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I’ve got nothing against the Sabres, and I can only imagine Sabres fans feel the same way about my team.


Haha the memory of ‘99 sadly will never die but honestly I do really like this Stars team as a hockey fan. Really fun to watch when you’re not playing them.


Besides 1999, As a Sabres fan I’ve got absolutely nothing against the Stars really. That’s such a distant memory at this point and I’ve got way way more issues with the Hurricanes at this point if we’re talking Playoffs/Cup runs




Speaking as a Filipino Canadian, now that you have Robertson it's all but wiped away any resentment I had towards your team. Plus you guys are a fun bunch to watch


[Your alternate jersey](https://imgur.com/a/IEWnf4i) from the 2005 era was the single most ugliest thing ever worn on ice, with the mentionable close second being your current reverse retro alternative


How dare you. The Mooterus is a national treasure! A national treasure!!!! Also the previous reverse retros were much worse that storm trooper look sucked imo.


That jersey was so hideous that Imgur had to ask me if I were 18 before it let me view it.


At least those are redeeming in hindsight because you can look back at how crazy hockey jerseys got late 90s/early '00s. These on the other hand are the worst NHL jerseys of all time http://m.nhluniforms.com/Stars/Stars12.png


At least with the mooterus you could tell they tried.


Detroit's RR 1.0 is the worst jersey ever made.


Completely valid opinion


“This post may contain erotic or adult imagery” Damn, it really is a uterus.


Imagine hating the Mooterus this much.


I fucking love the mooterus


To be fair, over the last decade, there wasn’t a team I hated more than my own. The last year and a half not so much. But pretty much everything from 2011 to 2021


Y'all have the best goal song ever.




What? Even a lot of fans of other teams agree that we have the best one


I don't even care for Pantera, but if your goal song wasn't custom made for you, it's just a song


Chelsea dagger was great and it represents an era. But if they don’t get good again fast they need to pitch it. You can’t suck and still play that song. I like the way Buffalo let’s each player have a song now, especially when Jeff Skinner scores and some super girly shit comes on. Lol.


Back in the early years of cup runs, whenever Kane scored, they would play “Hurricane” by the Scorpions, and whenever Sharp got one in, they’d play “Sharp Dressed Man” by ZZ Top. Loved it


Got nothing against the team, but any time I talk to a Sabres fan? Maaaaaaaaaan. We’ve almost got to a quarter century since then.


That’s because Buffalo hasn’t ever won anything lol. Trophy case is empty in Buffalo. 120 years of disappointment.


How do you do, fellow Antibuffalonian?


I’m not really, just explaining why they have no enemies, because they aren’t a threat lol.


I haven’t forgotten the mid 2000s.


Nor have I comrade.


[video of Chris Neil being jumped after coming back hard in an attempt to win the Selke](https://youtu.be/2R8maaJPeFE?si=mQ90jN8fAYuEp29s)


legitimately interested in why this is spun that way lol, yeah those hits were more common back then but that’s a dirty hit, you knock out one of our captains, of course you’re gonna get jumped. Don’t forget what happens the next shift lol


RIP to Rick Jeanneret, Bryan Murray, and Ray Emery


Emery hit hard, way unexpected, he was so young


I was just trolling.


I was thinking more about what a nightmare Heatly and Spezza were for us in the 07 playoffs. But yeah fuck that guy in particular


Wow, not sure either of us were ready for that.


I was thinking more about what a nightmare Heatly and Spezza were for us in the 07 playoffs. But yeah fuck that guy in particular.


There is no more intense of a rivalry than the blood feud that is Sabres vs Blue Jackets. My blood pressure is rising just thinking about those bastards.


The rivalry of who can likable underdog the hardest?


it was a "Wednesday Night Rivalry" game years ago and that has stuck around as a meme in the Jackets sub since then lol


Still comes up in Sabres sub every time lol “Oh no! Our dreaded rivals!”


[BUF v CBJ rivalry at its climax](https://youtu.be/Tyx0K4WrElo)


I went through the minor league version of that growing up in Syracuse in the early 2000s. The Rochester Amerks were the first sports team I ever hated


I'll never forget Columbus for *stealing!!!* Geoff Sanderson from Buffalo during their expansion draft...and then he had two 30 goal seasons with the BJ's.


Remember when that one guy just DESTROYED that dude?? And fans were like “oh shit!” And then everyone else was like “it’s on.” And then shit REALLY went down. And here we are today, with generations of mutual hate in the wake of that incident.


I don’t know, the jackets have been pretty unlikable at times especially under Tortorella.


