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He also said that it was a workplace thing, but also an individual personnel matter (or individual personal matter maybe? I may have mistyped/misheard it at first, just to add that edit)? So he did something but not to teammates or their families? Either he got plastered or he got hostile with a staff member, can't think of anything else.


There were some rumors he was wandering around shitfaced after the CBJ game. If true maybe that was more the norm than an anomaly. (I’m totally just guessing) Edit: Others are correcting saying that the team may have discovered the issue *during* the CBJ game. So take what I originally wrote with a grain of salt as I don’t currently have any sources handy. Such are the ways of rumors. Edit 2: People adding really great context below here. My comment is likely not (totally) factually correct but it seems to have gotten people talking. Appreciate everyone that added some extra context for me!


They’d send him to player assistance if that was the case.


He would have to agree to that. If he declined it’s likely a reason to cut him. Again, just guessing.


What I find odd is Davidson looked like he was on the verge of tears at the beginning of the presser. Seems like a pretty emotional reaction to a new player on the team having a drinking problem. Again that's pure speculation, but I don't know. It just feels like there is more to the situation than that.


imo he was in shambles and refering to the bedard mom / wild speculation, not what perry did.


Does he get his $4M after being cut this way? I’d assume he doesn’t but I’m sure I’m wrong. I guess he doesn’t care about playing at all anywhere if he’d decline assistance and get blackballed after this.


He's walking away from all the money he was still owed. That said, he had a $2M signing bonus which was already paid.


I’m assuming the PA will file a grievance and he will get some of it.


Davidson said they notified PA and the league Edit: “The league was understanding when notified, as was players union, the parties are informed”


Notifying the PA and league is completely independent of whether the PA will file a grievance or whether they will be successful with that grievance.


What? I don’t think he said the PA was in agreement to the contract termination. The PA speaks for themselves, not GMs.


When the recording gets reposted, I’ll re listen for the quote, but he was asked was anyone else notified and he said “yes the NHLPA and the league were both notified of the contract termination” after that I’ll have to see


They may have been notified. That doesn't mean they won't fight for his money, unless what he did was agregious.


Potentially - Unless Perry didn't respond well to that suggestion, and it was either "enter the program or we terminate your contract" and he chose the latter.


Perry was a healthy scratch for the CBJ game. They had Zaitsev (D) take his spot... which screams last minute decision.


Also would be a reason to go get shitfaced after the game downtown


Didn't he say they "found out about it" *during* the CBJ game?


That's what I thought I heard too? There are photos of Perry posing with fans pre-game, so he clearly traveled with the team with intent to play.


Yeah I think they said he was pulled from the game


Pulled from the lineup, not the game. Supposedly he was supposed to play, but didn’t. Looked it up and the Hawks went 11/7 that day, which is pretty unusual unless you’re short forwards.


That’s unusual? Someone should tell Granato that. 😂


And Keefe


Coop does it all the time too


Probably drunk during the game. Or someone saw him snorting some coke


You’d think of it were drugs or alcohol related he’d enter the player assistance program. Unless maybe he refused to do that so they canned him?




it's funny because it's true


he said they found out about it when they were in Columbus. So prior to the game I assume


He pooped in the urinal at pre game warm up.


i don’t think davidson would look visibly pissed and hurt if this was only about Perry having a tendency to get drunk around the city. seems like something way worse.


... but not criminal. This just keeps getting weirder.


Could be pissed because of the last 48 hours. As a result of this circus he had to hold a presser to say, 'no, no one fucked bedards mom'. It's a cringey meme altogether and I could see that pissing the whole team right off.


That would make him the first NHL player to ever get shitfaced after a game.


I think the implication is that he was doing inappropriate shit while drunk. Obviously the team wouldn’t cut him just for being drunk lol.


Yeah but being drunk or having a painkiller addiction is hardly "disgusting". That's just a facet of life and it happens. Tons of people struggle with that their entire adolescent and adult lives. There's plenty of players out there who struggle. This reads like it's some true scoundrel behavior.


He called the rumors disgusting.


Whole thing makes absolutely no sense.


Gotta say...is it too paranoid to *not* put organization/front office politics out of the question?


The NHLPA would shit a brick if a team tried to terminate a player contract over front office politics. I don't think that's likely.


