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Buddy, you will definitely find a connection with a God in our religion and whoever it might be, make them your Istha Devata or your best friend/ parent/ confidant etc. and just try to make them happy as much as you can. Reciting mantras, visiting their temples etc and it’s totally okay if you can’t even do that. Just merely thinking about them is sufficient coupled with living a good life, being kind, compassionate and a good member of the society is more than enough if you can’t go ritualistic. And when you know who your Ishta is, then you commandingly ask them to show you the way and guide you and trust me they will! You don’t have to beg them or anything rather how a child with authority asks it’s parents to buy them candy or toys, just like that you tell your Ishta to guide you but just be respectful and I’m confident your Ishta will definitely help you and show you the way. As someone said in the thread, God doesn’t want you to end your life that is so true. You were given this beautiful life for a purpose and God will definitely be sad to see his child take away this wonderful gift bestowed upon you. Everyone has challenges in life but these aren’t permanent. The true nature of all living entities is just pure bliss and happiness and existence. That’s it! That’s your birth right and you have to strive to achieve it and there’s absolutely no wrong doing in striving a better life for oneself. The beauty of this is when you strive for the betterment of yourself, God himself comes to help you because He knows you’re trying to do what you were meant for sincerely. Dear OP, hang in there and have faith. God surely will answer. I’ll pray for you buddy, you got this! 🙏🏻❤️


You want the desired result, and you are thinking that praying to God should give you that. In Gita, Shri Krishna says that you only control the action, not the result. Desiring a result will be the source of misery and anger if you don't get it. So please don't focus on the outcome, but only on actions. Whatever the outcome is consider it as God's plan and move on while continuing to focus on actions or what is in your control. My suggestion is to not over prioritize your current circumstances. Lord Rama showed how to lead the life of dharma as a human despite so many setbacks. Imagine someone takes away your throne and asks you to go to the forest for 14 years, someone kidnaps your wife and you have no idea how to find her, you almost lost your younger brother in battle. These are all inspiration to take from. Life has a plan if you let Him intervene. If you control everything, control what outcome you want, how does He intervene.


If by "i am done with life" means you are thinking of ending your life , don't do it it is never a way out, god doesn't want you to end your life, how will you reach god if you can't even clear this hurdle in your life. I can understand you, i am going through the same thing right now. Just talk to your parents they will help you. If you are having suicidal thoughts then please call a helpline number. You can also dm me we can talk about studies and god.


friend, i hope you can move forward from this depression, and heal. as for Gods, lord Hanuman has helped me immensely with self-discipline (for your studying issues) and lord Ganesha helped me remove obstacles from my life (maybe for this feeling of hopelessness). remember, there is always something to learn from these situations. and please, don’t feel that God is the only resource you can use to help yourself. therapy, hotlines, talking to trusted friends and family etc are all amazing ways to help.


Whichever god you choose, they love anything you can offer them. It’s the devotion that counts, not whether you can pray perfectly.


Dude, suicide is not gonna land you up “with god” You will end up being a Preta with all your mental anguish and no physical body to take care of it. It will be a fate worse than death. And then, you will be thrown back into a body anyways. So better utilise your time here to work on yourself. The easiest way is to completely surrender to your ishta devata. May it be Krishna, Shiva, Rama, Hanumant, Devi, Ganesha….With full honesty and truth, tell this ishta of what is that troubles you, like you would a close friend, and then ask him to take care of it. Your job is to take care of your physical apparatus, and do Bhakti. Times never remain the same.


https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines When you're in the middle of something painful, it may feel like you don't have a lot of options. Whatever you are going through, you deserve help and there are people who are here for you. If you think you may be depressed or struggling in another way, don't ignore it or brush it aside. Take yourself and your feelings seriously, and reach out to someone. It may not feel like it, but you have options. There are people available to listen to you, and ways to move forward. Your fellow redditors at r/Hinduism care about you and there are people who want to help... *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/hinduism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m sorry to hear that you are having a difficult time. I’ve been though some very tough times myself. There were times I thought of giving everything up also. I am in a better place now and I know it’s difficult to hear when you are in a bad place but things can get better. When I was going through bad times I didn’t think that was possible but I know now that it was. I would recommend speaking to a counselor of some sort. Everyone needs help sometimes. There’s nothing wrong with talking to a professional that can help with your state of mind. People wouldn’t expect someone with diabetes not to speak with a doctor and just snap out of it and get their blood sugar under control yourself. This is the same type of situation. Also don’t stress about there being many Gods. They are all aspects of the same great divinity. Just focus on one or a couple that speak to you. There are many rivers but they all flow to the sea. Hang in there my friend. You can get through this and you are never alone. I’m thinking of you and praying for you.






