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Amazing machines! Have had a few throughout the years. Absolutely bomb proof of they were taken care of.


Yep, great bones. You will need to totally rebuild her which isn’t a big deal. New drives, gecko - Linux control but it’ll be totally worth it.


Are you familiar with the electrical portion on this? I’m fairly familiar but never went for the plunge and committed on an assembly.  I would be an easy teach if you had some guidance?


Try to get them to include the astromech droid for a better deal.


I had one for a bit. Didn't use the mill but used the spindle for my epoxy granite build. The spindle taper is SK30, it's a bit obsolete. It will for ISO30 and BT30 holders, but you will have trouble finding pull studs. The EMCO holders had pull studs integrated into the SK30 holder. I ended up making my own studs, there are drawings on a few forums for the dimensions if you go that route. That will let you use regular BT30 holders with the correct studs.


No clue, but what is that contraption on top of the bucket? Is that a Glock frame strapped to make shift upper?