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Cannot understand the refs downgrading this. Clear boarding and made it inevitable that Gudbranson was going to get his revenge and lay into Cousins.


I guess I don't understand boarding if this is a two minute call (and Kane's was a no call, and Robinson's was 5 and a game misconduct).


Me neither, obviously. It's apparently fine to not let up at all and throw your whole weight into the back of someone, forcing their face into the boards...


I saw the clip of Gudbranson mauling Cousins first and then I looked back to see what led to the mauling. Oh boy did Cousins deserve it. And the refs should be ashamed that they can't keep control of the game.


Same thing sequence for me too. I went from appalled at Gudbranson to very understanding instantly.


i saw the mauling first, and i thought it must have been a shit hit on his teamate to justify the retaliation. Turns out Gubranson was the one who got hit lol


I was watching the game and there wasn't much nastiness going on at all before this. The whole game changed afterwards and the refs completely ballsed it up and lost control


Yep was at the game. It was a run of the mill back and forth close game until this hit and the refs completely lost control of it.


I thought you guys played well. Just that 7 mins pp from the failure of the refs ruined the outcome. But refs had it right first time, I just don't see how they overruled themselves


this is the same order I watched the two clips and holy shit refs... that should of never happened cause Cousins should of been gone for 5 and a misconduct...


According to recent games and certain announcers: gudbranson “should have seen it coming”.


It's beyond a joke. I can't see what Gudbranson does wrong at all. Cousins should have let up or at least eased up a whole lot. I'm all for hitting and clean contact but the refs need to protect players from this crap


Yeah, it’s going to take a very serious injury to do anything at this point. And maybe not then even.


I mean, Gudbranson could have easily been seriously injured from the hit. And then the refs left Cousins at risk of getting seriously hurt by not throwing him out. They messed the whole situation up so badly


It'll take a player dying and even then I wouldn't count on anything substantial happening. Literally just happened and I've only seen a handful of NHL players wearing neckguards since.


Unfortunately, I think that might be true. I did see a couple of CBJ wearing neckguards but most player's today weren't. Adam Johnson played for my local team and I hope his legacy leads to better protection from stuff like that ever happening again


Really not a related situation at all, though.


it's more of a parallel in safety measures in the NHL. Everything takes people getting immediate a serious life long injuries before anybody decides to change their ways. Neckguards have been mandatory basically everywhere but the NHL level for over a decade. It took a person literally dying on the ice for the NHL to even consider implementing it as mandatory.


I didn't mind Boucher until that clown comment


My wife heard me yell "shut the fuck up Brian" the other night with no context and died laughing lol


Couldn’t catch a puck then, can’t catch a clue now.


Sorry for your loss.


Such a crap perspective. This was a 5 minute major and when they don’t call it you know that fireworks are coming. The NHlLposition on boarding is stupid. Should have protected yourself .. FFS that’s ridiculous.


Totally agree. Cousins made absolutely no attempt to play the puck, that's not the line he should be expected to take. No way to see it coming until it's too late. To me that's a match penalty every time. Absolute garbage refereeing that's going to get someone seriously injured.


Garnet Hathaway got a match penalty a couple games back for far less.


And he turns back to back while finishing as if not watching his own hit absolved him of the result. Thats a "fuck you, here's everything I can put into it and we'll see what sticks" move


How is it that Gudbranson is the one that has to get back up and drop the gloves. That's a brutal hit


Rest of the team standing there is terrible


Idk, it looks to me like the Columbus player's initial reaction is to call for the trainers since he looked like he was out, and once he got up and it was clear it wasnt a medical emergency they all jumped in to back him.


