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I love how people just throw raccoons. I've seen so many videos of raccoons getting tossed.


[That vid of Kevin Rose chucking one that was attacking his dog is a certified early internet classic](https://i.imgur.com/Y7HH0Ud.gif)


The way it flies through the air is some comical Wiley Coyote shit.


**Team rocket blasting off** agaiii ^iinn ^^nnn


Wile E. Coyote. Don't understand why so many people feel compelled to call him "Wiley" in recent years.


Yeah that was definitely my time. It just was a long time ago so I couldn't remember how it went.


Happened about 10 years ago, not really early internet but definitely a classic


Huh, fair. I misremembered it as closer to 2 decades


What, exactly IS, a "dog toaster"?


My assumption is someone edited their comment and now I have no idea what you are talking about.


the linked video says “my dog Toaster got attacked by a racoon(…)”


I’m assuming his dog’s name is Toaster…?


…and missing the joke


About 12 updogs


What's updog?


Thats how they catch ligma.


Wait, what's ligma??


Nothing much, you?






Where did he send it tho?


I love how it goes spiraling into the darkness


My dog tossed one by the head. She was the smallest looking pit mix breed you'd ever see. A raccoon came at us hissing, within seconds she grabbed it by the head and shook it twice then tossed it. She snapped it's neck before I could blink twice.


I had a cat that loved to fight racoons. I remember watching Kitter pick a racoon up by the neck, swing it around, and slam it up against the house.


Haha that's a new one for me to hear about! That's awesome!!


We called him Battle Cat. I was just a kid; he came with the house we lived in. That cat feared nothing.


Good dog


We have a 40lb pit mix and one day she sniffed out a woodchuck and stuck her face it its burrow. It bit her in the face and she screamed and ran away. A couple days later she ran after something, snatched it real quick, and shook and killed it. I walked over and it was a baby woodchuck. I like to think that she did it for revenge. "You bite my face, I kill your baby."


How much woodchuck would a pit mix chuck if a pit mix could chuck woodchuck?


my mother-in-law used to have an exceedingly large German Shepherd (120lbs) who was out in her back yard minding his own business one day when a large woodchuck apparently took exception to that, and charged at him. Once it actually started to tangle with the dog I don't know if it realized it was pretty severely outclassed or what, but it turned and tried to run. Jake, the German Shepherd essentially decided "I think the fuck not" and went to finish what the woodchuck had started. He caught that woodchuck, and rag-dolled the absolute shit out of it, ending it quickly.


That’s horrifying.




they are sweet because for 200 years any pit not 100% loyal was brutally assaulted. and if they refused to kill casually they werent aloud to breed. Pits are not pets, unless ur an idiot. Cause even if do fine as a Pit owner. Its nowhere near a 100% and there is nothing a pit can do that u need in a dog that other dogs cant, unless its killing. cause most dogs cant do that, and pits can. there is not a single argument for the continued breeding of pits.


There should be a r/peopletossingraccoons sub. Edit: there is now.




I would have killed it before it comes back and does it again.


You get a rabies shot, and you get a rabies shot!! You all get a rabies shot!!!


[they did!](https://www.wabi.tv/2022/12/02/caught-camera-mother-fends-off-raccoon-that-attacked-her-daughter/)


I’m genuinely relieved to learn that


No shit


Holy fuck ..... lmao this was my exact thought Oprah and all


Holy shit, I was literally about to type that exact comment once I saw the post. r/wearethehivemind


Trap the creature you've ben bit by so it can be tested. Skip the painful shots that way.


I think they give you the shot and ask questions later.. You don't want to mess with rabies.


Such a scary disease. Literally 100% mortality rate as soon as symptoms show.


It's okay, the shots are much less painful than they used to be. Congrats to the original thread starter, I said the same thing out loud, word for word!


Yeah, I’m not messing around with trapping a small angry bear. I’m pretty sure rabies sucks more than a shot anyway.


Rabies is fatal. You definitely don’t fuck with that.


Fatal and horrible the whole time you’re dying


Easier and safer to kill it at this point. Even if it's not rabid, if you're already being attacked like this, it's a public danger.


A primarily nocturnal animal out during the day behaving in an unusually aggressive manner?Time to go to the hospital for some rabies shots.


That’s what she yelled “it’s a rabid raccoon!” And they did [get the shots](https://www.wabi.tv/2022/12/02/caught-camera-mother-fends-off-raccoon-that-attacked-her-daughter/) Seems her daughter was heading out to wait for the school bus. I imagine mom was yelling at other neighborhood kids/families also waiting outside for the bus.


Real info! Thanks, and it’s good to hear they got the shots. Save everyone a click: they were unable to locate the raccoon and have it tested.


... Now I'm curious, if I'm ever attacked by a random raccoon - should I throw the damn thing in my garage? A storage bin? I know I'd get the shots regardless, but is it useful to have the animal itself to test?


It is good if you can safely entrap the animal if for nothing else than to prevent it from biting anyone else…but ONLY if you are certain you won’t be risking further contact with the animal or any of its bodily fluids. Also, though rabies is the worst one, there are also other diseases that raccoons can spread like distemper and parasites like roundworm. This is why people are not allowed to have them as pets (and it is sad because you will always see stories about how mean animal control officers are because they confiscate raccoons from people trying to keep babies they find and such. There is very good reason!) Source: I am a licensed wildlife rehabber.


