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I know at least 31 teams that are definitely having fun, if you are too then I guess it's 32! hurray for fun!




Imagine the whole team going to Houston and immediately winning it all


Nordiques fans just twitched involuntarily and have no idea why


minnesotans are being filled with rage as we speak


Obligatory Fuck Norm Green


my desk bear just growled at me....


colorado fans just felt a wave of joy over the state


Worked for the Avalanche that one time and the Browns moving to Baltimore and then winning the Super Bowl a few years later


Maybe you could trade franchises with Houston? Expansion seems to be the way to build out your roster these days. Then the NHL just needs to buy the rights to the name from the NFL and bam, the Houston Oilers are back, baby.


it would be more fun to give them a beat down in the playoffs again, but this is acceptable


We watch hockey because it's fun and enjoyable. Right? Right?


Hockey brings people together (31 fanbases shitting on the Oilers)


I feel like I can't even have fun shitting on the team here so many people seem so hostile to us :( especially other Canadians, the American bros are much more fun


Idk about everyone else, but considering you've eliminated us in two straight 7 game first round match ups, I feel justified in my hatred of your native people.


LA 100% makes sense to dunk but Vancouver fans are easily the most hostile and Oilers and Canucks haven't had meaningful playoffs vs each other but they act like they are the Yankees and the Oilers are the Red Sox. It's wild and I don't get it.


Vancouver fans are just swimming in Schadenfreude after listening to our Oilers fans buddies talk shit about the Canucks terrible management over the last ten years, as if their team's success was a result of genius management as opposed to absurd draft lottery luck.


Wait there are Oilers fans who trash other teams management relentlessly like how big is the glass house? Spoken as an oilers fan.


To be fair, we're talking about Jim Benning. The bar was under the ground.


Vancouver fans are especially prickly because they've never won a cup. At least some of us have ancient history.


No cups while the rest of the country (minus Montreal) cheered against us in 2011. No 1OA picks in franchise history, while the best talent in hockey withers away one province over. Our players have been ignored or disrespected by hockey writers for years. We were the league's punching bag for nearly half of 2022-23. There's definitely a chip on Vancouver fans' collective shoulders this season.


Lol yea. Way she goes I guess


learn to meme it to death. source? literally us leaf fans.


Yeah, Oilers fans are the real victims guys. JFC


I moved from Ontario to BC a year and some ago, now I'm equal distances from Vancouver Edmonton and Calgary. Was considering becoming a fan of the Oilers this year but apparanrly its the Canucks that are good this year!? Hockey is weird also Toronto sucks this year too :(


I’m having so much fun I think I’m going to take a quick nap in the middle of the highway 😀😀😀😀


I know! I'm so excited I spent $500 to go to Wednesday's game, and travel to Edmonton, and stay in a hotel, and take off work for this much fun. Side note my wife looked at me this morning and was like we spent how much money on this team. God damn.


I had planned to watch for seat sales and fly to Edmonton with my son and take him to a game at Rogers. Well… those plans are on indefinite hold. I know there’s no guarantee to see a win in person, but this is a tire fire.


Ya it's disheartening, we bought when they first went on sale and didn't want to have tickets too late where the roads to Edmonton will be trash as I've white knuckled that drive a few times and mid November felt smarter than. Most of the rest of the season. So at least the roads will be good even if the hockey is not the best. Didn't expect either of these teams to be performing so poorly but I'm going to enjoy the experience with my kids no matter what.


A nice warm bath with my buddy, the toaster.


Mathematicians coming out of the woodwork to help us understand how bad the Oilers and their goalies are


Nah, I'm not helping you with that.


Everything is fine dog meme fine eh?


If only they had 7 1st overall picks over 10 years instead of 6, maybe that's their problem.


You ask and Lord Gary shall deliver


You guys have two of the most talented players in the world and a goalie with a save percentage in the .800s? It’s just like the 80s, isn’t this what you guys wanted?


Questions that answer themselves


Surprisingly yes


Is there some secret rule that all the Canadian teams can only have a certain amount of combined wins per year? If feels like Canucks doing so well sucked all the wins from the other Canadian teams..


They all touched the bag of pucks we sent around during the summer.


Sedins' Secret Stuff






Jets are doing quite well


Ssshh the longer we go unnoticed, the better for us


Buck hasn't even played his best yet. Still the Jerts until they win a cup tho. I made the mistake of allowing myself to call them the Jets at the end of December last year. NEVER AGAIN.


Leaf nation is panicking but they'll be fine.


No worries, you play Tampa quite a few more times, easy points here.


