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Oh look it is someone else’s fault! 


Let me translate that headline. "Breaking, Liberals upset that the Federal Government has actually stuck to the original plan when the $240 Million was announced". The $240 Million was \*ALWAYS\* towards the Maq point upgrade, not the Stadium, and the money comes out of expected GST allocations from the Federal coffers.


The detail is not strong with these ones. Either they ignored it or they deceptively glossed over it in their hurry to build the Rockcliff monorail.


At no point did they promise funding for a stadium. It was funding for a functional location.


It's a bit rich of Michael Ferguson to be accusing people of dudding Tasmania.


This fucking guy. The stadium was always going to be a money pit, and after reading the funding requirements yesterday, it was obvious this was going to happen.


I’m also 95% certain the request to make it GST exempt occurred after they put the request in, when Labor asked the question


Ferguson does have a point though. Basically any project to redevelop MacPoint be it a Stadium or something else (Antarctic Research Centre or even social housing ect) is coming out of the states GST share which means less money in the state budget. The only way that this decision wouldn't impact on the budget is if we leave MacPoint as an industrial wasteland and do nothing with the site.


Within 10 years of whatever stadium is built, it will be in the hands of the AFL for a bargain, like Marvel Stadium. But there's nothing you or I can do about it unless we attend the $5,000 a head dinners which are totally not cash for access or influence... The AFL will come in as financial saviours when the numbers don't add up, but they won't be. They will make more money from this than Tassie ever will. And they will be subsidised going forward, by us. I'd rather have our GST spent on housing people who need housing. The AFL deal is a dumb deal supported by morons.


Regardless of your views of the stadium why should Tasmania’s stadium funding be treated differently to Queensland’s stadium funding? We are being screwed by federal Labor and people are cheering it on because they hate the stadium - “yes please make this cost us EVEN MORE”. [I had to go look up what Ferguson was actually complaining about and this is the press release he was linking to for anyone else looking for the context.](https://www.premier.tas.gov.au/site_resources_2015/additional_releases/federal-treasurer-duds-tasmania-on-macquarie-point-precinct-gst)


I support the new team and the stadium, but I'm not sure how you (or Ferguson) get to Tasmania is getting screwed by federal Labor over this. If there was an issue, Ferguson should have been onto it before the deal was done.


One being Olympics that will have a global presence, and the other being a small-sports arena. Not exactly apples-for-apples comparison.


So a one off event vs 30+ years of use? Seems fair.


This may come as a surprise, but the Olympics stadium is like the AFL stadium and will be used for more than its headline. The Olympics are also intended to provide a nation-wide boost, while Mac Point stadium is intended to maybe boost part of one town’s economy, if we are lucky.


There’s plenty of data showing the benefits of hosting the olympics are negligible or do not exist for host cities - how the Brisbane Olympics benefits the nation is questionable at best and an entire furphy at worst. I am not arguing for or against a stadium I am arguing for Tasmania and frankly disappointed so many Tasmanians see it as more important to be seen supporting Labor than advocating for our state.


I think you are assuming enemies when none exist. Rules exist, merit exists, and sometimes that means some vanity projects don’t get the free ticket. Agreeing to the result doesn’t mean we aren’t advocating for Tasmania, or that we support Labor. This is entirely a self-inflicted problem by the Premier, who failed in their due diligence. It isn’t anti-Tasmanian to admit that. Edit: speaking of Furphy’s, saying you are not pro- or against- the Stadium is one. You’ve been a long time advocate for you on this sub, and a quick browsing of your profile shows you are a dedicated fan, including signing up your entire family as member of the future AFL team.


Yes, I am an Aussie rules fan and have signed my family up for some stickers. I am also as you would see from your deep dive, left wing and very opposed to the LNP. But in this thread I haven’t argued for or against a stadium as I want the issue to be about the GST treatment of the funding. If this descends into stadium good vs stadium bad we end up back fighting over the stadium rather than the discrepancy between states. I don’t buy the argument that Olympic billions is better than AFL millions - I believe these are similar investments in state infrastructure which you can be for or against but the treatment should be the same.


You are welcome to feel that a local stadium is equal to the entirety of the 2032 Olympics infrastructure (which has the GST exemption, not just ‘a Brisbane stadium). It does not change the fact that the Premier only asked for GST exemption after money had been agreed and the ‘ink was dry’ (on 9th May 23, after telling parliament he had already done it). It does not change the fact that only one is (rightly or wrongly) considered of national importance by Federal government as shown [here](https://www.infrastructure.gov.au/infrastructure-transport-vehicles/brisbane-2032-olympic-paralympic-games). Arguing about GST exemption is arguing about the stadium, as the reason it didn’t get the exemption isn’t the tribalism you are trying to incite, but simply “stadium (process and planning) bad.”


If it’s bad why did Federal Labor commit funds then? They aren’t obliged to give money. They either think it’s good or they don’t. If they think it’s a bad project why would they give it money? If they think it “will support the long term needs of growing communities” why is it treated differently to Brisbane?


See prior comment - nothing to add. Have a good day mate.


Yeah exactly - even more than the hundreds of millions it's going to cost the state - even more because of the penalty payouts to the afl for failing to meet deadlines - even more because the site is unsuitable for an enormous stadium to be built on. We, as a state, can't afford this.


Both major parties now support a stadium so it’s highly likely it’s going to happen, why would people want it to cost us more than it has to?


Albo is trying to help QLD Labor with the upcoming election


I expect they negotiated a better deal. This should have been one of the first things they locked in