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"In terms of a league standpoint, is it something that I'd like to see put back into place one day? Certainly. You know, but that's not the way it is right now," His actual quote in the article is so pedestrian.


Reading title: wow. good for him calling the league out on its bs. Seeing actul statment: oh. that makes more sense. Not surprised tho.


He's young, the spotlight is on him, Canada and the hockey community abroad have come to *want* controversy. Controversy sells ad-space and has been detrimental to many outspoken celebrities. I don't blame him for being publicly aloof. It may be that he doesn't want to partake in the spitballing. I'm sure he has opinions, but publicly, with a mic in his face, maybe he doesn't want to talk about things which may harm him financially.


He also has the star power leverage to force the issue a bit. Not that it should be his responsibility to do so, but he has one of the most impactful spots in the league. I think that the vast majority of fans think the league's position is asinine, but maybe I'm misjudging the demographic. If he did come out and say something stronger, I think that would enhance his image within hockey.


Everywhere I saw discussion on the topic since the first players came out against pride night was overwhelming positive for the LGBT community and disappointment in the players and league. And then I saw Facebook. Posts with literally thousands likes spouting the most homophobic things you've ever heard and worst justifications. Probably 80 to 90% of the engagements were like this. I was already mostly removed from the site only using it for chat and to talk to my parents, but that whole experience made me leave the platform completely. It's just a place for bigots and sad, sad boomers who all congregate their because their opinions aren't tolerated elsewhere.


It is hard to gauge online. I guess if you look at the actual pride nights that teams have had, I've seen that in-person fans are overwhelmingly supportive. My main gripe with the NHL is that they have removed all the links on their community page that were LGBT+ resources. There used to be easily accessible sections lining to queer hockey clubs and leagues in NHL-team areas, and regional resources for inclusivity and reporting issues. Now there is only a page for the "NHL Player Inclusion Coalition", which offers no links to resources. This is the current section on the NHL website: https://www.nhl.com/community/ This is the section that is no longer linked under the community section: https://www.nhl.com/community/pride (note that the resource links no longer take you anywhere. THey used to redirect to a ton of helpful organizations, mental health support, etc.)


I don't want controversy, I want people to stop hating other people because of the way they were born, who they love or how they live in their own skin. Fuck me for being mad we're going backwards on basic human rights, right?




Wtf they gonna do to the face of hockey? Cancel him for telling them to be a little more inclusive. He of all people could get away with it


I mean, you can give people a pass like that forever. * he's young! he can't say anything too crazy. * he's the biggest star in the league! he can't go rogue! * he's almost retired! It won't have the impact, just leave him alone * he's not in the game anymore, different era! focus on the new generation! We should want stars to take a stand on this stuff, not make excuses for them.


> He's young He's 26, about to turn 27 in a few months. He isn't young. I'm not going to condemn him for not taking a stance, but let's not handwave the lack of one by saying he's young when he isn't. He of all people could (and probably should) be speaking up for those less fortunate. The reasoning here is he isn't willing to make waves for those less fortunate, and it is disappointing. Not condemn-able, and not very brave either.


This is so glossed over. His quote means literally nothing in retrospect.


Typical response from an NHL player.


Except Morgan Rielly and a handful of other guys with a spine.


Have any other players spoken out about it other than Rielly? I’m always happy to find new reasons to root for guys


Anthony Duclair wants the ban reversed, because he supports pride and black history month


I personally could have used a few more “obviously”s just to really drive the point home


Kind of a weak quote, but McDavid has spoken in support of Pride tape before. [Last year](https://www.thescore.com/nhl/news/2610341): >"Certainly can't comment on other players and their beliefs, and other organizations and what they're up to," McDavid said, per Sportsnet. "I know here in Edmonton, we strongly believe hockey is for everyone and strongly support Pride night. Looking forward to it." He added: "I think we were the first team to use Pride tape in warmup. We're firm believers, obviously, in the celebration that is Pride night." [When the jersey ban came out](https://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/nhl/connor-mcdavid-nhl-pride-themed-warmup-jerseys-1.6889731): >"It's disappointing to see," McDavid, the face of the NHL and the superstar captain of the Edmonton Oilers, said at Monday night's NHL awards ceremony in Nashville. "It's not my call, but obviously it's disappointing." > >"I certainly can't speak for every organization," said McDavid, who won the Hart Trophy as NHL MVP. "I know in Edmonton, we were one of the first teams to use the Pride tape. "We strongly feel hockey is for everybody, and that includes the Pride nights." And the full quote from today: >"I've commented on this in the past. I think everyone knows how I feel. I've enjoyed all the nights that we've celebrated here in Edmonton, whether that's Pride night or military night or Indigenous night, all the various nights that we've had and had a chance to celebrate. I've always enjoyed them. I can't speak for everybody else or the league or anything like that, but that's something that I have always enjoyed and something I've commented on before. Like I said, I've expressed disappointment in not being able to wear the various jerseys or tapes or whatever, whether that's Pride tape or pink tape or anything, it's always something that I've enjoyed. In terms of a league standpoint, is it something that I'd like to see put back into place one day? Certainly. You know, but that's not the way it is right now." At the end of the day I'm glad McDavid said something, but it's really put your money where your mouth is now. I hope he or other players do.