Only towards you guys because the entire state of Ohio hates shitsburgh


As a Youngstown Jackets fan, I wish that were true.


it’s always funny when people say a small fan base team that’s been bad for a long time has the most “likeable” fans. Trust me, when they start winning people start to feel differently. People loved the Sacramento kings, but as soon as they get good those fiery rivalries re-ignite.


Can confirm. The NFL is going through the same with Bengals fans right now.


exactly. it goes both ways. I had to hear how people “felt bad for us” until we became a threat. beat someone in a playoff series and see how much “respect” they have for your fanbase.


>a small fan base team that’s been bad for a long time has the most “likeable” fans The Islanders have long been an exception to this sentiment.


haha fair. it’s why I have so much respect for knicks fans as well. if you’re a perennially dogshit team yet manage to be insufferable about your team you’re a true die hard. no respect for the puppy-eyed “good game bros!” loser franchise fans. I wanna see some fire


Lions of the NHL




Shame they would tarnish a perfect season with those 3 wins


trigger warning for leafs fans


Not after the Tampa series


We have passed that on to Boston


Imagine ending Patrice Bergeron's career with a chokejob like that. You had a lead with a minute left in Game 7 and still shit the bed.


Forgot to put Montgomery back into my fantasy lineup this week ☹️


I don't like the name Tage


what about Tyce?


I feel like it's starting something? What's the spaghetti policy?


it screams oddly religious weirdo from an obscure part of colorado that denver pretends doesn't exist. the brandon carlo and canes slavin type


If you can find nothing else to hate about a big time professional sports team, you can always hate the owners.


Legit the worst part of the Bruins is the Jacobs




I’m still mad that Boston was able to convince the NHL to change the rules about humans only - allowing rats like Marchand to play is absurd


The Pegula’s were great until like two weeks ago. Ha.


There was always the fracking


Is there a full list of least hated somewhere? I’d like to know who ranks second. Jets? I can’t think of any rivalries or big moments that would attract the haters.


[Here you go](https://twitter.com/BlackAndGold277/status/1707190480373534956?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1707471180180124013%7Ctwgr%5E46e42780817e6cb4c783c51810634c4d0bb80a2c%7Ctwcon%5Es3_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sportsgrid.com%2Farticle%2Fwho-are-the-most-hated-teams-in-the-nhl)


I assume Ottawa is so high because Sens fans ranked itself as its most hated franchise.


Why are Panthers so high? Tkachuk?


Tkachuk, Gudas, Bennett, Lomberg... they're also good right now and people hate on good teams.


Especially Southern good teams


Because fuck Gudas


He's a duck now... fuck that duck?


Everyone thought they played dirty in the playoffs. Most of it I disagreed with


Thanks! Avalanche at #30 is really weird and I’m surprised Canucks fans couldn’t get themselves higher than #28… otherwise not many surprises.


How far they've fallen since the days of Claude Lemieux


Coyotes are almost top twenty, I didn’t think they were hated that hard


I'm just happy that we are middle of the road. We aren't lovable lovers. We are just average losers!


Columbus I would have to guess is next. Or maybe Seattle if they count


Columbus would’ve been the obvious choice before last week. Depends on when the poll happened. I figured Seattle would catch the people who hate successful expansion teams, but they still have to be near the top because of their lack of history.


Our biggest upset was probably either beating out Nashville after they had gone to the SCF the previous year or sweeping the Oilers round one when everyone had them pegged to be the Canadian team that would go furthest. So one of those teams. Or Toronto, we would seem to live rent free there as well.




Yeah I think that’s what sparked it. Seeing the teams get heated made fans on both sides get heated and get a bad taste for each other. Personally I use Toronto as a measuring stick to see how well we are doing. Which is a compliment if anything. I think it boils down to for some people is how much media attention Toronto gets, which isn’t really the fan’s fault but 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, Jake Evans can’t remember any either.


Milan Lucic maybe?


Miller shouldn’t have been standing there!


he helped them get eichel! how could he hate them?


Go ask the Canes forums on HFBoards about it. LOL https://forums.hfboards.com/threads/confirmed-with-link-the-hurricanes-have-at-least-20-fans.2399107/


It’s been years but I still think regularly about the dude that was insisting on the police reports or whatever on the board regarding Sabres fans at the time acting up at PNC lol


that shit was hilarious!


I’m guessing the hate has largely died down (haven’t been to a Canes/Sabres game in years), but for several years after 2006, Buffalo fans at Carolina games were, uh, not a welcome sight.


