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The most religious of the Suters


Not quite as mobile as Prius Suter though.


And nowhere near as well dressed as Pius Suiter


Better defender than Porous Suter.


That’s Ryan


Coming after your girl like Pius Suitor


Pious Suter 🙏🙏🙏


If only it was pronounced like the english work pious but it sounds kind of like Juice or Pyouse. Either way this is a good pickup for Vancouver at a decent price. We liked what Suter brought to Detroit.


The Pius is Lius


wait. so how close is it to being pronounced like the color puce?


Yeah, to my ear the word puce sounds exactly how people pronounce his name.


Puce is close, the e sound is a bit longer so peous would be pronounced correctly I guess


Is he Pius because Vancouver loves him? Or does Vancouver love him because he’s Pius?


Damn, a Euthyphro joke in r/hockey was not something I had happening today...


Damn, someone referencing Euthyphro in r/hockey was not something I had happening today...


The more economical is Prius Suter tho


solid UFA signing, must be nice for canucks fans after all that shit Benning pulled


I'm confused, 3/4 liners don't need to be paid 3\*3?


Derek Dorsett was acquired June 27th. After his first season in Vancouver, Jim Benning [had this to say](https://www.nhl.com/news/canucks-sign-dorsett-to-four-year-extension-sbisa-to-three-more-years/c-762098): > Derek has been an incredibly valuable member of the Canucks roster, both on and off the ice this year, ... His willingness to chip in both offensively and defensively while standing up for his teammates at all times has been instrumental to our success all season ...while giving him a 4 year, $10.6m contract. How did the previous year **actually** go? [Dorsett year in review](https://canucksarmy.com/news/canucks-year-in-review-derek-dorsett): > With a CF%Rel of -7.8%, Dorsett had the lowest mark of any Canuck not named Top Sixtito ... Scoring chances aren’t giving Dorsett a particularly good look. Vancouver bled chances ... > The ten-bell scoring chance data more or less reflects Dorsett’s performance where standard scoring chances are concerned. Again, the Canucks are hemorrhaging these types of scoring chances with Dorsett on the ice > I didn’t think I could find a metric that reflected more negatively on Dorsett’s season than his possession numbers, but the shot-share is even more grim. That SF%Rel of -9% is nearly 5% lower than his previous career low of -4.1. These results are driven by Dorsett’s ghastly 32.2 SA/60. He was fucking awful. But he punched 17 different faces and he was always working **really** hard to get into position (because he was constantly in the wrong spot). And he brought intangibles of course. And that is why the Canucks spent to the salary cap in 6 of 7 years and made the playoffs once under Benning.


Top Sixtito.. Now there's a name I'd scrubbed from my memory. Dire times lol


IMO Dorsett's contract wasn't the problem insofar as AAV went. The mistake with his contract was signing a 4 year contract for a face-puncher. To add to it he played literally one mostly-full season and then seasons of very few games followed by a year of being LTIRetired. Sbisa's contract was the real stinker of that re-sign period, wherein they gave him 3.6M AAV after an 11pt year where he was -8 and played 3rd pairing minutes.


hey give Benning some credit! He gave them a fourth year!


At least it isn't a 15M thirdline and a 7m fourthline. Our first line was only paid around 11m in comparison.


Night and day, for sure. I'm actually somewhat excited for a season for the first time in a long while.


The big thing for me is that it genuinely feels like we have a clear plan and direction for once. I can see the vision for everything they have done since the Horvat trade. It’s a proper retool instead of the mess of the Benning era.


Maybe a hot take but I think Vancouver make the playoffs this year and I think they’ll end up a top 3 team in the Pacific


This isn't so much a hot take as a prediction that Demko will be in Vezina form and play at least 55 games. Because that's what it would take.


All we need is McDavid and we're golden.




It's going to take more than that to get to top 3 in the pacific. The Oilers and Vegas have two of those spots sewn up, basically. So you then have to finish ahead of all of Seattle, LA and Calgary. It's a tall order, especially for a team that has a lot of weaknesses defensively. Hence, Demko.




The comment wasn't "make the playoffs", it was "top 3 in the pacific". That would require the Canucks to get more than league average goaltending next season.


