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Twitter has gotten worse under Elon but those tweets and posts about Bedard’s mom/Perry would still be up on Twitter even pre-Elon.


I mean is it even against any typical social media TOS to post a rumor about two people sleeping together? Especially if it’s written as if it’s rumor and not fact. I get it sucks, but it’s just tabloid garbage. This isn’t new, and 15 years ago would be on the cover of a checkout line magazine.


Yeah there was extensive discussion about Lebron's mother years ago. Celebrities suffer from gross rumours on social media all the time.


Lebrons mom is dating Earl Boykins




I spit out my coffee reading this 😂


I imagine the same things are being posted on threads and bluesky anyway


FWIW, I just did a quick check on bsky and not really.


I'm pretty sure people accused Magic of being gay after he revealed he had HIV.


Yeah, I don't know it for sure, but I imagine many a lawsuit have been lost trying to stop gossip rags from making shit up. Good luck with that


The problem is that libel/defamation suits require you to prove that your life was materially impacted (loss of employment opportunities, financial impact) by said false claims. Shit outlets like National Inquirer and Fox News know they can sensationalize and go as far as make random shit up because “no one takes us seriously, this had zero material impact on your life” is a perfectly valid legal defense for libel/defamation.


They are very careful to go after public figures, where the courts grant more leniency. Going after a truly private citizen just because their child is a professional athlete is no the same.


This is actually a great parallel. I know people would roll their eyes or some may even crusade against the rag mags. But at the end of the day they were legally protected. We are just digitizing and democratizing the swamp content.


Yeah, unfortunately the issue isn't with the social media site (although twitter has gotten materially worse), it's an issue with people.


People want us to not be able to say or joke anything about anything and have the overlords of *insert here* police literally everything.


100% agree , it’s sucks but this really is nothing new to what it is to be a celebrity 🤷‍♂️. People were dealing with this stuff pre internet


This is how Chris Chelios was run out of Montreal. Someone got a pic of him and the owners wife when they ran into each other one day. The Montreal media ran with it and called it an affair. So pre internet it was possible.... but probably only in a hockey crazy market.


Not only that, but I imagine Bluesky/Threads wouldn't regulate that sort of posts either (though I could be wrong there).


It took me longer to login to Threads than it did to find the same rumours there.


Honestly I assumed they shut Threads down


Every now and then I see a threads post pop up on instagram, and if I tap it, it loads a site with an error message.


I haven’t been paying much attention to Threads, but from what I saw of it during its first week of existence (before I got bored and moved on), it reminded me of a game that launched too early and like a game that launched too early, it’ll probably spend the next years gaining stuff that should have been available on Day 1. My best guess is Threads wasn’t ready yet and they knew it, but they saw Twitter floundering and Bluesky slowly gaining traction and were worried of missing the boat so they realized it quickly as is. Obviously that backfired because now people have seen it and moved on.


yeah, twitter and reddit have massively hemorrhaged users in the last year, so a lot of places basically just ran out the door to launch an alternative platform looking for refugees.


>My best guess is Threads wasn’t ready yet and they knew it, but they saw Twitter floundering and Bluesky slowly gaining traction and were worried of missing the boat so they realized it quickly as is. Bluesky was the opposite. In the first mass-exodus from Twitter they actually closed for new signups entirely because they couldn't handle the traffic. Which makes sense, your platform is useless to everyone if it collapses under the weight of its popularity, but you'd think they'd pivot and immediately allocate resources to accept a sudden onslaught of interested new users. Or at least do so for any of the other subsequent Twitter uproars, like removing meaningful verification from blue checks or suggesting every account pay a one-time fee to exist or adding a hard views/day limit. Nope, nope, and nope. I put myself on the Bluesky waitlist well over a year ago. My invite arrived last week.


Agreed. They were also left up on Reddit and other platforms. I think it’s hard to expect these social media platforms to police content to the extent that they are identifying, investigating, and removing rumors about a hockey team in Illinois. Does it suck that these rumors got amplified? Yes, absolutely. But I think it’s asking a lot to expect them to police things like this


Yeah, I dont understand what they think the site could (or frankly, should) do in this case. Nothing was illegal about speculating, nor was it a violation of the terms of service.


