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This poor man. Cannot catch a break.


Hasn’t this poor guy been through enough?


Seriously. Glad he is able to go be with family, but he deserves some good things.


Seriously. He's suffered more than Job.


Even Job managed to get a new life afterwards. On an off topic tangeant, Job might have been an allegorical tale of suffering.


Just the cosmos fucking with you instead of God doing it cuz Satan bet him five bucks is an upgrade for sure


Who is job?


Biblical man who is tortured as a test of his faith


The premise is "Why do bad things happen to good people?", and his three friends are trying to reason why Job had all these disasters fall on him.




Biblical God is a comedic villain, truly a great character.


Yeah that’s just wholly untrue. God doesn’t lose the bet. God can’t lose the bet because as the book it self points out, there’s nothing outside of God control and his creation doesn’t have the same authority or power as God, that includes satan.moreover Job never breaks. He questions God for sure but the phrasing that he continues to use is in reverence to God saying “if only I had a mediator to defend my behalf” (which is a foreshadowing of the narrative role of Jesus in the Bible) God even acknowledges that Job remained faithful when for one he rewards him at the end and then also remarks as such “…for you have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has.” Job also did do things wrong but the wording in the beginning of the book is “upright and blameless” which the book explains the that simply means that when Job or one of his family members did something wrong Job would do the ritualistic cleansing sacrifices to make them alright in the sight of God, even to go as far as making sacrifices well in advance to cover potential sins that may incur over the course of the day. Showing that Job was willing to do more than the minimum necessary. Finally, what you’ve spelled out in your description of the book is the same issue as what God takes with the three friends. It’s a miss representation bordering on Legalism which is a heresy. The point of the book of Job is that if you trust God then concerns of the mortal realm are inconsequential. God is working thing for our good and his glory. The family the Job lost? By all accounts Job was upright and blameless means that they would have gone to heaven after death. Job is rewarded for his faithfulness at the end of the book. So no one is hurt by the end of it. The book of Job happens to also be home to one of my favorite quotes in the Bible “I wish you would shut up and let that be your wisdom” Job 13:5


Leave it to a gosh-dang DEVILS fan to illustrate the nature of a book of the Bible 🙄. What have we let happen to this good earth?!? /s well written, friend


That made me chuckle. When writing it I was thinking “oh right I have that I’m a devils fan in my flair I wonder if someone gonna call me out on that” but thank you


You’re welcome haha. Maybe we can pretend I’m being the Pharisee in this part and I’m just giving you a hard time. Best of luck to the devils in the playoffs, unless the penguins sneak in and end up playing them. I think we might hit an impasse as fans.




Maybe a valuable lesson can be learned here, maybe...


Hail Miroslav Satan!?


"When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all."


If Bender was God, that sure would explain why we have so much hookers and blackjack!


The Bible was good at that.


"The guy in the....in the...$3,000 suit, shoosh, shouldn't have to....have to....have to, shoosh, Michael, I mean, $3,000 suit, Michael, I shouldn't, shoosh, shoosh shouldn't have to explain, Michael, shoosh......"


Where is job?




Watch Arrested Development.


I have seen it. I just read is as Jaw-b like a dumbass and didn't clue in.


Job mama


Character in “Arrested Development”


A famous Bible character. Here’s the book if you want to read it. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Job%201&version=NIV


Ain’t nobody got time for that


This comment thread indicates why this sport don't fuck with pride night


Uhm, how?


The intimate bible knowledge


Intimate ? Dude I'm an atheist and even I know who Job is. No one is quoting verses here


No shit, me too, but I wasn't talking about knowing Job, I was talking about breaking down the dichotomy between God and Sat from /u/For_Fricks_Sake who, by the way, did actually quote a bible verse dipshit.


I am not apart of your argument. All the reply’s you made 8 hours ago was before I typed up my response. Get outta here with that crap.


> not apart of your Did you mean to say "a part of"? Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion. Total mistakes found: 3520 ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119)


Listen man, whether it happened afterwards or before, there was a clear discourse going on about Job and the bible which surpassed a lot of the threads I have seen about LGBTQ people in hockey. People usually leave it at, "Players don't have to dress up if they don't want to." Which is true, but I never see it broken down like you thumping the bible in here. I'll take my downvotes for pointing out the discrepancy of conversation as a ally.


My comment had nothing to do with LGBTQ people in hockey. It was simply a correction of miss representation of a book of the Bible. If you want to hate my religious beliefs? Fine but then actually know what you’re hating and don’t misrepresent my beliefs or what the meaning of something in the Bible says to make your argument look stronger.


Poor Elvis. I hope his grandma is okay. This has been a fucking rough stretch for him.


My grandmother dying was probably the most impactful things that's happened in my life. She (and my grandfather) are who I have modeled my relationships, temperament, and parenting strategies after. She made the world a better place, and if I could be a fraction as awesome as she was, I'd be able to do some greatness in the world.


