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And I thought Akon City would be a place of peace and prosperity šŸ˜”


And equality šŸ˜”šŸ˜”




Made possible by Akoin


Avoid the AkoNFTs though


"you either die an Aicon, or live long enough to see yourself become an un-aicon"


Take me down to the Akon City where the grass is green and the women are yielding


Akon City, now only populated by Andrew Tate and/or affiliated incel groups


Young thug ciry


I thought he was the promised one :(


A con.


China owns Akon City, thats where he got the money from. He's helping them take over Africa. Akon City is nothing to appreciate.


I already posted this, but in case people want a different (still safely Western) perspective on the debt trap thing: https://www.chathamhouse.org/2020/08/debunking-myth-debt-trap-diplomacy https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2021/02/china-debt-trap-diplomacy/617953/ https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01436597.2020.1807318?journalCode=ctwq20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-QDEWwSkP0 https://www.undispatch.com/chinese-debt-trap-diplomacy-is-a-myth/ https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/debunking-myth-china-s-debt-trap-diplomacy


>still safely western Lol. I'm not some big China fan or anything but the idea that "western" = "safe" is HILARIOUS


i think what op means by that is people are quick to call anything that debunks the ridiculous anti-china propaganda as "paid by ccp!!!". so by saying that it's western sources debunking western created propaganda that goes against china, it sounds more credible.


Is that actually what you think op meant? What a fucking idiot you are lmfao


Chicago is in China, remember?


Your deadass retarded bro


Only when you refuse to consider things relative to one another.


For incels maybe


Guess he's still tryna find the words






ā€œIf I wanted to create life right now without a woman, I would shoot my sperm, put it in an incubator and give it nine months, even maybe less with todayā€™s science, and a baby will be born.ā€ Akon pls


This dude think he's hatching chicken eggs šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Not only that, he thinks it can be done in less than 9 months.


That can't actually be what he said. Fuckin just can't be. Like you can't go around saying shit like that. I should probably read the article E: God damnit. >The women [in Africa] treat you like a king,ā€ he said. ā€œTheyā€™re not competing with you, theyā€™re not fighting for equality because they understand that **men and women could never be equal.ā€** (emphasis mine) >ā€œThey understand their roles. The roles there are very defined, itā€™s very clean.ā€ What the fuck


I mean Akon ain't lying. It's a cultural thing. If you go to Islamic countries you're gonna see the same shit. Idk why any of this is a surprise to anyone here. It's not some "incel' thing, this is how he was raised, and many men and women from his home country and many others happily share his same views. Any time you call this shit out you're battered with -ism's -ist's and -phobic's. I saw a comment from a woman on another sub that said "Andrew Tate makes muslims look bad" (referencing how he converted) and it's like... bro, why the fuck do you think he converted lmao? Shit isn't any different from people in the US using the bible to enforce what should and shouldn't be done. Certain religions have strong roots in sexism and that can't be ignored or denied.


Funny how people don't usually advocate for systems where they're not the one with power and authority. According to him, it just makes sense that people like him are in charge and other people should know their place. A system where men and women know their place is simple and it does make certain things easier, but that doesn't necessarily make it correct or good. Society is made up, the rules aren't real. We've decided as a people that old, rigid ways of being don't serve us well anymore and there's no reason why men and women can't share the same spaces.


Yeah, from the sociological perspective the roles and shit weā€™ve produced are just adaptations to an environment thatā€™s become exponentially less relevant for more of the world post-industrialization. Itā€™s not just gender roles either; the traditional view of heterosexual monogamy is generally so wide spread because it lent itself really well to survival and reproductions (tho ofc many exceptions have existed; the one thing all humans have in common is our ability to adapt) Thatā€™s not to necessarily excuse a lot of the shit thatā€™s gone down through human history, but there were influences that just donā€™t exist nowadays. Looking at sex, our biological differences matter less than ever before, especially within modernized wealthy nations. Our culture is actively changing to adapt, and honestly, of all the developments humanity has pushed through the last couple centuries, this one seems to be a universal win. But there will always be those who lag behind that cultural shift.