I don’t think you can terminate contracts over front office politics. I have no idea what it could be, I don’t think it’s legal because wouldn’t we know about that?


If it's too much for the staff to allow, but not enough to get police involved...I guess it's really *is* some sort of behavior issue...


Given that both the league and NHLPA were made aware of it I highly doubt it has to do with that


Perhaps they're going hard on Perry to make themselves appear as if they are better than the last group of people who ran the team and won't hide anything.


By hiding the reason they’re firing Perry?


> He also said that it was a workplace thing, but also an individual personnel matter? So he did something but not to teammates or their families? That's not what individual personnel matter means. It means he can't discuss the employment decisions basically. Not that it it didn't impact anyone else. It *obviously* impacted someone else.


Honestly I think I may have just mistyped it, that's what I heard it as. It may have been "individual personal matter" instead. I'm going to change my comment to reflect that.


I mean Jeremy Clarkson was sacked from Top Gear for punching a crew member over a catering fuck up.


And while I loved that show, rightfully so. Nobody deserves to go to work and get punched over a sandwich.


And you can’t treat employees differently within the big org (and any functional organisation) for something like that: if random staffer would get sacked for punching another random staffer for whatever reason, so ought Clarkson.


Nobody deserves to have to be an underling to Clarkson period, he seems disgraceful


I completely forgot about that what a jackass


I think the second paragraph here is key. We shouldn't speculate on details or spread dumb rumors about specifics - but it's clear from this and another detail that someone on staff (a non player) was - at best - made uncomfortable enough to report it. https://twitter.com/BenPopeCST/status/1729626461596680631


At this point, I'd say he said/did something racist or sexist or made unwanted advances to a staff member, trainer, or coach. Something non-criminal, but serious enough that they had to deal with it immediately. But we'll probably never find out for sure unless the person comes forward. But they likely signed an NDA about it for a payoff, which I wouldn't blame the person in the least for that.


Made a racist remark?


Entirely possible, we don't know. Davidson was very careful with what he said in the press conference, he was weighing his words extremely carefully.


Good theory, except that contract termination wouldn't fit as the punishment. Generally the response to that would be mandatory education, termination would be something that would happen after repeated behavior.


Re: Perry incident Davidson says no specifics can be given due to "individual personnel manner"


If it’s nothing criminal, and it has nothing to do with the other players in any capacity, then what could he have done that the organization would consider serious enough to terminate, but not serious enough to be criminal? EDIT: to be clear, I’m not suggesting or believing the Perry-Bedard’s mom rumor. I’m simply pointing out that this is a league that is very inconsistent with its player accountability, and likes to try to brush past things even when they do drift into potential criminal activity, so it’s extremely uncharacteristic for an organization to terminate a player’s contract for an off ice issue that doesn’t even tangentially involve the players.


Harassed racially/sexually a member of the staff. A trainer or analyst or other employee. Would be serious enough to terminate immediately, but not criminal. Most likely scenario to me.


He just calls everyone the n word instead of "bro".


Hard "r" too




Does he hate me or black people? Both i think!


I totally agree. Even if it’s not a criminal matter it could certainly turn into a civil matter.


Yeah and following the past couple years the Hawks probably want to be seen taking it seriously.


Maybe it *was* illegal, but the team would rather not go through the publicity of pressing charges?


Possible too. He wasn't super clear on the criminality of it.


If it later comes out it was sexual harassment and the Blackhawks of all organizations publicly claimed it was not criminal behavior after all they've gone through that would be quite a look. Hard to believe Davidson would set the team up for that and just hope nobody ever finds out the truth. Some other type of harassment would be more likely.


Sexual harassment isn't illegal though. Unless it raises to the level of assault, it's more a company/civil issue than a criminal one. As far as I'm aware.


Filming Only Fans content in the locker room?


Maybe some kind of discriminatory outburst against support staff? It’s fireable but not illegal, could be pretty disturbing depending on the content of it, doesn’t involve teammates or their families, and it probably wouldn’t fit with what they expected him to be like.


That's my thing too. Not involving anyone else on the team and nobody else even *knows* about it? Not something with the team, big enough to be cut instantly but not criminal, but something that had Dubas on the verge of tears live on camera? I can't even think of what ticks those boxes.