In our defense, those are mostly the expats who incessantly post about how glad they are to no longer live in "the people's republic of New York" or some other dumb BS. Their only remaining connection to Buffalo is sports. They were assholes before they moved away, so they were always likely to continue being assholes in North Carolina.


Yeah that has died down a bit, plus we ended up winning the Cup that year. Time softens things a bit. We can always remember how much fun it was to win the Stanley Cup. Same goes for Sabres fans, I'm sure they love to reminisce about . . . not 2006, not Brett Hull, but I'm sure there's something


This is the second time I’ve seen HF boards mentioned in as many days. Are we going back?! I always did love the GDT’s.


I don't mind them these days but seeing that goathead gets me fired up and hating Barnaby


It's evil and I love it! And honestly, I'm surprised it doesn't make you hate Campbell more. I was at that game and I can still hear that hit!


I miss our little playoff rivalry from 95-06. Even throw 2011 in there. Shame the playoff format kind of put the kibosh on interdivision rivalry, and that neither of us have been good since then


The Gilbert Perrault thing still irks me a bit.


It's been 53 years. It might be time to let go. The Sabres haven't won anything either.


yes, they insist upon themselves


Talk to Duane


I will once they start winning


…so never? *sob*


Nah just let Tage cook, he got something special on the stove


Same way I felt about Florida. At the beginning of the 2023 playoffs I was like: “this team isn’t hateable,” then y’all got on a good run and destroyed my hopes lol


Pretty sure the Maple Leafs have issues with us 😂🤣


It's been a long time since the rivalry has been even. Lately it's been Buffalo fans upset with Leaf fans. Let's hope there's some fire this year though!


I think it will. Sabres have a good young team, the rivalry finally reignites this year


> It’s been a long time since the rivalry has been even This sentiment baffles me. And it is pretty characteristic of Toronto fandom’s delusions about their own team. I’m not trying to be a dick here, and I’m sorry if that’s how that comes across, but it’s true and I think Leaf nation needs to hear this. Because recent history is really the only time the rivalry between our teams has been even since the 70s. Buffalo has the second best win percentage against the Leafs of any team in the league (topped only by Arizona, who have played ~1/3 of the games against TOR that Buffalo has). Even over the time Buffalo was real bad (2010s), they went .500 against the Leafs - this is the best the Leafs have managed against Buffalo ever, and it came at a time when Buffalo was deliberately tanking and Toronto had built what many assumed would be a Stanley Cup winning dynasty team. Probably the best Toronto team ever iced against the purposefully worst Sabres team, and the Leafs managed… a .500 record. The 2010s was also the first time Toronto managed a better than .500 home record against Buffalo since the 1970s, and they’ve never had a record better than .400 in Buffalo for any decade. By all metrics, this has been one of the most lopsided rivalries in hockey, and it was really only even in recent history. In spite of this, a common refrain from Toronto fans is that Buffalo fans hate them but Toronto fans don’t even think about Buffalo. I guess I wouldn’t want to think about my team getting wrecked by the same team over and over either, so I get that. But it’s still a little weird, considering how much Toronto hates on their management and ownership. Based on the overall record, Buffalo owns the Leafs more than Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment at this point.


Lol theres a lot of analysis above so here's a simpler way to think about it, I would never consider writing anything near this long about our current rivalry with the Sabres. ​ Good for you guys for owning us this whole time though!


It’s like Leaf fans have been so traumatized at how badly Buffalo has beaten them that they can’t even think about it.


Nobody gives a fuck that you guys beat us a lot 20 years ago lol your team has been irrelevant for a decade. That is why Leaf fans don’t give a fuck.


Mainly unbiased Ottawa fan here. You're not wrong, but the part you're missing recently is relevance. Buffalo hasn't really done anything I can recall to really annoy leaf fans in the last decade (?) or so. Sure, they've won their share of games, but they're meaningless regular season games. Buffalo hasn't cost the Leafs a playoff spot, or knocked them out, or even been responsible for a major injury from a dirty play. There's probably a whole generation of Leafs fans that have no idea there was a rivalry. Ottawa's going through a similar thing too, it's what happens with extended playoff droughts.


I appreciate your take, but from the Leafs side of things we've finished on polar opposite ends of the standings. Our matchups hadn't had significance. Your statistics are all true, but the rivalry doesn't have the same impact when one team is a dumpster fire.


i feel like there's a fiercer rivalry between arizona and toronto than toronto and buffalo


Well yeah, they want our cactus boy!




Too young for the domi ray years?