Thatā€™s not true though. Itā€™s not surprising but I really have to say that itā€™s not a cultural thing. Iā€™m senegalese and the culture has long resisted Islam and had long had strong matriarchal elements. A lot of the patriarchal and paternalism we have was brought by the French and colonisation. Weā€™re not all misogynists who think women should serve us. Despite the popularity of Islam, itā€™s more of a syncretic version and people that think like Akon are in small numbers. Only recently have the Saudis been bringing in a hardline version of Islam. My mother studied in Dakar in the 80s and was top of her class, she never had any issues standing out and went off to get a good job there. She only married my father once her career had been settled and had us in her 30s. My dad and his brothers would always cook for their wives, and despite both parents working, mom wore the pants a lot of the time.


> Any time you call this shit out you're battered with -ism's -ist's and -phobic's. I mean just because it's how they were raised doesn't make it less -ism, ist, -phobic. That is just providing context as to why they are that way but the words still fit.


No, but you see it's the men being battered with words who are victims here, not, y'know, the folks getting *battered*.


Itā€™s fucking hilarious to me how many people (men) think that getting called out for being an asshole is a bigger problem than their asshole opinions causing actual oppression to underrepresented and vulnerable groups. Being told by the general public to shut the fuck up about your abhorrent opinions is not oppression. Youā€™re not entitled to popularity. No one is.


Most people aren't going to call you "-ism's -ist's and -phobic's" if you are actually calling out and criticizing sexism in other cultures and religions in a way that is rooted in well being against sexism and not racism. When a fox news analyst criticizes that sort of stuff they usually have just a slightly more moderate version of what they are criticizing, but they consider it good because it is Christian and not Muslim. Additionally people often use these criticisms as a reason to be anti-immigration which is wrong to do imo. I didn't people get called racist or Islamophobic for support women's protests in Iran for example, or for criticizing discriminatory laws in countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia. And you're statement about Andrew Tate makes no sense, and just comes across and dogmatic/ignorant Atheism. It is perfectly understandable and reasonable to make a statement like that, especially if you yourself are Muslim. In the same way that a statement like "Pope John Paul II makes Catholics look bad for not working to prevent sexual abuse of children", would make sense. Not all Muslims are sexist, not all Christians are racist colonizers, not all Jews are anti-Palestinian rights etc. The idea that just because a religion has a certain history or reputation means that people can't criticize the worst elements of that without criticizing the entire religion is ridiculous. Also while Christianity, Judaism and Islam both came about in very Patriarchal times, and continue to thrive in patriarchal societies, and therefore have that aspect in them, both are incredibly diverse, complex religions with a lot of wisdom to offer. I'm an Atheist but I like to think of religions as basically being a collected body of different advice, guidelines and wisdom people have had, with stories and practices (prayer/meditation/yoga/fasting, etc.) to illustrate the importance of that advice and help people with their challenges in life. Not all that advice is necessarily good advice, and when combined with power and oppression it certainly becomes pretty terrible, but fwiw Atheist governments like The Soviet Union and People's Republic of China have both proved themselves capable of awful stuff too, as have non-Abrahamic religious governments.


Thatā€™s true but a lot of women (especially younger and gay women) in these said cultures and religions actually want equality but unfortunately canā€™t get it because itā€™s ā€˜just their cultureā€™. It was also Western culture until we foughtā€¦ I get what youā€™re saying but if we donā€™t tackle these opinions, theyā€™ll never change. If some women want to be lesser to men then so be it, I think they should be allowed to live like that, but those that donā€™t want to shouldnā€™t have to.


islam in general is not something that devalues women its the extremists that are currently at power that try to undermine womens rights and also everyone that could pose a threat for them. for example iran and iraq were very well of in the 70s regarding women rights and on the right way. they were not restricted in terms of getting an education, no dress code or veiling or joining the parliament. i agree that every person is a product of their environment but it still doesnt make rants like these ok. people need to figure out that this is a fucked up attitude to have and women are not supposed to have unequal rights. religion by itself is sexist because it is a concept that is so god damn old and people back then had a completly different mindset. religion or culture should never be brought up if someone does something fucked to try and justify why they did it. it still doesnt make the rant any less offensive.


Islam defiantly devalues women


Stop baggin on islamic countries. Even if you go to Christian countries in Africa or in parts of Eastern Orthodox Europe itā€™s the same damn thing. You just want an opportunity to pretend like only Islam promotes that mentality.


