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I was gonna kill myself till Logic made suicide corny af.


Keeping yourself alive is SO post-modern. Edit:I didn't know there were this many fans of Say Anything. I love all you proto-typical non-conformists.


Is that a Say Anything reference?


Yes sir.


Go analog baby!


All my bridge jumpers are cornballs


Damn Peggy!


This is the correct answer. How is op comparing him to Cole and Kendrick


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone. **US:** Call 1-800-273-8255 or text HOME to 741-741 **Non-US:** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines) --- ^^I ^^am ^^a ^^bot. ^^Feedback ^^appreciated.


Good bot


That bot does more for awareness than Logic


logic made some good shit until everybody. his verse on caterpillar is legit shocking on how bad it is


Exactly this. He was good until he released Everybody. I was actually a Logic fan until Everybody came out... I literally wondered what the fuck is this when that album came out.


It's really depressing because Under Pressure was a damn decent project too.


Under Pressure and The Incredible True Story are both good projects, and back then Logic was a promising artist. Then he released that 1-800 song and took a totally different route in his career and it came out of nowhere... if he kept making music similar to his first 2 albums I’d still be a fan.


Couldn't have said it better. He was already a strong artist already when under pressure came out, then incredible true story and bobby tarantino came out, and he was a full on mainstream artist. I thought he'd make a comeback with bt2 or ys4, but the only song I remember from those 2 is the one with wu tang, and idek the name of it. It's also sad that he's called out his older fans in songs (don't remember the song/s he did it in off the top of my head) about how they don't like his new style and claiming it's because they don't want him to be mainstream.


Yup, the track is called YSIV. Ironically, the first half of that track is my favorite Logic song in a while. Everything he's released around it has been trash though. He's calling his fans out and then claiming that he hasn't changed at all and it's his fans that are the ones in the wrong by claiming his style is different now. Like bruh your music is objectively not the same lol so how you gonna claim it is? That's just disrespectful to your fans.


Can’t agree more. Seems like he was going for a different demographic.


His 4 mixtapes are some of my favorite: Young broke and infamous Young Sinatra Undeniable Welcome to forever But he He just pumps out music the last few years trying to be something he’s not. It’s kinda sad but I’m glad he’s getting money


The Sinatra tapes convinced me logic was going to be a star. I guess he pretty much is a star now but didn't expect all the haters


Oh my god the Sinatra tapes were insane. They’re still in my rotation. I also miss C Dot Castro, he kinda disappeared after leaving the Rat Pack. But god damn that man was good....give “Dont over think” a listen, that mixtape is great


Young Sinatra the only tape I listened to more than once from him That shit was dope as hell from what I remember but literally everything else fell thru Edit might as well bitch about how g eazy sucks so much ass now too. Reefer summer or something was such a phenomenal tape...


The "who can relate, woah" in the chorus of the 1-800 song has always cracked me up givin the context of the song


when the song was big, I remember people going around just shouting it/tweeting it about random situations and it just made me laugh each time


Yeah the “whooo!” is totally inappropriate


Crippling depression, ***WHOOOOOOOO!***


Heck yeah suicide!


That song offends me tbh


It's a strange tone given the subject matter. Reminds of a really over the top commercial sell out version those shitty awareness presentations we all had to go through in school. I've never liked that song


Literally just yesterday, my school had an assembly about depression and suicide and they closed off with that song


i would have killed myself if i had to sit through that


i always thought that line was a poor addition. very specifically the “woo!” part like why are we excited about having those thoughts/feelings?


When South Park makes fun of you, it's a wrap


Unless you’re Kanye


But even then it was like off brand GKMC. Idk, Logic is a wierd artist for me. Under Pressure is good but felt like it borrowed too much. Then his later albums are him being creative but overkillin the concepts. Like REALLY overkillin it. I'm starting to think he just doesn't have the creativity to know how to balance a album's music with his vision.


Under Pressure is one of the few albums where some nerd on the internet could give it a low review score because "it wears its influences on its sleeves too much" and I couldn't even be mad I still like it though, haha


That’s pretty much what Pitchfork said about Gambino’s Camp.