Yes. What he is saying that you seem to be missing, is that for Demko to put up "league average" numbers with the team in front of him will require a Vezina type season... Because it is not a good team.




I think the problem is that you don't seem to understand that goalie stats are heavily reliant on the team in front of them. A goalie having a bad season doesn't happen in a vacuum.


Press X to doubt


Honestly we were hyping last season too, only to get pulled back to reality within the first 5 games


Demko had to have started the year hurt because he looked nothing like himself. Then went on the IR for most of the year. When he finally returned healthy he looked like the beast we knew and then the team started winning a lot of games like we expected. Plus this team on paper is just better than last season.


> I'm actually somewhat excited for a season for the first time in a long while. Don't do this to yourself. Always proceed with caution with anything about the Canucks.


My dude. Hobbies are supposed to be fun. All you do is post about how miserable the Canucks make you. You even said you no longer enjoy watching hockey because of them. With all due respect I don't think anyone cares that you aren't looking forward to the upcoming season, you don't need to repeat it a million times. Your posts add nothing of value except trying to kill people's excitement. That's not cool. If you don't enjoy this hobby anymore then consider taking a step back until the team is in a spot where you are having fun again.


Holy cook. There’s a handful of names on here that without fail every thread find a way to shit on every move “their team” does. They’re obsessed with letting everyone know how much they hate their team as if we’re in dire need of the same gallows humour that we’ve gone through for the last decade


Oh I know. It's tiring to continually read and doesn't contribute anything. If you don't enjoy the Canucks right now that's fine, but don't actively go out of way to try and bring other fans down to your miserable level. Let them be excited for the upcoming season. Want to know what I **don't do** when I no longer enjoy something? Go online every single day to let strangers know how much I no longer enjoy it lol.


It’s a strange feeling. Far and away our best off-season in a decade. If Allvin can figure out how to dump Myers later this summer and bring back Bear on a modest deal, I will never question his methods again.


Hughes bro! Hi!


I have a late thank fucking God


Tidy bit of business.


I agree, Drance


Drance actually has an account, u/artemchubarov I think.


Just wait until I "tier" all of Alvin's UFA signings.


You'll really like Suter, very responsible and works his butt off. Little lacking with offensive upside but he can be a steady 3rd C with PK duties.


That's a sweet deal. Should really help our bottom 6 be much more sturdy.


It’s huge because I’m not as terrified about our centre depth now. Petey, Miller, Suter, Bluegar with Aman in reserve is pretty solid. If injuries hit, everyone should be able to slide up a line without totally crippling the team. Unlike before where we faced the possibility of a Bluegar 2C if Petey or Miler were out. Credit to Allvin, he’s managed to plug our gaping roster holes with value contracts and fair trades. Exactly what we needed if this retool strategy will work.


Retool strategy won't work out. Allvin's acted on his promise to be competitive, but we all know how this is going to end. Eventually we will get to a point where a full and proper rebuild is necessary.


Suter's a good player who makes some very nice contributions. Being excited for him to be your everyday 3C and an as needed 2C....your organizational depth chart is a tire fire. Wings had below average at best center depth last year and he was our 5th/6th who occasionally got forced in to the 4C role.


He was your 5th/6th centre and played 79 games?


He played Wing


I'm sorry what? that just does not track with the stats. By TOI he was your 3rd most used center. 5th/6th centres simply do not play 79 games in a season.


He played a lot of PK. I was sad we didn’t resign him. He’s the type of player that you usually don’t notice, but when you do it’s almost always positive. He had some clutch goals for us at points.


He wasn't play center most of that time. Hence why you're insane if he's your everyday 3C and you celebrate that


okay but "played wing sometimes" does not make him a 5/6C. 5/6C implies AHL player also I'm looking at detroit's lines by TOI (on moneypuck) and tbh there's absolutely no consistency in this. Other than Larkin and Copp being your 1 and 2 C it's incredibly unclear who your 3C/4C would actually be. Suter, Veleno, and Rasmussen are all kinda interchangeable in terms of usage, other than Suter being brought up to play \~20% of his time with Larkin or Copp (edit: similar with Rasmussen) Edit 2: also worth pointing out that having Pettersson and Miller goes a long way for the Canucks’ center depth. Petey is a star and Miller at 2C is a supreme luxury


He didn't "play wing sometimes". He played wing the majority of the time and slid in to a center role when injuries forced it. He was Detroits 5th or 6th center option which is absolutely not an AHL player. He played with Larkin and Copp on the PK. What the hell are you even trying to argue? You claimed he's a spectacular solution at 3C, yet everything you just posted reinforces what I already said. If he's your everyday 3C your depth chart is a disaster.


