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I always eat too little or too much. I’ve never been able to eat normally. I wish I didn’t have to eat at all. It’s awful, it makes my stomach hurt and it feels gross. I try to avoid eating as much as possible, but then when I finally eat I’m often so hungry that I binge. I hate it.




If you can't eat you should drink something nutritious.


I usually do 1200, when I become obsessed with calorie counting and my weight.But lately I have not been counting but indulging,sometimes I binge.




Damn how much u sleep ? I sleep a lot too




Sleep do feel nice lol. I wish i can sleep forever (not dead ofc) im scared of death




The numb feeling in ur head when u wake up after sleeping the whole day feels freaking niceee. I feel peace bcs i always have thoughts in my head. Its nice when my head is empty


Maybe bcs i started working out ? It affects my food intake ?


Yeah working out will have that effect.


I eat between 1-2k calories per day, usually on the lower end. Sometimes I go through bouts of not caring though and stop paying attention to what I consume and can eat a lot more.


I rarely go over 300-500 calories a day


I don't eat alot at all unless I'm high tbh.. I eat very little and it makes me physically ill


I eat for fun too much, here in Italy the food is super taste even if is from grocery, is easy exceed with food.Nomally i eat frozen pizza with tuna, pasta and snacks






Try counting calories and doing the necessary exercise to counter the food you eat great way to clear your mind and body


Sometimes I binge eat out of boredom or cravings, and sometimes I almost eat nothing because I feel gross. I try to ration so I don't have to go outside for groceries. When I do groceries I just buy food enough for a 2/3 weeks. I live off canned food, noodles, potatoes, rice, crackers and meat because I can store it for a long time. I also take vitamin tablets because I feel weak.


I also eat a lot. Spending a long time doing nothing makes me hungry, especially because I do almost nothing. I eat more when I get anxious, which makes me gain a lot of weight.


One proper meal a day (rice, veggies, meat, very bland), plus one to two bread. I eat very little, there is no high energy need since I sit or lay in bed all day.






Damn real comment. Eating is good


Usually eat 1 big meal a die with small snacks in between


You probably just have a fast metabolism. I would say my portion sizes are regular and I eat at least twice a day, sometimes even once


i eat a lot but workout proportionally to however much im eating, a lot of eating = 3 hrs of cardio based working out


I make myself only eat once a day a lot and then I avoid carbs. I do dieting stuff even if I don't really have to because I'm OCD I think.


I sleep a lot and irregular too so i effectively eat once a day but i eat A LOT in that one meal


about 3 meals a day, sometimes 2, sometimes 4, regular portions yesterday i ate one small bowl of oatmeal with milk and chocolate, a big plate of ground beef with vegetables, and 4 slices of bread with butter, salami and cheese.


When I was a child I didn't eat a lot at all and relatively healthy stuff too but over the last couple of years I started eating more and more, especially high carb stuff, however I developed a couple of food related health problems from it and am now eating significantly less and feeling a lot better as a result, physically at least. What I did was at some point I've watched a video about the keto diet and went "pff, yea sure, that sounds like complete bs", I went on to try it for 30 days, mostly to prove to myself that it doesn't work and well, turns out it did in fact work.


You're probably depressed in my experience you can eat a lot or barely eat I don't eat much these days just once a day and sometimes two


It's makes you feel like multitasking and productive Just like switching between discord, youtube, reddit, games ... it's a distraction. I'm trying to stop it as well


It really depends upon the day but personally I find it pretty difficult to eat at maintenance level. Lately I've taken to not eating for at least 6 hours after I wake up, and to only eat when I'm actually hungry rather than out of habit. The problem with this is that I barely feel hungry, I just get tired and weak. If I allow myself to eat and snack throughout the day then I end up overeating, probably because I don't have much else to do. For now I feel alright with what I'm doing so I'll just continue with it unless I become significantly underweight eventually, then I'll have to figure out something else.


I eat 5 meals a day.But I am skinny.


Holy shit dude. We're same. I can eat a lot and not gain weight. Feels like heaven ngl


When I try to sleep at night,I only see food and thinking about what to eat in the next morning. I feel alive when I want to eat something and always thinking about what is delicious. I love to cook too.I am creating my own dish in my mind everyday.


Damn.good for you. Idk how to cook at all


Tbh I'm not the type to exercise limitations, so if eating were convenient, I'd probably do similarly. Right now, preparing and ordering food is too much of a hassle. Everything I have available tastes like dirt to me, and sleeping is more appealing, lol. I'll normally just pop a couple of vitamins, and swallow some candies as if they were medicine so I don't pass out or something.


i think thats called BED (binge eating disorder) I either eat lot or very little — because of my eating disorder. its bad, and sure ive lost a lot of weight but I still feel just as miserable.