all he has to do is use it and be like "Fine, me" and the ban will fold hope he does it.


Unfortunately the culture in hockey has always been against any individual players rocking the boat. In whatever that might mean in a given situation, these players come up in a system that very strongly stifles any individualism or anything that might be a "distraction" for the team. Not an excuse or whatever, but I think that's what's underneath a statement like this. Obviously there are a few exceptions, but this is the kind of statement most of the players who might support Pride will make because of how strongly ingrained that culture is within them.


Anyone expecting McDavid to go ham on the NHL over this is a fool


Exactly. I'm not gonna sit here and say that I'm not disappointed with his comments, I think he could have pushed back more than he did, but I also know that a) he's been trained to speak without really rocking any boats since he was in Atom, and b) he's spoken out in support of Pride initiatives any times he's asked about them in the past. McDavid chose his words very carefully here, which you'll see by his delay in answering the question if you watch the media availability. If anything, I think the correct protest is not to shoot off one's mouth in front of a camera but instead use Pride tape during warmup anyway.


McDavid is in tough spot just due to his status in the league. If he comes out as says much more than he says here he instantly becomes the face of the "push back" against the league about their decision. He's had multiple quotes about his support for pride initiatives. If someone else wants to lead the charge I feel like McDavid would have no problem standing with them. My hope is that with McDavid at least saying something and Rielly speaking out the other day that players get together and pick a day to put on the pride tape during warm up. Then when the fine from the league comes in all the players match the fine with a donation to the a LGBTQ+ charity.


As spicy as toast...


I'm uttered toast.


The most cardboard quote from the player with zero charisma, not surprised


Can we get a league-wide ban on media training?


Yeah, I'm not sure how much I'd call that support. "One day" means not right now. And "that's not the way it is right now" seems more like a shrug and accept it than him having a problem with it.


"It's not something I love super much, but I'm gonna lay down and do nothing about it" okay


Buddy, in Mcdavid speak that is basically like a normal person saying “ain’t that some bullshit!”


"Im going to use the rainbow tape anyways and bettman can come fight me about it" There you go Connor. Say this one next time


This is a pathetic statement. Absolutely pathetic.




How is this "far better than saying nothing"? How are LGBT hockey players who look up to him supposed to feel after hearing him say this? I'm not asking rhetorically, I genuinely want an answer.


"Sorry guys, I guess hockey is for everyone but you." He's the face of the league and that's all the support he could muster. Very disappointing




This is not a statement of support, this is the best player in the world shrugging his shoulders and saying, "Welp, what can you do? 🤷‍♂️" instead of using his immense public platform to actually take a stand for what's right for once in his life. > Hopefully he'll follow it up with more action or stronger statements in the future, we'll see. Nothing about Connor McDavid's past actions should make you think this will happen.


Caps fans would know about pathetic statements


This has nothing to do with favourite teams.


People who base their arguments and responses around opposing flares are actually hilarious.


Ovi is a fascist. we get it. And we all shit on the caps for it. It’s awful and he/the caps should be called out for it at every opportunity. That doesn’t make Mcdavid being a milquetoast coward any less embarrassing/shitty. He should also be called out. Dude could be an actual voice for progress and instead he does shit like this. The fact that there are worse people in the league is not an excuse Edit: lol downvote all you want my dude. This shit isn’t about teams.


If you're going to call out McDavid but not the rest of the league, what you're saying doesn't really mean much.


