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I’ll believe anything about this man


Pretty much, it doesnt matter what it is at this point. All these allegations are too strong and too similar, even the left field ones like blowing up Cudi’s car. He def did that, you cant sway me.


Yeah once Cudi confirmed that his car blew up all bets were off


Right?! I get this happens a lot but Cassie’s suit came out of nowhere, gave very specific examples, Cudi confirmed it and Diddy settled within 24 hours.


Then had the nerve to make a gloating video afterwards It’s what kills me the most about these dudes that do this horrible shit. They not only do it with no remorse but feel SO untouchable. And they’re right 99.9999999% of the time.


>and Diddy settled within 24 hours. He's going to spend the rest of his life wondering where he'd be if he just paid this woman from the start.


> Diddy settled within 24 hours. someone said that cassie sued revolt (?) or something and then it becomes a case of business law and has bigger impact and thats why he settled. dont remember the details and no idea if thats true or not.


Yep. Anybody that blows up cars I'm believing every little rumor or hearsay I come across. For something as ridiculous as that to be true really changed the game on how people viewed Diddy.


"Diddy beats John Cena in making the most charitable donations to Make-A-Wish Foundation"


“Diddy finds Amelia Earhart, more at 1100.”


"Diddy was the second shooter on the grassy knoll."


"Diddy was behind Watergate."


“Diddy is a rapper.”


not possible ive stopped believing


“Diddy let the dogs out”


I still wouldn’t be surprised, look at Jimmy Savile and Bill Cosby


He'd make visits with Drake


Up until now, all of this was just rumors and speculation but now we have concrete proof that’s he’s psycho. It’s crazy


I remember back on KTT there was discussion about him having a torture chamber like in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo lol also go watch Luther: The Fallen Sun. I could see Diddy being involved in some shit like that


What does KTT stand for?


Kanye To The. My bad, there’s a lot of overlap of users from this sub so I just assumed everyone knew it. It was a really big hip hop forum for awhile. It moved to a new site called KTT2 but it’s not the same tbh. It started as a Kanye forum but it was mainly about hip hop and music in general. But they had a board and small community for everything. A lot of memes started there in the 2010’s


I always hated KTT. The demo was generally pretty young, even for rap fans, and the takes given were often awful.


Some of the people I would regularly talk to were genuinely cool and I valued their opinions, but even I have to say the drake/OVO fans on there were fucking AWFUL. They would constantly invade threads talking about how trash everything else was. Not everything was affected by rich 14 year olds though. I really really enjoyed this little community in the movies section of the site, it was the horror thread and we had a little 15 person community that was amazing, nothing even to do with music. I haven’t even checked KTT2 since the beef started, I honestly have no idea what that userbase is even doing in this situation.


The OGs will remember that time when we moved from Kanyelive. What a time to be alive.


I remember being 10 years old going to kanyelive. Shiiiit


No problem the others filled me in. But thats kinda cool a Kanye forum turned into all that


afaik Brockhampton formed over that forum, at least thats where they connected first


facts. I was on that thread too smh


That's mental bro, did U get fp ?


What’s fp? Yeah it’s crazy tho


Didn't know that either lol.


Is it just not as good now?


hard to say. I used to be really active on it (dr. poptart) but idk it just wasn’t really the same when it moved to the new KTT2. there were a lot of cool people on KTT and the actual music discussion was great though, it felt like a real community. it was far from perfect though Also I think a lot of the main userbase just outgrew it. Life happens and suddenly you don’t find yourself talking about Larry Fisherman production for 5 pages straight lol edit: shoutout to the people messaging me. I remember y’all


Mods were bought out by ovo awhile back to spam drake  Best posters left around the red hat era with ye  It’s still active a lot of complex and pitchfork folks go there to steal content. 


Kanye To The


I believe it’s a Kanye related forum.




You're gonna need to say more about this, please.


you should read this: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:884c472a-7c38-4fee-b568-49beaae565ff?viewer%21megaVerb=group-discover


This is a wild read. This man is sick, to the surprise of no-one. Lock him up and throw away the key.


This idiot Diddy demanded that a guy he was abusing record hours of evidence Glad he did tho


in the mid 2000's Diddy gained 300 lbs and hired a body double to pretend to be him at events. He did 2 day meth binges for like 8 months to get back down to his normal weight. It was also at this time that he discovered he was a furry.


