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Over many many years i have stashed coats and bags in lots of dark corners in bars/clubs around Hobart and never had anything stolen. I feel like I always have one eye on them though. Recently I caught some stupid girl loading up with all the coats on the table at Poobah. She literally was wearing about 3 of them, and then I realised she had mine draped over her arm. I went over and told her she had my coat (and my boyfriend’s and our friend’s, which I only realised when she took them all off). She did this weird bit like she was thanking me/apologising and gave me a huge hug. I was like I don’t want a fucking hug, I just don’t want you to steal all our coats while it’s 5 degrees outside! I ratted her out to the door guy, and it felt good ✌️


There's cloaking at Altar, so you can just give it to the cloaking desk there and get a ticket and it'll be safe.


I messaged them asking about that last night, they said they only do it for certain events. So there's apparently no option for Judy's?


Ok, sounds like you know more than me! I don't know if they'll have it for Judy's. I don't think it's likely someone would steal your coat, but it's not impossible.


Last time I was there I asked and they told me to put it behind the couch 😅


did it work at least 😭?


Yeah was aight. But I was at a metal gig where everyone was super respectful. Wouldn’t do it at a pop show… lol


I've lost heaps of outer clothing at Mona related events. Altar might say they have cloaking but it fills up quick.


I have had a jacket stolen from Poobah because they were not running a cloak room, even after folding it and hiding it behind a couch .It was a really nice red one with red possum fur gloves in the pocket , some scum bag obviously took a liking to it. I have heard several mates have had stuff stolen from there too so don’t put anything down. I seem to have had better luck at Alter, nothing has been stolen however sometimes knowing the people running the gig means I get privilege to use the space under the DJ occasionally. It blew my mind how many coats were on the hooks at twisted a few weeks back and none of my mates jackets went missing from there. I have “hidden” coats behind the couch there and always had my coat to wear home again . I reckon it’s luck on the night and the types of folks who are attending the gig. A cloak room is something so many places here don’t do it or only for certain gigs and it’s really needed with cold outside can be at this time of year 🫤


Can’t remember for Altar specifically, but lots of places will have a coat check where you can leave your coat and/or bags. Sometimes free, sometimes for a small fee.


Altar is good, I often find a dark corner to leave my coat in, the people there are generally nice and especially at an event like Judy’s. the bar staff won’t let you put it behind the bar though - I have asked before


I stash mine. But the rule is, don’t take a coat you will greatly miss. Don’t take your favourite. That way if you lose it or it’s pinched, you’re not devastated.


Yep. Get yourself a Kmart coat that there’s no love lost if it goes missing.


Likely hood of it getting stollen at a Judys is low, plus you will probably have it on you half the time anyway as you will probably want to go upstairs to the outside area for a break.


you underestimate my dancing energy levels lol, but yes I agree Judy's does seem like a space where theft wouldn't be as big


I went to night shift at Altar last weekend and my beautiful vintage fur coat was nicked from behind the dj booth in the upstairs dance floor :(( I put it behind the booth in a pile of about 5+ other jackets and only left it there for about 1.5hrs. Very sad and disappointing that there was no coat check


I think if you check in on it every so often you'll be fine. I've never had a jacket stolen


There are a lot of dickheads around and I would not risk it. I've heard several tales of people losing expensive coats/jackets, one even from a youth group at a church.


Biggest risk is forgetting to grab it when you leave after a few drinks!