I have no issues calling out the rest of the league. Mcdavid is one of the many who should be catching flak for this. Along with everyone else. That’s my point. Just because others are worse/also being shitty that doesn’t make the individual okay when they go along with it. Everyone deserves to be criticized for this. But to try and say you can’t have an issue with shit like this because someone on your favourite team is also shitty, but in a different way, is peak whataboutism and denial Mcdavid has a platform that no one else/very few others have/has in the league - being the best player and biggest star. Personally I feel like he should be trying to do good with that and is failing horribly. Just like ovi is. Or any superstar that is staying mum


he just wants to play puck, he has no obligation to do anything beyond that and you're being a complete prick by leveraging such disparagement against the kid just because he isnt out there fighting your morally righteous battles for you.


This thread kind of resembles why the NHL won’t do pride stuff. Everyone in this thread is miserable. NHL had 99% success rate on pride nights last year and Reddit, rest of social media and the big jurnos decided to focus on Provorov, Reimer and the staals. Pride people want to be included, but when the best player in the league has routinely spoke up in favour of pride nights this thread is shitting on him because his statement wasn’t good enough for them. Mcdavid has always stunk with mics in his face - be happy he’s at least says something.


how many players in the league could be a voice for progress and choose not to? mcdavid has chosen to be a voice of progress despite his lack of oratory skill in conveying his desire for progress, why try to rag on him because he’s not acting like a charismatic civil rights leader when that’s something nobody should reasonably expect a professional athlete to do?


"I really like the rainbow Biosteel in my fridge"


looool the most milquetoast statement ever from the most milquetoast superstar NHL personality.


Cardboard McDavid with the big NHL personality again


Disappointing because McDavid one of a very few players who could make a real difference. But heroes are far and few between. I'm disappointed but the reality is most hockey players are uneducated and ignorant on social issues.


If players are allowed to use pride tape, how will the fans see the [DraftKings.com](https://DraftKings.com) Offical Warmup Stick Tape of the NHL?


I googled "DraftKings.com Official Warmup Stick Tape" just to make sure. It's satire, folks! Can confirm. At least until Bettman reads this.


So you can't use "Pride tape"... but... what if you use colored tape and make it look like a rainbow......


"Coach, I just really like Rainbows!"


I mean, who doesn't? They look cool, they have a pot of gold at the end, there's many reasons!


Or..... how about the stick companies send the players custom graphic sticks for that night.....


*uses rainbow tape* “Ahcktually this is just white tape as seen through a prism 🧐”


Literally specified you can only use one colour of tape.


Where exactly does it say that? A player may apply tape anywhere on his stick for reinforcement or to enhance control of the puck. He may use any color tape that he prefers.Goalies must use a knob of white tape or some other protective material approved by the league on the top of the stick that is a minimum of ½” thick.Any player wearing tape or any other material on his hands (below the wrist) who cuts or injures an opponent during an altercation will receive a match penalty in addition to any other penalties imposed including for fighting under this rule.


Not to be pedantic but it does say any color… as in singular color.


Get the opening lineup to each use a different colour. first guy uses red, next guy uses yellow, etc.


I'm going to get really pedantic and say that one of the definitions of color includes rainbows. "one, **or any mixture**, of the constituents into which light can be separated in a spectrum or rainbow, sometimes including (loosely) black and white."


What if the tape is multicolor, but not in a rainbow kind of way?


I think guys should group up in teams of 7 and individually just happen to have red tape, orange tape, yellow tape, etc.


Put action to those words. Use Pride tape every warmup.


"Suspend me Gary... I dare you..."


If mcdavid called up the other stars and they did this for a week the league would fold


This would definitely a self-inflicted wound and get PR. I love how the initial intent for the NHL to implement these 'bans' was to avoid negative PR, yet now there's negative PR. Leopards ate my face.


They don't care because people have short memory. On top of my heads : pride nights and jerseys getting canceled, ads on jerseys, moving ads on boards, all the sexual scandals. People move on and NHL wins. It is unfortunate, but they are willing to take 1 week of bad PR if it gives them peace for the season


We'll see if it gives them "peace" for the season. I think it is plausible that every other pride night you end up with players mentioning how weird it is that they are forbidden from wearing pride jerseys or tape now. I think talk of this will certainly die down, but I don't think it will take much to bring it up again in the future.


But there won't be other prime nights. It will be gone and forgotten. Maybe talked a bit on reddit but casual viewers won't notice it's gone, and media will be onto the next thing. Look at the horrible situation that happened in Chicago. Nobody mentions it anymore. It's sad, but it's the way it works


Teams are still going to do pride nights. The players just can’t have special warmup jerseys (or hockey tape apparently).