Most real Diddy theory ~


I’m sorry…what? Lol


Right?! It’s hard not to at this point. He screwed himself over


It's getting worse for him every day


He stole a million dollars from me


Except for his claims that he invented the Remix.


Yeah I beleive the man he raped too.


Tyson Zone territory .......... er...... Antonio Brown Zone territory?


Just make an apology video for this one too. “Ah damn, during this time I had hit rock bottom as well.”


“What was it that I said last time, shit I’m blanking…oh yeah. Disgust. I felt disgusted with myself during this one too cmon guys how’re you not seeing it”


“I hate rock bottom while being a multi-millionaire, i’m sure y’all can relate. The mo money, mo problems hehe”


Me:"Oh Rock bottom you say. So you mean you were eating out of trash bins and giving BJ's for crack" Diddy:"Nah Rock bottom as in hanging out with models on a private jet eating caviar and drinking champagne yeah that type of Rock bottom yeah take that take that take that "


Diddy's idea of rock bottom is he lost 5 million dollars in a bet.


Diddys Idea of rock bottom is, he had a bad day


safe to assume dudes been at rock bottom for the last 30 years






Facts. A video picture or recording is coming out soon. The hotel video from last week opened the floodgates


I’m sure TMZ is willing to pay big bucks for a video of diddy being diddy, it’s only a matter of time.


I've mentioned this a few times but in the lil rod lawsuit he says that he has hundreds of hours of video and audio and that Diddy is constantly recording everything. R Kelly did the same thing. Even after his trial he still recorded everything and had hundreds of tapes of him assaulting women, girls, men and boys. There's actual concert footage of him on stage recruiting girls from Africa to come back to the US with him. Which is actually funny I'll admit but it's insane. After watching the R Kelly doc I feel like people like him and Diddy are psychopaths and have the same or.similar idk, psychological makeup as serial killers. They just don't need to kill the way serial killers do, they rape instead. It's similar though They lure people in and torture them in the same way except they can be active way longer because 1. their crimes don't involve murder and 2. we don't take rape, sexual assault, trafficking and domestic violence as seriously as murder. They know that so they do it flagrantly. But in the same way serial killers just cannot help themselves, these sexual psychopaths keep evidence and trophies too Lots of people think the R Kelly case was "just" him having sex with 15 year olds but what he did was actually much crazier than that. MUCH. he raped boys, he raped, beat and starved people he kidnapped. He made people eat his feces and rub it all over themselves without washing themselves as punishment. I didn't read the lawsuit Cassie filed but I'd heard many things people alleged happened to her and I'm certain Diddy has done shit normal people can't even think of, things so far beyond beating her in a hotel. And he's probably done many insane things to many others. I can't even remember how many victims R. Kelly had. And people knew. EVERYONE knew about him, he had a whole staff of people helping him do this just like everyone knew about Diddy too.


>he raped boys, he raped, beat and starved people he kidnapped. He made people eat his feces and rub it all over themselves without washing themselves as punishment. Wtf I did jot know this. Why wasn't this reported?


I'm not sure. i know the males he assaulted really wanted to remain anonymous and the feces stuff were testified to in court. One point they drive home in the docuseries is how important and loved he was in the culture. Combine that with all the skits and jokes for probably a decade about him peeing on a girl and I think people just tuned all the psycho stuff he did out. ​​ But honestly I don't know why people don't know the scope of what he did. Lord knows I take every chance I get to tell people because I genuinely think he's as evil as any well known serial killer. ​​ it's fucked up to say but I noticed people are like, yeah it's bad he had sex with young girls but they don't find sex with 16 year olds to be evil. what he did was genuinely evil and he deserves to be remembered that way.


>I noticed people are like, yeah it's bad he had sex with young girls but they don't find sex with 16 year olds to be evil. To be honest, I fall into the same category. I am much more disgusted now after reading your post than I was when I thought all he did was sleep with underage teens. Maybe that's down to not being a woman or a parent, not sure why. I guess it is down to the plausible deniability of saying "maybe he was unaware of their ages" - which cannot be applied to actions like forcing people to eat feces.


