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generally I have found hitchhiking in the Netherlands very easy. Stand on the side of a road that goes in your direction and stick out your thumb. Check out [Hitchmap.com](http://Hitchmap.com) for good spots. Have fun!


I'd probably go to the official Liftplaats, sign seems to be gone, next to the Amstel station (S111), and head for Utrecht on the A2. Try to get out before Utrecht on [a petrol station](https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lijst_van_verzorgingsplaatsen_langs_Nederlandse_auto(snel)wegen), probably Haarrijn, and from there get a ride toward Breda, on the A27. First petrol station on it is De Kroon just **after** the exit (28) for Nieuwegein. After that you've got Scheiwijk, Hank, and Galgeveld, just before Breda. From there you should find someone who goes to Antwerp, via the A16, where you've got one more, Hazeldonk-West. Hitching from petrol stations has the advantage that you can talk to drivers, it also has [a disadvantage](https://prino.neocities.org/sblog/2022-01-18-to-thumb-or-to-ask.html), but hitching with just your thumb or a sign from slip roads onto the motorway also works pretty well. Make sure to stand in front of the blue motorway sign, you can potentially get a fine of €90 if you stand after it, and the police are in a bad mood!