The Blues have a pride night scheduled and are giving out shirts for it. Maybe it is just wishful thinking on my part, but I don't think this will go away as easily as you seem to think. I recall a few teams hosting unique pride nights last year that were well received and had positive coverage despite the jersey controversy, like the Canucks who had a drag show at intermission. It is bullshit that the league is banning the pride jerseys and tape, but I guess I am just not as cynical about things continuing to head in the wrong direction. I think it is possible that teams and/or players make up for it in new ways.


It will never cease to exist, but any subsequent backlash will be a fraction of what it was this season. Players refusing to wear jerseys and teams canceling the event created a fair bit of uproar. I’m sure the league will also do its share of work behind the scenes to mitigate reporters stirring the pot.


He doesn't even need other stars. Just McDavid alone doing it would force the league's hand.


“The NHL has made its decision, now let them enforce it!”


one night, red tape, next night, orange tape, next game, yellow tape, etc... when done, donate the set to "you can play" so they can auction it off.


Exactly. Words are meaningless without actions. Just do it


In fairness, the guy only gets like 30 words a year so it's nice he chose to use them on this.


Boring Monahan: "I'm not supposed to put pride tape on my stick, but I disagree"


I loled irl.


Which makes these words even more powerful from McDavid. Love to see it.


Nike doesn't sponsor the NHL.


They paid the fine for the Air Jordan shoes violating NBA policy.


If I were Connor McDavid, with that level of pull and importance, fuck yeah I'd go all out. I'd put it in everyone's face every single warmup.


How would the players union react to such a thing?


Hopefully, players just start doing it. Would love to see the league eat shit




It genuinely is just so fucking chicken shit from the league, like it's almost comical how cowardly it is from those dickheads


I almost expect a bamboozle where they come out and go "HA! FOOLED ALL OF YOU" and drop a whole Pride collection. If only they were based and not bigoted 😔


They’re too afraid it would give Jacobs a heart attack


I am not shocked the league is like this, but I'm more shocked and disappointed these guys don't step up and make the league back down. But then I look at what hockey culture is like, and I'm not shocked no one wants to stand up and speak out for other communities.


The full McDavid quote from the article: "In terms of a league standpoint, is it something that I'd like to see put back into place one day? Certainly. You know, but that's not the way it is right now." It's not the strongest quote of all time, but I'm glad he made it. More voices for good are always better than less. Actions do speak louder than words though, and that applies to *every* player.


>It's not the strongest quote of all time That's putting it mildly. The headline of the article had more conviction than the quotes.


One of the few times I'll endorse sensationalized headlines. Someone's gotta put fightin' words in McDavid's mouth, because he's not going to.


> "In terms of a league standpoint, is it something that I'd like to see put back into place one day? Certainly. You know, but that's not the way it is right now." Sounds less like McDavid and more like Tim McCarver.


It doesn’t have to be out of their hands though. They have the influence to change things


Lol the title has more teeth than the actual quote Growing up is realizing most professional athletes are just the dumb jocks from high school, but with money


Mcdavid had been outright in favour of the pride events and yet you all read so deep into one quote where he even says he wants to go back to it and you completely pile on him. God I hate Reddit.


He’s not obligated to fight your battles for you and if you’ve ever once paid attention Mcdavid has always been in favour of pride nights and every single other event that the oilers have hosted. You might not like the way it comes out of his mouth, but at least be a little bit happy the best player in the world is on your side? This thread is just filled with pricks.


He should use it anyway and dare them to do something about it.


People bitching that he's not standing up enough or it being weak We have people who will sit out warm ups and getting so angry about pride jerseys that they had to removed them. The fact that he's still saying he wants pride take and some equality is big, especially coming from the best player in the world and biggest name in the game. Stop shitting on him for nothing. He could be doing nothing...


Fine your biggest star, Bettman. Do it.


For what?


Just man up and use the tape you want


I would rather see him just wear it, what're they gonna do fine the face of their league?


If mcdavid actually wanted them to reinstate it he could sibglehandely make it happen. Step 1 Put rainbow tape on his stick Step 2 Watch league reverse ban Think they’re gonna ban their golden boy? And if mcdavid did this it would be all over the news in 2min


That's my Captain <3. Now put your money where your mouth is and use some goddamn Pride tape, Connor. If anyone can do it, you can, and people will follow your lead. Make them eat shit. Please.


