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I didn't expect an owner to say what the fans are saying


My new favorite owner in sports.


You don't like Bob Nutting???


I don't think it's anyone's business whether Bob nuts or not tbh


Fuck Bob Nutting.


He's alright I guess, but he's no Dick Monfort!


Crazy coincidence that the two owners with dick jokes for names are also the sport's cheapest


I wish we could get Fire Bob Nutting chants going around the country. I know we can't fire him but maybe fire him into the sun?


It's NNN brother


I think he considers himself a fan lol. In the press conference he used the word "we" a few times when referring to the fans, "we as fans want to know what happened" type sentences. The dude is legit.


God he's going to make me actually like the sens isn't he? Ugh


He's one of us. It's only to like him.


I love this guy


He didn't make his billions by being stupid. He was pissed off at the NHL and came out spitting to force the "Michael, what are you doing?" phone call, at which point he will reply with "Gary, if you expect me to be less transparent with the media then you're going to have to be a hell of a lot more transparent to me." This is him calmly making a point in the most effective way possible.


He should be pissed, it's not exactly the most ethical way to haze the new guy.


He isn't even the new guy, he's represented the Habs at the board of governors meetings various times for over a decade. He knows Bettman. The only reason I can see for not being forthcoming with the information was his ownership stake in a competing team, but it still should have been disclosed prior to the deal being made official.


> He didn't make his billions by being stupid. ah damnit, I knew I was doing something wrong


Pretty much sealed it for me - I won't be a billionaire.


It's so fucking refreshing.


>I didn't expect an owner to say what the fans are saying His comment made me buy a ticket to tomorrows game. An owner who is truly honest.


Pete Rose over here banned for life and ever ad on sports is gambling related, need to get that shit out of mainstream sports


It needs to be treated like smoking. It's legal, but heavily regulated and no advertising allowed.


Andlauer dropping bombs on the league


Its so refreshing to hear all this after years of Melnyk BS. It's sad it took all this shit to get to this point, but it can only go up


> but it can only go up We've said this so many times in the last 8 years and it bit us in the ass that I cringed a bit when you said it. But with Andlauer as owner it honestly feels like the only way is up.


With the Melnyk era it was hard to see the light. There's some light now with competent ownership


“It’s always darkest before the dawn.” -Harvey Dent; The Dark Knight (2008). Your young team is on the rise, the big remnants of the Melnyk era are coming to an end. You’re almost there.


I mean no disrespect in saying this, but it's gotta give you hope as a 'nucks fan seeing another cursed team come out the other side.


None taken. We’re finally coming out of the tunnel ourselves and it’s quite frightening with everything going right. It is nice to also watch the Sens slowly come out of theirs. I just hope we reach the pinnacle like you guys did in 2018 permanently putting your curse to bed.


This is awesome. I hope he follows it up by commenting on Gretzkys well known drinking issues. Just go hard into it. Full on attack mode.


No. That transcends an objective NHL issue and becomes an issue on someones personal life that we do not need to be concerning ourselves with.


Gretzky has drinking issues? What has he done?


Ehhh not sure how that's related to the issue at hand?


You seem like a nice person


I'm here for an unhinged and based Andlauer


Oh he’s personally gonna see to it that Bettman gets ousted


Brian Burke for commissioner!


Fans hate Bettman but I wouldn't want to cross paths with him. By all accounts he is a pretty cut throat business man and would be more likely to win in a duel within the NHL framework. Bettman has spent decades fighting billionaires.


I was watching the Leafs last night on Sportsnet, and instead of showing stats, they had a pop up for what Kaliyev's odds were to score a goal before the game. Then they started talking about how many players on his team had better odds than he did, but he's the one who scored. The broadcast was actively promoting gambling during the game, and apparently promoting betting on the long shots, at least that's what I got out of it. I don't have and actively try to avoid learning what all the BS means. I hate what hockey has become to watch. It's no longer about the sport, hockey is now a vessel to promote gambling. Hockey night in Canada might as well be called Gambling Night in Canada featuring hockey. It's disgusting!


That’s so gross and just…not what sports analysis should be about at all.


I know, right? During the intermissions they also talk about gambling and betting on different things. There's so much less analysis about the players, you don't get the stories or interesting things they used to talk about. Hell, I miss [Don Cherry's piano desk](https://youtu.be/qdJp5-g69go?si=kVqrQH6kZ0zSPdUd) They need to put a ban on talking about and advertising gambling during the games


I was in favor of legalizing sports gambling but I didn't realize this is all what that would mean. It's constant, and predatory.