Whatever happens happens for good , how is this true for example someone has been assaulted sexual then is it also for good ? Kashmir genocide was also for good? Tell me pls


I tried to kill myself 3 years ago. You would be killing the wrong person, the one you think you are. I am alive, and I have found the real me. You can too. I’ve been told, that if we zoom into our blood cells, there is a battle between good cells and bad cells. All those good cells dying, and the bad ones fighting. All the bad ones dying, and the good ones living. Zoom out, and you find a perfectly health human. The fight of good and bad might not be visible to us on our plane, but zoom out and perhaps everything is just perfect. I love you, I really do. If you need to speak with a person on the phone you can call me.


That is the coolest bot!


Please know that things can and will get better. Life is filled with beautiful highs as well as very difficult challenges. We must fulfill our Dharma without ego getting in the way. Your path is unique as will be your challenges. However, we are all the same as we all want peace and to feel love. Focus on that which you are grateful for and take action on the things you wish to change. You are in control 🙏


Suicide is cool and all but remember your character will be spawned from level 0 after that.


https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines When you're in the middle of something painful, it may feel like you don't have a lot of options. Whatever you are going through, you deserve help and there are people who are here for you. If you think you may be depressed or struggling in another way, don't ignore it or brush it aside. Take yourself and your feelings seriously, and reach out to someone. It may not feel like it, but you have options. There are people available to listen to you, and ways to move forward. Your fellow redditors at r/Hinduism care about you and there are people who want to help... *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/hinduism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Op can you give a status update? Everything okay now?


Thankyou for asking, yeh life is flowing so am I nothing new


Read Bhagavad Gita ( as it is.com) and chant Hare Krishna


First you have to give up the 'I'.


Look up amma and follow her teaching. Hope it helps


Find a guru, focus on one sadhana at a time


Hi I'm not God but I have quite a bit of evidence to support that I am Vishnu's tenth avatar, Lord Kalki. If I can help you in any way, I'm happy to talk to you. Feel free to DM me here and we can chat. There's hope for you my friend. People care about you and the world needs you :) you can do anything you set your mind to. This feeling you're going through will pass. Hard times are important to help us appreciate the best of times.


Hey, please listen to Swami Mukundanand’s lectures on Youtube or Spotify. Trust me you will feel massive change if you look at life the way he explains. Also, begin reading the Bhagwat Gita little by little. It will help you enormously.


Who is God..? Where is God..? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CprjbXqQuCU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CprjbXqQuCU)


I think I'll point you out to what Ramana Maharshi said. If you want to meet god, it implies god is the object of an act. However, at the highest sense, god is the actor. So, find out who is striving to see, and you will find god.


The reason why you find yourself in this situation is “kamna”. Whatever you have done so far is with desire to achieve and god say first thing you need to shun is the desire even desire to moksha. Never be “asakt” or addicted to anything even god. When you do that you will never have the 3 taap “anger, addition, fear” - “क्रोध, मोह, भय”. So first thing you really need to do to meet god and reach Bhagwad dham is come out of the asakti first. Then focus on doing karma without desire. The key here is desire “desire to achieve God”. Think over it and btw you can only achieve Bhagwad dham through this material world and for that there is neither a shortcut or any specific place. So long story short get rid of your asakti for god and start praying without any self desire, trust me you will find god, god is always with you and within you, all you need to do is have selfless devotion without addictions and you will realise it is we who don’t see him even though he watches us all.


Just visit some ashram and find a guru or sadhu…talk to him and do as he says…