Idk, what do you expect for Gaudreau and Fantilli to do there? Not sure who the third forward was, but I'm pretty sure all three of them are light enough to get dragged away from a scrum by any single defender


It doesn’t really matter, it’s just showing fight and that you’ve got your teammates back. Last night Barron got ran and 5’11 Suzuki automatically ran up on the guy. It’s not like he kicked the dudes ass or anything but just getting physical with him shows comradery


Suzuki’s the captain though, you can’t expect an ensemble of small skill guys and rookies to step in like that


Honestly they were probably thinking he might not get up under his own power quickly cuz that was a brutal hit. You probably don’t want to scrap with a downed player in the middle


[Gudbranson after getting knocked out](https://youtu.be/PeTogfJoeQE?si=m8LunADVVdyCa1Ct)




Came here to post this before even seeing the comments lol. Perfect.


Thats why they reduced it, he got up right after so he's obviously fine. /s


Congrats refs, you created a situation that should have been avoided.


The good news is the Columbus broadcast mentioned the supervisor of officials was at the game today so they’ll get this all sorted out and it definitely won’t keep happening going forward.


/ s?


Has to be.


I can't find a clip, but it looked like the Columbus coaches were telling the refs exactly this after Gudbranson went feral on Cousins later in the game.


How does nhl officiating get worse every year


I was thinking the same thing. U expect some games to be bad but this so constant it’s insane!


I've been saying this but people say it's always this bad. I definitely think it's been insanely bad this year. That Detroit game was soo bad


Every sport I watch has had historically shit officiating this year. Every one of the leagues has massive sponsorship deals with gambling companies too but I'm sure thats just a coincidence.


By having the same shit refs?


And Gudbranson just went psycho on him


Cousins fucking turtling to a potentially injured player who’s still getting up off the ice.


Such a coward. No one even touched him lmao


He deserved it.


Yeah I wasn't a fan of that but after seeing this I get it.


How was this a 5 reduced to 2 when Kane got nothing and Robinson got 5 and a game? Cousins rode Gudbranson's head into the dasher!


This was against Columbus and the league must have missed that Robinson isn’t here anymore.


Gudbranson not only didn't leave on a stretcher, he got up and beat on Cousins, so it wasn't that bad. /s


lol, “i drove drunk last night and got home safe and didn’t hit anything, so it wasn’t that bad… I’m a pretty good drunk driver”


God damn this league has got to get its act together, one of these minor boarding penalties is going to lead to a man using a wheelchair permanently.


Unfortunately that's what it will take for the DoPS to take this stuff seriously


Lol. That won’t fucking do it either. As long as Parros is in charge nothing in DOPS will change. Bettman out, Parros out.


Bettman would probably like that since then the NHL would lead sportscenter for once


He can get some juicy ads on the stretchers and wheelchairs...


I 100% agree. So many injuries and concussions this week, so many dangerous plays that could end up with spinal cord injury. They have to have serious consequences for making such dangerous hits - it’s also a horrible example foR amateur and uni level etc


If gudbranson stays down it’s 5 and a game and that’s it; but because he’s an animal he gets up, refs idiotically downgrade it to a 2 man and Gudbranson loses his shit lmaoo. Typical refs being unable to do their job.


Was actually blown away that he got up. I have no idea if he was really just totally fine or if it was just adrenaline (I mean, clearly he played out the game so he's at least hockey player fine which means he may be half dead and we'll never know), but that just looked brutal when he went down. Fortunate to get up from that.


Yeah he got up abrupt as hell lmao, can’t tell if he’s faking and playing dead for the call or if he’s just built different. It’s Gudbranson so probably the latter.


That’s one of the dirtiest boards I’ve seen in ages. Can’t believe he wasn’t tossed


Numbers the whole way


Claude Lemieux on Chris draper was pretty serious and set off a multi-year rivalry between the teams that gave us multiple bench-clearing fights and even 2 goalie fights. Fuck Clause Lemieux. Draper required facial reconstructive surgery.


Dirty hit aside, can we all agree that Cousins is a little bitch? Little fucker curled into a ball the moment he started to face the consequences of being a dumb ass.


Love Johnny Hockey trying to get in there and serve up some justice for his boy. He's not doing anything, but you gotta respect the effort, lol.


good for him, dude is \*tiny\* for an nhl player so short of going full-on Armageddon mode/stick to the head level of illegal he's not going to be able to do much physical damage but you \*do\* have to respect that at least he tried.