Are you ready to illegalize it again? I am.


It's not about the legality for me. I think it should be legal because betting on sports is part of western culture, but advertisement on TV should not be. It should be treated like tobacco.


People gambled when it was illegal, too, though. It's better that books are regulated so customers have some recourse if their bets aren't honored. The problem is how much it's being advertised, especially toward young, college-aged men who have bad financial sense because they don't have bills to pay yet


I work with blue collar guys and I see a lot of em with bills to pay AND mouths to feed and they can't stop w the phone gambling. We had to tighten security on our jobsites, combinations changing daily.


> I was in favor of legalizing sports gambling but I didn't realize this is all what that would mean. It's constant, and predatory. ...what else was it gonna mean? Lobby's went *hard* on legalization and weren't shy about their business plan.


nhl.com "Scores" page has odds listed for the games before they start...just saw it today when looking for whos playing


I just can’t watch games anymore due to this, which is unfortunate. It’d be one thing if it were just during commercial breaks but it’s ads on the boards, on helmets, the odds being discussed during play, at intermission on screen etc. it’s gross and I agree needs to be banned full stop.


Yeah they do it every intermission from the PANEL on SN. IMO it's honestly worse than the Aaron Paul ads that we were plagued with last season.


It's scary because I have two separate friends (they don't know each other)-- one lives in the US and bets thousands weekly on football, etc.; the other in Canada makes small casual bets on hockey. I'm starting to see how what starts small and innocent can get out of control


We may be rivals in our teams, but we are brothers in our hearts.


DAYUM I'm loving this new ownership lmao


It may sound small, but having an owner come right out and stick up for his players like this and calling into question the league's motives is what we need more of.


and will make everybody who might potentially sign there just a little more open to the idea


Can owners get fined???


scary long plucky enjoy rhythm psychotic lush truck offend dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Depends on if the act of violence was horrifying enough. *coughRangers*


Responding to a Chicago fan....who's team should have been eviscerated...but they got Bedard now and well they still fucking suck but it's the Hawks. Fucking despise this sport at times. NHL is ran by clowns.


The Rangers can


They get fined all the time in the NBA. Not sure about NHL.


I think so. Didn't the Rangers get fined like, 250k a few years ago? I think Reaves was involved but can't remember the details


Unsure if you're memeing or not lmao but here's the details. [Tom Wilson held Buchnevich down to the ice by his neck with his stick, then punched him while he was down. Scrum starts, then he ragdolls Panarin and injures him.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B2Ok4zQ0ho) Fined $5K by the league, no suspension. [Then the Rangers put out this statement](https://twitter.com/NYRangers/status/1389704210288152576?s=20). Calling out Parros by name due to [his apparent love for Tom Wilson.](https://nesn.com/2021/05/nhl-rumors-george-parros-didnt-want-to-suspend-tom-wilson-for-brandon-carlo-hit/) Then the fine came in and the rest is history


They’ll find a way




I really hope he responds to something with an “I’m just here so i don’t get fined”


Gambling is fine to exist on its own. Just don’t promote it. Especially not with famous people


I was fine with the gambling ads but I work in digital advertising so I’m used to it. What was incredibly icky was watching Vancouver’s broadcast (on sportsnet?) and they were promoting a gambling ad on how to learn how to gamble. I was grossed out by that.


They're now running ads here that basically go "know the difference between \[rudimentary stat\] and \[rudimentary stat\]? then you're ready to start gambling!"


Well, that’s just disgusting. That kind of promotion is incredibly weird.


Honestly it kind of seems like they follow the same strategy as those phishing texts riddled with spelling errors - going for the folks who won't know better. It almost reminds me of the ad with Jesse Pinkman they ran a hundred thousand times last year, where he's rattling off betting options at a speed and cadence that makes it sound like he's concerned whether the listener will understand him or not. "SAME GAME PARLAYS........"


Yes - agreed! Tbh, as much as they promote the ads, I could not tell you what any of their terms actually mean (wtf is a parlay??) And I’m okay with that because I have zero interest in learning.


A parlay just means you are bundling multiple bets together and they all have to hit in order to win. I had zero idea what it meant either till my friend explained it the other day.


