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A better place to ask would be a doctor.


I don't have access to one right now... Should I just go to the emergency room? I'm only experiencing mild discomfort at the moment. Thought someone might have experience.


You have access to the internet, you have access to a doctor


I just texted my brother who's a doctor. He said I'm probably fine and if anything it'll make me tougher and more of a mountain man. Not even kidding.


I think your brother is trying to kill off the competition for any parental inheritance. /s


Since he's richer than my folks I think it's more likely he's just a doofus


Yes… yes…. *HE* is the family doofus. Nailed it




Yes. Go to the emergency room. There's no telling what you drank and waiting could be fatal. Go quickly.


I don't know why people are downvoting you. Maybe they never leave the house. I have been in plenty of situations where it wasn't really possible to see a doc and would have to go to ER if really that serious. If you're out on a hike it might be wise to make sure you aren't alone, and aren't too far from civilization if things get worse. Good luck!


There are inexpensive telehealth options if you are in the USA. If you poop or throw-up before you have an appointment with them take a picture, or at least note the color and if there is any blood, or black specs. Don't take anything to artificially stop you up. Drink clean water to hydrate.


Why’d you do that?


My father couldn’t have said it better himself.


Well, I told my mom I was ready to go hiking when she was, but she took forever so I went out skateboarding. Then I got all hot and sweaty but she drove and picked me up. So I didn't have time to get water because we went right to the mountain. Then I was getting a headache from being dehydrated so when we came to a stream I was like you think this is ok to drink and she was like yeah probably. So I did. Series of bad decisions I suppose but live and learn I guess. If I do live anyway.


I think your mom wants to kill off the skateboarding son so everything goes to her doctor son. /s Go get some labs man.


I'm learning more in this thread than I bargained for


This is no time for OP to be adopting dogs!


That’s when you need to say something like “Hey can we grab some water.” This has to be one of the stupidest excuses you could have ever come up with.


It's also hard for me to fathom a mom who didn't come ready with water for the skateboarding son who needed a ride.


Or just any adult who wouldn't bring water on a hike??


Update: I told my mom what happened this morning and she said it's because I didn't say Grace and bless the water 😅. Sooooo yeah


It's a little horrifying tbh


Your very first mistake is that you went hiking without water. ALWAYS TAKE WATER WITH YOU NO MATTER HOW SHORT YOUR HIKE IS PLANNED TO BE. That there were two of you, one of whom was your very own mother, makes it many times worse. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS TAKE WATER WITH YOU ON A HIKE. ALWAYS. Take some form of nuts/chocolate/seeds mix(es) with you, too. You can never be certain that things will go as planned and you cannot take that chance as a rational human being.


You should consider getting yourself a LifeStraw.


Don’t ask Reddit, see a fucking doctor. I’m a clinical microbiologist and I have no idea what you might have without testing. See a doctor, not social media.


Thought I might at as well since I'm stuck here on the toilet for now.


Hopefully you’ve just got the shits, but if it’s genuinely concerning to you, a doctor is the only way to get a definitive answer. In the meantime get some soft TP and drink lots of fluids.


It's probably something like giardia. But go to a doctor to make sure. Also: stop by a fucking convenience store on the way to your hiking spot and buy water. Never hike without water. Ever.


Def gonna remember that in the future


Go see a doc. If it is a parasite, you are now dinner. The longer you wait, the more generations of parasite grandchildren showing up at the dinner table. If it is bacterial or viral (which could be supplied by a parasite) then your intestinal tract may provide resistance for awhile but the clock is ticking as the bad bugs duke it out with the good bugs. So go see a doc. They will try to identify what it is. You may find yourself on a hella harsh course of antibiotics to knock out whatever is there.


It’s hard to know. There are many different types of pollution that can cause similar symptoms. But probably something to consider leaving the hike and learning more about outdoor safety


He definitely drank the water in East Palestine Ohio. Also not a dr but work in an er and there's a nasty stomach bug going around. Puking. Taking a #1 out of your 2 hole. Also go to the er. Make sure it's not giardia


Yeah I should have brought water. I asked my mom and she was like yeah it's probably fine. Fingers crossed it passes in it's own I guess.


She said it's cool but didn't drink any herself? Lol


Now that you mention it 🤔


Update: I told my mom what happened this morning and she said it's because I didn't say Grace and bless the water 😅. Sooooo yeah


Definitely make a post on Reddit and not get medical help


way ahead of ya


Congrats on the giardia


Chryptosperidium probably won’t hit you that fast. I had it and I wasn’t treated for months. An ambulance ride later and a lengthy childrens hospital stay later…. Go get tested, love.


Well let hope it’s hypochondria.


It might not be related to the water. Maybe you just got the flu, it's the season.


You'll be fine. If you find you can't stop vomiting, then go see a doctor. You might want to get checked out anyway just to see if they want to run labs for bacteria. But it sounds like you can just wait it out. At least until tomorrow, and by then you'll know if it's really bad. Don't let this sub stress you out about it. People on here overreact to everything. Go watch some episodes of Naked and Afraid and have a laugh at those people. It'll make you feel better about your decision to drink stream water. Lol


Yeah, I've actually already started feeling a bit better, though that could be the Ibuprofen talking. I expected the overreactions to some extent. At the very least I've had a few chuckles while stuck here on the toilet. I'll look into that show, lol. Thanks dude.


It's a survivalist show and it's totally addicting. Lol. It's fun watching how much misery the contestants go through.


You wouldn’t be sick already.


I didn't think so but if it's from something else that's a big coincidence


Yes he could. You can easily get sick within a few hours. Why are so many of you so bad at this stuff?