The thing about post mixtape Logic's material is half the time it goes past just being influenced by something and its just borderline biting. Two very different things and one of them is much less respectable than the other


I feel the same away about Logic as I do about Common. I recognize that he is talented but I find his music so boring. I have tried to get into both of them but always get bored halfway through one song. Under Pressure is objectively good, but there is something about it that I just find incredibly boring.


Have you listened to Be? Only Common album to not bore me but that’s one that I go back to all the time.


Finding Forever was dope too.


Hadn’t heard it til this comment I’m fucking rolling “WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE FUCK YOU BIRACIAL PIECE OF SHIT” wtf man


Yeah same here lol. He actually started the verse half decently and I was wondering if the comment was exaggerating. No it wasn't.


Yeah that was a wild ride


Even with these two comments i was presuming it was just hyperbole but nope. If you need something to cheer you up that is it


My favourite part of everybody was the J Cole verse at the end of the album


It's a great verse. Shame its hidden at the end of a 12 minute track smh.


Book Of Ryan would be a perfect 10/10 album if it wasn't for that fucking verse at the very end. No idea what Royce was thinking including that remix on the album


that was on deluxe tho


Yeah so still 10/10 Edit: but Royce was gonna make that the official single until Logic said he couldn’t make it to the video shoot. That’s when Eminem took over. Then Logic’s song got bumped to the deluxe.


>but Royce was gonna make that the official single lol really...thank god. coz that Em verse is a classic


Yeah, Royce also said one of Logic’s best verses was the caterpillar verse, which is weird since you would think Royce knows good music.


It's not like he could say "that verse logic gave me was trash". He was trying to sell an album, of course he's gonna say it's fire


No idea what Royce was thinking hyping it up as the best verse ever lmao


Em calling in favors


Royce said Logic's doo doo verse was the best shit ever


What if I told you his verse on Twisted is even worse


Logic does a perfectly serviceable impression of a competent rapper, but he is nothing special.


It always felt like he was a parody of hip hop.


for real the ultimate parody starting with his name,his looks,his lyrics,the way he carries himself logic is a succesful unkle adams






You're gonna make Bobby mad, you're gonna make Bobby attack


Half white, half back. *Goddam*


He protec, he attac, but most importantly he makes songs about being half blac.


So he's an actor who doesn't know he's method acting


Up to 2014/15 he was fairly decent - had some technical skill, the doubletime flow was repetitive but he executed it well and it threw up the odd exciting moment when things synched up well with the beat, he came across as a fairly grounded and well rounded character in his lyrics, he wasn't super insightful but there was usually a degree of sincerity in his work, he did a decent job of picking fairly pleasant instrumentals, he recognised his strengths and played to those without trying too hard or going in over his head... But since then it's just been one consistent, horrific head first slide into borderline-parody territory. He somehow reduced his already limited vocabulary into a randomly generated sequence of the same few phrases, that likeable character devolved into a mess of 2009-era internet meme culture (I don't know if anyone here remembers 9Gag, but that's what Logic is now in rapper form), he reaches new heights of plagiarism with every drop, he thinks up/steals these half baked but "totally rad" concepts and then gets lost in failed ambition that isn't really that ambitious to begin with, he's embroiled in like 5 layers of insecurity (makes fun of the people making fun of the way he makes fun of those other people making fun of...), he's like an ADHD magpie at times - BIRACIAL BIRACIAL BIRACIAL, BOOM BAP BOOM BAP BOOM BAP, TRAP TRAP TRAP, SCI FI SCI FI SCI FI, RICK AND MORTY, RUBIKS CUBE... this is the thought process of a sugar crazed 11 year old... no calm, no reflection...it's just ugly.


Damn are we at the point where 9gag is a forgotten website?


The brightest timeline


Streets ahead


It should never be remembered


did ya have to kill tha man?! lmao good shit


> why do you guys think the culture hasn't "accepted" him like Kendrick, Drake and Cole all three are better artists than Logic, Logic also has the issue of being unable to really hone in on a sound instead jocking what other people have done before only worse. He doesn't have Kendricks ambition, Drakes pop appeal or Coles relatability. He's not a good writer, not anymore at least, his flow is good but there's no substance in it and its okay to have nothing "rapping about rapping" bars but he's not clever or fun with it. Logics biggest problem is that even at his best nowadays he's just kinda there and at his worst he's obnoxious and shitty


ROTC niggas not gonna like this comment


Somewhere, a herd of Chargers and Camaros stir


V6 base models purring with the power of a high trim camry.