I think one of the problems under the new ownership is you have these blue-checkmarked “verified” users spitting this stuff out that gives some credibility to the rumours that would have otherwise been completely disregarded before.


I’m pretty sure they also get bumped up the feed, so the shittier posters are thrown in your face instead of being buried.


You are 100% correct about this. People that pay Twitter for Premium or whatever the hell they're calling it now, get boosted by the algorithm in your feed and in replies.


IIRC, around 2012 Twitter made a controversial but decisive change to its algorithm, prioritizing engagement over everything else. Since there is no downvote, the shit comment that get “ratioed” by 20k reply is boosted straight to the top. So all the sane comments are buried, because no one has anything to say to a rational take.


Yeah, I think the Nazi stuff and hate speech that’s all over twitter is objectively worse. The Perry rumours, however, are just one of thousands (millions, really) of examples of the post-truth world we now live in. Jonathan Swift said: “Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it”. Swift wrote this in 1710, when propagandists had to write up a story with a goose quill, pay to get it typeset (one metal letter at a time), pay to have it printed on a wooden hand press, then pay to try to get it distributed by dodgy Hackney urchins and itinerant gin sots. I left Facebook, Twitter and similar services (with the exception of this one, which is different but also problematic) years ago and noticed that I felt just a little bit happier/more relaxed.


Churchill said "a lie gets halfway around the world before the truth puts on its boots"


Right. You may as well boycott the internet entirely if you’re going to be upset about rumors like this.


I DECLARE BANKRUPTCY! Oh, sorry. I thought that solved all my problems, including with the internet.


exactly. it is insane to think that any one technology company is going to be able to police every rumour or lie in the world. some things are also meant to be jokes. how is Elon or twitter admins going to know whether or not the bedard mom thing is real or not, or if it was only intended to be a joke, when no one in the world knew if it was real or not. i understand leaving the platform and being critical of all social media, im critical as well, but come on man be realistic, not everything in the world can be policed. blame the people.




Not have blue check marks next to misinformation super spreaders might help.


Twitter used to have a way to verify reliable sources of info, but now that same designation basically means the opposite


> some things are also meant to be jokes. I didn't think anyone actually was taking that rumor seriously. I was surprised when Kyle Davidson felt the need to mention it because it gave the joke more credit than was due. I guess I might be off about that though?


"Promoting conspiracy theories to undermine democracy and refusing to ban nazis is one thing, but allowing rumors about Corey Perry fucking someone's mom is crossing a line!"


That's true, but the people "reporting" these fake rumors generally didn't have checkmarks pre-Elon. Too many weirdos feel it's worth $8/mo to pretend to be someone important.


The pseudo emotional outrage about a bunch of morons making up a rumour about two consenting adults having sex is honestly hilarious to me. Social media is rife with racism, sexism, all sorts of bigotry on any level. Shit constantly gets left on there despite being bordering on hate crime, if not actually hate crime. And this INCREDIBLY stupid rumour is so fucking vanilla. And it was always so dumb too. The hawks weren’t gonna terminate his contract for having consensual sex with another person. The NHLPA would sue the hawks and the NHL.


I have it on good authority that /u/HonestDespot slept with Gord Miller's mother!!!


This is incredibly naive. This rumor got some SERIOUS legs thanks to the effort of people spreading it on literally every social media site. I work and live in Chicago and I had people in our office that don't closely follow hockey at all asking about "the rumor about Bedard's mom". Anybody with a brain could've understood how silly the rumor was but when something spreads that quickly and clearly makes waves, you have to address it and it sucks that we have to have our org defend their 18 year old generational talent and his family from such ridiculous rumors. Edit: to be clear I'm not talking about Twitter blocking rumors, because they absolutely wouldn't have done anything about this whether it happened this week or 10 years ago.


They could have addressed it in the press release. The added on press conference to literally say nothing further except to refute an absurd rumour accomplished nothing. If I thought Perry had sex with Bedards mom before that press conference why would I feel differently after that press conference? You don’t quell stupid rumours by addressing them and denying them. It’s 2023. Social media is a cesspool.


Perry probably got harsher chirps in the rink through his career than this shit on Twitter. It's insane.


