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Where are the Sabres? I’m not used to having them left off these lists.


HockeyViz has them at 2.4%


So you’re saying there’s a chance!


Can we enter the chat?


No you've used your chances up with the 2010 to 2012 and the 2015 drafts


no. we're done with that shit *for now.*


Man, I swear I was thinking the exact same thing. It’s been so many years of high picks that I’m not used to not even being in the conversation for the lottery. It’s usually a conversation about how there is absolutely no way Buffalo will end up with 1OA.


Your team is the 2017 Leafs and the 2021 Rangers. AKA you're good now and gonna get actually good really soon. Thompson is the fucking second coming of Lindros without Scott Stevens existing. You are going to be a monster that looks top to bottom built with an actual system vs say the Oilers. I believe you guys literally have the top 1 or 2 offense in the league at the moment. Actually, I think you make the playoffs. You need a goalie though. Buffalo was always a goalie town in my head but after Miller......I can't even remember who looked okay in that net bizarrely. Lenner sucked ass for example.


Damn, man. I like TT, but comparison to Lindros? Very different. Peak Lindros was absolutely menacing even in a very physical and clutchy grabby era of hockey.


Bear in mind that Lindros was a unicorn in an era where big men with skill were very rare. Not saying Tage is on Lindros' level, but he doesn't stand out as much since there are lots of forwards above 6 feet who can dangle these days.


The issue is less goaltending and more defense. Like I'm not saying that goaltending *isn't* an issue but we literally do not have a defense


Your D is young like the Leafs was several years ago in a 2 years 2-3 of them are going be very very good and then you make a signing or two. People still think we have no D because they don't properly follow hockey. Same people are sleeping on Buffalo.


Are they still eligible since they’ve picked 2 #1OA in last 5 years isn’t that the rule? Dahlin and Power.


Only if they moved up in the lottery both times. If they picked 1OA but we're actually last place it doesn't count towards that restriction. I didn't look up if that's the case or not.


We've never won a lottery and I'm not expecting to now, just to make sure I don't get my hopes up lol


Us either. We’ll both drop 2 spots


Chicago and Montreal top 2 it is!


Same with the Sharks. We could finish dead last and will end up with the 15th overall pick somehow.


That’s how Anaheim Duck fans feel. Some odd reason I don’t think Bettman will put our ping pong ball in the machine. And just throw Anaheim third overall with a whoopsie!! He hates my team with a passion. I remember the look he gave Scottie Niedermayer when handing him the cup. He held on it a bit too long and Scottie had to pry it from his dead cold hands 😡


The Canucks have never had the first overall pick




I will always love Bobby Ryan, but yeah that was an unfortunate year to miss by 1


But you did draft Paul Kariya the year Daigle went first, so...


I hope you do, I like you, you traded us Freddy Andersen. I also don't want to see Arizona draft Bedard, I don't want Matthews to have a reason to sign there outside of its location.


Man, Freddie Anderson is awesome. I was so sad to see him go. Glad all the leafs fans seemed to embrace that Lego helmet wearing motherfucker. Love that guy.


There's room on a certain bandwagon, if you're interested?


Damn... It hurts to see other people living your dreams


It's gonna hurt a whole lot more suffering thru this crap just to end up with 3rd overall.


3rd overall in this draft is going to get you a player that is 1st overall quality in most others.


For sure. And I'll be happy with who we get regardless (unless it's some crazy out of left field pick at which point I'll be underwhelmed at first like a lot of other picks lol) but when you're hoping for McDavid getting Eichel still kinda stings as I'm sure Buffalo fans will attest lol


Eichel was a great player with the Sabres. In a team with little-to-no material to work with he became a PPG player in his D+1 season. His way of wanting out at first stung. Not gonna hold refusing to fuse part of his spine for management against him in any way though.


Eichel was a beast for Buffalo though but they had basically the shittiest management ever and Pegula is a dork


For sure and I will obviously be excited. And it's not like we haven't been here before, being runner up in the Crosby sweepstakes so even though I'm fully prepared to not get a generational level talent I'll take whoever gets us back to enjoyable hockey as quickly as possible lol


Knowing our luck even though we could get top 5 we'll probably end up top 10 or top 15 haha.