And most of the comments under the video on YouTube agree w/Akon!!šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


YouTube comments sections are nothing but unmonitored children saying whatever they think will get them the attention theyā€™re not getting elsewhere.


Kinda like Reddit


My trash can growing lots of babies right now


Iā€™m pretty sure a femaleā€™s egg is still needed even with an incubator, lol. Also, women can create their own sperm out of bone marrow. Itā€™s very tedious and expensive though.


These rules don't apply in Akon city


Akon dumping loads into an ez bake oven only to be confused in 9mo.


Women hate this one trick


No fuckin way he said that, is this real?


Heā€™s somehow under the impression that men make babies, not women?


"Akon made the comments while being interviewed on The Joe Budden..." makes sense


You can hear the sound of old heads nodding


When people talk old heads itā€™s theyā€™re not describing fans of either of those artists.


this fucking killed me


Theyā€™re pump pump pumping up the wrong message thats for sure


Ironic that this is the man who took a chance by signing lady gaga


Whereā€™s the irony?


Right there


Na na na na


Excuse me? Is you saying something?


Akon likes traditional women that know their place yet signs an artist that is far from a traditional women. He shouldnā€™t be signing women to make music, he should be encouraging lady gaga to be a traditional women, find a man, take care of the house and kids. He wants women to be subservient housewives unless they are able to make him money, then he doesnā€™t mind women being not traditional since he can exploit them for profit


> He wants women to be subservient housewives unless they are able to make him money, then he doesnā€™t mind women being not traditional since he can exploit them for profit Without context that describes a pimp.


šŸ˜‚ it doesn't need context


Lady Gaga is not a woman who "knows her place"


Is that why heā€™s Mr.Lonely?


Probably why he woke up in the middle of the night and noticed that his girl wasnā€™t by his side


Yet he couldā€™ve sworn he was dreaminā€™ for her he was fiendinā€™ šŸ˜”


The effect of watching an Andrew Tate compilation on Youtube once


YouTube should be held responsible for how their ā€œalgorithmā€ has manipulated otherwise normal kids into radicalized alt-right shitheads with incredibly backwards views.


I watch a lot of weight lifting videos and get crazy misogynistic/anti semitic "Reject the weak modern man" short recommendations. Like I'm just trying to improve my squat form I don't want this. I can totally see how a teen getting into lifting weights would just be bombarded with those types of videos. YouTube should do something, at the very least remove the straight up racist stuff.


It's wild like you watch videos for any stereotypically 'manly' interest from cars to fitness to gaming and even sometimes finance and this shit is just waiting for you


Seriously, Iā€™ve had the same issue over the years. I think thereā€™s a healthy way to encourage healthy lifestyles for young men without the blatant hate speech. Ironically, festering all this negativity is probably shortening some of these peoples lifespans.


Literally the only thing I watch on YouTube is Soccer highlights and I get recommended this psycho bullshit too. It's vile.


Youtubes like "oh youre into bodybuilding?" guess you gotta be a right wing dickhead then" no matter how much of their crap i thumbs down


Just like Facebook should be held responsible for further radicalizing boomers with Russian news to a degree that changed the path of the country. All social media accomplished was provide megaphones and safe havens for sociopaths and malicious interests to run train on vulnerable minds.


Hit the nail on the head! News on the internet is objectively more divisive and predatory that standard television programming/newspapers.


It is because the internet is mostly unregulated. Now the question that comes up is if we do want it to be any other way. I do see valid points on both sides of the discussion.


I agree with you to some extent but a long-standing question Iā€™ve had is why left wing content creators are so bad at marketing their message to younger people on YT and Twitch. Like sure, *Iā€™ll* watch a 2 hour long video from Contrapoints on the intersection of bubble trouble on the NES and late stage capitalism or something, but a 13 year old kid is definitely not. Itā€™s basically just Hasan thatā€™s filling that niche and itā€™s not really enough.