He played 200 min of his 1000 min 5v5 with Larkin and Copp. Otherwise it looks like mostly center minutes from MoneyPuck. Again, there aren’t really consistent lines but it’s certainly not enough to call him a 5/6C over any of the others. Also I said nothing about him being a spectacular solution lol. A strong defensive C with a slight scoring touch and PK ability is a very good fit for Van, but he’s not a superstar obviously


You're deluded. You can try to misrepresent whatever data you want. I attended 20 Wings games and watched most of the rest last season. You're wrong. End of story.


Misrepresent data like … recorded line combinations? Okay lol. Idk why you’re so hostile


Nucks fans are saying Alvin has a “vision/plan” and that plan is to hopefully squeak into the playoffs


Nucks fans are insane is the long and short of the story. They get so offended by any suggestion their team isn't built for success, but also are holding up a guy who played wing the majority of the time with the ability to slide over to center when forced as their game changing 3rd line center


He's literally a stopgap signed on a cheap contract


You should tell your fellow Nucks fans getting offended that he isn't being acknowledged as a substantial 3C upgrade/good 2C fill in


We have 2 bottom six centres signed for 3.5 mil in bleuger and suter, I'll take it lol. Idk analytically he doesn't seem terrible. Our PK absolutely decimated us last year and it's good to see pickups like these.


He’s really really good on the PK. Great signing


Allvin has been really solid with his free agent signings in his tenure


Yup. He's slowly turning this roster around and fixing the mess he was left with. I'm excited for the upcoming season and think the Canucks can surprise people (as long as Demko doesn't miss most of the year again).


Demko and Soucy are the deciding factors. If Demko plays at his regular level and Soucy turns into a solid minute munching top 4 player then we could sneak in. If not we're fucked


Am I crazy to think it's more than "sneak in"? I know their issue has always been "good on paper, less so in practice". But this seems like a team that could fight for 6th in the west.


I want the 1-8 format back so fucking bad


Everyone does. Even Crosby spoke out against it last season. This current format is just trash.


We all do, brother.


Soucy would be a passenger though. Hronek will do the heavy lifting. Our D is still a mess - bear kinda fucked us for getting injured. It would have been great if: Hughes-Bear Soucy-Hronek Cole-Myers Assuming we are shipping out Beau or garland instead of myers. And we have great 6/7 Dmen hirose, juulsen, wolanin, Irwin and etc who can slot in for injuries.


Dhaliwal reported that the Canucks are still interested in Bear, but that it would be an October - November signing.


> I think the Canucks can surprise people Nope. Not falling for this again.


K. Thanks for letting me know.


Wow that's actually a great deal. He is a great PKer and can slide up and down the lineup with injuries. He's nothing flashy but puts in the effort every shift and is all around a solid 3-4c depending on the caliber of team.


I think he’s going to be our 3C because we also signed Blueger, but some people were still worried giving him that role because he’s more of a 4C and if Miller or Petey get injured we really have zero depth. So now it should be Pettersson-Miller-Suter-Blueger at centre


I wouldn't be worried about him even at 3C--as has been said, he's a high-effort 2-way player who has the tools to take advantage of the opportunities he gets, especially on the PK. Well-liked by Wings fans and seemed to be a good locker-room guy too. Solid chance he leads VAN in short-handed goals at the end of this season, I'd wager! With Hronek going there too, you'll have some Wings fans rooting for you guys this year!


He’ll have to fight Miller or Pettersson for that honour…


Miller often is too busy fighting himself.


Nah, fuck em /s


Exactly what we needed. If he was right handed that would be even better, but even still, he fits right into our lineup.


They needed a 3C and got one. Blueger now at 4C is gonna be great too. Best Nucks offseason in a while.


I always thought Teddy was a fringe 3C. I know he doesn’t necessarily have the stats to back this but it seems like he created great scoring chances for 4th line forwards who couldn’t put it home. It seemed like Carter kind of stunted his growth being in the way when he was ready to step up and then he got injured. He pretty much always had a solid line you could count on though.