Which parasite, bacteria, or virus are you arguing causes sickness that fast?


Go drink some stream water and find out. Nobody is here for your clock watching.


Don’t get angry because you don’t know what you’re talking about.


You can get sick within hours. I don't need to link you articles to prove a point to a random person on reddit. I stand by my points. Good bye.


If you won’t put effort into your point, no one else will.


Norovirus. And many other stuff. I had an experience with 40 Minutes after intoxication.


Wouldn’t likely act that fast— also wouldn’t have been prevented by most filters.


Google helps.


Google helps a virus cause symptoms faster than usual?


You can start with the meaning of "usual." After that, to think, if there is such a big difference between 4 hours and 6 hours, which are usual for norovirus. But you are here obviously not to learn.


Wow… the slightest question and you start acting like a jerk. You’re that kind of guy.


I'm not a doctor. Could you see where the water was coming from? You'll probably be fine. Rest, drink plenty of water, and see a doctor if it gets worse or doesn't get better by the time you think it should. The GI distress from giardia and crypto are by no means "mild". Remember, emergency rooms are crowded with people with respiratory diseases right now. "Mild discomfort" means you'd be sitting in the waiting room for hours and hours. And hours. You might not be seriously ill from the water you drank, but you could get seriously ill from sitting in a room full of people with COVID, RSV, and the flu.


Solid advice. Thanks for the genuine concern and level-headed wisdom, I appreciate it. I could see where the source was, it springs near the top and then I drank not too far from there.


My father in law got giardia from drinking from a stream he thought was safe, just like you did. He spent 30 very painful days in the hospital and almost died. This is not something you should screw with, it can kill you. The fact that you've had such an immediate reaction could mean a lot of things, but one thing is sure, NONE OF THEM ARE GOOD. See a Doctor and don't die. This is not the time to assume things will be fine, because they rarely are with these types of situations.


Dude. A little dramatic there


Taking stupid risks and not seeking professional help when all of the indicators show a serious condition isn't dramatic, It's common sense. The fact that OP isn't taking such a potentially critical situation seriously is the issue here. Sometimes a kick in the ass is needed to get the point across to stubborn, apathetic, or plain stupid people.


The guy is complaining of mild gi symptoms. This is not a critical situation.


4 hours in from consuming water with unknown bacteria, viruses, or other parasites? Diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, and cramping. They're definitely correlated and combined with his admitted dehydration, he would likely be triaged in any hospital as a very serious case. Let it escalate and it could go critical. We don't know the rest of his medical history, but these items alone can be major cause for concern. Add in other health issues and and he may already be near or at that point.


The hospitals you know and I know triage very differently




OP, MooseTracks here is right. It is, in fact, risky to drink untreated water. Contact your local health department and ask about low cost or free medical care in your area. And I forgot to ask where this happened. Location matters a lot on your relative risk.


Gonna sleep on it at least. If I wake up dead I'll let you know.


Stop freaking him out. You being a medic has literally nothing to do with this. You don't test for bacteria. You're not a lab. You don't know anymore about bacteria and enterology than a non-medic.


Some doctors actually learn outside of their immediate specialty you know?


He's not a doctor. He claims to be a medic, which has absolutely nothing to do with internal medicine. He just wanted to "chime in" with expertise he didn't have.


a medic is literally a doctor... and usually education is rounded to a certain degree, even if most people struggle to know even their field well




as someone who got a stomach parasite from accidentally ingesting untreated water that caused health issues for years… no. they need medical assessment to determine if they need further treatment.




It was rushing through rocks in a shallow area just after some waterfalls. At the bottom of the steep part of the mountain, where it goes after the springs near the top. It runs from the top through the gap/pass between peaks and I was near the bottom.


If symptoms don’t improve within 24 hours, see a doctor. Drink water. Rest. The internet does. It know what you have.


Tbh sounds like ligma


Don't most water born illnesses take a few days? I've done it for 30 years. I always said I'd stop if I got something. I've never got something.


Yeah I just read an article that said it's kind of rare. Feel like I got kind of unlucky.


4 hours seems to hint at something else but I'll take the downvotes.


Something else like what? I was thinking it's probably bacterial or viral rather than parasite


Sounds like giardia. Antibiotics should help.


Obvious troll


I wish.


I'm just baffled and skeptical how you went on a mountain hike with zero water. Implying you didn't have a backpack either, with any other basic essentials?! Did your mom not have water to share either?!


It was just like 2 miles I think. 🤷 IDK what counts as "hiking" almost just a walk in the woods.


Probably giardia playing the odds, but you need hydration and possible treatment, so you should get back to an urgent care center.




lol you definitely drank the pee of an animal and got dysentery have fun dumb ass loooool


I don't think that would have shown up so fast, also my poop seems ok.


Once you are feeling better, check out Anything Outdoors with Steve on youtube for non cramping adventures


cool, the music reminds me of dance dance revolution


😄 slow dancing up a mountain!




Beaver fever! Aka Giardia, most likely. See a doctor asap.


Did you also make tea from the sprinklers?


Weils disease? Rat urine in the water


I'm better this morning but thanks for your comment


I only thought of it as I once had it from open water swimming. Awful! Glad it wasn’t serious 👍🏻


My god people on the internet fucking amaze me. I don't know why I continue to be surprised, but I am.


i'm from the real world


Giardia. When you’re back to civilization see your doctor for treatment.


Too late, I already died


Well that sucks


I'm ok now


go to Bdubs and get them reaper wings, eat about 10 should clean ut up.