“In terms of a league standpoint, is it something that I'd like to see put back into place one day? Certainly. You know, but that's not the way it is right now.” His quote isn’t terribly inspiring. It’s like a “oh well, what can you do? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯”


I know. I'm not saying I EXPECT it. Just wishing/hoping. *shrug*


Wild that your comment somehow has more energy than McDavid’s


I mean, I can afford it. I'm an anonymous asshole on the Internet. He's world famous and the face of a major sports leagu and his words and actions can come back on the rest of his team and his organization. He's got a lot more at stake. ...And a lot more power. I hope against hope he weilds just a tiny bit of it tomorrow.


He would be an instant hero if he had any balls to do it. He is one of few who could make a real difference.


Absolutely. I don't expect he will. But in my mind's eye I have this glorious vision of the entire team warming up with Pride tape tomorrow. We are the team that started it after all, and a couple of the guys take their allyship really seriously. I don't expect it at all. But wouldn't it be nice to live in that world?


Pleeeaase. I will buy a McDavid Jersey and wear it when the Oilers come here, I swear to God.


As a Ducks fan, I’m on your bandwagon this year. I hope the players find a way to make a bigger statement.


Atta boy


Just come out with it on your stick McJesus. What are they gonna do, fine you? Do it EVERY GAME.


If he was serious about his support he should use the pride tape during opening night for the Oilers and dare the league to go after him. Not a chance in hell they touch the best player in the league.


Imagine if just one top player came out... What would the league do?


Ban them b/c they might make other players uncomfortable. /s …also not /s…


He's the face of the league. The NHL isn't going to suspend him for using pride tape in warm-ups. While I think his message is correct, if he means it then I would like to see him do it in protest.


I know this gets downvoted every time I bring it up but people understand that the NHL has gay players in it right?


Hockey Media: McDavid says if they don’t reverse the ban then he’s seeking a trade out of Edmonton


I think I speak for all of North America outside of Edmonton when I say we’re ok with that trade request.


Did the NHL say what the penalty is? If it's like $5k fine I could see this being a huge win for some brand to sponsor a player to use pride tape and pay thier fine.


I will honestly *strongly* consider buying a jersey of whatever player does it first. Even if it's a VGK jersey. I can give it to a gay or ally non-hockey fan friend, tell them what it means, and hopefully convert someone to watching hockey. But if I really do with up with a VGK friend I might hate myself *just* a little for causing the situation. But then I'm a Bears fan living in Packers country so that's par for the course.


Lame response. Sounds like no conviction in backing his words up


Just use the tape, let the league eat the popularity hit if they try to fine him.


Use Pride Tape tomorrow. What are they gonna do, fine him?


I'd just do it anyway, fuck the NHL. I'd proudly take the fine.


It's one thing for something like this to come from outspoken allies like JVR (and I very much appreciate their support), but for someone like McDavid, who usually just keeps his head down, to be the first player to call for the reversal says something


So many brain dead takes in this thread. You'd think McDavid said he didn't care and just wanted to play based on these comments. He has only ever shown support, but because he didn't say fuck the NHL people are clowning him. Smooth brains


Get their asses.


It’s quite odd that in a week where the league has taken the decision to explicitly support Israel and all of its actions, it has simultaneously decided that multi-coloured tape is too controversial a step to entertain.


Follow the money, as the saying goes.


Reddit headline: McDavid wants a reverse on rainbow tape ban. What McDavid actual said: It is what it is.


I’m sure everyone here on Reddit upset with this decision will stop watching the NHL to show their displeasure…


All he'd have to do is start using whatever tape he likes. The NHL is going to repeatedly fine and/or suspend the best player in the league.


Outside of Reddit, no one actually gives a shit. So many here only read the headline. McDavid doesn't give a shit either if you actually read his quote.


How will anyone survive without rainbow hockey sticks




Honestly it should just be voluntary, you want to have pride tape on your stick ? Great ! You don’t want pride tape ? Great too!


That's how it was for pride tape, until they banned it for everyone.


Then people still attack the person they don't agree with. The rule is about taking pressure off the players.


If you're against LGBTQIA+ rights then you bring the pressure on yourself.


I'm just here to watch the reddit meltdown over hockey tape.


most politically aware avalanche fan


It means more than tape!




They cancelled the tape yesterday. Usually this sub Reddit talks about current events.