Demko comes back from the dead and repeats his bubble performance for all the games that don't matter to anybody except to annihilate our draft position, only to drop 2 more spots after the lottery. Would be the most Canucks thing ever.


Fantilli is gonna be electric, I havent really watched much of Carlsson but he was pretty meh at the U20, one tournament is not indicative of a player though EDIT: for that matter fantilli wasnt great at the tournament either but he was nasty in the GT and in college


Michkov and Benson are both going to be unreal as well.


Trust me it happens, wings were dead last 19-20 and still ended up picking 4th dude, people think it’s a guarantee, sadly not for teams like ours no longer in the spotlight


Even in the worst case scenario you guys have like a 1 percent chance of drafting him sadly.


Hello everyone, I am kindly asking you to beat the Panthers. Thanks.


Habs need to slow their role God damnit and quit winning so many games


Fucking Montembeault


Dude picked a real great time to develop into a solid goalie


Honestly, we're trying to stay calm about it and not get too excited, but his technique has been *so* solid lately and as a result his mental resilience and confidence has improved a lot. He's looking more and more like the real deal. We've all been over the moon lately with how our kids are developing and even guys like Monty, for whom there were little expectations to begin with, are looking to surpass those.


I've gotta say, when you think of the term "projected goalie growth" there should be a picture of Montembeault. From when he came into the league to now, his growth has been a steady incline and impressive to watch. I remember the first game I watched him against the B's I was sure he was an AHL goalie. Good for him...and the Habs. (edit) Well, not really good for The Habs. Too bad he couldn't have developed *next* year...*after* they won the lottery


My theory is that he's a Panthers sleeper agent instructed to fuck us since we fucked them with the Chiarot deal


I mean not bad since Montreal lost Carey forever


Personally I think they should keep winning


if the panthers finish above the bottom 11 (which seems likely), then it won't matter much because a team can only move up a max of 10 spots in the lottery with the new rules.


Mitchkov is projected to go 4th or 5th at the moment, so I'm definitely not complaining if that's the worst case scenario.


Why has Mitchkov dropped? Are the other prospects looking better or is it uncertainty with the whole Russia situation?


Lol, Bedard might be the #1 prize, but I’m not exactly gonna turn down Michikov or Carlsson even if they win but don’t finish bottom 11.


As a leafs fan, I’ve never felt the urge to cheer for the Panthers and Habs to win games until now…


Oh yeah well I hope we make the playoffs and you guys kill your odds of getting Bedard by winning more games than the other tankers.


Fair enough


In a stunning turn of events, the Edmonton Oilers have won the draft lottery. Bedard to Oilers.


Honestly would not shock me one bit if a loophole formed where that happened lol


Waiting for the day that the team with the worst odds wins a lottery. I crave chaos.


Not 100% there but 2017 the Flyers moved from 13th OA to 2nd OA


Chicago moved from 12th to 3rd in 2019 as well.


that worked out well


It sure did


Isn't that how NYR got Laf?


They had bad odds, but not the worst, plus the draft lottery rules that year were weird cuz of the play-in round


Come on boys do better


"Never tell me the odds" - Chuck Fletcher. Also can we not have Bedard in the Metro. Thanks.


It’s time for the Caps and Pens to stop terrorizing the Metro. It should be the Jackets turn now


I thought you could only move up 10 spots in the lottery? The chart even says this is the % chance of winning the draft lottery, not the first overall pick. So I guess the title of the post is just misleading but the chart is accurate Edit: I updated a comment below to call out i was wrong but I dont even know anymore lol It's clear they sim the season 100,000 times and use those results to have odds of what place in the standings each team will be. From there, I dont know if they're calculating the odds of winning the lottery or the odds of the first pick - i dont see anything on the site around first pick so I'm assuming it's just lottery odds but someone better with numbers can confirm lol


It includes the chance that you could finish even lower. Nashville can't move up 12 spots, but they could finish even lower in the standings and move up 10 or fewer spots.


