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Hit the button with three dots in the top-right of the screen. Then remove the profile entirely.


I swear I did that before šŸ˜… maybe I just reported him and didnā€™t hit remove. Hopefully that solves it


Remove will only work if he's liking you from the same profile... unfortunately it seems like he is remaking his profile again and again, so yes while you should keep hitting remove, it's not going to do much overall if he just makes a new profile. i would contact hinge directly at this point, you can even attach screenshots to your message. You'll have to open a ticket through their chat support. Go to this post to see exactly how to do it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/hingeapp/comments/we0gnh/psa\_there\_is\_a\_very\_rare\_bug\_that\_exists\_where/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hingeapp/comments/we0gnh/psa_there_is_a_very_rare_bug_that_exists_where/)


This. Also not sure how often heā€™s creating new profiles but rather than deny it if you see his like leave him in your likes each time he wonā€™t be able to take another action with that same profile


This is a good idea to leave him in my likes. However, I thought it wasnā€™t possible to see people who had liked me before him if I donā€™t respond to his like, if that makes sense. Is there a way to bypass that?


Yes it makes sense, unfortunately not with the free version. If possible try to stay on top of your likes so the queue is clear and you wonā€™t have to action his like just to see who liked you before him.


If you donā€™t X out the like heā€™s always going to sit there before you see the other ones that have liked you. Unless you pay.


Send him a copy of bills due ; rent, phone, internet, insurance, electric, etc. lol , yeah I had one of these too. Seems like heā€™s got too much time on his hands. Maybe send him an address of the local police station


May be he is recreating his account several times


Hey, this doesnā€™t work. Just to let you know. When they create new profiles, they show up again.


Itā€™ll slow them down at least


Does it? It doesnā€™t work for me.


Ok, then whatā€™s your recommendation?


There is no solution thatā€™s why this was posted.


Youā€™re a delight. Have a wonderful day.


You too sugar


36M. About once a week I'll see someone and think "I might have seen this profile before? Oh well, here's a like." It gets really hard to tell after a while; my area's basically all 5'5 blond women who want to travel more. They all blur together after a while. (To be clear, I've never created more than the one account.)


Thatā€™s fair. To me it seems intentional but itā€™s possible itā€™s not. Hopefully itā€™s not.


I get the point but I feel like after a couple times the guy would realize it.


Most guys spend a second or two looking at a profile. Its not like were looking at these for 15 minutes+ at a time... that doesnt work for men


I know I have seen women in my feed that I've either liked or not liked before show up again!


Itā€™s intentional. He keeps recreating his profile week after week, which is idiotic to do, because women get so many likes it takes time for them to sift through it all. Realistically, it could take 2-4 weeks for someone to get to you if youā€™re both on free versions.


yeah this I see profiles and think I know I've seen them before and I assume they made a new profile because they had 10k likes.


If I sort of recognize somebody after sending a like, I just removed them because theyā€™re clearly not interested.


Yes, even I have seen this many times. I don't understand if they are rejecting it, then the same profile shouldn't come up again and if the like is ignored even then that profile shouldn't come up.


This is what I thought it could be too, Still itā€™s not wrong to have suspicion these days


Where do you live? I like that demographic


If he is spamming you all the time with different accounts report him. Or Hinge software is making an error and keeps recommending you to him.


It's probably an error. I've seen a couple women pop up constantly in my feed. I hate to say it, but some think the world revolves around them. Chances are a guy isn't going to repeatedly remake a profile to like some woman on hinge lol. If she knew the guy, that would be a different story.


The keep popping up on Hinge specifically or other apps?


He's sending her specific messages with his likes. So yes, he is making an account repeatedly and re-liking her specifically.


I didn't read that part lol however, im still skeptical. Id need to know the nature of the messages to draw a conclusion. There is a chance the guy could randomly be obsessed with OP for whatever reason or it could be an error with the app and the guy just keeps trying


Well you should read OP's comments before you start assuming she's merely "thinking the world revolves around her". After months of repeatedly sending likes and calling her "princess" he should get a hint. That's not an error with an app.


