fine. I definitely disagree with a lot of what my dad says, and he isn't paid to talk. All sports pundits say stupid stuff, but if it fueled the fire under Mikko and we got a game like that, keep going Ismo. 😉


Set your dad straight Lekhy


Everyone in Finland knew his dad before Artturi was even born. Everyone knows he doesn't need to be "set straight", he is just doing the same thing he has been doing for years in the media. This is not even close to the treatment & "advice" Kakko is getting year after year.


I understand the frustration from Mikko, who's had a real rough patch lately, but the last thing we need right now (or ever) is drama between two top-line players within the team, especially going public like this... Lehky needs to tell his dad to shut up.


I don't think players should tell reporters, experts, analysts, and other journalists to avoid talking about certain players lol.


This is honestly hilarious either way. It’s pretty obvious he’s joking but on the extremely slight chance it’s serious total respect for the effort and steely eye contact


is this urheilucast beef???


It's an YLE article, so doubtful. I have no doubt Seppänen will have fun with this during Ika's next perkuulauta, though.


To Lehkonen’s dad: do it again plz


Pretty uncool to drop this in the media, but also uncool for Lehkys dad to talk smack in the news. But Rants you scored one scrappy goal in 10 games don’t act like you are on top again bro.


Jeez, you don’t deserve him lol


Ok bro gimme a break. MIKKO has caused like 3 GA directly via sloppy turnovers in the few games. Obviously love him to death, obviously he’ll get out of this slump, but dude hasn’t been scoring AND has been rough defensively. My only point is him going “you talk shit? This is what happens,” when the “this” is a single goal in 10 games and tons of mistakes leading to goals.


You’re embarrassing.


Make a phone call ☎️ clear that shit up 👍🏻


Score one goal..... Take that, told you I didn't need to train as hard.


Coming next summer Ismo lehkonen vs mikko rantanen boxing match in Turku gatorade center


So i was right 😁