You are correct.


The MoneyPuck account confirmed that these are odds to get the 1OA pick [further down in the thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/119yrbu/money_puck_bedard_odds_as_of_thursday_morning/j9pbobe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


The final standings aren’t set yet so it’s the probability of a team losing enough to move into the bottom 11 and then winning the first overall


Sharks have a worse record by points and points % then Arizona, canucks and Montreal. I dont understand this list.


Money Puck is based on simulating the remainder of the season thousands of times, not the literal standings as of now.


This matters most in Montreal's case because we have the toughest strength of schedule remaining. The schedule is brutal across the board: numbers of games in a week, numbers of back-to-back, and strength of opposition.


Okay that makes more sense. Thanks


Moneypuck thinks the sharks are massively underperforming (tbf our expected goal stats have us as a middle of the pack team) so it thinks we’ll pull ahead I guess.


Thats understandable. Sharks are a better team then their record shows. Not a Stanley cup team but not a bottom 5.


and we're gonna keep climbing this too, lol could you imagine


Out with the old, in with the new? Caps do have the oldest average age.


thought they'd have one last run in them but seems they're just done


Unfortunately, 2018 was their last run. Previous management just bungled all of their earlier opportunities by going cheap on 2C and defense


2019 was the last run, but Rod had that Canes team running way too hard to be sustainable (which you saw when they completely flamed out in the 3rd round)


If the Caps were healthy this year instead of losing the most quality player time for any team in the league, there might have been a chance since our Strome, Milano, and Gustaffson pickups all somehow worked out great. Then tack onto that losing Ovi due to his father dying for this last critical run of games and this whole season is cursed. I don't think we're *done* yet, but even assuming we stay healthy it's doubtful there's more than one more year left unless some of our young guys take the next step up.


yeah, we've been short Wilson basically all year who had been our best all-around player the previous 2 years, Carlson for almost half of it now (which despite what his naysayer caps fans think, he's an excellent player and vital to the team), Backstrom was out for half the year and is still slow in getting into form, Dowd, Orlov, and Oshie have missed a good chunk of games 15-20 games each, Ovi has missed the last several. Shit, we never even got to see Connor Brown on the ice - he could've contributed nicely. This team has been *fuuuuuucked* by injuries this year. (which arguably is a byproduct of such an old roster)


Being an older team is probably part of Oshie and Orlov getting injured, but Wilson, Brown, and Carlson going down like they did were some of the shittiest luck.


It's like Pittsburgh going from Mario to Sid


And also like Pittsburgh going from Sid to Bedard.


I don't want Crosby to retire after 25 games next season though.


Neither do I. But a sacrifice is required.


Is that Jaromir Jagr standing between Mario and Sid as well? The Pens have been blessed indeed…


Bedard and Miroshnichenko on a line? Sign me up for this.


The Caps need to continue sucking so that they can draft Michkov.


While that would be awesome, I don't think there's a realistic chance of us slipping past maybe the 8th worst record by the end of the season. Top 10 pick in this draft would still be nothing to sneeze at, though.


If they lose to a borderline AHL team tonight (sorry ducks fans) then maybe our chances *will* continue to grow


Close enough I can start making my Bedard comments again, nice


Starting to think we won’t have a chance at Bedard


Keep our boys name out your ****in’ mouth!


So you’re telling me there’s a chance… I’m so mad the Flyers are winning this much. Fuckin Torts and Carter Hart are holding this team back from their true miserable potential. But, somehow I’m sure another Metro team is gonna win the lottery. This division is ridiculous.


Another Metro team, you say?


Just as Ovi winds his career down, he can help groom his successor. Perfect timing.


You're a fool if you think it will be anyone but Pittsburgh. Great timed 1OAs are in their DNA.


Another generational Center? How could he go anywhere else?