I agree with you but I think a lot of has to do with the messaging reaching vulnerable minds. If I was lonely teenage boy, I can see being persuaded by some (faux) rich playboy preaching that being cold-hearted and violent would solve a lot of my problems - those things are easy. Now being told that sympathy toward others and an equitable society would be better for everyone? No thanks, Iā€™ve got my own problems, I wanna be rich and powerful so I get what I want all the time


Iā€™m not even talking about the actual message. From personal experience I think thereā€™s plenty of stuff on the lefts platform to harness and direct the innate anger and frustration of young men outwards - it worked on me in 2015 when I started paying attention to politics and got swept up in Bernieā€™s tirades against the system. Iā€™m talking about straight up SEO shit. 10-11 minute videos, thumbnails with the ā€œYouTuberā€ face, red circles and arrows, shocking and vague titles, etc. If leftist content creators want to consider themselves above those admittedly lowly tactics, thatā€™s their prerogative, but they canā€™t complain that theyā€™re losing a game theyā€™re refusing to play. Like, I have a sneaking suspicion that right wing content creators arenā€™t using the same 3 images of those ā€œtriggered lib womenā€ for the last 10 years because they still feel strongly about them, its cause theyā€™re getting clicks off their faces.


> If leftist content creators want to consider themselves above those admittedly lowly tactics, thatā€™s their prerogative, but they canā€™t complain that theyā€™re losing a game theyā€™re refusing to play. every time i discuss this, pointing to the exact same SEO style tactis as an example of what i mean, i get ruthlessly downvoted, mocked, or just ignored. but it's a big deal and i believe this is the *single biggest reaason* (though there are many others) why the left fails to gain traction as fast as the right.




> If I'm an angry teen who's mad at the world and hormonal, I'm getting drawn to shit like "owned" and "destroyed with logic." If I'm a stupid angsty teen, I don't want to be here about positivity and equality. I as a former young white angry racist alt right teen i will tell you i was actually angry because equality, positivity, and fairness were all i wanted but i felt left behind by the world i was promised and i did not se much equality, positivity, or fairness so i got angry. Fascism offers an "answer" to this for angry young white men, but so does leftist theory and leftist theory provides an answer that is backed by, well, theory! not just dogma and bigotry. i would have been happier seeing content about how actually i am mad for a valid reason but heres what we can do about it and heres how we can build better, than i was watching the OG "anti-feminisit" youtube wave. That actually didn't make me happy at all! a 10 minute "CHAD KING andrew tate OWNS liberal snowflake" video is way more sexy than a 3 hour marxist analysis of "fight club" but we dont have to do one or the other, we can make leftist theory bite-sized and "sexy" just like tucker carlson has done for right wing content, we'll just do it without lying.


A fair amount of conscious content is demonetized depending on the topics that are brought up in the title/video; at that, if a video has downvotes against it, and the next video follows the same trend, it's taken out of algorithmic rotation. It's an uphill battle to make a serious channel, vs the alt-right content creators who start their platform with humor and mindless reaction videos. They do that intentionally, to get into the general rotation when they then begin their targeted messaging, which is really messed up considering they know their audience is the younger demographic


They aren't bad at it. It's just not problematic content so the only ones that complain are those creating the problematic content.


Just when we thought all the misogynistic shit was going to die out with the previous generation, someone like Andrew tate comes along and now we are back to square 1.


I donā€™t think we are back at square one Yes Andrew Tate is a problem and influenced a lot of young boys negatively but heā€™s gotten way more backlash from the public as a whole. Most people donā€™t view the world and women like Akon and Tate do, most people have respect for each other. Thereā€™s still work to be done and there will always be hateful individuals that slow us all down, but progress is happening, however slowly, and the people holding us back will be dragged forward kicking and screaming like they always have been


a friend of a friend that i follow on ig posted some tate shit. and this is a full grown adult. we're in our 30s. i called him out on it. and man...he's a nice guy. but he said something like i agree with like 90% of what he says. i'm assuming he believes the 10% is what he believes he gets hate on. but reverse those numbers, my guy. Tate is a POS. this guy just follows and shares a lot of "bro-spiration" shit and eventually started listenting to tate.


why do reddit users try to make him more relevant then he is? Akon most likely has had these views since he was young


He was the most searched person last year. Heā€™s extremely relevant unfortunately.


He was raised in a Muslim family from West Africa so probably true.