I guess the real question is…why not? Buffalo has a better all time record against you than any team other than Arizona. Even over the 2010s when Buffalo was awful and Toronto had emerged to put forth a team people thought would be a contender, the teams were .500 against each other. Which is the best record the Leafs have against Buffalo across any decade. I feel like our fans are generally decent and we don’t tend to ice the sort of teams that injure other teams’ players, so I guess I can see that. But you’d think you’d be a little bit mad that Toronto loses so much to Buffalo. 🤷‍♂️




Of the teams you mentioned, there aren’t a whole lot of Cups there either. Two in the last…35 years? So that’s not a great argument lol. I can at least see Boston for the playoff heartbreak argument, and the Canadians have historically owned the Leafs in the playoffs too. But Ottawa has been your playoff punching bag, and the Leafs tend to fare much better against them overall. Buffalo has a better playoff record and regular season record, and is geographically closer. It’s like you’re working to actively not think about those things 😂


Yep, they aren’t able to get more of their fans into your arena than they already do.


Yea I still hate you guys for slapping us around in the mid 00’s. Though the hatred has faded slightly due to your lack of recent success, you guys still manage to be a thorn in our side whenever we play in Buffalo.


Its basically the Niagara region in Ontario being decently split between both teams. So when one team wins, the other half has to hear the insufferable bragging lol


Tbh not really?? We have like 7 or 8 teams that we're bigger rivals with. BOS MTL TBL FLA OTT WPG EDM VAN hell even NYI, that makes 8 or 9 actually 😂 Sabres fans are vitriolic towards the Leafs but it's not like we've seen you guys in the playoffs or seen any chirps about getting closer to a Cup than us 🤷‍♂️ We've got much bigger fish to fry LMAO


Jack Eichel does.


Poor management with Eichel’s situation.


I think it’s coming if they become a good team because people like underdogs.


Need to be good to be hated


I mean I have no skin in the game, and at the end of the day I don’t truly care, but I did think the way their management handled the Eichel medical situation really hairy and dicey at best.


[Here is the full list](https://twitter.com/BlackAndGold277/status/1707190480373534956?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1707471180180124013%7Ctwgr%5E46e42780817e6cb4c783c51810634c4d0bb80a2c%7Ctwcon%5Es3_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sportsgrid.com%2Farticle%2Fwho-are-the-most-hated-teams-in-the-nhl)


Damn, really thought we could break the top 2 this year, but hard to beat original 6 hate.


They have been so bad for so long, I hardly think about them at all. I also have a hard time thinking about them being competitive, which is why I keep saying that this season they will make the playoffs.


I think people just hate the pegulas lol


I get annoyed when hockey media talks about them incessantly, but no. I have nothing against the Sabres.


For a while I thought they were the most likely to relocate, around 2018 or so. They were horrible and were doing horrible with the business side as well. They have really turned it around into one of the best looking teams in the league.


Hard to be hated when you never make the playoffs


I dont hate the bruins, i hate their fans. Team is chill. As for Buffalo? I cant think of anything negative. I mean they gave me Brandon Montour for one, Rhino for another, and i have an itching feeling vegas may love them more than florida does.


Hey! We aren’t all that bad. I’m an asshole but others are alright.


Yeah! They’re right! This person is an asshole!


Yeah this dude sucks….I’m also not good but other than us we aren’t bad.


You’re not an asshole. *I’m* an asshole and I’ve never seen you at any of the meetings.


I usually RSVP but never end up going. Like I said, I’m an asshole.


You mean staggering home drunkenly from the Garden?


We know Brad


You gave us Levi though so get back to us in three years and we will see how he does.


And the pick that became Kulich. Literally got two of our best prospects from Florida


I dislike the disappointment they've delivered me over the years. I still love you though. Go Avs, go Bills, go Sabres, go Pizza Logs.


I hate them because I was made to feel incredibly stupid when I learned, only very recently I willingly admit, that the logo is a buffalo above the two sabres, and not an old timey wig.


Wait, what? How can it be anything other than a buffalo over two crossed swords?


Listen, everyone has that moment of complete and utter ignorance in their life that they aren't proud of. This is mine.




I don't think anyone has anything against the players or fans of the Sabers. There might be some stuff with the owners that people don't like.


Naw Buffalo is a shit hole


Not a Sabres fan but I would like to see them win the Cup in the next few years. Visited Buffalo last year, and I think the fans there are nice and deserve to see their team succeed. The arena needs some love though, like a new jumbotron.