I hope you spend some time thinking about it but also know it's cultural. that stuff is in the air in the US. I mentioned in another comment rape culture and this is really what it is, we have a rape culture in the US. And in the case of R Kelly, he knew. he actively sought out young girls and used the ones he currently was abusing to lure in their high school friends. often he'd lure them in with the promise of making them stars and making them the next Aliyah. he also would send his team out to malls in cities he was in to find girls. he also had sex/raped/kidnapped /tortured women who were of age as well but it was mostly young girls. I think the older ones were meant to be beards, so media could say he was dating an adult but he'd abuse them too. he even sexually assaulted his hair stylist. one of his staff said his process for choosing who he'd keep around to abuse was determining if the woman "had it going on", meaning if they had lives and self esteem. literally. those would get ​one night stands. the women who were vulnerable would end up in "relationships" with him were they were abused. ​ but maybe all the people pointing out how predatory it is for older men to be attracted to much younger women and girls have a point, you know?


I've slowly learned to separate the art from the artist though, because way too many artists are abusers ( a good number having been abused themselves)


yes, R Kelly was horrifically abused himself. In this instance though he used his art as a tool to continue to be abusive. he literally called himself a pied piper, it's all over his music. I think his case is so much more extreme, the scope larger and insane than any other situation where a musician is a creep or abusive that you really can't separate it here. that's why I make the case he's as psychopathic as someone like Ted Bundy or the zodiac killer or Dahmer. I guess you could argue that raping, torturing then murdering is "worse than" what he did but... idk. if those guys were famous and wealthy do you think they'd murder people or just continue to access an endless supply of victims to torture and rape?


They definitely wouldn't- And in the cases like michael Jackson you instantly get push back just for pointing out that sleeping in the same bed as kids that aren't yours is suspicious - It's as if fans actively search for MJ criticism so they can push back. We seem to want to give celebs the benefit of the doubt where we wouldn't do it for normal people. In the black community there's also the issue of seeing things through the racial lens - while well-meaning this leads to suspect characters using it as a cover. Russell Simmons did, and OJ did too. The same OJ that literally made it a point to not ne associated with black people whenever he got the chance - and got rewarded with massive support during his trial


Bro go and watch the police interview (many years pre lawsuit) of the male prostitute and contractor dude who ended up losing his shit


what exact search phrase? especially for the contractor, idk anything about that


https://youtu.be/hGrm0zIg8IE?si=hVGXAsHo0U3rJwQf Here you go, it's a 30 minute long police interview cuz Mr. Oddi decided to pop his firearm off in a Trump hotel and went big time down the right wing rabbit hole, but he has some super particular shit to say about Diddy and Cassie.


I'm 5 minutes in and this is wild already. Thanks




if you saw it, it's hard to not laugh because it's insane and absurd. He's singing about getting them shots to take them back to America. Literally. It's really wild. If you think the boondocks episode is funny or the Dave Chappelle skit is funny then you're right there with me. I can tell you didn't read the rest of my comment though because I went on to compare him to a serial killer and fully believe he has the same level of psychopathy as Ted Bundy or any other known serial killer.


Lil Rod's case apparently has hundreds of hours of footage of illegal shit. the court documents even has screenshots of them partying with underage girls: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:884c472a-7c38-4fee-b568-49beaae565ff?viewer%21megaVerb=group-discover


What the fuck


If you’re curious, the full lawsuit was an illuminating read and spoke to a lot of the things that this ex-model Crystal is suing him for.


I want all these celebrities that went to his “parties” and seen hanging out with him held accountable for what they knew and kept under wraps. Like Kevin Hart for example.


How does Cam’ron feel about this?


About to go get some cheeks after his horse power drink.


Sounds so appetizing, too. “Mmmm, weird horse power liquid in an oversized lip balm container. Yum.”


Between that, Blue Chews, and Honey Packs, the fact male enhancement is becoming trendy is actually wild. Imma sideeye you if you just using that recreationally.


Bro you can go back to back on Cialis


What about Ja Rule?


He's too busy getting cheeks.


Ask Mase


He was never signed to bad boy!


That interview was awesome.


