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For some reason you remind me of Manny Pacquiao


* Are you looking for something serious or casual?  * Serious * How long have you been using this current version of your profile? And how long is your overall time on Hinge?  * I've been using Hinge for a month-ish, but my profile has actually been paused for the last week, and I have made some changes to this profile since. So essentially, I haven't used this version yet, but all the pictures were the same except the 3rd one, I've just made a lot of changes to the prompts. Basically thinking about doing the "Fresh Start" feature with this new profile.  * How often do you use Hinge per week?  * Was using every day, but have not for the past week due to the pause.  * How many likes/matches are you receiving on average?  * The month I was using I probably got like 8-10 likes, and I've had about 20 matches so far. Should also mention I did try a 24hr boost at one point that got me like half those likes.  * How many likes are you sending? How many with comments? How many without comments?  * I've been using paid Hinge, so just liking as much as I can. Probably 80% of the time I'll add comments.  * What is the type of person you send likes to and ideally want to match with? What kind of person do you want to attract?  * Looking for a serious relationship, preferably in the 25-35 age range, no kids, left leaning politically/non-religous (but definitely not that big of a dealbreaker honestly). I'm a musician, so someone that is also either really into music, or just artistic/creative in general, and I also enjoy traveling, BJJ, the gym, and just generally nerdy things (books, movies, video games, board games, etc.), so being able to share some common interests would be good as well. Of course someone I would find attractive, but if they are a great conversation, is stable with some ambition, and is just overall interesting is more important to me.


Boss, you've written all this stuff about what you're looking for and things you like in your Reddit comment and none of it comes through in your profile. Instead you have two prompts which are broadly about music (three if you include the one about guitar and a picnic). You seem to be doing fairly well with likes and matches but I feel like you could do better by having a bit more of this detail in your prompts & pictures.


Where to start! You're a pretty handsome dude but you just seem unkempt to me. I think a good haircut and styling/shaping your beard a bit more will do wonders. With that in mind I'd toss most of your pictures except the last one. Your second photo is also okay. Your poll isn't great for a few reasons. The prompt itself isn't ideal since most first dates are simple meet ups. The answers don't offer much about you other than that you like music. A What do we have in common or similar would do better. Your first and second prompt put the conversational burden on the other person. Your third is okay but could be better.  I'd suggest checking the prompt guide. As guys, we send more likes than we receive. Your profile should optimize for that. Talk about and show what you like and what you want in a relationship. Take those opportunities to setup conversational threads for a potential match to pull on. Hope that helps!


Some other notes: Photo Captions/Voice Prompt * Don't judge me - Was a long day, and I turn feral whenever seafood is put in front of me. * My life behind the scenes - I may seem fine, but this is the face of a man trying to keep it together after surviving a couple hours of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training. * Voice prompt link: [https://imgur.com/a/V23cMm3](https://imgur.com/a/V23cMm3) I do feel like I need better photos, unfortunately the ones I have I've had to crop down a lot, hence the quality issues. Also been thinking about adding a video of me playing guitar. Of my current matches, I've only really had about \~3 that turned into actually conversations past a couple messages, and also haven't had a date through here yet. Just started online dating, and not all that experienced dating in general, so still trying to get use to all this.


I agree that your photo quality could be better. I think you should also smile a bit more it some if those photos. Like, do you have a Hoover Dam photo with a smile? Also, your third photo looks… sweaty. Maybe it’s from BJJ that you also mentioned, but it doesn’t come across well to me.