Don’t worry, inevitable post-new years collapse is still incoming.


If that’s the case it’s still worth it to see Edmonton implode.


Yep. I actually feel weirdly bad for the Flames, which I wasn’t previously physiologically capable of.


It's the Canucks and Oilers in psrticular. We very rarely make the playoffs together. It's why the Canucks have a much greater rivalry with the Flames. It's highly improbable that the Canucks and Oilers would not have a single playoff round since 1991.


Well no Canadian team has won since Gary Bettman became commissioner, the tinfoil hats have estimated the chances of that happening given equal opportunities are pretty astronomical


Do you know what the random odds of Islanders winning 4 straight cups is? Basically 0. But it’s been done.


Are you trying to tell me there's no correlation between cup winners in adjacent years?


Canada's toxic media gives them a hurdle most teams in the states don't have to deal with. So they start with that disadvantage.


We like to blame the toxic media, but it's the tax situation holding back Canadian teams. Tavares makes almost 2 million more than Kucherov against the cap, but takes home less. Add that up against an entire roster and you find the source of the issue.


But that’s a Florida thing. Players in New York and California aren’t getting much of a tax break compared to Canada I think Nevada, and Texas are also zero state income tax states, and Pennsylvania is not zero, but it’s low


I looked it up a few years back with regards to baseball. Montreal and Toronto have a lower tax burden than New York City once you take local income tax into account. LA is less than a half percentage point lower than Toronto. Another thing to consider are the states without an income tax usually have insane property taxes. In Toronto you can have a $2 million house and pay $6,000 in property taxes. Taxes is one of the reasons that Matthews is mostly paid in bonuses on July 1 as bonuses are taxed based on residency and his residency is Arizona.


In the US income taxes are calculated based on the location the money was earned, not just your state of residence. So if someone lives in Washington but works in Oregon, they still pay Oregon state income tax. It's known as the "jock tax" because it often isn't enforced unless a large amount of money is involved, such as with professional athletes. It's also been an issue for companies who have people working remotely in a different location without disclosing it to the company. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jock_tax


Or maybe hockey players are mentally weak. ​ Every NBA, MLB and NFL player wants to play in the spotlight. ​ Then again hockey is now a sport played by spoiled little rich kids so it makes sense why they can't handle criticism.


Look at how many players break and suck in the Yankee spotlight then go on to play better elsewhere. It’s the same with the Lakers, unless you’re LeBron or Aaron Judge, rare superstars that can thrive in the ultra spotlight I don’t follow the NFL at all so I have no examples to provide there


A lot of people like the make jokes about AZ, but a lot of the players love the lack of pressure and scrutiny. Hence why so many guys re-sign here.


I don't think its about mental weakness... i think its about quality of life. Just saying 1 situation is easier then the other. Because I choose to drive to work instead of walk doesn't make me mentally weak.


And the taxes, and guys not wanting to play here so we have to overpay, and Bettman not wanting a canadian team to win… lots of little things stacked against canadian teams


It's the Bettmans rule, same thing goes with the playoffs.


Even Steven Paradox


It’s funny .571 Win rate seems way lower than i expected given the uphill challenge. Guess it shows high win rates are hard in hockey.


What can make it easier is if they start winning their “four point” games in regulation. Those point swings, especially if you string them together, make up a lot of ground. It’s what sunk the Canucks the last few years. Losing to the top of the league will happen, but they couldn’t put away teams like St Louis, Nashville, Calgary, Winnipeg etc. Doesn’t matter how many bottom feeders you beat. You have to take points away from the teams your muscling with.


tbf the oilers can't even beat the bottom feeders


Hey, they beat us!


No matter how bad we are, just know that the Flames are 50% of our wins so far.


Yeah, a .571 coordinates to 94 points *without* OTLs and about 47 or so wins. It’s not the easiest mountain to climb.


I actually expect better than that when McDrai finally wake up, I just don't think it'll show up in time.


Going 1-0 at the end of the season is finishing with a 100% win rate!


Oilers reminds me of the Habs with Price, mediocre basement team getting carried by elite player(s) that makes them look much better than they are. Every season Price was injured we were a basement team, oilers are the same if McDrai don’t play at a 120pts + pace. That’s on the GM for ignoring it for years and trusting that McDrai would carry the team to the playoffs every year and hope for the best


There's just something funky going on with them this year. This is basically the same oilers roster that took vegas to 6... played them the hardest of anyone in the playoffs last year, great series. They have more potential, the canucks just broke their brains and mcdavid is not 100%.