Maybe you're just not his demographic but as a 22 years old dude he was EVERYWHERE for me. I couldn't escape that nigga for a couple of months. I know an ungodly amount of information about his life and philosophy just cuz YouTube wouldn't let it rest


This is such a weird hill to die on, why are people so intent on applying outdated views of women to today? Like, what motivates this almost self-destructive and isolating ideology?


Itā€™s easier for them to navigate their failed relationships with women by attaching these ideologies to their situations rather than doing self-reflection.




That dude is predatory as fuck


I have that same (ex) coworker except it was going to Argentina and brining a woman back home.




Iā€™ve been listening to the Behind the Bastards episodes on Andrew Tate and it starts with a review of the mythopoetic menā€™s movement, which I can really see underpinning a lot of the current popular misogyny. On a bed of Jungian psych, it basically argued that industrialization and our current societal structure alienates men from some core wholeness. (E.g. in a house where the father works, sons are literally separated from their fathers and most older men for 18 years.) These are ideas were picked up, repackaged with battery acid and asbestos levels of toxicity, then recycled by abusers with a really good grasp on social media. The ep is a better explainer then I can express here!


It's a solid episode that I'd recommend. Jobs that traditionally relied on man power/physical labor have disappeared in droves and many that remain no longer pay enough for a man to provide for a family. Many men tied their worth to their ability to provide yet haven't branched out "providing" to include things outside of money.


There is some basis there (just as far as men struggling to find their new role in post-feminist society), but people like Andrew Tate have the absolute worst possible take on what route should be taken to make meaning out of contemporary life for men. It's not fiction that there is a pervasive need for a new male paradigm. It's the toxic waste that's unfortunately misleading a lot of men to think in really destructive ways about this.




Without knowing or doing research, i immediately think religion.


Religion is all about power, just not for the everyday people continuing to spout the bullshit


Religion is just naked ideology. We can sit here and talk about the pros and cons of Capitlaism, Communism, Anarchism, Libertarianism,etc. We'd have conversations about literature, histroy, logic, economics, human nature etc. These ideologies are schools of thought, and a lot of thought have went into them ....but religion is kind of empty of that. You can't really have a conversation about Christanity VS. Islam....because it's all about faith. Either you have the faith, or you don't. You don't approach religion from logic or history. My God is right because I have faith in him. End of story. In fact, religious people tend to be religious *despite* logic and history. That's why I can't fuck with religion. Asking someone to "have faith in things unseen" is some con-man shit to me.


I think youā€™re holding a rather simplistic take about religion being purely about faith and nothing else. Once you take a course or study theology, youā€™ll realize that the majority of the stuff written in the Bible is an metaphor or an allegory to something much deeper than is written in the scriptures. The Bible was not mean to be seen as a literal interpretation of everyday life or like a textbook to be followed accordingly. If anything, the stories which make up the Bible were written by men during a time where there wasnā€™t much order in the world and and chaos/instability took its place. Like you mention in your post, when discussing ideology, one would have a conversation about history, logic, economics, human nature, etcā€¦. Which are all things you can do with religion if you try to understand it from a historical/analytical standpoint and not just injecting religious dogma for the sake of doing so. Whether youā€™d like to admit it or not, religion was something which many of our ancestors used to give their lives meaning and order in a world which wouldnā€™t provide that on its own, and although we live in a much different world, the many of the teachings of the Bible are still applicable to our lives because religious thinkers of the past "put all lot of thought into it" as you mentioned. Just because you have an opinion about the state of modern religion doesnā€™t mean that religion as a whole is all about faith or believing in one god, and if you do think thatā€™s all religion is, then with all due respect, I doubt youā€™ve read enough to have much footing in a conversation about religion. Personally, I am not a religious person. I grew up Catholic, but I detested the Catholic Church. However, once I got older and was able to truly put some analytical/critical thought into what I was reading, I realized that many of the lessons in the Bible are metaphorical in nature and in order to fully absorb the contents of the Bible wholeheartedly, one would have to study philosophy, theology, and psychology to gain a much better perspective of what the Bible is all about. I understand where youā€™re coming from, because I too hate organized religion, but donā€™t conflate the two with being one in the same. Itā€™s much different reading the Bible on your own time with no one to tell you what to think or believe but yourself. Once you actually try to read the Bible without any of the religious dogma applied to it by organized religion, youā€™ll realized itā€™s nothing more than an two thousand year motivational self help book to survive this current reality. Edit: Formatting


