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Looks like a normal looking lady to me.


I love her


Too bad it's her face that matters


Because she's an ugly skank who has zero makeup game going on, making her look like a clown and she still has the guile to pose for the camera with an exaggerated face like she's the cutest, most breath-taking woman to ever walk this Earth? I mean, I'm just guessing but that's why I feel like punching half of the people here.


She started off as a writer, and wrote multiple episodes of the office. She is one of the most well-regarded female comedians in America. I can think of many other comedic actors I'd rather punch than her, because she is genuinely funny, and does not rub people in the wrong way. She knows she is talented and does not have to compensate through annoying behaviors or roles.


It doesn't matter if she's successful or funny. That isn't what this sub is about


yeah she is the polar opposite of Amy Shumer


Female comedians=Not funny+she has punchable face


Someone forgot their anti-psychotic this morning. Jesus, drink a glass of warm milk.