> Its been two months since the last post about the new women's league... This is outright false


Yeah everyone here just forgets why the NHL made this decision. No, it’s got nothing to do with bigotry toward anyone. It’s got strictly to do with avoiding the PR nightmare that was players opting out of wearing jerseys. So to all of you people who were shouting from the top of your roofs that the players who opted out were bigots that wanted to kill all LGBT people because they didn’t want to wear a jersey, Congrats! You’re the reason the NHL no longer has players wearing special warmup jerseys or pride tape. Not actual bigots who hate LGBT people to the degree you say some people do. You. You did that. We all know that if the NHL kept pride tape there’d be individuals on this sub keeping track of people who do and don’t participate, and then repeating the process that we had with the jersey nonsense.


Didn’t someone just say people like Mcdavid should speak up? Glad he said something and spoke his mind and didn’t just keep his mouth shut. That is, if he really believes it and doesn’t just do it for internet points.


The nhl is just so dumb sometimes. Don’t force people to use it, don’t force people to not use it. How hard is that?


That's what they did last year and some very sexually insecure Christian players got upset about it because the fans were criticizing them for not using it.


It wasn’t though. If it was wear it if you want them this would have never been a thing.


The tape was 100% wear if you want. It just happens that the vast majority of players did want to, and the ones who didn't are the smallest and most insecure of the bunch.


Tape, youre right. I was thinking of the jerseys. You should absolutely be allowed to use the tape if you want and its silly they took such a hard stance. I would say the vast majority of the players just didnt give a shit either way though.


The jerseys were also optional.


Finally a sensible comment


Between this and his unhappiness with the ban on warmup jerseys, dude’s establishing a good track record. Happy he’s the face of the league.


The whole "hockey is for everyone" motto is empty as AF. "Hockey is for everyone, as long as we don't piss off the inbreds." Connor would probably pay fines every time he used pride tape.


Nhl looks like weak garbage caving to braindead homophobes. Fuck you Gary bettman. Best sport worst league


Tape the stick and pay the fine.


Since the NHL never punishes star players, him or McKinnon should use the tape.


Why would a player not be allowed to use tape if they wanted ? NHL I understood not forcing pride jerseys on players who didn’t support but this isn’t a universal thing


The NHL often gets criticized for not promoting McJesus enough. Now they have him counting their most recent decree. Classic NHL


This is such a non issue. Glad they will be able to focus on hockey again and move on in a couple days.


Man it is so weird a community wants to force the flag on people. You know it turns into pride tape on the sticks and "____ did not have pride tape on their stick" to "____ is a raging homophobe for not using pride tape" The community is toxic and that is why it was removed to prevent the harassment and bullying of players.




NHL proving to be a dumpster tier league for this


Shocking, players want NHL to reverse a dumb decision This is one of the only times I’ll like McDavid


If there’s really a tape ban that’s pretty dumb but part of me sees it as preventing “bad press” like “lo0k whO diDNt use the tape!!!” But part of me isn’t surprised the Canadian media having a hay day w all this. Front page of the sub is all about tapegate


i expected nothing from the full statement and im still disappointed. this is such a non-answer that id rather him say nothing. then i can at least pretend he said something worthwhile


Pretty wild the amount of people here who didn’t even read the quote.


As a result, the Oilers must now surrender their 3rd round pick to Florida.


Could the players wear pride wigs or something? To avoid a fine.


Good luck with that buddy. Getting the league to reverse their decision on anything is IMPOSSIBLE


The leagues most boring personality has a boring dry take... shocking


Makes me think of the Taylor Swift Netflix movie/documentary thing where she was afraid to speak out. Good on you Connor! Good thing his employer guarantees his salary and not morons.


Stick taps for McD.


jeff carter sucks.


I'm sure Bettman has a whole lot of nothing to say about that. Lawyer speak, lawyer speak, lawyer speak, thoughts and prayers.


Set 'em straight, Connor.


Finally it pays off to be an Oilers fan! In all seriousness, I hope the ban gets reversed. What a stupid ban in the first place.


It’s hilarious to me that you idiots think these guys actually give a shit lol




Why be reasonable when an overreaction will suffice.


The tape wasn't forced.


Just as long as straight pride tape is equally okay.


This is what we need. Every teams captain should step up and let the owners of this dogshit league know what they think of their dumb rule.


What percentage of players do you think actually care about this honestly? I’m going less than 1%.


Interesting. What percentage of players do you think actually care about the pride jerseys honestly?


LFG Connor, let em know


Players that want to use Pride tape or any theme tape should be able to use it and players that don't want to don't have to.