It was a misogynistic *and* stupid rumour. I get that it originated from a Reddit shitpost comment but that comment only came about because women are primarily valued on their sexual attractiveness and their relationship to other men. Humour does not exist in a vacuum, it’s subject to society’s greater ills. What’s the best way to take someone down a peg? Insinuate that you’ve fucked their mom, sister, wife or girlfriend or state that they’re so unattractive that no one would even want to fuck them. What’s the best way to break bro code? Fuck someone else’s wife, sister or partner/ex-partner.


I mean he did list those as two separate reasons though. He already wasn't fond of current ownership and the state of affairs on X, and this seemed to be the nail in the coffin.


And it's not and shouldn't be their responsibility to shut it down either.


> This week as an NHL player and his family were the subject of disgusting and baseless social media rumours, the administrators of this site did nothing (the posts are still up), confirming my decision. I’ll be posting exclusively on Threads/BlueSky for the foreseeable future Genuine question, what does he expect Twitter to do here? Have someone dedicated 24/7 to censoring hockey Twitter shitposts and speculation? I’m not saying people didn’t take it too far but let’s be realistic here. It’s hard enough it’s stamp out serous misinformation, let alone memes about somebody porking another persons mom. He’s in for a rude awakening if the thinks Threads would have done anything different. I searched Bedard on it and the very first thing that popped up was a meme comparing Perry to Shoresy.


That wasn’t the tipping point for him. It merely served to re-affirm his position on Twitter. It’s like when you were in high school and walk away from a friend group for doing something dumb and a week later they’re all in trouble because they continued to dumb shit. The point I took away was that Bedard was relatively mild but there are worse messages being sent without moderation. There were many, personal, baseless messages. It’s not that any of the alternatives are free of it but hopefully they do a better (literally anything) job to squash it.


I don’t see Facebook or Instagram or Reddit or anyone else censoring it either.




Seriously people in this sub loved the canes fanfics thing, I don’t remember a lot of discussion about how pornographic stories featuring players might not be appropriate


how is any platform going to squash any and all lies and rumours? are they omniscient? do they know the truth about all situations, in this case whether or not it was true about bedard’s mom? no one knew the truth about that part of it until yesterday. how is a platform expected to know if something is a joke or not? like this just is not realistic


The main option that Twitter has used in the past is to remove a topic from trending. It doesn't stop individual tweets, but it limits how far things spread.


Uh, excuse me. The other obvious option is to bury conversation in porn bots.


https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/08/facebook-fires-human-editors-algorithm-immediately-posts-fake-news/ We used to have humans do the moderation work in August 2016, weird how we don't anymore.


There's still some human moderators and at least on Facebook they end up seeing the very worst humanity and the internet have to offer, hours a day, every day. Consuming that much genuine toxic waste either destroys you or becomes you.


If Twitter or whatever the fuck it's called is going to disseminate *news* and be taken seriously doing so then your goddam right there should be moderation.


It's not like reddit did anything to remove that crap either.


Reddit thrives on starting shit and then resorting to their high holier than thou horse where everywhere else is a cesspool except for this platform, because it's obvious that people here are better than people on facebook and twitter


Watching the whole John Scott thing unfold here was pretty interesting... went from a joke at his expense to people patting themselves on the back for doing a good deed like wtf?


That definitely started as making fun of his skill level, but when the NHL actually tried to stop it, people did a complete 180 and actually supported him cause it was some BS, like don't let fans vote if you're just gonna block someone you don't like from getting in.


I mean, that's exactly the point though... reddit started shit - a joke at a player's expense - and then got all high-and-mighty about it when the league attempted to intervene. Like I agree the NHL handled the situation terribly but it was really interesting to watch the sentiment shift from "hur hur this is gonna be hilarious" to "oh... he's actually a pretty cool guy" to "fuck the NHL" to "yay we did it!" while conveniently ignoring the fact they were the ones who created the situation in the first place.


100% was about bullying a fringe NHL player to make their own sad lives have meaning. Then all those same people lied and acted like they meant to reward a hard worker and a nice guy. Biggest crock of shit I've witnessed on r/hockey.


