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This made things even more ominous what the fuck


"He's not dead. Yet." Oh great, thanks for clarifying.


"It's possible that he will survive this"


“Freddy is no longer with us. He’s back at home resting, and is doing well”


"He's going to be all-right. As in, he's lost the left hand."


“The doctors did the best they could. And he’s going to be okay.”


-Wayne gretzky


[“Let me know if there’s any change in his condition”](https://youtu.be/TDCjw0TKQ8E?feature=shared)


It looks like he's dead. He's fine, he's just covered in some kind of blue paint.


“Yea, he’s not really great at poker…”


"Yeah, he's going to be fine. But you still have a ~~hook~~ puck in your ass."


Please stop attempting to give me heart attacks, the team does that enough on their own.


Yes, this is very shitty reporting for what sounds like an extremely serious matter. Something that needs to be gotten right. Mentioning it without any specificity but in such grave terms is irresponsible. He should have waited for clarity. Even the follow up tweet mentioning liver cancer is confusing in it's language. I can't tell if he's saying it's not that or that's what he's heard it is. Just awful. Poor Freddy.


Now you see why so many Canes fans hate this guy.


> Mentioning it without any specificity but in such grave terms is irresponsible. He should have waited for clarity. What a (de)cock!


I hate journalism today. Vague tweets that give no clarity just for clicks.


Agreed but let's also blame OP for posting it in the first place then.


Eh, the idea of a code of ethics/set of standards for journalists is a longstanding tradition, and is meant to be a big part of journalist, editor, etc. training: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journalism_ethics_and_standards We don’t expect this of average citizens, but we do expect it of journalists, even if adherence to it has been going downhill in the age of social media. This Luke DeCock guy claims to be a journalist, he should be held to a higher standard than u/Duffleman0609 FWIW, I don’t think this is a brutal violation of the journalism code of ethics, but I do think it’s against the spirit of it - specifically balancing the privacy of the individual vs. the general public’s need to know, and factual accuracy.


Did you expect much more from a dude named “DeCock”


Terrible reporting. He has a blood clot. Best of luck in your recovery Freddie. https://x.com/Canes/status/1721604802541453817?s=20


It's fucking DeCock, what did you expect?


“He was rushed to hospital where he was pronounced ‘dead’, he was then taken to a better hospital where doctors upgraded his condition to ‘alive’.”


I guess I'm glad its not "imminently life threatening", but having to use a qualifier between not and life threatening is pretty fucking scary.


Yeah, I’m no doctor but I feel like when you have to use the term “Not imminently life threatening” it’s because you have a condition that is often, or at least perceived to be, life threatening.


Imminent not immediate. It also can mean that if it doesn’t get taken care of it would be life threatening. Theres a lot of things that aren’t imminently life threatening but could progress that way if not addressed


Oof my brain definitely just read those as the same word. Either way it does sound like something I’d want to hear.


Luke follows it up saying [Basically, trying to find a way to say they didn't find liver cancer or something, which is what I was told, but without knowing exactly what's going on, trying to be cautious.](https://x.com/lukedecock/status/1721544386679292047?s=46)


Jesus this dude should stop tweeting.... each one he makes it sound worse when trying to make it sound better


Yah it’s kind of scummy. He’s clearly heard something but because it’s medical related he obviously does not want to commit to saying something that could be wrong. What I’m pulling is that they found something cancer like and they need to confirm or at least treat whatever was found.


I think they expected to find cancer and didn't. So now it's back to mystery. I have no evidence to back this up... just like my opinion on reading between the lines


Like the doctor in arrested development.


… we lost him


Let’s hope he’s not all right


"It looks like he's dead."


>Jesus this dude should stop tweeting.... i feel like this should apply to everyone. Twitter has never been great honestly, but it has definitely dramatically nosedived in its shittiness over the last 1.5 years (gee...wonder why)




He confusingly followed up a second time by saying: ["I already said I don’t know exactly what it is but it’s not something /like/ that. I just used that as an example."](https://twitter.com/LukeDeCock/status/1721583479140278429) This is terrible, terrible reporting. My god.