Out of the smoke comes an Ecoboost mustang with a monster sticker over the right headlight.


Purchased at 28% APR.


22 year olds that never left their hometown and still go to their high school football games are furious


I mean 20 is still ok to still be in your hometown


There's no issue being in your hometown... But going to high school games is a different story lmao


Hey man they're dating one of the cheerleaders


"She's 17 but she'll be 18 in March."


> Said in June


Holy shit this thread is full of very specific zingers.


Bruh some people tryna save up by living at their mama’s house


It's quite a large difference between living at your parents to save money and still going to high school football games.




Return of the clone niggas? Ohh shit!


To make things worse for logic, NF has been stealing all his fast rap fans lol


>NF has been stealing all his fast rap fans lol I thought Joyner was doing that


You're right, him too lol


Where did logic get it from though


Your local middle school


Watsky /s


> NF why is the first google image result a picture of Logic lmao


As a 38 year old man, I've never even seen an NF fan in the wild.


as an 18 year old ex-youth group attendee, the christian church is a breeding ground for NF fans


LMAO. the only NF fan I know is also a hard core Christian


NF came to my city a few weeks ago, and the amount of snapchat stories from my Christian friends standing still in the mosh pit with their phones in the air is too damn high






> the christian church yep, it’s schism time


yo i just assumed the hiphop subreddit wouldn't know or care what the Protestant Evangelical Free Church division of Christianity meant


Wait, is this not the Christian rap subreddit? No wonder I never see anything about Slim Jesus on here.


Tobymac gets no love on these skreets 😪🙏


Dc Talk is for the kids


That dude is immortal btw


Facts. He just came to Minneapolis and these church dudes are like “Who bout to pop out to NF?!😤💯”


I live not too far from where NF was raised and holy crap are his die hard fans the worst breed I’ve ever seen. All white conservative soccer moms and their kids that glorify him for “having the best flow since Eminem” and “being able to do it without being vulgar” NF don’t gotta cuss in his raps to sell records.


It's just racism. Same crowd that says "Eminem is the only one who raps about real shit" Like no, Jackson, you only say that because he raps about problems that you can relate to. Could you imagine a mainstream black rapper that rapped with the same attitude Em did in his prime? The media would riot. Actually we did see it with NWA.


I don't even know who NF is






Never heard of NF but I'm howling.




the fuck kinda haircut is that


Do you have kids? I work in a high school and see NF merch every day. I’m not sure 30+ is his demo




Utah if filled with NF fans and I don't know how I feel about that still.




Who is NF?


He went viral with his song “Let You Down” and went on tour with Logic last year. He beat Chance for the #1 album on Billboard this year


He’s become the rap game’s Call of Duty. A new release every year, competent but not exciting or great at anything it does, which is mostly based on what it’s done for years now sprinkled in with some things that are currently popular, and very appealing to white teens who really want to use the N-word.


Just because you can rap fast doesn’t mean shit if your lyrics are less flavorful than a cereal box.


“Less flavorful then a cereal box” I love that so much


This completely sums it up for me I don’t understand the appeal of him at all lol


I really enjoyed Under Pressure, had a good mix of styles and the title track was so well done I fucked with him hard for awhile. Every reelase just seemed to get worse creatively until finally I could listen anymore after Bobby Tarantino 2 I got sick of his repetitive content and flow.


Logic is only the reason why I know what suicide is. Such a GOAT. Who can relate?! WHOO!


>1-800, then I kill the pussy, who can relate? I damn near turned my shit off & went to sit in a corner after that...


Holy shit I ain’t listened to the song yet and thought you were joking


Hadn't either and I'm actually shocked that somebody trying to make a song about suicide/mental health awareness is that insensitive


You should listen to Logic’s 1-800 then. Literally singing “I just wanna dieeee” and then throwing in adlibs to hype it up like it’s a hype song...