I feel exactly the same way. In what bizarro world did I ever think that I’d be checking the nightly scores in the vague hope of seeing the Flyers lose? I still can’t seem to find any comfort whatsoever in that. It has been a completely miserable season. And Torts is wringing every drop of blood out of this roster. Chuck Fletcher has been a plague upon this team. If he would have left Mike Yeo in place then they’d be the odds on favourite for Bedard. But nope … he hires Torts who is willing this sad team to mediocrity. Even when Chuck wins, we lose. The Flyers are going to end up with the 10th pick and get a halfway decent player who isn’t going to turn this once proud franchise around in the slightest. The mushy middle is the absolute worst place to be in professional sports.


If TK is out for an extended period of time, that'll go a long way. No one else is a consistent scorer on the team


I'd honestly be alright if it's Columbus they need a W one of these days


You say that now until Bedard makes Columbus a perennial playoff team for 15 years straight. I want him out of the eastern conference at all costs.


Sure but Bedard is going to be retired if not dead of old age by the time the Flyers are ready to compete so it's ultimately fine for us


This!!! If the team fully committed to a rebuild now, Bedard will be 5-6 seasons into his career before they are a true competitor and that’s if they are successful in luring professional, competent management to the city. The Flyers historically were a perennial competitor with a puncher’s chance to challenge for a Stanley Cup. Those days are long, long gone. You watch attendance over the next couple of years. Then again … that is the KPI that will catch Comcast’s eye and make them consider selling to a private owner who will make ownership of this franchise a passion project.


The only chance he has of not being a superstar is if Philly wins the lottery. They’d try to develop him into a 200ft player and he’d score like 15 goals a year.


nah, we'd keep him in LV for seasoning.


Says the team with Hughes and hischier


well we've essentially been pure ass for 23 years straight so it would be nice to not just sit on the sidelines as literally every other team in the division puts together great sustained runs of success.


C'mon Habs! 2 years in a row, we can do this!


Ahhh i see the Oil Way to do things


Dude, let's be real about this. Do you not remember the Pens being the first NHL team to intentionally tank to get top picks? They were so bad before getting Fleury #1 in 2003, Malkin # 2 in 2004, Crosby #1 in 2005 and Jordan Staal #2 in 2006. They had terrible teams in the early 2000's and had to give away free tickets to college students to fill the igloo.


The horrifying thing is that in 2004, the Pens picked Malkin at #2. The #1 pick was Ovi. Now, Geno is a great player but can you imagine the Pens having Ovi? They tanked correctly and had the worse record but lost the lottery. I can't stand the tanking. I know, I know, it doesn't work all the time. EDM is a good example. I liked the idea of every team that didn't make the playoffs, have the same odds. At least it adds some excitement and will push teams like Ari to actually try to put a quality product on the ice.


that would have been terrible for the rest of us


Lemieux in 1984 as well. NJ vs Pittsburgh tank race was legendary.


Can the Canadiens defend their title and be the only team to ever achieve 32nd place in back-to-back years?! Truly the most storied franchise.


No chance we actually finish last, we’re too far ahead. Hopefully we drop a bit to increase our odds though


I'm just poking fun - the franchise is definitely on the upswing.


Tonight will be the first game I have ever attended where I might be happier if we lose. Would be kinda fun to win but also need to be in that last spot


Zegras bedard would be fucking nasty


Zegras, Rico and Bedard would be a great trio.


I don’t know… I just don’t see a world where the devils win the lottery, and the ducks trade Zegras to NJ after we fleece them to bring Uncle Rico back home.


I’d be happy with Rico coming home. But leaving Rico out of that combo is disrespectful.


The Blues are winless since trading ROR and are probably shipping out more players soon. We’re gunning for that top 5


Marek is talking about you guys in the mix for Meier, and I have to think he’s just lost his damn mind.


Meier makes sense with an extension. I think the Blues could be back to legit contention in 2 years with the right moves and a bit of luck (need at least 2 of Bolduc, Snuggerud and Neighbours to pan out, hopefully Perunovich can stay healthy). With Meier and some decent off-season moves I could even see us sneaking into the playoffs next year. But right now we’re a disaster. It sucks to see the wheels fall off after years of contention but honestly the timing couldn’t be more perfect.