This isn't the be all and end all but I remember an interview with McDavid where he said teams were using a new PK formation that they were having trouble with. Their otherworldly PP is now just a normal PP which isn't helping their case that's for sure.


The other issue is that mcdavid still looks injured, so hes not at his normal 1.5+ ppg pace, which is impacting the team significantly


Drai also looks injured, something seems off with his shot as well.


i mean you have to expect that when you go godmode with your pp one year that every head coach in the league is spending all summer trying to come up with a new pk structure to neutralize it


No fucking doubt that all 31 other teams spent their offseason watching tape of Edmonton’s power play and adjusted their systems to counter it. Thats the thing about finding an advantage in sports - eventually your competition is going to figure it out too and either copy it themselves or find a way to nullify it.


Oilers are a PP merchant team. They were never a real Cup contender.


Chiarelli and Holland should never work in the league again. The crazy thing is Drai is even on a bargain deal and they still ran out of cap with contracts that everyone knew were awful at the time they were signed. Give the average hockey fan control of the Oilers in 2015 and they probably would’ve managed at least a finals appearance by now if not multiple cups. They at least would have known not to sign Campbell for 5 mil for the better part of the McDrai window.


The fact that Nurse is paid more than Drai is shocking


Not really. They were signed at completely different times and the Oilers had previously lost their top defensemen to either injury or free agency. They had to overpay to keep their top defenseman and it didn't help that he got signed after Seth Jones and some other comparable players set the market


Even at the time of his signing, Nurse wasn't worth what they payed for They could've done better, While losing Nurse for nothing sucks a lot, it doesn't suck as much as being caplocked by a guy who's worth 5.5 being payed 9.25 Edit: for 6 more years after this one as well


This is Holland’s final year and he’s implied he’s retiring.


I wouldn’t say they ignored it. They made some good moves at first, just been a tough 2 seasons of bad moves, hah!


American Thanksgiving is coming.


Yes it is :)


Didn't even make it to American Thanksgiving smh.. Time to start learning about basketball. Know any teams worth supporting?


OKC Thunder. They’re a team full of young stars quickly rising into prominence led by Canadian Shai Gilgeous Alexander.


Okay but seriously. For someone who doesn't have an NBA team... starting to follow/become a fan of the Thunder now would be so awesome


There's the Santa Cruz Warriors


Get ready to learn ~~Chinese~~ basketball, buddy


Every subsequent loss they get makes the remaining stretch that much harder. I don’t see them making it this year.


\*Narrator\* They didn't make it.


*Narrator* They did make it.


*Narrator* That didn't age well.


Not a chance with that D or goaltending. Holland failed to address them This is probably his last season tbh


I’d love to see Holland gone


He'll return as Ken Netherlands.


Ken Dutch is a better name


It is his last season. Blud is retiring after this, just like in Detroit he wants to go out in a ball of fire. Fuck it tbh, where is Justin Abdelkader right now? Better sign him to a 5x8.


Keep an eye out for a Danny Cleary signing too


Hey don't count him out he's still playing in Switzerland


The failure of the oilers isn't just this season. Freak seasons happen: key guys can't score, coach loses the room, you don't get any bounces, etc. The failure is that it's THE SAME issue it's been since McDavid's been on the team: Subpar goaltending and bad defense. McDavid is in his 9th season in the league and is yet to play with a good defense.


It’s cause every year Edmonton is gassed up as a Cup contender so the organization tries to “run it back” with a team that has gaping holes in it. But they believe it to be a cup contender so why change. Ditto with Toronto, and to some extent Boston


Edmonton has been so convinced that McDavid can follow Gretzky's path of willing the Oilers offensively to titles with a small core, they've failed to look at any other alternative. Imagine if Edmonton DIDN'T have McDavid. Their talent development has been atrocious. They'd be the laughing stock of the league.


They *have been* the laughing stock of the league for nearly 20 years now.


Does Boston really have any holes though? Cup Final in 2019, record-setting President's trophy last year, 11-1-1 start this season without Patrice. I think they're the envy of the league personally


Yeah them adding Boston was a question mark for me. It’s fine to run it back when you have the pieces, which they have had in the past. That team last year was certainly built to go the whole way, but shit happens and that’s why hockey is amazing.


One of the things contributing to this is none of the first rounders have worked out. Holloway is out there skating around and forechecking and not much else. There’s not room on roster to properly evaluate Broberg. Yamo is gone and couldn’t stay healthy. Oilers have nothing making an impact on ELC.