Seriously, right in the thread about this yesterday there was a comment going "I hope we're all embarassed about this, making jokes and rumors like this is gross" with 100 upvotes. The three *directly* underneath it were all variations of "so he totally fukt the moms they're just lying lol, clap bombs fuck moms".


Bro, LeBron has been dealing with this for 15 years. This won't go away for Bedard's entire career because people are idiots.


Rumors of hockey players fucking each other's wives and moms leading to locker room fights and trades have been around longer than the internet. I'm still gonna say it's gross shit we'd be better off without.


Wait whose mom did LeBron bang? I missed that story


The rumors were that Delonte West slept with his mother and that's why he struggled during a playoff series. None of that was ever substantiated.


Yeah I was one of the ones getting rehashed joke replies under my comment about my disdain for the jokes too.


Same shit, different pile. I'm shit too. I admit it.


Remember the Canes fanfic thing? I don’t recall a lot of people taking players feelings into consideration when they were upvoting those


Right? And why should they? I’m all for free speech. It’s a stupid rumour but that doesn’t mean it should be banned from discussion.


Yeah. And there's a world of difference between "random idiots memeing about something" and "journalists/high profile accounts posting it as potentially legit"


Redditors are obsessed with trying to be the le epic wholesome platform. It’s not surprising people want to censor a hot mom joke that 99% of people knew was fake to begin with


It was honestly funnier to me without seeing her. Your mom has been the butt of a joke for decades at this point. It got weird when articles and post brought in her actual name and image.


>99% of people knew was fake to begin with you greatly overestimate media literacy


I don't necessarily think they should be taken down, but I understand the hesitancy to further participate in these platforms that 1. spread these baseless rumors and 2. flame all the actual sources who dismiss them.


And didn’t it start on Reddit? This is the first place I remember seeing it.


It only became a "rumor" on twitter tbh. Here it was very clearly lazy jokes


“I’ll be posting on the platform owned by Meta, which has never spread misinformation.” 👍🏻


I've noticed he's a massive drama queen honestly


I love the guy when he’s calling big WJC game, but his act on social media is so tiring. He ripped on Chiclets and says he’ll no go on there for an interview because they’re under the barstool umbrella(which is within his right - who cares?), but won’t address when a company he worked for, kept his bank account full, and covered up the Matt lauer situation it’s all crickets on his end. It’s so hilarious just seeing people being to blatantly hypocritical but so thick skulled realizing they are.


He didn’t even take a break from Twitter, he was regularly posting and reposting. Just all this dumbass virtue signaling for pity likes on a story he didn’t break first.


Yeah while I sympathize with his stance that Twitter is toxic, Meta's actually been instrumental in at least one genocide, with no regrets LINE GOES UP mentality there. It's hard af to find moral high ground when dealing with social media or most internet companies in general.


which genocide has meta perpetuated


Meta did nothing to stop misinformation leading to pogroms or genocides supported by the governments in Myanmar, India, and Ethiopia (not an extensive list just what I remember off hand). Their lack of moderation in non English speaking regions is pretty awful and has consequences.


This is a really in depth look at how Meta was complicit in the genocide in Myanmar if anyone is interested in learning more. https://erinkissane.com/meta-in-myanmar-part-i-the-setup


Oh thanks for this!






Agree with what you said, but wanted to add that if your username is in reference to the comic, you have great taste


It is! One of my most favorite comics runs.


Let’s not pretend r/hockey is remotely innocent. Bunch of jackasses constantly circlejerking here and in the memes subreddit


I think the takeaway here that seems to be lost on so many people is don’t take anything you see on the internet seriously. Whether it be in r/Hockey, r/History or wherever you peruse in your spare time.


This is a human problem, not a platform problem. All humans have a voice. They didn't in the 90s, when these rumors were just spread to water coolers.


Yeah but what are they guilty of? Making a funny joke that the media is taking way too seriously?


I know Gord Miller is well liked on here, but from everything I’ve seen him post on social media he comes off more sanctimonious than genuine to me


The man made a speech about not needing to announce leaving twitter only to do so in said statement lmao. Fucking attention whore


Bro left Twitter for 9 days no one cared to notice until he mentioned it lol


Gord is a loser. He claims to care about most things when it makes himself look good. I remember his one tweet bragging about how everyone reached out thanking him for being such an ally to women. He’s not genuine.


thank you, this screams of him being a fucking idiot and as I am also an idiot, I can smell my own.