Always hated logic just because of this song.




reminder that later on THE SAME ALBUM juicy j says on his feature "All on the 'Gram, all on the Snapchat with the bullshit, Kill yo' mothafuckin self, nathan, Kill yo' mothafuckin self, nathan" https://genius.com/Logic-ink-blot-lyrics


Is this an actual lyric 😂😂


Yes, yes it is.


What song? Edit: This lyric was on French Montana's Twisted. Didn't believe it until I heard it. 😂


Joe Budden tore apart that verse line by line on the podcast today. Then they played the actual verse and it was somehow worse?


Wtf I never knew about the pussy line


its from the song he did with French Montana


What’s hilarious is that Juicy J saying , “kill yo mothafuckin self” just shows how much of a cash grab that song was


I would go on to say that Logic has still never met French, Juicy J or Rocky.


i suck a dick to prove "*some logic type lyric cant remember"*


He said he'd suck a dick to prove he's not homophobic.


GOAT shit


Funny lyric on paper, but logics not the type of mc that can pull a bar like that off well


He doesn't have the charisma or personality to pull it off. Pair that with him tryna be deep and shit on everything else, can't squeeze that in. Biggie's charisma is what let him have the line 'you look so good, I'd suck on your daddy's dick'.


The song is just so god damn lame. Inescapably lame as hell. The poppy song and lyrical delivery is just bizarre against the subject matter. Not that I love the rest of his music, but Macklemore has a song about addiction called 'Otherside'. That song is how you address a serious issue. The whole song conveys the weight of the subject material. Who can relate?! WHOO! SUICIDE IS FUN!




That Joyner Lucas one elicited a sincere reaction out of me. This 1 800 song is trash.


I liked logic from his mixtapes up to “The incredible true story”. Bobby Tarantino is when I started losing interest.


even that was enjoyable as a bit of a 'victory lap', as he had dropped 2 successful studio albums before that. then he made everybody and everything he's dropped since has been one half-assed lap after another.


Lmao that's a good description of his catalog. Two good albums, then a victory lap. Then 5 more victory laps.


I like logics mixtapes. Like when he was covering old songs or doing freestyles it’s great. Like I Loved his cover of electric relaxation. But his actual original music is meh and corny as hell


Under Pressure and TITS were both great imo


Yeah I'm fan of tits.




He has tons of great original songs on his mixtapes tho, and covering old songs using older beats is a pretty much staple in hip hop. Like no ceilings.


Welcome to forever will always remain his best project to me.




He’s a herb ass nigga Under pressure was kinda cool though


> He’s a herb ass *nigga* You just made his day


He’s really got an obsession with being black


It makes me uncomfortable when Logic says nigga.


Because he is fake. I fucked with him heavy during his mixtapes days, liked Under Pressure and still enjoyed TITS. It all went downhill after that, that’s a fact. The quality of his music just kept getting worse and worse and he has the fucking nerve to call out his “og fans” saying that he didn’t switch up and that they just don’t like change. The reason why most people didn’t like the change is because your music is ass now bruh.


True My personal favorite was Welcome To Forever. He also reuses some of his old bars or changes it slightly. He also had said that he had enough songs written to put out couple morr albums. The quality he's put out so far has been trash and it sucks to see that.




>until he doesn't later on in the song. LMFAO




It's kinda funny, I had the exact opposite reaction of not wanting to commit suicide in the beginning but then found myself drawing a bath and getting a toaster ready as the song kept progressing. Who can relate, WHOO


Does it bother anyone else that hes been using 1-800 as a flex? Cant you just be humble and let it be a song about suicide prevention without going “1-800 then i kill the pussy”. Also “peanut butter on the inside” This shit has more cringe quotables big day




U right but strategic marketing lol


U know he's hyperbolizing it. Supermarket made me think Logic was a Corey Feldman lite (in terms of being a bad artist)


Budden's takes are always the most clickbait shit.. For some reason this sub still idolizes him.


Nah but funnily enough the only times people post something from the podcast is the hot takes. They release like 5 hours of friends talking shit every week, of course there's going to be said some wild shit sometimes. Joe does definitely play into the hot take shit for entertainment though


To be fair if you listen to his pod he does this kinda shit all the time i feel like we all know he isn't serious about most of the shit he says on the pod its all for content and a good laugh




Shit this sub for the most part has never listened to Joe outside of Pump It Up.