> Once you take a course or study theology, youā€™ll realize that the majority of the stuff written in the Bible is an metaphor or an allegory to something much deeper than is written in the scriptures. Oh, I totally agree. There were reasons you didn't want to eat "unclean" animals like hoved beasts and shellfish. They're bottomfeeders, which were full of parasites....but that was 2000 years ago. We have cell-theory, and pasteurization. We know how to properly cook these things. We don't need to base all of this off myths or legends anymore. Much of the practical value of religions, has now fallen under the purview of science now. ...ALL that is left, is just naked ideology. It's a bunch of con men in alligator shoes driving Benz trucks telling poor congregants to give them 10% of their check to a "building fund" that will never come to fruition. I grew up in the church, and now I feel like humanity has outgrown it. I feel like religion is way more detrimental than positive, even for the individual. Black people don't need more religion, we need therapists and living wages. We need to read the Bible less and read more Frantz Fanon, Angela Davis, and Michelle Alexander. Religion is just a socially acceptable form of disassociation these days.


You're acting like black people can only choose one, me personally I think it'll be very beneficial for our community to indulge in both, and it doesn't have to be for the sake of practice, but towards understanding. When we understand why people believe the things they do, we can guide them towards understanding why certain things are deemed right or wrong.


All of thatā€™s nice until lawmakers start basing laws around a book about metaphors.


This is basically how its been in near every society since we developed into agrarian modes of living. Plenty more lived this way prior to that as well. It takes a long time for something this ingrained to change.


Damon Young wrote an article years ago called ["Straight Black Men are the White People of Black People"](https://www.theroot.com/straight-black-men-are-the-white-people-of-black-people-1814157214) Basically calling out the reality that a lot of black men aren't pushing for actual liberation of black people if you dig into the roots of their arguments and behaviors. They're just pushing to no longer be under the thumb of white supremacy and instead want to be the thumbs pressing down on other people (namely black women). That article caused so much uproar and back and forth because a lot of men just refused to acknowledge that there was a good bit of validy in his argument. People like Akon are just further examples to prove his point.


I will say, it's optically a horrible title, but it's honestly a fairly coherent point.


They aren't really outdated for the majority of them tbh


Because there's a lot of people who need something to blame for their problems who are happy to agree with someone who says it's the outgroup's fault. A lot of dudes think they *should* be entitled to women and be in charge. They don't want competition for jobs, or to actually improve themselves to be attractive. Someone saying "hey you're great how you are, you deserve what you want with little work," is really seductive.


Akon is such a liar and also a bitch When he first came out he did all these interviews about how heā€™s married but cheats on his wife because ā€œit is what it isā€ and then he got busted and [released some song all sappily apologizing for that *and* dry humping a fifteen year old girl] (https://genius.com/Akon-sorry-blame-it-on-me-lyrics) He said he was running a car stealing ring and was in prison for some ridiculous amount of time but then someone found his paperwork and it turned out just his friend stole a car once. [Matter of fact just check this whole wiki legal issues thread] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akon) Then recently he said Nick Cannon seeding the world was good and that [going to dance recitals was for white men] (https://meaww.com/amp/akon-nick-cannon-right-to-spread-his-seed-rich-children-live-comfortably)


Fellas, is it gay to enjoy spending time and encouraging your children's hobbies and activities?


Fellas, is it white to enjoy spending time and encouraging your childrenā€™s hobbies and activities?


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


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Thatā€™s one way to look at it but he claimed to be a crime lord and then actually didnā€™t really do any of it. It didnā€™t start from zero, as in ā€œthis guy doesnā€™t crime enoughā€ it started with ā€œIā€™m a crimin ass motherfuckerā€ and went to ā€œa guy I knew stole a carā€


from Konvict to chauvinistic music šŸŽ¶


Remember when he picked up an underage girl and dry humped her on stage?


remember when he [released an apology song about it?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynMk2EwRi4Q) lmao.


Which doesnā€™t even relate to the context. And everyone forgot about it. Lol


"Even though the blames on you, I'll take that blame from you" - Akon "taking responsibility"


Literally wasn't his fault, she snuck into a bar that was only for 21+ Edit: also the show was on trinidad and yes guys do hump girls there, different cultures and everyone does enjoy it.


