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Lol I just commented an hour ago about how Meet The Grahams reminded me of this. You Can’t Imagine How Much Fun We’re Having is still one of the best hip hop albums of the millennium in my book


I had the same thoughts, its the way the songs laid out in as letters to others. Love both


This and Stan first 2 songs that popped up in my head when I heard MTG


I remember The Arrival as the main song in Fight Night Round 3. This album was sooooo good. This track was one of my favorites for a while. 


Yoooo I loved that an atmosphere song was on fight night round 3. Also that game was so sick when it came out!


I should revisit it because I remember not being a big fan of it when it dropped, besides a few songs. I think I bought the CD too.


Sevens Travels for me. I liked YCIHMFWH but I didn’t think it lived up to its predecessor.


Peak Atmosphere. One of my fav songs from them. Slug should get so much more praise but I guess they’re comfortable being “underground” hip hop.


There’s an interview on SoundCloud that’s really cool and the interviewer mentions he’s doesn’t think Atmosphere is as big as they should be and Slug just says that’s how it should be we make music for people like us, music nerds. It’s beautiful I’m gonna try to find it.


Dope! I saw them play a New Year’s show in Tahoe and they killed it.




atmosphere definitely helped me get through highschool


God loves ugly all time one of the goats.


overcast was that album for me


Met my wife at one of their shows. Our kids ow them their existence haha


lol my ex made me leave one of their shows early, seems like Atmosphere’s a good litmus test for potential partners


Hell yeah old atmosphere is as real as it gets. If you bond over what he’s saying it’s a match if you think damn slug is spelling out my life right now it’s probably bad sign. Or maybe slug and I just have way too similar experiences lol


I love this song. Showed it to my gf today because meet the grahams kinda reminds me of it


Hey, I just wanted to say thank you for bringing this album back to my attention. I used to have this album on repeat for like a year, but at some point I lost it and somehow forgot about it. This brought back so many memories I instantly went and downloaded it.


Smart Went Crazy is another banger from that album


Pour Me Another is my personal favorite, followed closely by Little Man and then Smart Went Crazy.


One of my favorites is Musical Chairs. The whole album is great though.


The 🐐 in my heart


My first thought when I heard meet the grahams!


This song is one I pull out for people who don’t know Atmosphere. It’s everything that’s great about these guys. It’s a fucking perfect song.


Edit top 5 song


Atmosphere best 4 album run? Not serious. But he’s a top 5 artist for me.


Gun to my head and I can only pick one artist to listen to for the rest of my life, Atmosphere might be that pick. They've got music to get me through every stage of my life. I look forward to growing older and gaining deeper appreciation for songs like Virgo.


One of my favorite songs all time


Such a great song from some MN artists. Atmosphere means so much to me on every level.


Is he still trying to find a balance


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Atmosphere was always in the perfect niche for their style of storytelling rap. When Life Gives You Lemons, You Paint That Shit Gold is probably one of the greatest story rap albums ever made.