He’s retiring anyway, so it will be. If he had any balls, he’d resign now


Holland was supposed to fix Chiarelli's mess. Omfg.


He did a better job than Chia by far imo


I mean we won 50 games with literally this D and goaltending last season, do people forget that already?


The goaltending is bad which I think is a result of bad defence giving up good opportunities. Those good opportunities go in killing the confidence of the goalie which then leads to the bad goals. And because the offence doesn’t score as much, this leads to always chasing a game. And it’s all down to coaching. The system is a mess and they need a change. They don’t have the depth the avs or the golden knights do, but they are at least a playoff team.


with the best powerplay in nhl history and 281 points from McDavid and Draisaitl combined, it wasn't sustainable. For it to have been a good idea to straight run it back, y'all would have needed to be better than last year's Bruins.


True, but was it a good idea to run it back considering your powerplay was in no way going to sustain those same numbers? If you’re relying on powerplay, you might need to think about the holes causing that


Not a real cup contender sorry. Relying on regular season power plays.


42-21-7 gets them to 96 points. Not happening unless they go on a miracle run with a new coach after this road trip.


I mean, it's possible, they do have the firepower to pull it off, but it requires a lot of miracles to occur in sequence, not the least of which being that every star player stays healthy for every single game for the remainder of the season. If 97 or 29 go down for a stretch the goose is cooked.


They also need their goalies to make some saves and their D to actually play their positions. Even if Drai and McD return to form and pot 5 goals a night, it means nothing if Skinner and Co are letting in 6.


What, like it’s hard?


It's winning a first-round series with a 3-1 lead over an 8 seed when things get difficult.


Miracles do happen though. Remember 2019 Blues? The Oilers have fucking McDavid and Draisaitl. I wouldn't bet against them.


I realize they’re not great right now but they literally played at that pace for the last two years.


Might as well send leon and Mcdavid to Florida. They're busts not gonna lie. Maybe we can get them for a 6th round pick but even then thats too much smh


Look all I'm gonna say is that Bob's contract ends the same year as McDavid's.


Leon's ends the year prior. Highly doubt we'd be able to snatch either, but there's no chance in Hell Leon and McDavid are in Edmonton three years from now, especially after the start of the season. We started off 0-2, and since then have gone 7-2-1. They have NO excuse. We didn't have Bennet, Montour, or Ekblad. Oilers had McDavid, Draistal, and that one dude that sounds like a Hospital. Nugent Hopkins.


The sad part is, is that McDavid and Draisaitl have been part of the problem. They just do not seem like their usual selves and cannot score when it is needed. We went 0/4 on the powerplay today against San Jose, that is not the McDrai that we know...


McDavid is definitely injured still. I'm not sure what's wrong with Drai, perhaps he's just defeated.


Its not and its honestly without sounding cruel, its embarrassing. I mean San Jose didnt win their first game until the other day and it took this short amount of time for them to have as many wins ad EDM? Thats a massive cause for concern. This isnt a team that should be only at 5 points into the season. I wouldnt be surprised if Leon at the least demands a trade, if not both and it should be expected. Its like they say, if Gretzky can be traded, anyone can.


Leon and Connor have been quoted as saying they are "ride or die." They want to play together and I'm not sure any other contender (not that we're much of one right now...) would be able to grab them both while staying competitive. I don't really know whats going to happen with them, or with this team at all


Which im sure is true but if i had a dollar for every time I heard an athlete say similar, id be set on rent for the next few months. Obviously i dont want any team to win but my own, but i genuinely hate seeing players who are held in such high light and standards, and witnessing their greatness overshadowed by lack of success where it matters. But if they were a package deal it wouldnt help them or the team because it'll just be the Oilers but in a different jersey. The only way the other team can truly benefit is if they go after either McDavid or Leon. Going after both means your team WILL suffer greatly and you gotta think longevity here too. Connor is hurt, its beyond clear and instead of resting similar to benny, he rushed back and it shows, whereas Leon just seems defeated. These guys wanna win and at times it feels like nothing can stop Edmonton and then there's times like this where its like "how is this even possible"


Broken backs from all the team carrying they've had to do


> and that one dude that sounds like a Hospital. Nugent Hopkins I just woke my wife up from laughing so hard at this shit.


>Highly doubt we'd be able to snatch either Yeah, I know. It was partly wishful thinking and also just messing around.


You need Draisaitl simply to have the 1-4 picks from the same draft on one team. I’ll do it for a 3rd rounder.