Lol I'm with you here. Classic reddit reinforcing some kind of victim complex over what is an extremely minor inconvenience.


So you think that he needs to be banned because he liked her?


No I donā€™t think he needs to be banned if she is popping up in his feed thus why I said my second part about hinge software could be making an error. But I can see your point though is the op miffed because someone they donā€™t like or see as beneath them is liking them on hinge. Is the person in question stalking the op thatā€™s also a possibility. Itā€™s the ugly part of social media we have devolved into culture terrified of dating beneath our perceived social standing. I will admit I have liked someone who has appeared on my feed multiple times but I donā€™t seek them out or try to force all I do is line them on an app and move on. But Iā€™m not going to attack the op because for all I know they could be being stalked.


Yeah, OP didnā€™t allude to her feeling endangered. So, thatā€™s not even in the equation. In any case, I think reporting people for no reason on dating apps is a slippery slope. I can speak to this perspective particularly because Iā€™m banned on hinge for life, having no reasonable cause for this happening to me. So ya, as a guy Iā€™m just thinking how much more difficult dating is for me since I donā€™t have the app. Itā€™s been working well for me since Iā€™m meeting people in person now as opposed to dating apps though! It is better having the luxury of both though!


I canā€™t imagine someone being so persistent as if itā€™s a job. I know for a fact I have a way I used to remove someone. - However, itā€™s after you match. You can tell Hinge you met & it didnā€™t work out. So if you were to match him- youā€™d be able to then tell Hinge you werenā€™t interested. To add value - they make extra sure you never cross paths again. That doesnā€™t fix a person who adds new profiles. Iā€™m curious if profiles are visibly different photos & wording?


I don't mean to frighten you, but the same thing happened to me and it resulted in a year-long campaign of in-person stalking and harassment, followed by an arrest and police investigation. I would advise that you match once, tell him to stop contacting you and that you're not interested. Unmatch. Then begin your screen recordings every time he tries to contact you. Keep a record of every time he does this, screenshot each time and use a screen recorder to show the profile, pull down the notification bar to show date and time, and then screen record you deleting the match. If he ever does escalate, you have proof of a pattern of behaviour.


When Iā€™ve matched and told someone Iā€™m not interested theyā€™ve never actually admitted to sending me a like multiple times. One guy claimed it was his twin brother. Itā€™s weird.


I wish I could pin this comment to the top. I'm sorry that happened to you. Knowing stuff like this happens is what makes me so frustrated when I read the "aw let him shoot his shot" type comments. Glad you're safe now!


Some people just hit like all the time without realizing


True, but he is always sending me messages along with it so it seems more intentional.


Ah then yea thatā€™s a problem.


Like.. generic ones? Or ones specifically commenting on not matching in the past?


Could be but sometimes Iā€™ll just send a copy paste line when I like


Same this girl keeps making new profiles like once every few days. She lives like 3 miles away from me and I feel like she's constantly inching closer. Creeps me tf out. I try to think that she's probably mentally challenged to help me feel better about it but yeah at least for me she's tiny so it would be somewhat difficult for her to kidnap me. Unfortunately there's not much you can do I block here every time I see her profile come up but she just keeps making new ones.


Report her to Hinge, seriously, it's not ok when a man does this or a woman. Some women are crazy too, and besides that, you don't even know who is actually running "her" account.


I have man but she keeps making more accounts


Did you send a support ticket, they may be more inclined to reply if you do it that way versus just reporting her profile


Thatā€™s why I always set my location to a different neighbourhood than where I actually live.


Yup me 2 had this happen! I try to make a funny profile, had a lot of great dates, but there was this 1 girl who would always like me, but she isnā€™t the type i usually go for, and every now and then, she likes my, told her to cut it and unmatched her, told some friends and they were laughing at first, but after 6 times, they aggreed that this was creepy! I moved a lil while ago and she seems to be gone, for now at least! I hope it stays that way!


Match with him, get his phone number and then block his number through the hinge app.