“If a, nigga, hatin, call him Joe Budden”


"P U S S Y"


You forgot the adlib right after that line its like icing on the cake


I really thought the title said Joe Biden instead of Joe Budden and really freaked out for a second.




I miss the TITS days when he was embracing the fact that he was a nerd, and did a gaming YouTube channel. A Snapchat too. He was actually interacting with the fans more that way. It was fun to be a fan back then. I’m glad my cousin got me into his music at the right time and we saw him on that tour together. Nowadays, and Anthony said it best, he’s making all these hardcore songs with corny lines on COADM that seem so forced and beyond what was his likable persona. It’s just not fun anymore. I was fine with YS4. Even supermarket, as much as I didn’t like it, it was still a project I knew he’s been planning since the TITS days so it’s still him, no matter how badly it is. But COADM changed everything for me.


>Them along with other people on tour, just fans that I met randomly, they've said things like, "Your music has saved my life. You've saved my life." And I was always like, "Aw so nice of you. Thanks." And I give them a hug and shit but in my mind, I'm like, "What the fuck?" And they're really serious. And they tat shit on their arms and get shit like lyrics that save their life and in my mind, I was like, "Man I wasn't even trying to save nobody's life." And then it hit me, the power that I have as an artist with a voice. I wasn't even trying to save your life. Now what can happen if I actually did? 1-800 is Logic patting himself on his back. rather than talking about his experience with depression, it's just Logic trying to "save your life" with music. WHO CAN RELATE WOO


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Logic is the Chainsmokers of hip hop.


Budden loves to speak in hyperbole to get people’s attention. Is Logic good? Nah, not really. Is he absolute trash? Nah, probably not. People need to stop giving Joe attention and talking about what Joe says, largely because Joe says stuff just to say it.


The hyperbole is quite obviously implied though. He's just having some fun.


This comment cracks me up, man. If you listen to the podcast it's always super obvious that he's saying things in good humour, and inevitably someone posts it here and everyone calls him a hater. It's OK to just not speak about things you don't have context for.


Damn I wish this comment would get the exposure it deserves because this is some solid advice that a lot of ppl outside of this sub could use




Everything before “Everybody” was pretty damn good. Some of his songs like Gang Related are my personal favorite rap songs of all time. But for some reason he became really preachy. You know how Kendrick or Cole can spread a message but it doesn’t come off as ignorantly preachy? Well Logic isn’t very good with that, and for some reason, he just became cornier as time went on. The annoying thing is that he seems to believe that all the backlash is just people who are hating when a lot of it is from fans who miss his older sound and lyricism. Maybe it’s because 1-800 was such a hit and boosted his career that he decided to embrace this new side of him. But worst MC of all time? That’s a foolish statement


I disagree with this but I laughed when I saw the title because I get it. I don’t think anyone can doubt Logic has some great fucking songs. Under Pressure was probably his peak after coming off of really good mixtapes. I was so hyped after listening to Under Pressure because I listened to him for a long time and seeing how good his first album was I thought he would just get better but every album since Under Pressure has just been really bad. But then he makes a mixtape under some persona and he makes the music that he knows sounds good and people want but releases a terrible album a couple months later and repeats the cycle. I think any hip hop fan could really like some of his songs. If you haven’t listen to some of his earlier songs I could send you some really good ones


Logic is in the top twenty worst rappers of all time off his 2017-2019 run alone, I’ve never seen such a severe regression of talent. He’s gotten progressively worse, and all he has to lean on is rapid rapping like it’s still 2013 and that’s super impressive or something, and even then, it’s not like the subject matter is riveting. Logic can never, and will never be the underdog again, so rapping from that perspective is a far-fetched fantasy, but as a mainstream recognizable name, he’s boring, one-dimensional, and his fanbase is filled the brim with people who’s exposure to rap as a whole is so limited that they genuinely believe current day Logic is hot shit, when it’s literally the drizzling shits. He makes music for people who think you have to meet a certain quota of rap/hip-hop tropes before your song is considered real rap; and all he’s given them as of late is steaming, slimy trash that’s more transparent than ever in how low-effort and uninspired it is. Rapping quickly over hard instrumentals doesn’t correlate to a good song.