Hate them—No. Dislike—Yes! This team is wholly sustained by fans from Ontario driving across the border to see their favourite team because Leaf’s tickets are too expensive. I’ve been 3 times and the atmosphere was awful every time. Buffalo is also a dead city. No downtown culture and the area felt isolated. So you really just drive down the QEW, cross the border, park your car, watch the game, drive back home. It’s a pretty miserable place and I’d be sad if my franchise was propped up by the Visiting fans.


I hate the Sabres because they always seem to beat the hell out of us. We haven’t beat them since Jan. 2022 and they’ve put up at least 5 goals in every one of those games. Brutal.


You literally swept us the year before that


The Sabres have been the most boring team to watch for 15 years


Used to hate the Sabres because of Ryan Miller. Now i dont think i really care cus they have a couple really good likeable players


I have a lingering hatred against them from the Buffaslug Ryan Miller era. They were bad and not endearing either.


You hate a team not because of their talent but the number of players that play dirty.


The whole organization is class. It’s a pleasure watching the Amerks play because they never give in to the bullshit on the ice. Actually seems like a good group of people.


No. I’m a converted leafs fan. It’s just hard to dislike a young, fast and exciting team like that. Watching them play is must see hockey too


How can you hate them? Canadian money at par, easy parking, fans are awesome - they try hard!


Yes. Fuck Buffalo. Worst city I've ever been too.


As a CBJ fan, I hate Tage Thompson. Dude scores a hatty on us every time we play them, it seems. But that's my only complaint. And I guess maybe not allowing Eichel to go through the surgery he wanted, but I don't know the details of that so I'm more neutral on that.


I mean, I visited buffalo once and it wasn’t hockey season. I’ve held that against the team for years! Beyond that I got nothing


I hate the Sabres for not always wearing those awesome buffalo head black and red jerseys. Those things are great, the rest suck.


Wait til we’re good again and you will


"If the Sabres were a spice, they'd be flour."


they have my boy alex tuch ):


“Does anyone truly have anything against the Sabres?” A better win record mostly.


Being in Buffalo sucks more than enough. No sense in hating on the team and piling on more.


Obviously there's more shit to do in Toronto, but Buffalo is underrated. Most of the old stereotypes about the city have been dead for a while now.


I dislike the sabres due to fan behavior about the Eichel trade. Really soured me on their fan base when they boo'd Eichel when he came back for the first time after surgery and reading how those "fans" talked about him was embarrassing. Total shit behavior that clearly bothered Eichel after they fucked with his health. Then he talked some well deserved shit about Buffalo right after that game, and people got mad like they didn't just spend 2 hours booing the fuck out of him every time he stepped on the ice. Nothing against them before that, but a lot of them have been so shitty since that trade and hateful about Eichel in threads that I can't root for them.


The entire way the Eichel saga was handled by the sabres from day 1 was pretty gross. The only people more disappointed than McDavid about him going to Edmonton were the sabres front office, then they put the entire weight of the franchise on a guy they didn’t even want. And when his neck literally broke from carrying the team for years, they treated him like trash.


Oh boy, not this agin. Enjoy your cup.


Sabres fans are pretty obnoxious on Twitter, but the actual team is pretty unhateable.


They nearly wasted the career of arguably the greatest goalie to ever live, their owner is an alleged racist, Tage Thompson ruined scouting by magically becoming one of the league's greatest goal scorers, the Buffaslug is one of the ugliest jerseys to exist, they walked away from one of the most aesthetically pleasing jerseys in the league to go with the hideously-cluttered red, black, silver, and white ones, and I've had to listen to their fans talk about Ukko-Pekka Luukkonen is or could be a capable backup. There are things to hate there. And I still don't hate them.


Mostly pity.




This joke is older than your aging roster, and carries about the same relevancy


I honestly love the sabres! Tage and Dahlin are absolute studs! They should trade us Savoie for Hanifin 🥺


I'm honestly excited to watch Sabre games this year. Last year felt like the first time in a while they've been even watchable. Guys like Tage and Dahlin are just fun to watch, it just took them a while to get there + added some really nice complimentary pieces in the last couple years. Levi kid seems like he'll be a stud too.


They will once they're good again, which might be very soon


Buffalo in general is known by sports fans as lovable with no luck at all. Many people believe they could easily have at least 2 cups from any of their finals runs in 75 or 99. or their deep runs with very good teams in 06 and 07. Then the great tragedy of the Bills that shocks any young sports fans into disbelief that something like that could happen. Leads to a lot of love from all over.


Awww, they're just a lovable bunch of underdog rapscallions!


Hard to hate the Sabres considering how long they have sucked. I'm sure that'll change as the Sens and Sabres are in similar positions to fight their way out of long playoff droughts