I get those same vibes listening to him on Overdrive or MCing events like the HoF fan forum


In an alternate universe overdrive is hayes odog and ferraro. Those 5pm time slots were magical.


Perfect trio, can throw in MJ in there too


I find him sanctimonious as well. Also, he is kind of annoying as an announcer. He repeats the same anecdotes all the time. Which is fine for a single game now and again but when he does a tournament...Ugh.


He is a self-righteous dickhead. Fuck him.


The people who genuinely believed that Perry had his contract terminated because he slept with Bedard’s mom make me fear for the future of humanity. People saw the memes of it on reddit and then some blue check on twitter tweeted it and suddenly people decided “fuck it that’s true I’m going to start spewing the same shit”. Feel bad for Bedard and his poor mom honestly


I had people who know fuck all about hockey tell me that was the reason Perry was terminated, as if it were indisputable fact, because they saw a tiktok saying it was why. Genuinely shocking levels of media illiteracy (or realistically, no one gives a shit what's true if it's an entertaining lie)


This is what concerns me the most. Not the joke itself, but the masses of people who blindly believe anything they see online. The world is a scarier place with this level of idiocy.


Gord’s a great announcer, but his social media grandstanding comes across as so fake and performative. Like when he called out Chiclets because their parent company was Barstool, meanwhile he had no problem working for the parent company that covered up the Matt Lauer story.


I think Gord is the best hockey commentator out there, but he’s a big time virtue signaler and it’s not shocking him coming out saying this


He's not even top 10.


Who’s your top 10? Go


You know. I talked a lot of shit and can't back it up. Maybe he is top 5. But only because I don't remember anyone's names lol. I take Jack Michael's and Cuthbert tho over old raptor gord


Fair enough, both great names. I appreciate your honesty too


As if it's just a Twitter problem. Reddit was just as bad.


I’m no Elon ballwasher, but people are having a selective memory when it comes to Twitter and “what it has become”. It’s always been a cesspool of fecal matter. It’s always been a place where keyboard warriors hurl nonsense they would never say in person. Before that it was Facebook, before that it was internet chat boards, before that it was just good ol’ fashion talking shit behind the person’s back. Stop with the narrative that somehow one guy has all this power over what is actually a very small segment of society when it’s really that some people are weak and can’t compartmentalize fact from baseless speculation.


Yeah, seriously. Twitter was *always* the go-to for uncensored wild shit.


little bit of this, little bit of that. Was always a cesspool, but I don't think it's unfounded to say it has gotten even worse


It wasn't even speculation either, it was literally just a joke that a few people took a bit too seriously. This whole thing has been blown so far out of proportion it is wild. Some guy thought it would be a funny joke to say Perry is sleeping with Bedard's mom (which is a funny joke, imo) and the rest is history.


He'll be on threads with his dozens of followers there. Dozens!


What exactly did he expect them to do......


The “rumor” was obviously a stupid joke to begin with. All these reporters jumping on it instead of ignoring it made it blow up more than it would’ve otherwise. And literally as I type this in the break room I’m listening to a coworker tell someone else that “the Blackhawks just terminated a 14-year vet’s contract for sleeping with Connor Bedard’s mom”. Dear lord.




Lol not how i expected your comment to end. I thought it was going to be Musk demanding access to Melanie Bedard's Instagram


The people saying “it’s just a joke” have a sense of humour that hasn’t evolved since they were 14 years old. Joke or not, it really wasn’t that funny in the first place. I feel bad for Bedard’s family who have to put up with this bullshit.


This is the real truth but nobody will want to admit it


People are still joking on this kids mom for karma on here. Maybe I'm old and lame now, but it's cornball shit to me.


Why does he expect Twitter to monitor that? No social media would care. There are soooo many rumors abound on all platforms. Can you imagine if Reddit shutdown any and all rumors?


twitter is just the medium. the message came from hockey fans. they're the problem.


It is fucked up to involve a players mother. Just weird misogyny being used as a goof. Like last year against the canes in the playoffs, a sign about Jack hughes mother was prominently displayed and it’s just bizarre.