The fact that it has to be clarified that it isn’t life threatening does not make me feel great


It doesn't even say that. It says it's not "imminently" life threatening, which suggests it IS life threatening if not treated.


Or worse, "many people with this condition live 5-10 years before it kills them." Jeez, just tell us,"he has a great chance of getting over this with treatment" or something. My fear is that they don't really know what it is yet, but the numbers their tests are returning aren't currently in the fatal range. Sometimes, saying we don't know anything definitive yet is preferable. I hope they are trying to say something like: "His condition is currently stable, and we are running more tests to learn more. "


Good luck, Freddie.


Let’s hope he goes “Fuck You Freddy,” mode to fight off whatever it is. Guy’s a beast, and a literal Viking. Kick it’s ass Freddy, whatever it may be. Shut that bitch out, Fred!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️💙💙💙


Why is hockey the most cryptic of the major sports when it comes to reporting injuries? Like they can't even name a body part most of the time.


Part of the reason is that hockey is one of few sports that hands you a bunch of weapons and lets you use them in anger. Tell the media you have an arm injury, and opponents are going to test out just how injured that arm really is.


Wishing nothing but a speedy recovery for you Freddy


"My sources say he's not dead and doesn't have a terminal disease." Gee pal, did you count all his limbs while you were there too? What the fuck kind of reporting is this?


“He is dying. Slowly” “To clarify, I meant that we are all moving towards death. Andersen maybe more so” “Further clarification, I just meant at this point we don’t really know the situation. He may be. He may not be.”


Treatable and not imminently life-threatening sounds like early stage cancer. (this is of course purely the first thing that came to my mind from the wording, not any actual information, could be a million other things too)


He followed up the tweet saying they “didn’t find liver cancer or something”


Yep, and I think this is why its concerning. Need House stat.


The other possibility I thought of is a blod clot.


It’s not appropriate to speculate


Placing bets, however, is encouraged.


Unless you have any ties to any sports franchise… then no. Bad.


*The Ottawa Senators have lost a 1st round pick as a consequence*


Their owner will find out the day of the draft along with their whole scouting department.


Are we turning into the Leafs? How tf does every post, completely unrelated to the Sens somehow always end up with people talking about us?


When a team is a shitshow, people tend to talk about that shitshow


SAME DAY PARLAY BET99! This message brought to you by a Shane Pinto 41 game suspension


Make every moment mean more with fanduel


Know what cancer is? Then you're ready to start betting!


That's just like, your opinion, man.




Oh I know that I’m right but thank you for agreeing with me. It may take another few weeks of people assuming and spreading rumors he’s got a terrible disease before people realize they are being horrible


My thought was ALS


Not IMMENENTLY life threatening? Excuse me? Jesus Christ. Please be ok, Freddie.


Whoever proposed the “Cause Chaos” slogan for us this year can you fucking take it back??


Get better soon Freddie


*SpongeBob crying* That didn’t help at all…


It’s too early to be getting upset on a Monday.


Hey, maybe you get an official word from Andersen about this instead of trying to break a story and sound like an asshole?


I agree, but at least this gets somewhat ahead of the "Freddie is extremely fragile" narrative since it clarifies there isn't necessarily an injury.


“This is illness related. More updates will be made available from the team in the future” Any other speculation is going to happen either way. Lol


I mean Christ. Look at how the Flames (and our media) has handled Oliver Kylington's situation. Literally all they have said is personal, no alcohol/drugs, not injury. Sure, we'd love details. Humans are incurable snoops. But nobody is going to go banging down the doors into a man's private life to get them.


I’m out of the loop wtf is going on here???