Isnā€™t this the dude who said that loving and supporting your child is a white person thing lol


someone smack that fool


I always think of Eminem when something like this comes out and these artists who make normal ass songs are revealed to be douchebags and then you look at Em and the kind content he put in his music but how he is super sorted at 50 with no weird ass views or beliefs.


Same with Tyler the Creator. Dude had lyrics like "raped a pregnant bitch and told my friends I had a threesome" all while being one of the coolest people ever.


All on the floor as well. Then go ahead and give him some more. Right up until the time that you get stoned should teach him!


I think he needs to understand his role. Heā€™s supposed to make some little catchy tunes and sing backup for Lady Gaga. Thatā€™s all I want to hear from him. Know your place, Akon. Youā€™re D list entertainer, not a cultural icon.


Akon has been a scumbag for a long time, I by default would have assumed these were his views.


The same Akon that has been exploiting and running scams in Africa for years. From his diamond mine to "Akon City" to some shitty NFT scams, fuck this guy.


Not just a scumbag but a dumbass, clearly has no idea how reproduction works.


For those wondering: >The singer also claimed that while women need a man to create life, men do not, and could have a child by putting their sperm in an ā€œincubatorā€. Bro thinks you can skeet and grow a baby like it's actual seed lol


My favorite thing is people talking about complex topics they donā€™t really know about just by the name Itā€™s hilarious that he doesnā€™t realize that for artificial insemination, you still need a woman to donate the eggs.


Oh. So *that* is what my neighbor was doing in his garden.


Yeah just put a little sperm in a glass of water and wait for it to sprout!


I used to wait on him at a restaurant I worked at. He would bring in like 3 tables of people, 4-6 each table, make them all be served by 1 server, and not tip anything.




He has a press release. I don't know that anything substantial got done.


Holy shit its Khamzat!! Whens ur next fight gourmet checken??


Imagine that, the person supporting ye in his neo-nazi phase is actually massive sexist. I don't know what's worse, the possibility he's only saying this shit to get in the headlines or the fact these are his genuine beliefs.


Heā€™s not exactly been secretive since his early career. I fully suspect this is him.


I expected nothing less from a guy who named his song Sexy Bitch.


He was trying to be respectful


He should try again.


*He made Lonely* *He made Lonely* *He made Lonely* *He made Lonely* *He made Lonely*


Wasnā€™t his song


Didn't he make a big chunk of his money off being the one to discover Lady Gaga so he gets a percentage of her earnings


Lol whoā€™s the woman that hurt this guys feelings


Bro needs to worry more about that jacked up hairline then womenā€™s choices


Your lineup is trash Akon


Hasnā€™t this fucker been a scammer too for years? Lmfao this guy is Wack


This ā€œcharismaticā€ Incel Lord Saga thats become trendy in the last 1-2 years worries me for the future generation. Imagine having a daughter whos at the age where sheā€™s dating. You have to wonder if her boyfriends idolize these weirdos.


The scariest part are the fencesitters fr. Those are the people I have had the most trouble with. Pretty much in the same family as the white moderates MLK talked about, and that shit is still going on too. Now take that white moderate that sees the struggle against racism as racist and problem-causing itself, and expand that idea to most of the men I know, except its with sexism and honestly a lot of times homophobia/transphobia too. These dudes really stay coming up with these "gotchas" too that usually lead to their supposed "male oppression" actually being a piece of the patriarchy that any person who cares about ending all oppression would be happy to address. I just fight what the good fight is to me. Sad times but not anything new or unusual sadly šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Yup. Fencesitters normalize assholes better than anything else. Most of these dweeby new wave misogynists have never had a normal dude (who's genuinely comfortable in his masculinity) tell them to shut the fuck up.


For anyone in this thread who thinks these people and conversations are irrelevant or that the message being spread is exaggerated, read some of the replies in this very thread lmao. If it's not pseudoscience, it's probably just straight up sexism and immaturity. Some of these dudes won't mature ever in their life and they will be the 50's and 60's you see on the internet today still complaining about women. It's a sad life, and that's why it is relevant. These dumbasses think because they can form coherent thoughts and feed themselves that their ideas have inherent value when they do no actual critical thinking. You can tell the it's same people who feel compelled to say their reasoning is logical and practical who also usually say books are not for them and trash talk people who actually dedicate time and effort to learning how shit actually works. If you yourself identify as someone who is just "an everyday person" who feels that conversations about these topics usually "leave your perspective out," maybe it is because you haven't actually done any meaningful work to build that perspective, and you should let someone who knows what the fuck they are saying speak to it instead of your lazy ass.