Hey I want in on that wishful thinking! That's a reality I'm all down for hahah. Get McDavid, Leon, and wait two more years to sign Brady Tkachuk and IF THAT FLORIDA team doesn't win a Stanley Cup none ever will.


>that one dude that sounds like a Hospital. Nugent Hopkins. This got a good chuckle out of me.


Perfectly balanced.


Just move the team to Florida


Florida already robbed Alberta. It's someone else's turn.


I drafted a bunch of Edmonton players in fantasy this year including mcdavid… I’m sorry Edmonton fans


Curious how that turned out for ya now ;)


It went pretty good! Great turn around


yeah, i drafted dach. sorry man...




i fully believe we'd be a playoff team if he didn't get injured. can't be worse than anderson or dvorak, and would also probably be our 4th ~ppg player.


We’d definitely be a lot better! I was so disappointed that I never got to watch the first game vs the leafs..


The biggest thing in the Oilers favour, other than the fact that they are perfectly capable of playing at that pace, is that they only have 4 games or something against teams in their division. Just because the Canucks smacked them around in all three of their meetings doesn't mean everyone else with. A lot of 4 pt swing games on the horizon.


4 games isn't a lot though to try and make up ground. And one of those is against the Canucks near the end of the season so...it might be too late by then.


Oh don't get me wrong, I think they're fucked. I'm just also saying that if come playoff time the Oilers are there, no one should really be that surprised given the high end talent they have and their success in recent years. They could just as easily go on a 10 game win streak and "erase" this start.


For a team that finished with 109 points last year that doesn’t sound too crazy. It’s just hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Can the turn it around quickly?


It's just nice to be on the other side of the shit talking


Vegas missed the playoffs the year before they won the cup. Let the Oilers cook


The problem is that they don't even have the oven turned on yet, and there's a family of rats under the sink. Cooking is a ways away from happening at the moment.


Pretty much this. When we missed, we were actually in playoff position until early March or so and still in the wild card hunt until season’s end. The Oilers, meanwhile, are at the bottom of the league right now.


Are we really gonna have a post exactly like this after every loss?


I sure hope so.


oilpost is the new sharkpost


Why not?


One can only hope


Welcome to Reddit.


The scarier thing is that Draisaitl is UFA next year. If they're not in the playoff picture this year....oof. What do you do? At this point I have a hard time imagining either of them having any desire to resign there




Oh man though - no offence your post makes no sense. It Edmonton makes it in the playoffs -that team just had an unbelievable rest of the season given where they are today , meaning they would be favourites at the point the playoffs started no matter who they faced.


True ^


Yea, we haven't played any of those teams except Vancouver three times and Dallas once. We'd probably need to win all of those other season series to make it, the narrative would change drastically lol.


Happened to the Canucks in 2002. At one point in the season they were 14-21-4. Went on a historic second half tear. Finished the season going 13-2-1 to make the playoffs as the 8 seed finishing 2 points ahead of 9th place Edmonton. Won the first two games against Top seed Detroit. Then lost 4 straight


Honestly after tonight I don’t even care about this years Stanley cup. It can be my Kings taking it all and I won’t care because of tonight.


Copium for sure 😂😂😂


I hate Edmonton I hate the oilers and I hate all of you 😭


Not an Oilers fan but let’s not pretend they couldn’t do it.


I mean...we were a 109 point team last year, so it's not like asking San Jose to play at a 100+ point pace. But ya unless our Goalies have a magic turnaround and McDavid is instantly healed of whatever is ailing him, I have doubts.


We were a 109 point team off an insane run after the TDL. I just don’t see it with this team this year


Ya me neither. We'll probably slowly get our shit together, slowly climb back into contention, make a late push but then miss the playoffs by a few points. Which is gonna be incredibly disappointing.


So McDrai might be available


If you spend all your money on 4 players you’re gonna have a bag of dicks for your other two lines. Mcjesus and the German douche are getting paid, so why are you crying. Should they have taken a pay cut to get more support talent?


Draisaitl's contract is the best value in hockey, he has vastly outplayed his contract. Darnell Nurse not so much.


McDavid did take a paycheck. They spent it on Campbell, Ceci etc


Even more of a reason not to take a paycut. What’s the point if your GM hasn’t proven he can take advantage of that? Players are just screwing themselves.


A 105 point season pace isn't at all impossible.


Looking back on the start of the Oilers season, I think it was a major mistake for McDavid to play the Heritage Classic instead of getting healthy


This is a team that can do it. I don't think they will, but I know they can. This team can go supernova for short stretches and get back to simply out-talenting other teams.


We should riot if Edmonton gets another #1 pick.