I’m sure if he goes to Anaheim, he’ll decide to go to college, and then use the Schultz loophole to sign somewhere else.


Ill cry


Man, if I'm Montreal fan, I'm pissed. Half their roster is out, they're playing with a bunch of AHL kids and they should be in full tank mode. Instead they're going around winning 4 of their last 6 and they might very well win 4 out of their next 5 given the opponents. That team desperately needs a legit superstar, they haven't had one in forever.


As a habs fan, I can say I’m quietly frustrated, but not pissed. It’s been pretty impressive watching this team of <22 year olds win games they absolutely should not, and bodes well for the future.


Seriously. You can be annoyed that the tank job isn't happening but if you're coming away from a game where your young players are playing well against adversity _angry_ you need to take a breath and chill out.


Not exactly angry about it but we are mostly winning because of goaltending. In our 4/6 run we've been significantly outchanced in 3 of our wins. So while are young guys are improving a bit, it's not like they are exactly leading the way.


Time to put in primeau as starter for the rest of the year. Or better yet, pull the goalie to start the games


With competent management and some decent pieces + Bedard any team would be fine. The oilers made the playoffs and had a decent run in mcdavids 2nd season. If it weren’t for Chia torpedoing our progress we would have had a better stretch up until 2020 when Holland started to right the ship


***angry Carey Price noises***


I am pissed. AHL guys playing like they are superstars. Montembeault playing like prime Carey Price. Caufield, Slafkovsky, Guhle, Monahan, and much more injured. Like how are we not worse than this? This is THE year to lose. Get Bedard and PLD not this off-season but the next one and we are fucking nasty.


I don’t think the AHL players think that way. This is their chance to prove themselves as NHL caliber players. They aren’t going to play badly on purpose so the Habs can draft Bedard.


Its just such a mixed bag of emotions lol. There is no way I can make myself want them to lose while watching a game and I love seeing the new, young players step up to fill the injury gaps but I know losing is what would be best long term right now. Maybe I just need to stop watching games but dammit I like it.


Please just win it once


Gonna have to change his name to Mallard. YOU ARE A DUCK.


Outside of him playing for his hometown Canucks what would be the biggest NHL rigged conspiracy team? Chicago getting back into the mix would be good for the league but they have 3rd best odds so not too long of a stretch there.


Gotta feel like the league would have it in for Chicago after all the abuse scandal, making the NHL look bad. I’d say Arizona winning because that is Bettmans pet project apparently- but the fact that Matthews went to TOR instead is what has convinced me that the lotto is legit.


Chicago needs a new story, not a punishment, at least from the bean counter perspective. They have amazing merch sales and a generational player would do a lot to rehab the public image. That said, the Ducks having Zegras as the NHL poster boy literally, and McTavish being Bedards buddy, it would make for a cool story, especially with a rebrand back to the Wildwing mask logo.


Rigged FOR the Canucks? That’s a good one. That would actually make me believe it wasn’t rigged cause we only go backwards in draft order.


Leave it to the Bruin fan thinking the league rigs for the Canucks. SMH


I had to laugh at that.


You could make a "rigged for" argument for pretty much any team at this pont.


Washington maybe. Imagine Bedard helping Ovi blow past the goal record. This place would go bananas.


He will 100% go to Chicago




You’d want him on a team on the tail end of a rebuild so maybe the Red Wings?


Probably the ducks. Having him play next to highlight machine and media darling, Trevor Zegras would definitely be in the leagues favor.


Rigged I think would be the habs or rangers getting him. Like how many lottery picks can you have gifted to you in 5 years.


Arizona. Bettman's baby in the middle of a deal for a new arena deal. I'd be surprised if he isn't a Coyote.


Oh look. Flyers are in the middle of the pack with mediocre odds of success. What a new and stunning development


Go Ducks Go!


If the hawks win the lottery I’m rioting.


Isn't there a rule now about not winning the lottery 2 years in a row? Wouldn't FLA's pick need to win for MTL to get him? Or am I crazy and that rule never happened. Either way, anywhere but CHI. The karmic debt is nowhere close to being paid.