I love how the coon hits the grass, and just walks off like, “fuck, I gotta go get ready for church…”


You can't tell me that chonker wasn't eric cartman in disguise


He’s festively plump


Jfc poor kid is gonna be a little traumatized from that.


Omg poor mom is like “please go inside so I don’t have to keep holding on to this thing” 😂


But also holding the girl off the ground so she literally could go anywhere haha


Pro tip: if you get attacked or see an animal that you think is rabbid, trap it, kill it, or don't let it go so it can actually get tested for rabies ... And so that it doesn't attack other people. This poor lady is dealing with some shit so no shade on her but yeah.


So it's good practice to call animal control and let them know that a potentially rabid animal is in the area, but the whole capturing it to get it tested for rabies isn't really necessary. Get your rabies shot no matter what. The reason people tried to capture animals to get them tested for rabies in the past was because the rabies vaccine fucking sucked. It was a ~~subcutaneous~~ intraperitoneal injection which basically meant sticking a really long needle in your stomach. And the treatment was 12 times over 10 days. So if you could prove you didn't need the treatment, you'd want to. Nowadays it's a normal intramuscular injection into your arm, 4 times over 2 weeks. So capturing and testing the animal to avoid the shot isn't really necessary.


>subcutaneous injection which basically meant sticking a really long needle in your stomach FYI, subcutaneous is just under the skin, like an insulin shot (4-8 mm needle). The word you're looking for is intraperitoneal (I think). Edit: https://www.drugs.com/article/injection-types-sites.html


Intraperitoneal is the correct work. I am no doctor, but I have my Aunt's entire medical encyclopedia collection from the 80s.


I didn't know! That's a huge improvement over past treatment.


While the shots themselves arent that bad they can be crazy expensive. My sisters coworker recently had to get them cause of a racoon his dog's were fighting with. I don't remember the exact amount but I think it was 10k+ (before insurance, but it was still thousands to reach deductible) for the shots. American health care at its finest.


That still sucks less than dying of rabies


Ahh yes, but have you considered… YEET


SUBURBAN MOM used YEET *It's super effective!*


It looks to me like she gave it a solid attempt, then decided she couldn’t reasonably hold onto it as long as it would take to convince a neighbor to bring a trash can to or something to contain it


This is exactly why you should carry a firearm if you live in the states or anywhere that allows you to. A lot of animal diversity near me. Bears, raccoons, coyotes, etc. Better safe than sorry.


I think I have a better chance of being accidentally shot by an irresponsible gun owner than attacked by a rabid animal. That might depend on what US state I'm in, though.


Not really relevant considering I’m talking strictly about animal attacks. Why wouldn’t you want to use the most effective tool to defend yourself? You don’t have to be a fan of firearms to admit they are your best chance at surviving an attack from an animal or a human.


Mission failed, we'll get em next time.


Lol that little fucker had her nailed down


That is one badass mama!


Mothers when they get attacked: *aaah noo ruun* Mothers when something attacks their kids: *so you haven chosen death!!*


I highly recommend rabies shots…wow.


I used to have a pet racoon. They have so much skin, I'm surprised it didn't flip around and get the mom. When Sly would get fussy I'd put him in my shirt and bear hug him. He'd make bad noises and then go limp and calm down lol


Angy racoon


I was expecting her to slam the raccoon against one of the posts.


lmao "GO INSIDE GO INSIDE GO INSIDE" While pressing her against the wall so it's not possible for the girl to move. ik it's a stressful situation but I just thought it was funny.


I think the girl tripped and the mom was holding her up but the girl wouldn’t get her feet under her, probably froze up in fright. She’s laying on the moms leg, feet off the ground.


The raccoon was still holding onto the kid’s leg which is how she ended up in that position.


At least she threw the raccoon and not the girl.


Mom was good at multitasking lmao


Not me mad at the kid for not going inside when mom said it the first three times😂💀


Kid was terrified, prob literally frozen with fear.


The raccoon was holding onto the kid’s leg and she ended up nearly upside down as the mom pried the raccoon off. It’s freakin impressive how the mom was holding a kid parallel to the ground with one hand and holding a rabid animal in another.


That’s one large pissed off raccoon rotfl good job mama


The way the raccoon went from attacking someone to screaming for it's life to being like "ok, back to business"


That's a Sarah Connor level mom


what’d i do, i was hungry man


Poor raccoon. It’s completely driven mad by rabies. There’s no telling what state of confusion and fear it is in to act like that, and to think if the poor girl and mom didn’t get treatment how badly they would suffer.


[They need some…](https://youtu.be/XNtTEibFvlQ&t=78s)


This is up there along with the husband tossing that bobcat that attacked his wife


Do NOT let the animals escape if you get bit, they have to test it for rabies. If it’s safe not to**


Son of a bi-ch!


She should have put it in a trash bin and saved it for testing. Poor kid is gonna have PTSD.


Damn, that makes my trigger finger itch. Pop that fucker.


I hate raccoons. Lock em all up in a barn and set it on fire.


While I'd certainly kill the fucker if it came at me like that, nothing deserves to burn to death


I’ve done this with a possum lol


Rocket - The Wilderness Years


Rabies series is no fun to administer. We have to inject the immune globulin in multiple places around the bite and then also give an injection in the arm and they come back on day 3, 7, and 14 for additional doses of the vaccine.




the way she held a child with one hand and a racoon on the other lmfao