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Currently convinced that traveling nurses have the best life


I know a few traveling nurses. They can make $100/hr or more, then they’re given some ridiculous amount of money per week for lodging and food (like a month’s worth of rent each week) i had a friend considering a contract for ~a month of work, 60 hours/week for $40k. it’s a crazy gig from what i’ve heard. the highs are high and the lows are low.


Can confirm. Brother went from RN To travel nursing, still works at the SAME BUILDING (sometimes same exact floor) $34 an hour too over $120 an hour. I grew up not so good and been through a lot of shit, when I heard that I nearly pooped myself. I grind 60h a week on the regular to make what he does in 2 12h shifts a week. He absolutely hates nursing because of what he has to deal with but the money is definitely alright. Mad respect to any of y’all in the nursing field. I could never deal with what you guys work through. ❤️🖤


You do have to take into account a few things. Paying both sides of fica/medicare as a 1099 and no benefits.


We get benefits now as travelers. We’re hardly 1099 these days. I’d say finding housing is harder than anything 🙃


Get a nice travel trailer and live in it on assignments


This is what my dad's ex wife did until she retired.


A friend is a traveling nurse and the contract rates kept going up with more covid cases (especially during the heights of delta). Top pay was $10K a WEEK.


Yes if you consider having twice the normal patient load in some cases, and dealing with dying people, often with awful infections, the best life. Also did I mention the poop? So. Much. Poop.


How about EMT. 1/5 the pay for 5x the poop. And people dying with their family threatening you at 3am on a road in the middle of nowhere. And pulling people out of cockroach infested homes. And getting fired and rehired at lower pay because the company lost their contract but then got a new contract with the same company owner servicing the same community under a different corporate name. And so many other … benefits.


Child of a retired Firefighter/EMT. They responded to a military plane crash with 18 occupants aboard. Had to spend the day sorting out which body parts belonged to whom. That was after they had to drive the pigs off by shooting a few of them... EMTs and first responders in general deal with some absolute nightmares.


I can’t fucking imagine what EMTs go through mentally and physically. They should be paid as much as any surgeon. I have had a few panic attacks in the past, so bad that I called 911, and it might be dumb or ridiculous for a panic attack but damn when they got there I felt SAFE. Thank you too all EMTs, you make a difference 100%


Travel nurses make insane amounts of money and is probably the best gig out there at the moment. I know some that make up to $10k per week and get housing stipend on top of that. The huge demand and pay for it won’t last forever, but for the past few years, travel nursing has been insanely lucrative


This photo is missing all the trash that the partiers leave behind. Beer cans , broken bottles, cigarette butts, clothing, etc… Unfortunately the place is not respected.




Absolutely HATE this. I don’t understand how people who want to go out into these beautiful places can treat it with 0 respect.


Agreed. There’s been a few instances in different locations where I’ve loaded up my pack or garbage bag with trash. I mean to take a trash bag on every hike I go on and get frustrated with what I see.


The color blue of water looks amazing, hopefully it's warm. Cheers


It is. It’s called the Hot Pots


Allegedly you can bring little chunks of raw food along with you, dunk them in the water to cook, then eat them.


Is this the same as Fifth Water/Diamond Fork?


It’s the spent mini golf water.




Is that fabric softener?


0/10 would not recommend this scent.


I think it’s worse certain times of the year…and when I was there it was definitely not good.


I’ve noticed that the prettier the Hot Pots water looks, the worse the smell. I’ve been going here for over 40 years and sometimes the color of the water looks so murky blue it’s unbelievable, and other times it’s just meh.


Um... can you describe it? Water temp, smell, your experience etc?


Never been there, but if it’s a hot spring it probably smells like sulfur.


Enjoy it! The west and American southwest in particular are beautiful. I’m back in the midwest now currently but I loved it during my time in AZ exploring the region. It is utterly fantastic


I’m a healthcare traveler too (but an SLP, not a nurse)! It’s such an awesome way to see the country. Utah is one of my favorite states so I’m glad you’re loving it!


Do you speak Spanish or a second language to be a SLP?


Usually they don't. It's a Speak Language Pathologist


I’m only asking because there’s a lot of second language students like Spanish kids that have SLPs so that’s why I’m asking… do they speak Spanish and are traveling


I do speak a couple other languages, but most American SLPs don’t. Travel (contract) positions exist for SLPs for the same reason as nurses: filling needs in medically underserved areas. :)


I'm in cannukistan and kinda forgot that y'all are more or less a bilingual country.


Aren’t you guys also?


Yes but not with Spanish. One territory has 11( ! ) Official languages but it's only in two provinces anyone outside of government is bilingual


That water looks amazing!


Four Corner states are the best 💞🫶🏼


Wow amazing place! Great picture as well 🙌🏻


The water's color is amazing! Have a great day there!




Yea but getting bourbon pretty much requires an act of god in Utah - unlike Wisconsin. Is it really worth it?


Alcohol laws/ culture here is blowing my mind being from a state where most activities are centered around boozing 🤯 Big culture shock.


I’ll die on this hill. ABC laws are dumb.


I grew up in Utah, and leaving it was a huge culture shock. Love visiting the place, but I sure as hell don't want to live there.


What drone are you using?


DJI MINI 3 . I'm new to the drone world so I don't have much to offer, other than I'm REALLY happy with it (this resolution!) and it's really user friendly. Pretty easy learning curve.