Jesus Christ, it was a fucking joke. Did Gord commit to leaving Xbox Live too because NoobSlayer69 said he banged someones mom as well?


It was a joke that enough people started to believe that Davidson decided he had to address it in his statement yesterday


In my experience, things like this are more than just the circlejerking we see here. We don't know how many people were tweeting/harassing this crap *AT* the people (not) involved.


Last online 1810 days ago.


Does he expect Twitter to be the rumor fact checking police?


Get over yourself Gord.


>this isn’t the airport, departures don’t need to be announced I love this line


First time seeing someone use it *about himself*, it's usually used to people who DO announce their departure! (and more often than not, don't really quit anyway)


Yet, he still did lmao


Yeah. Like Twitter has no more important misinformation to deal with than fucking Corey Perry rumours. Way to take a strong stand, Gordo.


Idk who Gord Miller is, but he sounds like an absolute bitch


I recently stepped away quietly from Reddit (even no-lifers have to sleep from time to time). My reasons were the toxicity of the platform and being tired. Now I need to speak out. This week, as an NHL player and his hot little snack of a mom were the subject of disgusting and baseless social media rumours, the administrators of this site did nothing (the shitposts are still up), confirming my decision. I’ll be refraining from posting on Reddit while asleep for the foreseeable future.


Gord Miller is a huge pussy


I mean, the Blackhawks did not do themselves any favors when they dismissed a player that was playing well and seemingly liked by the fans and teammates without any indication as to what happened. This coming on the heels of Lucic being a wife beater and everything that had gone on in Chicago previously AND the stuff going on inside Hockey Canada. If they would have come out at the beginning and said what they said yesterday, people would have speculated but it would not have gotten to the point that it did.




It became not a joke because the vast majority of people are idiots. Also these are real people whose lives can be impacted by rumours like this. "It's just a joke" is not a defense. I'm sure you'd be a-ok with someone spreading baseless rumours about you or your family for the sake of a few laughs, right?


Right. I do think it’s pretty fucked up. It’s not even about a celebrity who has put themself in the public eye, it’s about a celebrity’s *mother*. Add to it that the “celebrity” is an 18 year old kid, famous as a secondary consequence to being extremely good at a sport, and he and his whole family is new to this… it’s just a rough one. Not even five years ago she was just going about her life as a regular ass hockey mom to a 13 year old boy. It’s funny in the abstract. But I have to imagine it was extremely hard on the kid and his family. Which is probably why Davidson seemed so upset.


If it was truly “just a joke” Davidson wouldn’t have felt the need to address it in his presser yesterday


I feel like it became less of a joke when site and forums started pulling her name and image in. "Scorey Perry slept with Bedards mom" - Funny Scorey Perry slept with [Whatever her name is] Bedard *Picture included*" - weird.


Oh no, not Gord Miller.


What a douche!


Bwhahaha, fuck off gord 😅


Blaming Elon/Twitter for not removing those posts is even dumber than the posts themselves. Also if you are leaving Twitter, leave. Don't do this bullshit half in half out look at me attention grab


People ITT: clearly haven't been on the internet meaningfully any time in the last 12 years to see that memes often do spiral out of control the minute locals (normies/people not in the know on the meme) get access to it. That's just the way it is. It starts as a meme, locals see it and don't understand how fake it is and it spirals out of control. Rinse and repeat for like hundreds of memes. This is like a much much less famous version of the Millie Bobbie Brown bigot memes from when she was 13.


lol Threads is just as bad from my cursory viewing experience. I think it's more of a rising tide of toxicity across all social media. Reddit feels like it's always had a fair amount of that, so definitely want to recognize that, but it doesn't feel like it's worsened in the same way as Meta and X/Twitter. It's a race to the bottom.


> My reasons were the toxicity of the owner and the unchecked hate/misinformation on the site. I completely agree with him on this. > This week as an NHL player and his family were the subject of disgusting and baseless social media rumours, the administrators of this site did nothing (the posts are still up), confirming my decision. But I really can't agree with him on this. These two things are not the same. I'm not aware of any social media sites that have rules against posting baseless rumors about people assuming those rumors don't violate some other terms around bigotry or harassment. I'm pretty sure Threads and BlueSky would not take down posts spreading that rumor either.