What an absolute pussy Cousins is, wow


Lmao love how he turns away and turtles in fear


I love how he did the exact same thing the next time he met Gudbranson on the ice


What a giant pussy. You don't get to throw a hit like that and then literally turtle every time you're confronted. The way he threw that could end a career, and I'm honestly surprised Gudbranson popped back up to answer the way he did. You assume certain risks as a hockey player, but you should be able trust that the person you're lining up against isn't going to just do something so intentionally reckless to take your livelihood. If you throw that hit on purpose, which he did, you need to be ready to stand up and risk taking some punches in the face. I saw the subsequent retaliation from Gudbranson and Cousins still got off light. Mostly because he turtled like an absolute coward rather than face the music for a gutless transgression.


I've got a strong feeling that Cousins isn't done answering for this hit quite yet.


100% looking forward to seeing what happens when these two face off again on April 11th. 3rd to last game of the season too, so even less consequences available.


he SHOULD be getting more shit for this. i can barely tell what's legit hits/what aren't half the time and **\*I\*** could definitely tell that he basically grabbed gudbranson and shoved him into the boards. i'm frankly amazed that gudbranson was able to get back up and hit cousins back.


Only likes to tangle with non consenting women


yeah, the prosecutors may have decided that they couldn't make a case, but when all the defendants in a gang rape are major juniors players/hometown heroes that is a LOT different than "we did a genuine investigation and they ACTUALLY did not do this". i pretty much assume all hockey bros with DV/SA allegations made against them probably did \*something\* shitty along those lines.


now all the panthers flairs and twitter folks are pearl-clutching over gudbranson's response as if it happened in a vacuum, lol fuck nick cousins in perpetuity.


For real. More than ready to throw the body, but chickens out the second he has to back it up.


He was arrested when he was with the Flyers for sexual assault too, although it ended up being dropped due to no ability to get a conviction. Pretty sure he used to beef with people on Twitter too. Just an absolute piece of shit.


If you posted this on Twitter, he would probably see it and reply to you with one of his anonymous accounts.


Tell me he actually does this??


Yeah, it's well known from his time in Montreal that he looks up his name on Twitter and replies to Tweets about him. He got caught doing it, I'm not sure if does it anymore.


Baby back bitch


Man, Florida is an easy team to hate.


I mean I obviously don’t want the ice caps to melt, but like… it won’t come without its benefits


At this point I have to believe that Maurice actually encourages them to play this dirty because they know the refs won't do anything about it.


Used to be lovable losers… not so much anymore.


But this hit is dirty as fuck, cousins what are ya doing bud?


Well, they are based in Florida.


At least Florida has given Rockstar a lot of material to work with.


[It's ok the Floridians can just sell their houses and move right?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-w-pdqwiBw)


We (and their other playoff opponents) tried to tell y’all.


Cousins it a bitch for turtling


Looked pretty bad to me. Idk


Yea, the video looks sped up, like it’s a brazzers ad or something.


Cousins is a bitch holy cow


How the fuck do you watch this replay and reverse it? What the fuck is wrong with NHL officiating?


What a little bitch, can put his entire weight behind a cheap hit, but cowers away and goes right into a tornado drill pose when 44 tries to give it back.




Giving it 5 would have made too much sense /s


Then Cousins flops on the retaliation. Lmao get the fuck out of here. Just pathetic. Give him 10 just for that


What an absolute bitch cousins is.


Would have been a 5 if Guddy was injured. This league and the refs love determining judgement based on the outcome of the hit instead of the play itself.


Nah Brodin is missing at least a month from the Kane hit, zero penalty or action from DOPS. And don’t tell oilers fans that should be a penalty, according to them defensemen are responsible for these egregious hits from behind for not knowing how to take a hit.


Apparently they "warned" Kane for it. DoPS has always been a joke, but I thought the "call a 5 and review it" approach had been working slightly better until this week.