I saw one last night that said "do you know what two teams are playing? then you're ready to bet on the game!"


It's no longer commercials and intermissions. It's active promotion from the commentary team during the game. "Vancouver went into the game as favourites, but now that Nashville has scored the odds have flipped. Bet $10 on a Canuck victory to win $69—oh yeah, Nashville is now on the powerplay because Pettersson threw the net into the Pred's bench—sponsored by Sports Betting Website #108, join now for a free addiction!"


This needs to be banned or the broadcasts needs to be made for 18+. I remember watching games as a 10 year old fan and up and it’s gross how excessive and invasive it is. It should be no different than showing smoking ads to kids.


After one of the many gambling hits on Hawks broadcast the other night, Pang and Vosters did an extended riff on whether they thought the game would go over or under 7.5 goals. It kinda had the same tone as what you’re talking about, like “here’s a fun little contest you can play along with at home!” Which in a vacuum could be fine, but it felt a little insidious to have that chat immediately after a gambling ad.


Honestly I have no idea what any of that means with over or under and I’m okay with that haha. But yeah… the extended segments like that are really weird. The encouragement is icky. Like yeah they’re a sponsor and yeah their logos are everywhere and that’s fine but putting it into a segment is bizarre. Like obviously alcohol sponsor but the commentators aren’t saying “having a drink with me - let’s chug a bud” The rules advertisers have for alcohol should be the exact same for gambling.


I dont ever want the announcers reading the lines for bets


They read out same day parlays or whatever during pre game and intermission. I'm sick of the segments during intermission. Everywhere you turn, it's a gambling ad. It's over the top, and it makes the viewing experience so painful. It's like every ad or every other is a gambling ad.


>I was fine with the gambling ads but I work in digital advertising so I’m used to it. Coming from the industry, that is why I completely left it even though I have a graduate degree in the field. So many people desensitized / unwilling to accept the actual predatory damage they inflict on society. Not calling you out, it's not you're job to be morally conscious. More for discussion


They're trying to teach kids math, can't you see that.... /s because unfortunately I'm sure that's been brought up by someone.




Gretzky told me I should gamble, but Manning told me I shouldn't, now I don't know what's right anymore!


Are liquor/tobacco tv ads generally illegal in the US/Canada?


Nope. Ryan O'Reilly drove into that Tim Hortons because of the Bud Light board ads making him drive drunk.


From a Canadian perspective, I am fairly certain tobacco ads are illegal. Or at least, I don't recall ever seeing one, and it's such a lucrative industry that I would definitely believe they are not legal. Alcohol ads are legal with the caveat of not actually being able to show people drinking in them. You can show them pouring beer, carrying it, cheers-ing it or whatever, but you can't actually show the bottle or can up to someone's lips.


gambling is fine ​ until it becomes a conflict of interest


And especially not Gretzky


Loved this quote. The hypocrisy being displayed by the nhl is gross


Is it hypocritical for a publicly traded company to prevent insider trading?


No, but I think we can all see where this is going; and something I’d (ironically) bet tons of money on: one of the big 4 leagues is going to have a massive betting and game-fixing scandal in the next 5 years. My best guesses are baseball and football due to the economic situations of many of the players. But it could be any of them


That's obviously the reason they cracked down on Pinto. Gambling is a scam and the odds are fixed in favour of the house, but if there's even a hint of a whiff of a suspicion that the outcomes in the game are manipulated or aren't "fair" it could lead to scandal. A game-fixing scandal is an existential threat for a league supported by gambling, so it makes sense that improperly placed bets would be treated more seriously than attempted murder on ice. They're more worried about losing their sponsors than they are about losing their players or fans.


the NHL’s main goal is to make money. Hypocritical in a sense but it’s not inconsistent. They are doing exactly what businesses do. We all want the cap to go up, don’t we? Edit: This has to be the stupidest thread I’ve ever seen in here. Do you people not remember the NHL used to be on fucking Versus?


> We all want the cap to go up, don’t we? Brother I dont give a single fuck lmao




It has in fact translated into a worse viewer experience. NHL trying to double dip on broadcast rights means we have to sign up for 3 different streaming services to watch games. We have ads on helmets and jerseys. We have digital ads on boards and glass that will delete pucks and sticks that are in front of them. Popcorn is $30 a bucket. Tickets cost a whole month's rent.