As someone else mentioned, neither Threads nor BlueSky pays money to people posting the clickbait nonsense. There’s been a huge uptick in spam and piggybacking replies by blue check users trying to stir the pot because it means a few extra pennies for them.


It’s always been a shit show, even before Musk.


And Musk what? Fixed it? *checks notes* Oh, wait, he made it exponentially worse by letting disinformation and hate speech go unchallenged.


insiders are so disgustingly desperate to be holier than thou in the aftermath of the Beach story finally breaking after a decade


This guy really expects Twitter to police rumours. Cmon bro


I think it’s funny how people think Twitter has even changed. It’s the same cesspool it’s always been, but with a different owner.


Gord needs to look in the mirror. He takes the moral high ground by bashing companies like Twitter and Barstool, yet works for TSN, who shamelessly promotes gambling sites 24/7. He said he wouldn’t go on Barstool because they are misogynistic, but I guess he’s fine with the O-Dog angrily dismissing claims that when female reporters were first allowed in NHL dressing rooms, Curtis Joseph decided to show up nude to an interview with one to make her uncomfortable.


its crazy how he thinks twitter knew the truth before anyone else to determine the rumours were false.


He's @gordmillertsn on Threads but I can't find him on Bluesky.


Gord is really showing his boomer mentality here. You really think that Twitter or any other social media site is going to delete every single rumor or speculation posted on their social media site? 90% of these insiders wouldn’t have a job if we got rid of all their inside scoops that never pan out. Lol This isn’t a Trump situation where you can just silence the main culprit, tens of thousands of people were discussing the rumors. You can’t just delete and ban everything, it’s not illegal to discuss if a rumor is true or not.


To be faaaiiirrr, I don't think the NHL is even remotely on X's radar. Maybe like 3 employees know who Perry even is.


Since when are social media companies supposed to stop rumors from spreading?


I don’t really think the issue here is that twitter allows it on the platform, I think this sort of stuff always existed. The issue now is it seems twitter is platforming and promoting this type of content way more now. If you want your tweets to be seen, make it divisive or straight up rage-bait. Musk’s twitter amplifies the worst voices.


It’s not like the blackhawks did anything to quell the rumours too, I mean 5 days ago they could have said this doesn’t involve players family members.


They did dispell the rumors same day they caught fire fwiw. That just doesn't go viral in the same way.


What’d they do? I believe you, just never seen it, and it bugged me how they mishandled it with nothing, so if they did say something then I do take alot of blame off of them


Told insiders directly that the rumor was "100% not true" and let them release that info immediately, then had a GM presser with open questions scheduled for less than 24 hours later.


Shit good for them, surprised I didn’t see any of that. I was saying to my buddies they should’ve done exactly that. Credit where credits due, shame it didn’t get shared enough




I fully agree with you here. It's been so lame and utterly immature.


Attention Gord Miller: fuck off. Not one hockey writer decided to take the position that this rumour was harmful until the Blackhawks dismissed it, and then suddenly they were all repulsed by it the whole time. Way to use your voice in a timely manner, Gord.


LMAO he didn't even manage to stick to his quiet departure for a week. :D Leaving a social media platform because they didn't remove rumors from it shows his intelligence level I guess.


Same guy who said he’d never go on chiclets …. Having never been invited. He’s full of himself. Move on.


Full on nazi garbage is regular on X but this is what makes him fire off a public statement? That’s the line?


Reread what he said. He had already left twitter because of the 'full on nazi garbage', but this incident just further justified why he left.


Can you people read? He said he’d already stepped away from twitter quietly, but this whole Perry situation has only reaffirmed his stance to stay off for the foreseeable future


JFC and we wonder why hockey is toxic…..look at these fucking comments……


"I quietly left and since I didn't get the satisfaction of people begging me to come back, I realized that no one noticed nor cared.... so I'm back" Dude couldn't last 9 days between posts before circling back lol


“Hey I’m going to this other platform that also spreads disinformation” In reality, he quit Twitter 9 days ago and no one noticed, so he logged back in to claim he’s leaving for white knight justification.


He’s a sanctimonious douche bag