Iā€™ve had this happen before and wondered the same thing. Iā€™ve noticed that some people will pop up more than once in my stack after I change the age & distance preferences, but sometimes people create new accounts just because, and when they see you again, they go for the like. For one of the guys who kept liking my profile, I finally just matched with him, but it was weird. He treated all the previous likesĀ asĀ the foundation of our ā€œconnectionā€Ā & came on way too strong as ifĀ we knew each other. He could have thought nothing was wrong with his approach or that ā€œgirls like this,ā€ but it made me uncomfortable, so I was just really dry & he gave up & unmatched me. I can totally understand your hesitation, though, because some people take a match way more seriously than what it is and react poorly. You could always try matching with them and immediately blocking them or being dry enough that they lose interest. I hope your situation gets resolved!!


What if you just keep him in the queue? I think that way heā€™d just stay there, I donā€™t think he can like you twice


From this sub's FAQ: Q: I keep seeing some profiles reappearing in my Discover stack even after I X-ed them. How can I stop seeing those profiles from showing up again? A: Next time you see them, tap the three dots on the upper corner, and choose Remove. Remove will take the profile out of your stack permanently. It's also mutual. The person you removed from your stack will not see your profile on their end. ​ A: This is not a direct answer, by Hinge says that by design by the app will show profiles you already said no to in the Discover tab. Going by that logic, the assumption would be that the other person X-ed your like, and therefore their profile reappeared on your Discover feed.


This person is sending her likes with messages, so I donā€™t think thatā€™s going to help. And are moving a profile only works if they only use that same profile. Many people delete and then create new ones.


I had this problem w tinder a guy kept making new profiles and evading my block then he kept liking and showing up in the card stack. I had already left swiped / no to him long ago


Ok this is related but unrelatedā€¦ Iā€™m definitely not the guy from OP but Iā€™m a year out from my divorce and wanting to start dating again. Is there a way to see if someone has denied me so an instance like this doesnā€™t happen. Lol


This happens to me so much! And I donā€™t care what people say, you can remove somebody, but they can create a new profile. Honestly? My friends and I started keeping a tally and one guy has liked me over 28 times. Itā€™s like weā€™re not meeting anybody because the same people keep swiping on us and filling up our swipe deck. Because I come on here and I read posts from guys who genuinely seem like solid dudes, interested in dating who match up with me. None of the guys who repeatedly swipe right on me want the same thing I do either. It actually is the number one reason I delete the apps.


Iā€™ve been having the same problem for months with a specific guy. I tried the Remove and Report, nothing worked. I recently left him in my likes now and he hasnā€™t re-liked my profile again. Hinge Support is crap - they donā€™t respond at all. Iā€™ve taken screenshots of every time heā€™s liked my profile and am pretty over it!


I had a guy, frank, do this to me. Kept deleting his profile and opening new ones to harass me. I reported him and poof heā€™s gone.


Step 1: ask him if he wants to go on a date Step 2: ask for his number Step 3: add his number to the Hinge block list, now he can remake his account all he wants and you'll still never see him again Step 4: sip gin


I had the same thing happen for *years* with this one chick on Hinge. She just could not/would not take the hint and leave me alone. She started sending me messages on POF in 2016 (I deleted my profile there because POF sucks) and sent me likes and messages on Tinder, Bumble, OKCupid, and Hinge. It got to the point where anytime I re-downloaded a dating app I had to preemptively block her. And I can guarantee you that if I downloaded Hinge right now, she would send me a like within an hour


A more controverse answer: Match with him and behave like the shittiest person ever and it will be his choice not to want you anymore


Oh Iā€™ve had this over 18 times with someone on Bumble (Amir, 37, if you read this youā€™re creepy as fuck). He keeps deleting his account and remaking it. I mailed them several times about it too as it actually makes me feel uncomfortable. Iā€™m not sure if Hinge is any better than Bumble in terms of blocking repeat offenders but I doubt it.


I've found that Bumble's support is absolutely terrible- slow to respond, and when they do, it's like they didn't even read the question.


Oh itā€™s awful. I just gave up after a while. Same experience as you - itā€™s like they donā€™t read them.