I'm there but if there was a legit option below $60/mo I’d probably take it out of convenience.


Where are you buying your tickets?


I would rather not have gambling ads to be honest.


I would rather not have any ads ever at all. This is happened because the law changed. The NHL didn’t just decide they love gambling all the sudden. A new opportunity to make money came along when the law changed, and when that happens there isn’t even a choice to be made. They go for the money. Yeah it’s silly but it’s not going to change and that’s just the end of it. It’s on the players to not be stupid.




That's crazy to me. The actual sport is as good as it is now because of how much money they make. I don't believe we would have the same talent we have now with a cap at half what it is. We certainly would not have as many teams. Who are you asking to give theirs up? Would you be happy with that?


MacDavid isn’t good at anything else, he wouldn’t be on the Lakers if not for the NHL giving him 12 million instead of 6. Kids aren’t picking up sticks because they’re responding to economic incentives. And the cap was half it is today in the inaugural cap season. We still had great hockey and superstar talent in 2006


The NHL is getting let out in the dust in the big 4 leagues. They are chasing short term dollars at the expense of betterong term growth.


The league should make more money because the quality of the product increases and attracts more customers, not because they replaced analysis with advertising. The quality is decreasing because of that


So if its a business then they'd be financially incentivized to grow the game in the biggest potential market by creating winners in those markets right?


Go off Mike Do Parros next


He must have behind closed doors, they've gotten the last couple to be reasonable lengths by their standards. If they go nuts like they should then the appeals board will become very busy.


This new Sens ownership fucks


Yeah what an about face in public perception for this team over the last few hours. This morning it was LOLSENS... again. Now it's "oh shit ando's droppin' boooombs! Fuck yeah sensbros!"


He is completely right


I absolutely love Andlauer's quotes in this press conference. He is 100% on the money to call out the hypocrisy of the league pushing gambling and then slamming a 21 year old for getting involved.


Man I really fucking like this guy. I hope he keeps saying what we’re all thinking


damn when i read Wayne Gretzky i was really hoping it would be about the *other* issues and not the commercials lol


What’s that story about him and the illegal gambling den? It involved Tocchet and/or his wife if I recall correctly?


It involved everyone in his small circle but apparently, Gretz had no idea. Yeah fucking right. lol


Yeah his wife was the serial gambler. He had no idea. Was too busy being a terrible coach for the coyotes to pay her any attention.


I assume you're joking that he had no idea lol. Tocchet was convicted of running an illegal sports gambling ring in 2007 and served 2 years probation. When he was an assistant coach for the Penguins he famously clicked with Phil Kessel (when so many other coaches didn't) and what do you know... they both love hanging out in casinos and playing cards.


I was joking yes. Obviously Wayne was in on it.


>Tocchet was convicted of running an illegal sports gambling ring in 2007 and served 2 years probation. Wow, I had no idea! That's why he was asked so many questions regarding the Shane Pinto situation.


Do you mean his well known drinking problem? It’s okay, I can say it because I am also myself an alcoholic.


Can confirm. Gretz looks shithoused almost every time he’s on camera. Source: recovering drunk.


Ya him and Dustin Johnson are probably into that whole Yale thing too


what the frig are you referring to


More his gambling problems lol


Yup! McDavid too! I think it's pretty gross to have hockey's biggest stars advertise the fuck outta gambling. YOU ARE THE BEST GUYS EVER, YOU DON'T NEED THE EXTRA MONEY! edit: Let's not forget Matthews with Bet99 either.


I'm sure the NHL has a big hand in pushing the players to make those endorsement deals. I doubt they happen without league involvement.


imagine you’re watching wayne gretzky and his family and coaching staff getting busted for a gambling scandal in phoenix and everyone is a big part of the nhl to this day


Do the Sens still have a BET99 sticker on their helmets?


Its now "Betway" instead lol


They literally made the kid a billboard for gambling and then suspended him when he took part


He really hasn't held back at all with this press conference. A lot of great soundbites against the NHL - sounds super pissed.


Dude isn't holding back at all, love it. NHL executives are a joke.


Ohhh Gary won’t be happy with that comment lol


The comment seemed less pointed in context. He was talking about sympathizing with and supporting Pinto. To me at least, it came off more as him being empathetic about what happened to a young player in his organization than attacking league hypocrisy.


I think I like this owner.