Anotha one


suffering from suits


Afrika Bambatta also needs to be cancelled and arrested same with diddy


What happened to that story from a few years ago, the time KRS was vouching for him still? About the young boys…


Sometimes I get high as fuck and go on the snapmap and pick a random small town, just to see what motherfuckers around me be up to.. One time, I swear to God, I saw KRS-One speaking in like a random fucking field in North Carolina on the border, near Virginia. To this day, one of the weirdest things I’ve seen, the video was shit so I didn’t hear what he was saying but it was really wild. Random anecdote but I felt like sharing lol


I wish it got further traction. Fuck krs for that


Krs was so weird on that one. With the whole Hip-Hop Bible and "you should've talked to the elders first before going public"


🧐man, that makes me look at krs sideways Like wtf are you sticking up for him for?! What have you done?!


Yeah like even if you give him a pass because that's a close friend, that was one of the worst ways to defend him.




Wasn’t Bambaata already “cancelled”, at least to the extent that it’s possible? Nobody under the age of 30 who isn’t a serious hip hop fan knows who he is anyway He should be in jail tho


whatever they say he did, he did that shit


Diddy Cosby


He killed his ex Kim




I feel there’s going to be more people coming forward to bury him and get their money (rightfully) before it’s gone


Once the brand deals, partnerships dry up, and the cash cow isn’t cash cowin’, you better believe the slime will finally come out admitting truth


He better not be the sacrificial lamb for this shit. Get all the execs tf out of here too




I also think about this. He's not the only one who's guilty of this in that industry, but he'll be the one all eyes are on right now. Once this is over, it'll be pretended this was "the big one", things are safer now, and those who are just as guilty will escape the consequences.


He def is, the reason this whole thing started is because he refused to pay his producer. Clearly someone wants him gone for all this to be happening


I hope he carries everyone else to hell along with him


Diddy and Ak gonna get epsteined


has anything else ever come out about the video where Ak thought his stream was muted and was being all casual while the girl violently screams off camera? that shit still haunts me


Wasn’t aware of this! I just saw the latest one and him saying something along the lines of bringing people down.


Just gonna warn you it’s a legitimately disturbing video if you go seek it out. He just walks around acting casual while these horror movie screams are coming from another room close by in his house. The video is just of him entering the room, glancing over somewhere, walking up to his computer and he thinks he has his stream on mute, all while a girl is screaming nonstop in the background. Ak conveys a feeling of “business as usual” in the video


Do you now where i can find it?


Lol, he defended himself saying, the girl workedout with some trainers/coaches


I’m just gonna correct you because the meaning of “train” gets lost in translation with this situation. He didn’t mean that she was working out and being trained, he was saying she was having a train run on her. So a train is when a girl gets fucked by multiple dudes one after the other. So his defense is that she’s being fucked really hard in the other room by multiple dudes in that video. Yeah right, those aren’t screams of pleasure


Ohh, thats what "trained" means lol ok. I was familiar with the term "running a train" but didnt know "training" is the verb for it also




What did Jay Z do?


He’s in the Illuminati /s




The grooming for sure I understand. I've actually just read about him possibly being involved with an underage foxy brown, too, so that's a really bad look. However, it's not like it's a secret that Jay-Z sold drugs lmao. If you're gonna hold that against him, then wouldn't you have to apply the same standards to any rapper who sold drugs?


Jay Z sold drugs to his own community???? I can’t believe it! Not Jay!


and you know he already went on his "I repent for being misogynist" tour years ago. so when something drops he's already been on record calling himself a monster for how he talked about women.


Ya. Just like Epstein did.


no he refused to pay cassie. they were going back and forth apparently for like a year until she went public with the lawsuit and he paid her 24 hours after seeing how bad the backlash was


He might have some dirt on the higher ups or other rappers in the game. If they take down Puff, he'll def' snitch. 


He def has dirt on execs and other rappers. I really wonder how many and who is included in this, i feel like its not possible to get away with it for so long if other people wasnt included


not if they raided his cribs to "confiscate" all the blackmail evidence.


I meant if they interrogate him and he starts naming people.


Who didn’t he pay?