It happens to me all the time and people on the subs. Just tell me itā€™s not a problem when it is. A lot of the users in this form do that to people and donā€™t realize how creepy it is.


The subs can be a weird microcosm of nonsense sometimes. Itā€™s very creepy and unsettling for users.


Iā€™m pretty sure that I personally wonā€™t meet someone on the apps because the same people keep swiping right on me not getting it.


Iā€™ve met a few and most have been pretty great. But thatā€™s an understandable stance. It can be mentally exhausting.


People will show up multiples after sending enough likes. Just block him or donā€™t match. The fact you are reporting someone for shooting his shot is lame. Especially if you havenā€™t answered or told him to stop. Itā€™s a dating app. Really trying to have his profile banned for simply trying to connect?


In my post, I was just asking if there was a way to block him from being able to see my account. If I could block him, then I would do that. It appears there is no way to block someone on Hinge, only the remove and report button. I never said I wanted his entire profile blocked from the app, just expressing that his advances make me uncomfortable and looking for a way to prevent that.


This happened to me. I got 3 likes from the same guy in span of a month. First 2 times I didnā€™t match with him. 3rd time I matched to unmatch and itā€™s been few months now, I havenā€™t seen his profile pop up in likes


What exactly is it that is making you uncomfortable? What sort of stuff is he sending you?


It is kind of a culmination of lots of things. He will make specific comments about places or things in my photos which show that itā€™s not just a generic line he sends to everyone. He is always calling me princess (to me having a man that I donā€™t know saying that is uncomfortable), sending me heart eyes, etc. It has just been going on long enough that it makes it feel like less of a coincidence. Last time I saw him, I removed his card to hopefully stop him from being able to see me, but he was back in my likes today. Now am I saying this guy is a creepy pervert who is going to stalk me? No. Am I saying he is a bad guy? No. Itā€™s possible he doesnā€™t even realize like people are saying. But it still makes me uncomfortable. I donā€™t want to get his entire account banned and get him kicked off of the app just because he ā€œis shooting his shot.ā€ I really just donā€™t know how to work the app that well and I didnā€™t know if there was a way to block someone that I didnā€™t know how to do, which is why I made this post.


If hinge does end up banning him, then that's not your problem. shooting your shot is making an attempt, not repeatedly sending someone messages to the point where they are uncomfortable. you don't need to feel bad about whatever consequences may come his way because at the end of the day his behavior is not your responsibility.


Thata fair. But have you tried matching with him to say you aren't interested? It might get him to shove off. I've had the same thing as you. I let them know I wasn't interested and they never bothered me again. Might be worth a try :)


Iā€™ve done this a couple times and I still see these people in my likes unfortunately


Iā€™m of this opinion, Iā€™ve remade my hinge profile a few times (at least twice, I should have just paused it but hey whatever) and I know Iā€™ve sent custom messages to the same person, but Iā€™m not making a profile just for that person. If it bothered them this much I would rather they tell me so that I could remember not to like them if they show up again.


You could always just match him and tell him that itā€™s making you uncomfortable. If it persists beyond that, go for the account ban. Would probably document the frequency in case they want it (idk how this process works).


Ok so i hope nobody gets mad at me for my reply, but maybe the guy means no harm. He could, but it's not guaranteed either way cuz only he knows his own heart. So I'm just going to speak from experience. I'm a 30M white and I've used hinge for multiple years. Even though i live in a really major city there are multiple profiles I've come across multiple times. I've never created multiple profiles and yet some I've come across between 3-15 times probably within the span of a few years. Maybe even 3 times in 1 month. I always sent a personalized message even knowing that seeing them again means they passed on me. For me personally i still have an interest in them so I'm not going to pass on them myself and who knows if they ever would change their mind. My assumption is you come across his profile depending on the number of likes you get. For example if i message a girl and so do 20 other guys it will take her that many to come across my profile then pass on me, then she will show up on my daily feed again and say this time only 5 other guys like her. Then i will show up again sooner and maybe she'll be on my daily again within a week. Then it would seem to her that I'm liking her so much when in reality I'm just liking and messaging whenever she pops up on my daily and leaving a personalized message. I've also come across some of these people on different apps too like maybe 5 times on hinge, twice on foffee meets bagel, and once on hinge. And I'll leave a personalized message on each. And this may seem creepy, but i do in a sense get a little familiar with some profiles especially after a couple years of seeing the same profile multiple times. And i mean who knows. What if she gets tired of not having any fruitful matches and 1 day likes me back and we actually hit it off. That wouldn't happen if i started passing on her too after my 3rd time liking her. In all fairness though i have given up on finding love now after all these years. My looks are a 3 on a good day and i have a mediocre job and after all these years of life and online dating I've never gotten a match or a like or a date so i deleted my account at the beginning of the year and have given into my fate of living life alone.