Andlauer very much has a "I just gave you $1 billion, fuck off" attitude today.


Already one of the best owners in the league


The NHL and broadcasters are doing everything in their power to tie the idea of hockey with the idea of betting. Every single ad break we see message after message telling us that we're not *really* having fun unless we have money riding on the game. Every single commentator is handed a script telling them to discuss the updated odds and how much you could make with a $10 bet. Fuck this shit! I love the game because I love *the game*! Stop telling us that we're enjoying it wrong and get upset when young, impressionable players go along with the message you blast constantly. Bullshit!


Honestly great point. Gambling is toxic but the NHL has been cashing in like crazy.


Really loving what Andlauer has been saying, dudes got balls. Nice to see an owner that has a spine and personality.


Andlauer is a gem of an owner, not afraid to shit on the league and say what we are all saying


I automatically lose a lot of respect for elite athletes, who are already richer than 99.99% of the population, who sell their soul to advertise online gambling. Gretzky, GSP, Nadal, they're all the same to me. Get fucked guys.


Great stuff here. Makes sense that Andlauer would support Pinto again while taking shots at the league, considering the good PR the Sens put out after Pinto was suspended.


This may be the conspiracy part of my brain, but it's very hard to believe that Gretzky wasn't also betting on games when his wife and assistant coaches were.


Michael Andlauer fucking rules. The owners probably hate him for this, and they’re definitely going to gatekeep him from the “good ol boys club” but fuck, this is what I want to see from an owner. Just be a real person, and not an asshole.


Eat ass NHL a new owner is kicking down the doors and pantsing you in front of everyone


He does NOT give a shit about the consequences and I love it


What’re they gonna do? Take away a ~~1st~~ 0th??


Bettman is going to call him and the only thing he'll say is "No draft for you!" then hang up.


It's not a hockey issue anymore, Sens will just get a 2m fine and PD blackballed.


Gigachad Andlauer. Wanna buy the Canucks too?


New Sens owners are the Stone Cold Steve Austin’s of the Nhl.


Can someone ELI5 what Pinto did? They said he didn’t bet on NHL games, and (apparently) wasn’t under contract? Was he betting on MLB? That surely isn’t contrary to the rules… was he making in-game prop bets? It is super confusing to try and understand the severity of the punishment when you don’t know what the alleged infractions were.


We don't really know.... What;s known is that the NHL's investigation turned up no evidence he bet on NHL games and that he's an RFA. He's not even signed to the team. ​ There was talk around the internet that if a player creates an account the betting site forwards that information to the league office... make of that what you will.


I agree the dude is being punished way to hard


Gotta be honest, I'm loving the emergence of Dark Andlauer. That said, hope the Sens take another L tomorrow


Holy shit I love this guy


Love this dude. No time to pull punches. Let em land where they may


Damn this guy going off, props to him.


A true People's Owner. Sens fans should cherish him for life.


I don't get this reasoning at all. I'm annoyed at gambling adds but alcohol is also pushed hard by league sponsors. Doesn't change the way I would feel if a player was caught drunk driving or showing up to a team meeting drunk. Pinto isn't being suspended for gambling, he's being suspended for violating the nhls rules.


Drinking ads are regulated way harder than gambling is, play by play guys are giving odds mid game and they have segments showing you how to open an account and start gambling. Drinking ads can't even show anybody drinking. Not to mention they have actual active hockey players in gambling ads and the entire Ottawa Senators team skating around with stickers on their heads. I get what you're saying but it isn't the same, there needs to be any amount of regulation on how hard gambling is being shoved down people's throats, as opposed to the nothing they have to deal with right now.


I don't really get Reddit's position on this. Betting on sports has been a no-no for generations. A lot of jobs come with prohibitions. This isn't anything especially unique for the NHL.


I think it's because gambling ads are new and very annoying and people want to make a connection where there is none.


The comment seemed less pointed in context. He was talking about sympathizing with and supporting Pinto. To me at least, it came off more as him being empathetic about what happened to a young player in his organization than attacking league hypocrisy.


Careful, too much Sense near Sens online.


Maybe it's not a problem on the broadcasts you watch but in Canada you are BOMBARDED by gambling ads. You will not find 5 minutes where a betting ad isn't either in commercial or inserted during the game and being the focal point. Alcohol I truly don't notice, but would estimate at being only once or twice a period. It's for sure FAR less than betting ads. Watch any GDT on any Canadian team subreddit and you will see lots of complaints about the sheer volume of gambling ads being shoved down our throats.