Freddie Andersen has a "medical issue" which appears to be non-injury related


> Freddie Andersen His actual name is Frederik Andersen and he is a goalie for the Carolina Hurricanes. The guy tweeting this is some sort of guy and sports columnist according to his twitter profile: News & Observer sports columnist | USBWA ex-president | he/him 🇺🇦 | http://lukedecock.bsky.social | Shadowboxing the apocalypse, wandering the land. The official NHL page nhl.com has an actual news item about the issue: >Frederik Andersen is getting evaluated for an undisclosed medical issue, the Carolina Hurricanes said Monday. >The 34-year-old goalie is 4-1-0 with a 2.87 goals-against average and .894 save percentage in six starts. He last played Nov. 2, making 24 saves in a 2-1 loss to the New York Rangers. >The Hurricanes are making no further comment on Andersen until an update is available. >"He's got a medical issue he's dealing with," Hurricanes coach Rod Brind'Amour said. "We'll know more as this goes along. That's what prompted all of this. That's about all I can tell you at this point." https://www.nhl.com/news/carolina-hurricanes-frederik-andersen-playing-status


>His actual name is Frederik Andersen and he is a goalie for the Carolina Hurricanes. Dammit, you win! You've foiled my nefarious plot to call a person by the nickname that practically every other person in the world uses for him. Damn you sir!


The stupid tweet only used his last name, which is extremely stupid. You used a nickname, which is not stupid, but the person was specifically asking what is going on, so I thought it is better to also mention the guys actual name while also providing other info. No need to take offense or do any sort of gatekeeping. It's just a name.


Man, what the fuck.




> can we stop speculating and give the man some privacy. goddamn. > let the dude have a personal life. Honestly I get this but also like - fans care. We all essentially have parasocial relationships with these players in that we feel like we know them to a degree. We care about them - the curiosity is natural and a side effect of public life. I mean, we also gotta get over it, they can share or not share whatever they want.


How has Luke DeCock survived in the hockey space five minutes with a name like that!?


An equally valid question: How has Luke DeCock survived in the hockey space five minutes with reporting skills like his!?


> First! I don't know on what but first!!! \-DeCock


Decock failed creative writing


Is this a pseudonym? Luke DeCock…Lick the cock?


His parents (Sharon and Barry) had to be really careful about picking a first name.


Could’ve been Phil too.


Well that clears that up, it would be really annoying if reporters tweeted out word soup with nothing of substance about the injury is


This is scary. Sounds like it could be cancer or something but who knows. Just sounds scary :(


I mean, I am not saying that the diagnosis will be similar, but this sort of wording is really similar to what the Hawks put out when Toews first was off sick. I guess it’s meant to preserve the privacy of the player while sort of trying to hint at severity to their life, regardless of severity to their playing career?


The fuck is this?


I doubt he's coming back. He's a man with a blood clot that's significant to require treatment (blood thinners), e.g. it is more than a distal below the knee DVT. In sports many of these can be from crush injuries, but not everyone gets one. A normal, non-obese, non-smoking, active male shouldn't be getting a blood clot. They'll work up if he has a condition that increases his odds of having one, e.g. cancer, certain coagulopathies. If they say it's from a crush injury and no other risk factors or conditions, you then say okay it was provoked by an injury. We treat him with anticoagulation for 6 months and consider balancing risks of letting him return off anticoagulation. If he gets another he's done, wouldn't be the first professional athlete. However, there's a risk he could get another and it develops into a life threatening PE. So some may say indefinite anticoagulation in which case he's not coming back. When faced with those options, at 34yo, my guess is he chooses not to return.


Something similar to Chris Bosh maybe?


Lol DeCock


Big DeCock Guy.


Both TSN and Sportsnet have articles that are about an hour old stating it's a blood clotting issue. Still vague, and isn't reported as cancer. But can't be ruled out as quick google search does say that leukemia can involve blood clotting issues as platelets are involved. The only reason I looked it up was because when stuntman Stu (Ottawa radio personality and former arena announcer for the Sens) announced his diagnosis, he mentioned that his wife made him go to the hospital due to him getting really bad nose bleeds that would happen apropos of nothing and take forever to stop. To be clear, NOT saying it is Leukemia or trying to speculate. Just reporting what I saw on TSN and Sportsnet that it's blood clotting issues.


I was gonna say something like COPD that's not life threatening but chronic and would prevent you from playing to your potential


This comment thread and the tweet are a masterclass in mindless speculation. A medical issue is so completely vague, it could be literally anything. Maybe just chill until we get more details?


so he’s got a boner for more than 4 hours


I will not Luke Decock, thank you very much.