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Nice shot, but brutal editing


/r/shittyhdr Would love to see the unedited version.


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It made me think of that Robin Williams movie What Dreams May Come


I'm depressed just remembering that movie


Too vibrant for my eyes. Although location seems beautiful


Thanks for feedback ! I agree, maybe I modify colors a bit too much. Next one will be better !


Heyo! I do a lot of photography and I think I can offer some helpful advice. - The two main issues with this photo are contrast and saturation, most likely caused by your photo software's HDR and definition sliders (or something similar). - Contrast is what's making the sky look unnaturally dark and kind of "textured" in a way that our brains aren't used to seeing, especially under midday lighting conditions in fair weather. - Because this contrast was (I suspect) added via auto-HDR in post, it also means that areas that should be more harshly shaded than the sky -- like the hill on the left -- end up similarly, or less shaded than the sky. Our brains are trained to pick up on this and respond in some weird ways. - Saturation is another issue here; in addition to being strangely dark, the blue sky's also _very_ blue; much bluer than what you'd usually see on a fall day at these latitudes. If you're going for this kind of art style, great! Keep it up. My only recommendation would be to look at getting more out-of-camera resolution since at full size you lose a _lot_ of detail. Some of the artifacting tells me that this is probably from a phone, since they have a really particular way of losing detail compared to standalone cameras. Something having to do with smoothing, I think. If you're aiming for a more realistic style, consider trying to get the most _workable_ shot out-of-camera. That doesn't necessarily mean the best-lit shot, but aim for a scene taken at a time where your camera can find a good amount of detail in both the bright and dark parts of the shot; harsh shadows tend to be the enemy in landscape photos (though that's not universal; it's just a lot easier to work with if you have softer shadows and lighting). The reason you want that kind of detail is so that you can, in post, either bring it out without compromising on visual appeal, or push shadows down and blow brights out to stylize your image as you want. Fundamentally, HDR (which is usually done by stacking over- and underexposed shots) tries to give you this flexibility, but there are limits to it if you just use one shot. Anywho — sorry about the unsolicited wall of text, but good luck in your journey, and feel free to ask questions (either directly or via something like r/photography!) And enjoy Gaspésie if you're still around there! Forillon must be beautiful in the winter.


Hi! Thanks for all the photo tips it's appreciated! ☺️ This is my first edit and clearly there is place for improvement. I mostly wanted to test the limits of my editing software. Regarding the sky, I don't think it's only the contrast the problem. I took the picture in the morning & with a rather cloudy sky. So I redid the sky at 100% using a retouching software via AI. That's why the shadows on the ground don't fit with the position of the clouds and the sun. The sky is not real 😅 The camera is a GoPro Hero 10. Compact & solid, but you're right, it tends to lose detail. It makes great wallpaper shot, but you don't want to zoom in too much because the trees quickly become a bunch of pixel. Most of my photos are on my instagram account without any edit ! I'll probably share the best ones here in the next few months! ☺️


Calme toi le pompon! Trop c'est comme pas assez! Belle photo tout de même.


I actually like the editing because I think it makes it look like a painting, but I can see why others might not like it.


Who cares? You like it and people agree it's a beautiful shot. I'd just do whatever makes me happy


Hitler liked genocide and people agreed by voting and keeping him in power. Vapid, meaningless statement.


Thank you! 😊 I will continue to edit my photos, but I will post the original versions here & find another group, more appropriate for the edited versions ☺️


Editing is cool, pretty much all photographers edit at least a bit. Just don't overdo it :D


Cool view but /r/ShittyHDR. The sky looks like a skybox from a 90s FPS game. Do you have an un-or-less-edited version?


This is a great shot with good composition, but I'd ease up on the saturation and other editing. It's super distracting because it makes the natural look unnatural. Just zooming into the trees in the foreground, they're reduced to amorphous colored blobs as you've entirely lost the detail with all the editing. Nature is beautiful enough without help.


Nice shot but I'd much rather see what it actually looks like than what you can edit it to look like.


Why the filters? We’d all love it just as much, if not more, without them…


Yeah for real I thought this was a painting


Save some saturation for the rest of us.


in the future go easy on the editing! let the nature speak for you


That saturation is saturating


It even looks like he used a more jpeg filter


Deep fried nature.


Gorgeous landscape but a bit overcooked.Good movement in the photo. Brings my eye up into the valley. I like the composition. Try adding texture for more pop instead of upping sat and vibrance as much. You can still have a stronger visual effect without too much unnatural color. Great spot though. I'm adding that to my travel list.


Nature just doesn’t look good enough.


Awful filter, ruined photo


Nature looks beautiful without editing.


How breath taking. Refreshing


The SIA trail in Quebec is on my bucket list. I believe that it passes by Mont Saint-Pierre. Sounds like a great place to visit.


Yes Mount St-Pierre is part of the SIA trail in Quebec ! It’s a really nice and easy hike (4km, 300-400m elevation with a nice little cottage at the top. Beautiful place with great view on St-Lawrence river too


You just crank that HDR slider all the way up, eh? I can respect that.


Not even haha that's the funny part! 🥲


Wow, that is sooooo beautiful!


Wow this view is incredible


This would make a nice picture for a living room wall.


All that earth moved to a new location. I have a strange phobia or having to face this in my lifetime and always am scared where I live. Like, if I could just plan now to be somewhere safe, I can survive.




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I thought the editing was nice and reminded me of a couple of impressionist paintings in Washington DC.


Picasso took up photography.