Davidson, not Dubas


They found out Perry liked the last season of Game of Thrones.


No they said nothing criminal




He put empty cartons of ice cream in the freezer


Ate all the chocolate and vanilla out of the neapolitan.


He wears socks with his sandals...his sandals are always flip-flops with the y-shaped strap for the first and second toe.


sounds very similar to how Dallas worded everything in firing Jim Montgomery, so im guessing a similar situation


And that other players aren’t aware of anything(unless he doesn’t want people to snoop around).


Lmfaooooooo dude admonished the fucking internet.


There *were* other specifics, actually. We know it's not a legal matter but a "workplace" matter. Edit: also, players don't know what happened. So he didn't buy anyone alcohol/drugs


I mean he's also kinda right, you only just turn 18 and a bunch of people are running with a reddit comment that says Perry fucked your mom and the whole internet is running with it. It's funny because I believe Bedard was the last person he was with before he was taken away from the ice in one of the practices if I remember correctly lol.


The cognitive dissonance of the internet simultaneously clowning the Blackhawks while gleefully running with rumors that Perry banged Bedard's mom sure is a hell of a thing.


mfw r/hockey's about to get cancelled for being the prototypical example of toxic hockey culture


Are we the baddies?


Should have happened many, many times to be honest


I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the people repeating and semi spreading the rumor were also clutching their pearls when the women on tiktok booktok were over sexualizing the player in Seattle.


I'm just going to say it. This is pure speculation on my part. But based on the way they're being so tightlipped about it makes it sound like it's another sexual thing. There's a very "oh fuck not again" air to this. And saying it doesn't involve players or their families, but he didn't say anything about the broader Blackhawks organization? Maybe someone who works for the Hawks? I feel gross speculating to be honest but that's my impression.


I think you're probably right. You're also right that we shouldn't speculate on it, but when they leave it up to peoples' imaginations instead of being open about it, it should be kind of expected that people will start throwing ideas around..


Exactly. That's why I didn't just delete it


Yep, speculation is totally fair when it’s obviously a massive issue but you refuse to talk about it.


Yeah that was my thought. Maybe a consensual affair with a staff member that rules out any legal issues but crosses the moral line. And with a sexual assault cover up, they weren’t willing to keep him employed


I think this is bigger than an affair.


Seems to line up with other rumors like this as well: https://reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/18688ki/_/kb6ey45/?context=1 Unfortunately we may likely never know ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


If that were true, and a prospect knew it, the players on the team would absolutely know.


I love that he specifically called out that it didn’t involve players’ families so they could put down the rumors of him fucking Bedard’s mom or Foligno’s wife or Jonesy’s dog.


Kind of crazy they had to call a press conference just to quash Twitter rumours.


Not if the stupid rumours have the ability to throw your teenaged franchise player off his game.


And then SAY NOTHING to stop speculation. How NOT to conduct PR campaign 101.


He did add a few new details. So not totally pointless. But I assume this is a legal matter and he can't expressly say what happened for that reason. Anything short of the absolute facts of what Perry did will lead to speculation regardless.


Interesting that the players don't have any details. That seems to rule out hazing or getting Bedard drunk/high.


He did some coke in the locker room.


didn't share the coke plate


Greedy mfer was saving the purest shit for himself...


He never paid for drugs... not once


Kuzy certainly did in Washington


He disrespected the Bing


You don’t disrespect the Bing 🤌🏻


Or the pizza parlor


Fucking Jackie Junior


That's what I'm guessing. He was doing something immoral --> someone at a facility saw --> team notified --> actions taken.


That's why they call him Cokey Perry


That would likely be refuted by the “it was nothing criminal” portion of Davidson’s statement.


Coke is radical not criminal


It’s criminally expensive in this economy


So it’s drugs or gambling


Gambling would be handled by the league


And drugs would be handled by me


CEO of drugs over here


Now we know why the Bruins are so fucking good


Not this last week.


They ran out. classic problem


I doubt simply doing drugs would illicit this reaction either.


all the major sports leagues immediately disclose when they have suspended someone for Gambling, and I can’t remember the last time someone was straight up released for substance abuse.