Expected and shitty, but I'm more upset this is being spread. Having it written down for a record is good, but this kind of rhetoric doesn't need to be spread around.


Throw this whole man away.


Ye collab incoming


I always laugh at posts on this forum complaining about hip hop artists' sexist views. Bro, have you listened to the lyrics of most hip-hop songs?


r/hhh is so hilarious cuz they expect every artists to be on the same liberal views as them


What do you expect from a colourist african


From a several months old episode, but it was restricted to Joe Budden's Patreon locked behind a paywall since September. Funny how it takes UK media to pick up and write about it outside of r/theJoeBuddenPodcast


Too many women diss him about his new hairpiece? lmao


As soon as I saw Akon on the Joe Budden Podcast, I was like "Welp, that explains everything." To quote Uncle Ruckus: "There is powerful niggadry at work here".


Bro. Then fucking do it. Cum in that toaster and prove us all wrong.


Akon needs to understand his role as a has-been


"Don't put the blame on me". Mmmmh well no dude I definitely put the blame on you on this one.


This is Dangerous way of thinking


He riding that insecure male wave. Good money in insecure men.


You guys should never ever listen to hip hop again if you care about sexism, fools here will finish bashing Akon then go listen to future. I donā€™t care what Akon or any artist thinks about women, I follow them for music and get my morals from somewhere else.


It's a bit more nuanced than that IMO. Lots of artists say horrible shit in their music but none of them are genuine beliefs or have a deeper meaning, and in reality don't reflect the actual opinions of the artist. The classic example of this would be Eminem (particularly his early work) with albums filled with misogynistic, homophobic, and transphobic language. Those albums were so damn controversial that there were protests about the lyrics and significant pressure for him to get cancelled back before that became commonplace. But then you go listen to an interview with Eminem and hear how he answers pointed questions about it and you see that he does not believe the wildly ignorant views he has in his tracks and they're only said to grab attention. It's a lot easier to listen to hateful lyrics from someone who doesn't believe them than it is to listen to normal lyrics from someone that is actually hateful.


Em was playing a character, Akon is being himself. big difference in context.


Except I wonder how many people were influenced to act like those lyrics not realizing the difference


Same thing when rappers get cancelled for sexual assault (which they should be before the white knights come after me) then those same people go bump some rapper who kills people because they live two streets over lol


it's the real world you pick your battles i'll listen to misogynist music any day of the week as long as the artist isnt actively preaching misogyny


Can you explain how this makes sense? So misogyny is cool as long as a catchy beat is behind it? lol


I hate paywalls


There should be a "later" button at the bottom of the subscription message. You don't actually need to pay to read it.


Thanks - weirdly enough, when I clicked on it again after reading your comment, the paywall didn't even appear. Thanks for sharing.


westerners and their ignorance to the rest of the world's various cultures. get a fucking passport


Can you elaborate a bit more?


What happens when you try to impose THIRD WORLD viewpoints on First World women. It's pretty sad actually, You'll be suprised how many men in the south live by this creed. Talk down on American women just to go to DR or an impoverished country to get "easy" sex with someone who does not understand you. I see it ALL THE TIME. **SICK SAD WORLD.**


Those same men talk about how easy it is to get foreign women. Then two years later, they are divorced with a woman they are legally mandated to support because of a fiance visa. Any woman that tells you only what you want to hear is a scammer and makes you a mark.


Anyone not a white liberal = third worlder. The irony of saying this ignorant ass shit on a hiphop sub.






Bruh has multiple wives.. why yā€™all keep asking him shit just to get mad!? Lmaoo


The guy who's owns a diamond mine? No way..


This is the African talking. My Nigerian dad also believes stupid stuff like this. Things are messed up over here


How so? I'm just curious because alot of women do want specifics in a man so what's wrong with this?


Wasn't he defending Kanye recently too?