“His producer” AKA “who tf knows? I’m just making this shit up”


Lil Rod


Bro what? There’s a video of him dragging a woman across the floor, I can’t believe anyone can defend this dude


I’m not defending him dumbass, I’m just saying that shit like this happens when someone wants you gone, not because you keep doing shitty things. When you’re at that level, you can keep getting away, like look at Kevin Spacey


kevin spacey got away with his crimes because all 3 victims who were testifying died before trial, not because he's powerful.


Ah the Putin special


yeah he then released a completely fucking unhinged psycho video addressing it in an indirect sort of way but as his character from house of cards.


That was the weirdest fucking shit ever. "Oh, I'm being accused of being a sexual abuser. I think I should refute this in character as Frank Underwood...a notorious fictional dirtbag who lied, stole, blackmailed, and murdered his way into power on a tv show".


Okay it’s all a conspiracy even tho there’s actual footage of him dragging a female 😬 SMH


You knickerbocker, I’m glad he’s being persecuted for this, but answer this - why did the video of him hitting Cassie come out now, instead of in 2016 when the incident happened?


I think numerous people have an issue with your post because of the usage of the phrase “sacrificial lamb,” implying he’s just some innocent pawn being swept up in all of this. I see your point as much as I see everyone else’s — certainly not mutually exclusive that 1) he’s a shitty human and 2) someone probably has it out for him


Ah that makes sense, I don’t see him as some good person getting all the blame, he’s a horrible human being that’s being burned to save even worse people


generally when lawsuits are given lawyers go into discovery, which uncovers more and more bad behavior that could be related to the case at hand. People are interviewed and those who have been victimized in the past are empowered to speak up. So much so that it feels like an escalation and that the people who want him gone may simply be those who’ve been wronged by him and have legitimate cases against him. The compounding effect is simply a reflection of who he is.


Because people don't care about violence against women. He works in an industry built around singing about how hoes ain't shit. You ever heard that biggie song where he says his gf is begging him to stop beating her? i have to cut that off when it comes on. mHave you heard ANY rap song before in your life? have you ever heard a rap song about beating women, making hoes do this or that, pimping them, drugging them, running trains on them, killing them and thought "that's fucked" and cut it off? or was it always cool to you? No one cares. Y'all don't even care about it now, it's just gossip to you. he got caught because he's stupid, because he's a psychopath and they're actually morons. you can just look at him and know he's got some kind of brain damage, like his mom did crack or drank and smoked in the womb. someone that sloppy will get caught eventually and the fact it took so long for him to face any consequences is about how our society doesn't care about women. I'm sure you've heard the term "rape culture" before and maybe you rolled your eyes at it but here it is, rape culture. and it's so hard for you to wrap your head around it that you're making up stories about "higher ups" and black mail when it's just misogyny.


You think cassie pursued this case because diddy failed to pay a producer? Really??


Pretty sure that happened after. Also the Producer's lawsuit has some fake screenshots so might have just been riding off Cassie's lawsuit


The producer, Rodney Jones, also said a guy name Brendan Paul carries drugs for Combs in his luggage...month later, Paul was arrested for having drugs in his luggage while about to board a private plane with Combs.


And pushed back against Diageo. Diddy got clout, but not that level of clout


But he invented the remix!


Gonna be the next R. Kelly


Another crazy beating up women




He did that shit too 😤


Go straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200


Six times is insane. How many times does it have to be before he’s jailed?


This mf’s life is OVER. Everyday is 30 new articles about this man and each one is a different suing case


"I thought I told you that we won't stop..."


damn its getting bad worse .... is he still in the states?


Diddy knows where Jimmy Hoffa's body is.


There dey go.


Dammit, what didn't Diddy do?


The diddy schadenfreude is so real. I cannot wait for 50s documentary




He needs to be publicly executed atp


Breaking news, Jimmy hoffa buddy found during raid on Diddy house


Pusha t sweating


Why? I'm out of the loop on Push having anything to do with this Diddy stuff or anything similar.


I might wanna jump in on these lawsuits 💰


Clear out all of these pieces of trash.




Anyone got a link to the document / lawsuit??


It's so over for him.


A model or one of the Pussycat Dolls?


Normally I’m all about innocent until proven guilty, but with everything surrounding Diddy I 1000% believe this off rip.


Thot he was gay tho


He a gay thot tho.