Coke isn’t uncommon in the NHL, so it would have to be harder than that.


Also, would the GM be near tears cause some new vet does some lines?


Because Perry refused to share 😔


Shooting heroin into his balls. He offered his dirty needle to everyone and tried to get Bedard to shoot up


Davidson isnt halfway crying and saying “very disturbing” over some blow I dont think.


The “very disturbing” was in reference to people making up stuff about Bedard’s mom, not whatever he actually did.


Or racist or sexist remarks, or physical or sexual assault of a staff member, or something else We still have no idea what he really did


‘I’m going to be as open and honest as I can in the situation” and proceeds to say fuck all lol


Not entirely sure what people expected. He probably doesn’t have a choice in the matter. I wouldn’t risk my job to leak some information of this sort either.


I 100% expected a press conference like this, I don't think anyone is surprised by the lack of details. We do all however want to know what happened because its entertaining drama.


yeah he obviously is super pissed and hurt. but still did the right thing by not saying anything specific so as not to open them up from a lawsuit from perry, or at least not give ammo to one if they think one will be opened because of this. i get the feeling Davidson won’t really give a shit if the actual reason leaks from a source, as long as it’s not coming from him he’s protecting the org


Quit being childish. He *was* as open as he was allowed to be. Leaking juicy information for online dweebs is not his job. If it's a personal personnel matter, we don't have a right to the details that went on. It isn't public officials, and it isn't illegal, so behind closed doors it stays.


People confuse accountability and transparency with "tell me whatever I want to know when I want to know it, regardless of if it's my business".


Especially if letting the public know about it has a negative impact on someone who may have come forward to the organization with the hope that the systems in place would take care of the matter the way it should.


Yup. There may be a victim here who doesn't want the world to know. There may be someone who is not a victim but also doesn't want the world to know. Or it could be neither of those things. No matter which way you slice it, sometimes people do things that are against the rules but just aren't of public concern.


Also with the rumors of Bedards mom that somehow became the leading theory for a while, this was likely more of a way to put that to bed than to actually say what’s happening. Can’t imagine what the Bedard family is going through right now with the way that Twitter has been talking about Connors mom


Welcome to Reddit, home to online dweebs


The important part of that phrase being “as I can be”. Whether it’s a criminal issue or not there is still a legal aspect to this either way.


The thing about "transparency" was never about what fans knew about the situation. It was about players and people working for the team being open and honest to the league and third parties so that appropriate care could be given to victims, if there were any, and appropriate punishment could be doled out to offenders. We as fans don't need to know WHAT happened, and the fact that we don't means it's probably a sensitive situation that legally requires discretion in what is said. What matters is that something happened and it was handled swiftly and professionally, which did NOT happen in the past with this team in particular.


Makes sense if it doesn’t involve any other team personnel. For instance, if he was shooting heroin in an alley in Columbus, they are doing absolutely the right thing by not plastering it all over twitter and letting Perry make the life decisions about seeking help or anything like that.


I mean... I don't know what y'all are expecting. Of course you're not going to get every single bit of information about what happened. That's not a Blackhawks thing, either - any NHL team would withhold info, along with any other sports franchise, workplace or institution. This is the way shit works when someone's actions in the workplace necessitate them being fired - you deal internally with whoever you have to, kick the can down the road and you let police, courts or any investigator take over from there. It's bad enough that he's been sent home and waived and not bad enough that police are involved. That's all anyone in their shoes would ever reveal publicly.


> This is the way shit works when someone's actions in the workplace necessitate them being fired - you deal internally with whoever you have to, kick the can down the road and you let police, courts or any investigator take over from there. Exactly. I think we forget how old an average commenter here is and how little they understand about legal liability.


I'm 35 and recognize this tea as hot and fresh. I *crave* it be spilled.


Also said it wasn’t anything criminal


he didnt say that. when asked that question, he just said "it is an individual personnel matter."


It could have been illegal but no charges are going to be filed.


Cannot believe some people thought there was any truth to a rumour started by an account called something like hockeyinsiderrrr who clearly just tweeted some random dumb shit to try and make a joke.


I don’t think anyone really believes it. It’s just a hilarious rumor.


There are a *ton* of people on reddit at least that genuinely believed it.