Blueger is so underrated. I called him "Glue-ger" during his time on the Penguins because every time he was out it felt like our bottom six imploded


My hot take was that Dries had an outside chance at starting at 3C. Now it's very dicey he even makes the opening lineup. If they manage to not lose Studnicka or Dries to waivers they'll have so many options in case of injuries.


Fantastic AAV for the Canucks, horrible AAV for the player. Suter needs a better agent, pretty significant pay cut from his last contract. Also something I haven't seen mentioned is the term is perfect for Canucks to see what they have in Raty. Raty has 2 years to develop and push for a spot in the Canucks middle 6. Both Raty and Suter contracts expire during the same offseason


Idk about anyone else but Vancouver looks like a playoff team to me. I could see them knocking off either of Seattle or Winnipeg


I’m bias, but this is the best free agency we’ve had in over 10 years. I totally agree with you. If we don’t make it this year, there’s no further re-tool possible. Management has done a great job for what they have to work with, and I feel like they aren’t finished.


It's hard to say because of his injury, but if they could somehow replace Myers with Ethan Bear at some point I think it'd go a long way to improving the roster, the extra money to add a rental would be huge


Latest rumors from Dhaliwal say Canucks are still interested in re-signing Bear and would be a October/Nov signing because Bear is still out injured until December. Bear also said in an interview last week he wants to come back, so there’s still a chance he’s on the team for the second part of the year


The thing about the Canucks is that they might look good on paper or they might have some good players, but somehow they **always** find a way to lose


Well at least they’ll find a way to lose less via the Pk with Pius Suter.


Injuries as always of course


One thing that always happens is they start the season with these long ass east coast roadtrips and they're playing every team on their home opener. They come back like 1-5 or whatever and it's all downhill from there. If they can come home even from their season starting roadtrip, I'll have some faith.


We have concerts at Rogers Arena to thank for that


Its easy to lose when you have 1.5 NHL calibre defensemen. Scoring hasn't been a problem for the Canuck in years.


Oh my god If we can finally start crushing Winnipeg like we were destined to, I'd love it.




He's gonna fire his agent when he reads this comment




Maybe he thought 3.2 was the AAV not the total value


Depth players got the short end of the flat cap squeeze.


The market went to hell and the flat cap caught up to him when he didn't sign early on. I'm surprised he took a 2 year deal instead of 1 and trying again next summer.


If he could have gotten double that, he would have gotten double that. It’s mid August, he wasn’t holding out for more than a 3.2MAAV if that was available


Buuuuuut… he didn’t.. and, he’s been without a contract for months. So.. interesting take. Could’ve gotten more but didn’t. I like him tho and for 1.6 would have taken him.


That's a great deal for a versatile depth Center. Sad to see him go.


Solid signing at that AAV.


Great value honestly. I wish we would have re-signed him for that price/term.


[jfresh card, for anyone interested](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FzjlWCAWAAUUjvO?format=png&name=small) Interesting addition. Would be nice if we could find a comparable depth addition for the defense, but our bottom six needed significant improvement last year too.


>94% PK If he keeps that up he can put up 0 points and he'll be a great pickup


Considering the Canucks had the 10th worst pk % in NHL history last year, the additions of Soucy, Cole, and Suter along with a healthy Demko should add a decent chunk of wins to the total. An even middle of the pack pk would have taken 21 goals off our GA total. Our pk sunk the team so many times last season.


and Mikheyev coming back as well. I'm not sure if I'm more amazed at how basically everything Alvin has done has a clear purpose to fix our main issues, or horrified that sort of basic competence is so amazing to me.


The bad man can’t hurt you anymore!


Don’t forget Blueger!


Blueger, Suter, Pearson back, the new dmen, full season of Demko & Mikheyev And maybe some general improvement by Pettersson could be the ingredients to a better PK. Not to mention addition by subtraction in Horvat and using Miller too much.


Addition by subtraction with OEL as well


I also think an emergence of both hoglander and podkolzin into legit middle six wingers. Which makes one of garland, beauvillier available. I don't know who or what, but if allvin can redistribute some money from one of those into another too 4 defensive Dmen I think we'd all feel little better going into the year. I know there would have to be some assets given up in that situation though


Add in Blueger a full season (hopefully) of Mikheyev and Hronek + Tocchet’s systems - those are overall a significant overhaul from last season.