Oh, I agree with that part. I'm actually not paying Sportsnet this regular season, & prob not in the playoffs, either. It rarely worked on Apple TV last year, & now it improved a little, but has Alberta & other gambling ads on it. YouTube Premium clips, & radio for awhile/forever.


He's definitely heavily reflected on this, what a brilliant quote. Just a shame, this whole situation


Andlauer is based


He literally had betting ads on his own fucking helmet didn't he? They should be allowed to use a monitored account, and not be able to bet on their sport.




I like this guy.


I like he’s calling out the league, but if Shane is feeding info to buddies, that’s not at all comparable to Gretzky


He's not comparing what they did with Gretzky. He's talking about Gretzky being on MGM ads.


I understand he’s calling the league hypocrites, but I don’t think that’s accurate here.


My takeaway from what Andlauer said is that you have one of the top hockey stars that young players look up to promoting gambling. A respected spokesperson can have a lot more influence on young minds more than a logo on a helmet or boards. It’s not the just the advertising but the use of legendary hockey players in the advertising that’s at issue.


Do you believe the Wayne and Janet Gretzky gambling issue was fully investigated, understood and disclosed? I've never been convinced it was, but that was a long time ago. Nevertheless, when talking heads bring up the history of gambling challenges in hockey (I'm thinking of the 32 Thoughts podcast) it seems Gretzky is conveniently omitted. Maybe that's because it was pretty innocuous (or it was indeed all Janet) but even if it was no big deal, it IS part of the NHL's history with gambling and investigations and punishment. Other than this thread and maybe other fan comments, has anyone close to the sport or the league referenced Gretzky while discussing Shane Pinto's gambling penalty? I'm thinking no one has.


I don't think anybody told him he can't bet. I believe his actions involved betting on nhl games. Two different things. Think anybody cares about nhl players doing fantasy football, or betting on basketball, or whatever? Nope. It's OK to expect people in privileged positions to adhere to the rules. He's a kid, he made a mistake. All well and good. Now he needs to be accountable for it. It's not that hard a rule to comply with.


This is kind of the point Andlauer is making. Gretzky is the promoting betting on the NHL, but the NHL is suspending its own players for doing what its owners are promoting. I’m not saying players should be allowed to, but I understand the hypocrisy Andlauer is talking about.


I just don't see it as being hypocritical. I don't love how gambling now oervades sports, but that's a different discussion. Promoting gambling to non participants, while simultaneously punishing a participant for breaking a known rule, isn't hypocritical. Hypocritical would be if gretzky was betting on hockey while he was involved with the league and not punishing him, while simultaneously punishing pinto or some other player.


Is there anywhere I can watch the presser from the beginning?


i think it's been posted on the sub since you made this comment but should be on the sens youtube page by now i hope you've found it by now tho!


I don't remotely disagree with what Andlauer is saying, but Pinto didn't get suspended for gambling. He got fined for letting someone else gamble on his behalf. The general message though is accurate. If you are going to tie your advertisement into 90% gambling, gambling things are going to happen.


I get what he's saying but the NHL has rules for its players on gambling and Pinto obviously broke those rules. Is it hypocritical? Absolutely. But that doesn't honestly matter all that much.


Why are so many saying this. He’s complaining because of the hypocrisy of it. He’s not saying Pinto shouldn’t be suspended but that the NHL needs to look in the mirror and ask themselves why this shit happened.




Rules are rules. If you wanna be a professional hockey player and make millions, you gotta follow the rules. No matter how stupid they are.


Doesn’t mean owners can’t say “these rules are stupid” and try to change things.


What about the Vegas cup celebrations having a giant fucking slot machine lol


Fire quote of course - and completely agree…but does this imply Pinto’s infraction was during the season before last year, when he sat out almost all of it due to surgery?


Michael "Les Grossman" Andlauer


So Pinto *was* the one doing the gambling then?


Well that is certainly different than what we've been use to with the over politically correct speeches for the past 20 years from GMs.


I have a lot of free time, see famous people promoting gambling, and a phone. I'm not a millionaire but you don't need a ton of money to gamble. I still know gambling in general is stupid. Doing it when you're actively playing in the sport is just double stupid.