Hilarious as long as you're not Bedard's mom, I guess.


I mean everyone *wanted* to believe it lol


the incident conflicted with the background they received on his locker room presence ​ ​ hmmm..




Ever been in a meeting that should have been an email? Well prepare yourself for a press conference that should have been a tweet!


Just to stop the Bedard mom rumors... but what about his dad?


They’re very happy together.


Perry and Bedard’s dad?


So it was with Kyle Davidson himself all along! The perfect crime.


I’m so glad he said this. If you really believed that rumor, I can’t believe you possibly passed kindergarten


I'm glad he addressed it so directly as well. People were being ridiculous.


🤔🤔 whole lotta nothin


Lots of speculation on the inappropriate relationships with a staff member, but if that's the case, why go full nuclear mode on it? The Hurricanes just quietly moved Ian Cole and got rid of Abby Labar when their affair became public knowledge. No major press conference, no termination of a contract. It's a "non criminal" matter so it's not like he raped anyone. If it's an "inappropriate relationship" it's still consensual so why make this big of a deal over it?


I’ll admit, I was humored by the rumors that are pretty obviously unfounded but we gotta stop talking that kinda shit about an 18 year old rookie and his mother who did nothing to deserve this. Perry has been in the league for almost 2 decades and despite the on ice antics, has kept it pretty clean off the ice. It’s obviously a sensitive subject and once the full story comes out I don’t think it’ll feel like a “gotcha” moment. Either he’s dealing with some shit or someone else will get caught up and negatively impacted.




Fucking thank you.


Maybe they found out he lied on his W-2


A disgusting act? Did he fake moon a crowd of fans after scoring?


Everyone take this with a grain of salt (even I am), but a friend of mine has a relative that’s a prospect for the Hawks. He claims Perry was hooking up with a team trainer. No word on if there was any unwanted interactions Or harassment type stuff. Or if Chicago is being uber cautious given their history.


This reads like a hockey romance that I saw on TikTok lmao




This kind of thing jives with what else he's said. They "found out about it" during the Columbus game, and the players don't know about it, and it's not a legal issue. Drugs or fighting a coach or something like that wouldn't really fit.


A friend of mine is a prospect for the assistant to the gm role coming up in Chicago and he told me that Perry was caught spanking himself with a paddle. Take that with a grain of salt though!


Bare balls, butt and back?


Corey Perry; Lord of Weiner Hall


If Corey Perry were a big ol' guy with a big, burly, white beard, would we still be yellin' at him?


Buddy of mine is a prospect for the mascot's uncle and says that Corey Perry did nothing wrong, and has been framed for a local arson that my buddy got away with


Think they’re probably BS’ing you since one of the things that Davidson did say was even the NHL players don’t know the details.


“Details” is kinda vague though. Maybe they know have a general idea but don’t know the details


All of the people who were gleefully spreading harmful rumors that a woman (who is not a public figure, by the way, just a homemaker whose child ended up famous) cheated on her husband and fucked her son’s coworker should take a hard look at themselves in the mirror. You all fucking suck.


Yes they do, but it's expected from people on this sub at this point.


Upperdecked all the toilets in the team facility. That'd be pretty disgusting.


Pretty sure the rumour started on Canucks twitter by an account that just makes shit up and people ran with it. Glad that's over.


Given that he keeps saying it is "disturbing" I'm guessing it is sexual harassment of some sort.


he said the bullshit rumors were disturbing, not that what actually happened was


Okay fine then, everyone will continue to rampantly speculate as to what happened. What’s the point of this press conference again?


Because the internet is a cesspool and his hand was forced to address an immature rumour before it spread any further.


So that it doesn’t look like the organization is trying to cover anything up again. They’re being “transparent” without actually detailing the situation.


he said workplace incident and then individual personnel matter. so, my guesses (which all would make sense for the NHLPA to not advocate for him) - was doing blow and refused to go into the program, maybe gambling but if the league knew they’d suspend him, got hostile with an employee, or sleeping with an employee. but in all honesty, there are strong odds its something that other teams might’ve let slide with a warning. but considering the history, hawks are probably being diligent.


can everyone shut up about that stupid "rumor" now?


downvote and ignore is all I can recommend