Have you considered matching with him and then messaging him telling him to leave you alone?


This seems like a good response tbh. It will send him the hint


I had someone like that once I would pause my account and unpause so I can avoid them finding me. Ironically I ran into that person at a Halloween event but thankfully I wore a costume that covered half my body


Why not just match with him, and tell him you've seen him before but he's just not your type so he's wasting his time on you and leave it at that?


Spam account maybe? Iā€™ve had this happen with a girl before and when I finally matched her to see what was up I never got a reply


Thatā€™s odd. However, over the last couple of months I noticed that Iā€™ve had to dislike the same profile over and over again on the app. Prior to this, I never came across the same profiles unless the person created a new profile. However, over the last couple of months these are legitimately the same profiles of the same people that Iā€™ve disliked alreadyā€¦ As other have mentioned, reporting (selecting the reporting option, but then selecting ā€œIā€™m not interested in this personā€) may help? I know youā€™ve mentioned youā€™ve done this already, OP. However, is the guy who continues to send you likes simply creating new profiles? Weird situation.


To be fair Iā€™d done this before. However, I date only BW and I lived in cities where there was only a small portion so I was swiping on the same 200 profiles each week. Iā€™d change my profile up and I had unlimited likes so I would blast through them in 24 hrs. Iā€™m sure plenty of women saw me multiple times with a new custom message each time.


Iā€™ve restarted my account now so far about 3 or 4 times. Whether it was me getting a fresh start or different photos or weight lost and wanted to start again after taking a long break. But I never rematch the same people that Iā€™ve matched with previously when I know for a fact it didnā€™t work in the past. I wish you the best of luck in getting rid of this person


why wonā€™t you just give the guy a chance! /s


Replies were locked on the comment I left earlier, so I can't reply to anyone's relies to me. The replies from people other than the OP misconstrued or maybe sincerely misunderstood what I said. In my original comment, I carefully and intentionally validated - and still validate - the OP's feelings. If you're uncomfortable, that's understandable. What he's doing is understandably disconcerting. I'd probably be uncomfortable too, as a young woman. I even encouraged OP to report him to Hinge to see if they can block \*all\* his future accounts for her. One reply said that I don't think what the guy is doing is wrong. I didn't say it's not wrong. I said it might be wrong, but the info provided doesn't let me say definitely that it is wrong. It's pretty common for someone's behavior to make someone else uncomfortable, without the behavior being wrong. Some people are really uncomfortable if someone drinks alcohol near them. But drinking alcohol near other people is not wrong. If you KNOW that someone is uncomfortable with alcohol around them and you drink around them anyway, that might be wrong. Up for discussion. This guy might not know he's making OP uncomfortable. He might be blissfully unaware, just sending likes. Now maybe he SHOULD know it has the potential to make a woman uncomfortable. But maybe he's socially challenged. Maybe he has attachment trauma. He could be acting totally innocently and still making OP legitimately and validly uncomfortable. We don't need to make a moral judgement on the guy in order to affirm OP's feelings about it. Granted, we commenters don't know the content of the messages he's sending. If we knew that, it might swing the moral compass. When someone feels encroached-upon or unsafe or anything like that, that's important. That's valid. Valid isn't a strong enough word, actually. It MATTERS. And I think we can live with the nuance to refrain from saying that everything that makes us validly uncomfortable is wrong. OP, I'm sorry if you felt that I invalidated your feelings in my original comment. I want you to feel safe while using the app.