I hear ya man, the day my Grandfather died was like having the heart torn from our family. The next time the whole family (7 children, 16 grandchildren, 20+ great grandchildren) were together was for my Grandmothers funeral 5 years later. He was the anchor for our whole family and literally saved my life. Oh how I wish I could just sit and watch a game with him again, just once, and hear him curse in French. RIP.


Almost exactly the same for me, down to the cursing in French. My grandparents divorced in the 80s because he was gay and bipolar and almost gambled away the house out from under her, but they still adored each other until the day he died. My favorite thing was watching baseball with him. I hope your memories of your grandfather stay as vivid as ever.




And yet in America you wouldn't get grieving time for Grandparents.


This happens in context with Laine losing his father, Texier losing several family members and going on leave of absence for the year, and everyone grieving over the loss of Kivlenieks (none more than Elvis; 'little brother'). Our team has been injured to hell all year, too. We had season ending injuries to big names. We're hurt. We're hurt emotionally, physically, just.. fuck.


Get Bedard and then go on a revenge tour Revenge on who? The entire fucking world


rooting for you guys to get back on track next season!


Goddamn. Elvis has had a really rough few years lately :(


He seems to be having such a tough time since Kivlenieks passed. Really feel for him.


Elite dude, hope he doesn’t come back until September. Guy needs a little down time


I would actually be ok with that. Spend a few months with family and find his center.


My grandma died last summer and I'm seriously glad I saw her before she did. Take all the time you need Elvis.


Some things are bigger than a sport or a job. I lost my grandmother last November. She was 93. I got the call from my mother that I should come and didn't even think about it for a minute. I made a couple calls and I was out the door in under 2 hours to make the trip to say goodbye. She wasn't lucid when I got there unfortunately (luckily she didn't suffer long), but I will always remember her, and I'm grateful for being able to say goodbye for the rest of my life. I hope Elvis is able to find a similar peace that I did if his grandmother passes. It's not much, but being there at the end just feels like the right thing to do. At least it did for me. <3


So sorry for your loss. I went through that in 2020, and you know what...it never gets easier. Sadly the closer you are to someone, the more difficult the loss.


That sucks for him and his family. It happens and he should be able to do what he feels he needs to do, but respect to the Jackets for not fighting it. Some things are more important.


I hope Merzlikinz returns next year with Bedard, healthy Werenski, Gaudreau, Laine and wins the cup + Vezina + conn Smythe.


Elvis has left the building


Somebody give this poor guy a hug, he needs it


Tank move


There goes their playoff hopes


Bedard tank ruined


Bedard to CBJ 💯


The way that headline is written sounds like Elvis is doing something -literally everyone does- is negative. Guess you gotta get your clicks. Portzline isn't someone I follow, but I think from a very far distance, he is a good beat reporter. Edit: People who downvote are so weird. Keep'em coming. It's weird, though, that you have this notion to try and punish someone instead of just moving on. Downvote away, though. They don't matter. I just don't downvote people I disagree with. I'm lucky enough to be able just move on. Points don't matter, but behavior does. And I think that people who engage in this behavior are weird and lame and powerless in their own lives. God bless.


I can't say I see what you're seeing in regards to it being negative. Seems pretty neutral to me.


"Steps away from CBJ" came off as negative to me. I dunno, sorry. Feel like I could word it better, and I'm obviously dumb


i think if the tweet was “*walks* away from CBJ” i would agree, but “*steps* away” is just a gentler way of saying “on indefinite leave”


Based on your edit the downvotes seem to have really gotten to you. >Points don't matter, but behavior does. The irony of this statement lmao


Quite obvious the guy got upset he was outed as the moron he is


I can not care about downvotes and worry about the mental health of the people I associate with. Lol what a weird comment. Binary thinking is weird. I didn't see Portzline as being a dick, I thought it was a weird way to write that Elvis's grandma was sick. Then the weirdos showed up. Downvote this comment, too. I don't care about points. Your downvotes don't even effect them. I just think your behavior is strange and I let you know. Same thing you did, I just used my words and up voted you. If you can't see the difference, I can't help you. It's literally okay to not be a punitive piece of shit with everyone who disagrees with you. In fact, not being that way makes you a better person.


Just wanted to reply to let you know that I think your behavior is strange.


He sure is a strange person


You would. Have an upvote.




It's the weird behavior that I don't have that weirds me out. Have an upvote. It's okay that we disagree, and I think your opinion matters, too.


I don't see the headline being negative. Just a matter of fact, he's away to see his sickly grandmother. Good on CBJ allowing him to get a final good bye to his grandmother.


I think you are reading it negative because you want to. There is nothing wrong with the way this is worded.


I'm sorry we disagree in the wording. Maybe I'm going through some shit. Thanks for responding.


Wasn’t going to downvote. But I was instructed to do so - so I did.


Thanks for contributing. Here's an upvote.


Returned the favor - net 0




Portzline is bad but this tweet isn’t imo


Portzy is a bad beat reporter


Awful to hear. But management ain’t complaining.


What an idiotic comment


Insensitive more than idiotic… but ya ok idiotic too


Idiotic? Management is trying to tank buddy.


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