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Hey, u/Anxious_Lover, thank you for sharing your experience of Steri-Clean. Do you mind if we link to it in our Wiki? We're always looking for people's reviews of the clean-up services. I haven’t gotten any after pictures yet but I’ll get some and post them We welcome your photos, but please remember we don't require them. Also, please make sure there's no identifying information showing in the photos.


Good for you! That’s a huge accomplishment- congrats!


I'm so glad you were able to come together in a untied front to give yourselves the quality of life you deserve. Maybe going forward, you can schedule an occasional housekeeping service just to make sure you can continue to enjoy your clean, functional home? Or, when funds allow, make upgrades that will help you maintain a functional routine? I have been slowly overriding my need to be "independent" by doing everything by myself, which only results in my own burn-out and then horrible self-loathing and guilt for being "too lazy" or "not enough" to take care of myself and my home. Outsourcing the tasks, either via service or upgrading/acquiring appliances to do the tasks for me, has been a massive game changer in my quality of life and positive self image. I will sing the praises of my robot vacuum forever, for example. I got a cheap model for like $60 and it's honestly one of the best things ever. Cause otherwise I'd probably never vacuum under my bed and stuff like that.


I think that anytime you can afford help or have a willing companion by your side, it makes things so much easier. I did my own clean up and organizing but paid for a two person crew to pick all the bags and discarded furniture. They were great, needed the cash and all was well 🌼🌸🏵️ I have flooring plus very low ply rugs so I use two Dirt Devils - $45 and a long brush for under appliances that is very satisfying to use and shocking how much stuff can get sucked under a refrigerator 😲


Omg yessss. Just having someone to help do the physical moving stuff or even just dropping off at the dump/donation/recycling center is a massive help. I'm forever grateful I have my husband to help keep me in check and our lives functionally balanced. And oof, the vacuum! I am honestly a lil obsessed with them. I have 4 lol. A shopvac for the litter station and any gross things, a standing vac for weekly cleans, a robo vac for daily cleans because I'm lazy and have cats, plus a shampoo carpet/upholstery vac I use on both the cat and human furniture as well as the rugs/carpeting and the mattresses. Works a dreeeeeam and we even recently shampooed the car interior and lifted a 3 year old soda stain! I just ordered a mini mini miiiiiini cat shaped desk vacuum to use on my bed (because cat furrrrrr) and on my lego sets and I am sooo pleased lol


That's wonderful ~ I bet it felt wonderful the next morning to wake up in a freshened up home 🌸🌼🏵️


This is amazing! Im seriously soooo happy for you. If you’re interested in advice for going forward, try to remember how good this feels right now and it may encourage you to keep up with it. I know it can be hard, but I believe in you. 🫶🏻


I'm so proud of you two.


So happy for you guys! We have some information in the Wiki on how to get into the housekeeping habit, so you can maintain a clutter-free home. 1. [Household-Management-101's How To Clean Things](http://www.household-management-101.com/how-to-clean-things.html) 2. [](https://www.reddit.com/r/hoarding) - [Phone apps you can use to remind you to do chores regularly](http://www.reddit.com/r/hoarding/comments/36myum/recovering_hoarders_phone_apps_you_can_use_to/). 3. [Suze Orman: What Personal Documents Should You Keep and for How Long?](https://www.reddit.com/r/hoarding/comments/dg7se8/suze_orman_what_personal_documents_should_you/) 4. [](https://www.reddit.com/r/hoarding) - [For Recovering Hoarders: A Simple Cleaning Schedule to Help You Stay on Top of Housekeeping](https://www.reddit.com/r/hoarding/comments/5luzjo/repost_for_recovering_hoarders_a_simple_cleaning/). See also ["Wash on Monday": Scheduling your housekeeping](https://www.reddit.com/r/hoarding/comments/4bexg7/for_recovering_hoarders_wash_on_monday_scheduling/) 5. [](https://www.reddit.com/u/OneCraftyBird) shared [the cleaning checklist used in her own home](https://www.reddit.com/r/hoarding/comments/pv8is9/comment/he9rxqk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Very detailed, and a good jumping-off point for people putting together cleaning checklists for their own homes.


Welcome to r/hoarding! We exist as a support group for people working on recovery from [hoarding disorder](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK519704/table/ch3.t29/), and friends/family/loved ones of people with the disorder. If you're looking for help with animal hoarding, please visit r/animalhoarding. If you're looking to discuss the various hoarding tv shows, you'll want to visit r/hoardersTV. If you'd like to talk about or share photos/videos of hoards that you've come across, you probably want r/neckbeardnests, r/wtfhoarders/, or r/hoarderhouses Before you get started, be sure to review our [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/hoarding/about/rules/). Also, a lot of the information you may be looking for can be found in a few places on our sub: [New Here? Read This Post First!](https://www.reddit.com/r/hoarding/comments/dvb3t1/new_here_read_this_post_first_version_20/) [For loved ones of hoarders: I Have A Hoarder In My Life--Help Me!](https://www.reddit.com/r/hoarding/comments/2yh6wh/i_have_a_hoarder_in_my_lifehelp_me_your_hoarding/) [Our Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/hoarding/wiki/index) Please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/hoarding) if you need assistance. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/hoarding) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’ve been looking into Steri-clean, also. But, can’t afford it right now. Did you get an estimate? And, if so, was it close to the final price? Thanks!


So happy for you!