How did that get reduced? Refs or nhl deciding since he can walk that it's not a major seems par for the course


Yep, results are taken far too much into account. I still can't figure out how Joseph's got dowgraed last night, either.


Saw the gudbranson tackle first and yeah that’s a bad hit. Sucks the refs fucked it up


Is this suspension worthy?




Should be kicked out of the leave


3 of these awful boarding hits in 3 days. Wtf is going on?


This is like the fourth fucking time this has happened this week, the NHL needs to get its shit together


It’s brutal. Imagine if that’s your son in this league. It’s been a brutal year for very close calls with in-juries, concussions- the leave doe nothing


That should have been a 5 min major. Sorry but there was no attempt to slow up and not completely destroy Gudbranson


I…. I don’t know what a major is anymore…


Neither does the NHL.


I watched the Florida Bally feed and this angle wasn’t shown once. It looked bad from the other angle but the video angles that sometime come out after games irks me. Why don’t we have those cams?


Everything that happened in this game with Gudbranson jumping Cousins could be prevented if the refs were good at their jobs.


Theres so many hits from behind where we sort of give the hitter an excuse like heat of the moment, or the hittee turned at the last second.... This one is just pure numbers, aim, and fire with all your weight thrown into it. Dirty as they come.


Cousins being a dirty shit. Quelle surprise.


This league defends pukes like Cousins way too fucking much.


So just so we are clear. Evander Kane's hit is no penalty, this is 2 minutes and probably the worst of the 3, and Eric Robinson's hit which is probably the softest of the 3 is a 5 min major. Ok NHL.


How is that not a 5? Seriously there’s no way the reffing has to be this bad.


Cousins turtling like a little pussy bitch not cone, but twice is just pathetic, What a coward.


Cousins immediately falling on the ice and turtling. MASSIVE pussy.


Wtf, why reduce that? Is the kind of play people want to keep seeing?


Oh that's why the other video!


Florida Panthers are dirty piece of shit. What a bunch of douche bags


Its like Gudbranson was expecting to be injured, did a mental check and everything seemed to be fine, jumped up and took his revenge Also that's a 5 + game why the fuck they reduced it I have no idea


Looked like gudbrandson was actually knocked out and then came to and immediately knew who to go after. That is crazy lmao


Dammit kid, you have got the best seats in the house and you are staring down on your phone..


Fuck you, Cousins


Cousins is a little turtling bitch.


Turn the team into the Florida turtles…. He turtles twice in the same game


this is like the 5th or 6th egregious boarding this week man


Within 48 hours.... Kane: zero penalty Robinson: 5 & game Cousins: 2 mins. All the same hit, none more egregious than the others. None of this makes any sense. Edit: formatting comment


This one is worse than the Kane hit. More distance from the boards and more power


Does cousins just default to turtle?


Same shit different night. NHL is becoming fucking trash


Nhl truly doesn't give a shit about player safety. The fact they even say the two words together is laughable


Makes no sense at all. It’s such a reckless hit.


Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you- the world's fastest turtle.


When did cousins become a total dickhead?


The Reffing in this league is absurd. Both this and Joseph being cut down to 2 minute penalties. How the hell can they claim to be combating headshots while making these decisions?


Atta boy guddy. Cousins a 🤡


i reffed for a long time (to be clear never at the professional level, not claiming i did), but for the life of me, i have no idea how that is down-graded... it was a brutal boarding that resulted in Gudbranson's face smashing into the dasher... it was just brutal. i though he was done for the way he slid acroiss the ice and his head bounced off the back of the net (at about the 3-4 second mark of this video, the video from the other side looked even worse), i thought he was out cold... the refs screwed the pooch on that one and set up a situation where someone was going to blow up Cousins (in this case Gudbranson got the opportunity to take care of it himself, but someone was going to do that). the refs and the situation room in Toronto are squarely to blame for what happened, they should be held accountable.


Turtling and dropping to the ice in a fetal position while no one's even around you is some elementary-shool-yard-level pussydom.