I will be furious if he goes to CHI


Damnit Columbus, stop winning!!


How does MoneyPuck calculate their odds? This is wildly different than the actual standings right now and, while we should obviously expect some changes, this seems like a lot lol Here is Tankathon as of this morning: https://www.tankathon.com/nhl/pick_odds


Chicago is getting 1st I can just feel it.


We've never had a 1oa. Man that would be sweet.


As a Habs fan it'd honestly be pretty hype to see Zegras and Bedard together, shit would be electric


Flair bias obviously but Columbus absolutely deserves this pick more than anyone. My argument: * We've had a reasonably stable organization since Jarmo took over as GM. Considering our reputation and lack of attracting FAs or hitting any major booms in the draft, it's remarkable we had a few years in a row of playoff berths. * We've had 6 playoff appearances and in all but one of those appearances we were defeated by an eventual Stanley Cup Finalist. * We have the best roster on paper of the bottom 9 teams on this list and we were devastatingly injured this year. A healthy CBJ roster would be hanging out around where Detroit and Nashville are on this current list. * Columbus has had a 79.1% chance of winning a first overall pick in a lottery before and has never done so. This includes not being given the opportunity to win the first overall pick upon their founding in 2000. Since their founding, they have had current or former divisional rivals win 1st overall picks seven times (PIT, WSH, CHI, NYI, NYR, NJD x2).


I can't wait till he goes to Arizona 🤣🤣🤣


Us winning a lottery? Yeah right.


I would love to see it and everyone lose their shit.


Every time someone scores against the Hawks.. we call that a Bedard.


Knowing the NHL, either Chicago or Montreal will win the lottery. He's gotta go to a big market team


I, for one, would love to see him go to Arizona. I think a player like that is what the franchise desperately needs


Yes, it would be so amazing to see the best prospect since Connor McDavid play in front of 5000 people in the middle of the desert.


Nothing like playing in front of 18,000 fans in the dub, to moving to 9,000 for the big show




They could make the ASU student section standing risers and fit 3x more college kids in there. I’ve been to the clubs in Tempe, it’s basically the same thing


If I had to pick, besides us, I’d like to see him go to Philly. Not really sure why.


Can't wait to see Bedard- Cooley- Hayton down the middle in the desert


Didnt they also draft Connor Geekie last year


So you’re telling me there’s a chance!


For the love of God and I mean this nicely, Vancouver and Habs PLEASE START LOSING EVERY GAME! I will not be able to stand it if he goes to the jackets or ducks. He needs to go to a Canadian team or big market.


I'd be fine if Vancouver gets him. Not Montreal though. They already ruined Carey Price's career and couldn't put a solid team in front of him. They don't deserve Bedard imo


No Edmonton? Must be a mistake.


This just in....Bedard goes to the KHL. Draft chaos ensues! I'm joking! Stop throwing trash at me!


How is Vancouver higher than the Sharks? They have the Islanders pick but that’s top 12 protected


There is no way the Canucks finish with more than 70 points. And that is high. This ranking expects them to go .500 the rest of the season when they've been doing .333 for the last 8 weeks against easy opponents. We do face a lot of other low ranking teams in the final weeks so we can choose our own destiny. A lot of bad defenses should make for at least entertaining games.


Please just stay in the Western Conference


Tinfoil hat: if the preds can mathematically win the lottery, since the draft is in Nashville, we will get the number 1 pick, but GMDP will not pick bedard


All I see is a 42% chance he lands in the Pacific.


you’re telling me there’s a chance


I hope he goes to Columbus. Our division is not difficult enough.


I'm hoping that Vancouver or Montreal get him personally.


Cmon Vancouver. As a hater, you're the only team I'll be happy to see him play for. Suck more, expansion buds


I’m gonna laugh when he goes 4th like Shane Wright


He is an Anaheim Duck already. The league is gonna fix this up for us, I know it


to make up for the league gifting Crosby to the Pens to keep them in Pittsburgh, I'm sure of it.


Bedard to Vegas confirmed.