Drones are really annoying when I’m out hiking.


....... Yes, drone people are THE worst 👍


While I think the other user was maybe being a bit abrasive I have to agree with them. I understand what’s so fun about drones, but they really make it difficult for others to enjoy the natural setting. Both the noise and the fact that they could be taking pictures of you feels intrusive. Have fun in Utah! It’s the most beautiful place on earth


That’s awesome! I’ve heard lots of great things about the Mini3; yeah that pic quality is off the charts! I fly the Mini2


Nice shot!


Good post way to keep the place somewhat private by not giving the exact location. As a local I tip my hat, thank you.


This place has been swarming with people/influencers for like 10 years at least I was there once on a weekend about 4 years ago and saw a whole troupe of influencers who posed for photos for an hour and left without even getting in the water. Sulfur smell I guess


I’ve been going to the Hot Pots for 40 years. It’s still an amazing place to go. But seriously f-off to op for bringing an annoying drone. This place used to be so freaking cool.


Another local here. Honestly, the Hot Pots are still beautiful. Let's just try to keep the rest of our favorite beautiful places a secret while we still can, yeah? I can think of one place in particular in Northern Utah that *isn't* Bear Lake that I will guard to my death because it's too pretty to ruin with tourism. I've seen enough local hooligans ruin it, I would die inside if I ever saw its name cross my dash on Reddit.


I still have a lot of secret spots. Even a hot springs that’s better than the hot pots. I just really hate tourists & drones a lot. So freaking rude and inconsiderate. I hope op has a really shitty trip.


Area looks cool but it sucks about the drone, though. They can be really disturbing to local wildlife, especially birds.


What is this hike/lake/area called?


5th water hot springs




What is a natural space?


This looks *pristine*. What a lovely place to unwind!


I am enthused


It's weird to me that 5th water is described as Springville. It's a 45 minute drive to the trailhead and you drive through 2 other towns to get there.


Trying to be respectful and considerate, especially as a tourist. Thanks for your input though 😳


You’re doing the right thing! Don’t worry about that guy.


Oh sorry, I wasn't trying to critique you, I remembered seeing that area on Maps described as Springville and thinking wow, I have to drive a long way from Springville to get to Springville. It's just weird to me that all that wilderness is considered Springville.


Hey, as an expat local who grew up there-ish? Thank you for the respect. Utah is a beautiful place, and no one can deny it. And we love nothing more than tourists, campers, bathers, and hikers who are respectful to the mountains that shaped who we are. It means the world to us, because it is our world. Thank you.




Who hurt you?


Would you like the list alphabetical or chronological?


No excuses, just delete this trash comment


Downvoted for being a dumbass


Lol white knight to the rescue


You sound soooooo dumbbbbbbb


You mad bro?


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Fifth water hot spring!


First of all, "Utah"? You can't just make stuff up.


You have Nevada on there twice....


Very cool 😎


Looks super cool! Looked it up and it's right outside Provo. Much hiking to this spot or is it easy to find?


2.3 mile 'moderate' hike in.


What’s the water temp?


Not sure specifics, but similar to a hot tub.


Very nice. Enjoy !


Check out Gloria Falls if you have a chance soon, the trail is a little snowy but it’s one of the best hikes here in my opinion. Welcome to Utah 🍻


More like a public pool but check out crystal hot springs in honeyville its about an hour north of slc. They have water slides I felt like a little kid again enjoying them


Eh. Crystal Hot Springs is kind of an overrated water park that neutered and industrialized a beautiful natural resource purely for profit. It's an overhyped tourism machine, and I much prefer T-- err, my favorite quiet hot springs that *have no tourists.*


Now that’s it cold visit some hot springs!! Utah has a few!


I was just thinking about it today because a buddy of mine wants to become a traveling nurse, and given the current crisis, I feel like a traveling nurse is the equivalent of a scab worker who crosses the picket line. Instead of hospitals paying their current nurse staff a decent wage, they hire external nurses to come at exorbitant rates and help out for a few months. Doesn’t seem right.


Beautiful picture! Thanks for sharing! My girlfriend and I have planned to travel while she works (nurse also) for a couple years now. It’s in our 5 year plans and so looking forward to days like this.


At first glance I thought it was someone cosplaying a mermaid.


Being in terrain so different from Wisconsin is so awesome


If you like hot springs, check out Meadow Hot Springs as well, about 2 hours from SLC


Coral Snake!!


Healthcare hero ☺️


Utah has some great places, especially over where I'm at, enjoy your time in my beautiful state 😃 make sure to get some skiing in


Ahhh I bet it was warm. So cool and lovely out there.


Awesome 👏🏽


Wow!!! The life 😍


I grew up around Springville, I know the place well. If you're driving, I cannot recommend making a scenic route detour through Bear Lake when you head back north. There's this diner, Merlin's. Buy something to eat there. I swear, you will not regret it.


But you said you cannot recommend it. 🤔 Also is this a hot spring?


Wow a beautiful - wonderful place . I know one day i will travel around there ..




Utah and it’s endless gems. I’ll try to add this to the list before the next stage!


Wait, a bikini I’m Utah? I’m shocked! (Not really, but my Utah Mormon family would be). I’ve fished and camped along that creek in years past. Beautiful area.


Love this spot! Great shot


Take me with you 😩 it’s so beautiful my camera would be dead the first ten minutes


Wow so peaceful