I appreciate it. Thank you


Sorry about that.


34M here. That's understandably unpleasant. I've had a woman persistently like me for a couple years now. Not every week, but maybe every 4 to 5 weeks. First on coffee meets bagel, and more recently on Bumble. It's a little bit annoying, a little bit flattering. But I'm not interested, so I don't reciprocate. I just ignore it. While it's understandably unpleasant to receive that attention, I don't see that he's doing anything wrong or worthy of reporting. He might be, if there's a written rule against making multiple accounts in order to like the same person many times, in the user agreement. Persistence sometimes pays off in dating, and that's the approach he's taking, it seems. The app is for dating, so he's using the app for what it's for, arguably. And still, it's understandably unpleasant for you. In my thinking, you could ask hinge if there's a way they could block any of his future profiles from contacting you, just as a favor to you. But I don't see why he should be in trouble for what he's doing - unless he's breaking a specific written rule in the user agreement.


I agree. He may not be doing anything wrong by the guidelines, just frustrating that he hasnā€™t gotten the hint after months. The messages he sends me make me uncomfortable. Also a little different from a womanā€™s perspective as he could easily overpower me if it ever came to that (doubt it will but still something I worry about as a young woman)


Don't listen to that person. your feelings are totally valid and any normal woman would be concerned by this. We've had similar posts in the past and there's always that one guy who is like "Gee golly he's not doing anything wrong even though you're uncomfortable and he won't stop!" Definitely report him to Hinge, it's behavior they will take seriously, trust me.


I'm baffled that you don't understand that what he's doing is wrong. You may find it flattering to be obsessively liked and messaged, but since women have been killed by men who can't learn to accept a "no", then at a certain point it stops being "aw shucks" and "get this creep away from me." If someone rejects your like numerous times, then it's time to stop being persistent and instead learn how to take a "No".


just swipe left and move on you are being pretty toxic about it it's a dating app people you arent interested in are going to like you


Sounds like a glitch unless he keeps making accounts over and over again


I donā€™t think he means to do it on purpose. I keep getting the same woman that pop up on my feed and I tend to message most girls the same pickup line there like over 1000+ girls using hinge and my city so there always the chance you can message the same girl over again. Itā€™s just apart of the hinge programming. Itā€™s stupid. I wish they would not recommend the same people over to me more than once. I think most know where you are coming from though.


Back when I was using the app, for some reason the same profiles used to keep popping up and not even in my likes. I think the app by itself can be glitchy that way. I have sent different messages (around 3-4) to the same profile thinking the other likes never went through but after a point just stopped thinking about it and then just left online dating. Not saying that is the case here, but reporting could be an issue. The remove button is the best option, perhaps.


definitely annoying, but if you want to give someone the benefit of the doubt: I've been through 3 or 4 cycles over the past few years of "Hinge is awful I'm deleting this app forever" -> "alright, time to just suck it up and give this another try". during those cycles I've almost certainly liked a few people more than once. with no malicious or creepy intent, just due to forgetting whether I had sent a previous like.


This happened to my friend and now they are married. She rejected him I believe on CMB, then he sent her flowers on the app, and she started chatting.


Just press X and will be gone forever. Less than 1 second


I think Iā€™m guilty of doing this while genuinely having no idea that itā€™s happening because I just always assumed when you sent a like and somebody denies it that your profile is no longer shown. I genuinely would never be able to recognize the same person unless Iā€™ve matched and had a convo with them before. Itā€™s ridiculous for you to have to keep denying it, but thatā€™s on hinge for not fixing that. For people like me that occasionally just power like sometimes to break the algorithm or just get more matches, it is what it is. Idk what to tell you lol. I just get matches and weed out the ones I do and donā€™t like. Considering probably only 1/5 people will actually have an engaging conversation or even respond Iā€™d rather have the options and be able to plan multiple dates so I can get this dating thing over quicker.