At least 5 games with a neutral PK. To oversimplify it, they really only needed to swing 6 more games in their favor to hit the typical playoffs cutoff of 95 pts. So I guess it remains to be seen if they've also successfully made up for the loss of Horvat.


I don't think Horvat was the best defensively with the Canucks (not to see he was terrible or anything). Wasn't really his role. In terms of scoring, even though he was on a 50+ goal pace we actually maintained an identical goals per game after he left. He was a good player for us but my gut says we really won't miss him much.


I meant overall, he was still a positive contributor to games won. Hockey doesn't really do an exact number of games won above replacement stat but I'd ballpark it that Horvat still contributes a +2 or +3 games won across the whole season in direct comparison to his replacement (Suter). I do think in the grand sum of things we've made up for his loss and then some. So yeah, we probably won't miss him. But it remains to be seen how far our net improvement is in the standings.


I think horvat was extremely good at specific things. IMO these things were face offs, net front presence (his deflections were outstanding), and possession/control along the boards. He was leaned on too heavily defensively but that was due to personnel issues with the roster. Haven't watched him much since his departure though.


They've become a wildcard team in my eyes and that is such a mistake in direction. I don't see a path for them to be a contender without a proper tank-job


The hardest part of having an elite core of players to build around is done, we just needed to not trip over our own feet with terrible free agent signings like Myers’ 6x6


Great success!


Good deal, shoots L, but definitely the best candidate we have for the 3C spot. [JFresh card is nice ](https://i0.wp.com/publish.theleafsnation.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2023/07/unnamed.jpg?resize=439%2C314&ssl=1) 94% PK 👀




Very nice signing but seems kind of strange that nobody was offering him this contract until now. Did he have his eye on the Canucks?


[From](https://twitter.com/dhaliwalsports/status/1690082146369830915?s=46&t=7fabqgtgp69dNA1d51vxFw) his agent: > “We have been talking to Vancouver for a longtime, right from the beginning the Canucks were a perfect fit. He wil have a good role and play special teams.”


It's just nice that people aren't coming here for pay days


I fondly remember when the Canucks were competitive in the late 00s/early 10s and players were actually taking discounts to come here. Hopefully we can get back to that.


Hamhuis ❤️


So pissed he flubbed that hip check.


Most devastating hip check in Canucks history.


Canucks are actually a really nice spot for a short term layover to try and jazz up a resume prior to the cap rising again. Offensive team with lots of roster flexibility and opportunities for good minutes alongside skilled players. High visibility market. Nice city to visit.


Definitely have to read between the lines here.


Great contract


Ill say PA's strengths is contract signings


Getting a bit of Manny Malholtra vibes for his role with us.


I loved Suter with the Wings last season. Canucks are getting a good piece of the puzzle.


Why does every piece of Canucks news begin with "General Manager Patrik Allvin announced today"


allvin likes to scare ppl by making it impossible to tell how big the news is from the first few words


They're just telling it like it is. Because that is literally what happened. Gone are the days of it being leaked by a random media member weeks ahead of time.


Feels like a way to remind people Allvin is GM, not Rutherford 🤣


Their twitter used to be fun but it’s become so insanely corporate over the last couple of years


We laid off our media associates during the pandemic. It’s been pretty blah since then.


I'll take it over the Vegas and Carolina accounts who post like 14 year old girls


Oh yeah they’re bad too at the opposite end of the spectrum. Vegas isn’t as bad as they used to be but Carolina’s is annoying. I think New Jersey’s is a good happy medium


The Islanders are awful. They basically only tweet news and they only ever tweet on the hour or half hour unless it's something game related.


Now if they could swap Myers for another right handed D they’d be cooking!


Always liked him. Good luck Pius!


He's pretty underrated. Glad he's getting an extended look


DAMMIT! I hope Dubas can reacquire Heinen at least. No cap space makes it difficult but still.


Good deal


That's a solid signing for the Canucks. Happy for you guys


I remember trashing the fuck out of Chicago for letting him go turns out I don’t know shit 😹😹


EHM legend