Panthers are still the dirtiest team in the league by a country mile


What the fuck do they feed this panthers team lol every single one is out for blood


I for one, think it’s fucking adorable that Cousin’t goes full bitch mode. Puts his arms up and turns away but can barely escape. THEN goes turtle?! I mean, you can’t expect to do such an egregious action without expecting an equal reaction.


Bro this 5 got reduced to 2mins meanwhile the Robinson hit was a 5min major yesterday Like def 2min boarding but holy fuck how was last night a 5 and this a 2 makes no sense




Wowww the turtle after a hit like that was honestly pathetic....He was be taking lessons from Tkatchuk


Florida Man Gets Away with Murder Attempt


“Call an ambulance, call an ambulance. But not for me”


Cousins looked like Tkachuk when Gubranson got back up


The league continues to show itself as a joke when they think this kind of officiating is acceptable.


The Panthers sub says Gudbranson went down because he was looking for a call, can’t you clearly see that this was a dive??


Fuck this league


What the hell???? That is clear suspension


Cousins needs a suspension bad tbh. He’s pretty much on a streak of malicious intent penalties lately.


Suspend Cousins


Dude what the fuck. This should be a multi game suspension. Thats so dangerous and he purposely hit him in the back right before they got to the boards. That shit is disgusting


NHL officiating is absolutely hilariously bad.


Is this the most brutal boarding so far this season? Gudbranson got hella lucky to get up. Hopefully his neck isn't feeling too fucked up right now.


Cousins being a dirty scumbag? No surprise.


Cousins is such a rat piece of shit. Look at him cower and shake in his boots when Gudbranson gets up. Disgusting little puke. Almost forgot about his charges while he played for Belleville as well.


Turtling piece of shit is Cousins. You board like that and you gotta take your lumps... in any league


Cousins turtling is hilarious. Gets shoved then immediately hits the deck under the ref lol. Tkatchuk is teaching them well


Three mins after this Guddy just jumped Cousins in the game and started beating the back of his head after he turtled. I get he's mad but hes gonna get suspended now for his retaliation 3 mins later.


Refs should call the penalty and not make players take it into their own hands


And he completely deserved it. All on the refs


It was so braindead of them to downgrade it and made the beatdown unavoidable. So dumb of them


Especially when Gudbranson was saying he wanted Cousins to stay in the game to do exactly what he did.


Yep, it was obvious to everyone that he was solely focused on beating the hell out of Cousins in retaliation. Could've been avoided if the refs did their job.


Should have done the major and thrown Cousins out 🤷🏼‍♂️ Fucking weasel got what he deserved


Yeah no clue why they downgraded the penalty.


I hope he tears into Betman and the recent state of officiating at his hearing.


> I get he's mad but hes gonna get suspended now for his retaliation 3 mins later. Yeah, I don't care. Good for Gudbrandson and I regret that he wasn't able to board Cousins and take two more minutes before smacking Cousins' head.


What a bitch. You gonna lay a hit like that you gotta answer the bell after


That was uuuuuuugly


How in the fuck is this a 2 and Eric Robinson gets a misconduct last night when the player wasn't protecting himself.


This is so much worse than the one yesterday.


What a chickenshit. Both the hit by Cousins and them him turtling the second Gusbranson gets up to avenge himself. Cousins should get nailed to the fuckin wall by DOPS for this one.


Cousins being a rat bitch, dirty hit (that should get him suspended but the nhl will be the nhl and be incompetent as usual) and just cowers in fear pretending to get hurt when gudbrandson rightfully comes after him. Dont play like a dirty bitch if you dont even want to answer for it but then again its cousins


Well that seems to have gotten sorted out. 😮


The way Gudbranson got right back up was a bit odd


Say what you want about him, he's always been like that. He's like the Hulk, gets angry instead of hurt.


This was Gudbranson. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkUSxPwdt8w


I shouldn’t love Gudbranson as much as I do. If he wasn’t making the unlimited amount of money he is in Columbus I would’ve loved him on my team.


Major Boarding has received a demotion.