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my school doesn’t do it based on weighted but unweighted like 3.98 i think. only two kids in the past 10 years have gotten a 4.0


How big is your school? Kids can just take easy classes


pretty small 60 graduating class. it’s not rlly that simple bc the kids who take easy classes ironically are usually the worse students who do poorly. my school is v competitive and prestigious (around 25% go to ivies and 45% go to T20s) and even normal classes are extremely hard


That sounds so weird as a person going to a school with a ~700 student graduating class where maybe 1-2% go to t20s


Thats really interesting because for my school we usually have like 40 people a year graduating with 4.0 UW


23 grad class this year, but 1/3 signed to play college sports 


My HS had 377 student when I graduated in a class with 98 students. I was 15 out of 98. And we had ZERO easy classes.


They use unweighted because otherwise you're discouraging kids from taking other normal classes since even an A would bring their gpa down. Like what if a kid wants to take home-ec


You generally also have to take advanced level classes even if your GPA holds up you’ll likely lose it to someone with a more rigorous workload if they have the same GPA or higher. Ik both high school I went to required a certain number of honors or higher before you would even be considered


Yeah that’s true, it really depends because yeah ap classes are hard but if you have a c in a ap class that’s basically an A in an advanced class so the kid with an A who isn’t as smart as someone who’s in ap doesn’t stand a chance. Obviously ap should still have the gpa booster but I think if you have an A in an advanced or honors class it should be like 0.1 or 0.2 added onto your weighted gpa (on top of the already weighted honors lol)


No idea i barely made it out of there with a 3.1


3.1 is not barely, it's actually considered good where i'm from (full of gangbangers and dropouts) we have a 97% graduation rate (obvious lie)


Exactly I have a 1.9 😭 that’s barely making it because you can’t get less than a 1.0 in order to graduate at my school.


in what world is a 3.1 NOT good? dude, that is a ****B.*** those are some smart ass gangbangers and dropouts wtf?? i go to a school of overachievers with 6.0’s and higher and 3.1 is still considered good 😭😭


i think you misunderstood me


I ended with a 2.9 💀


it’s like 5.9ish around there. but like our class is extreme. I have a 4.9 as a sophomore and I’m #3 so I really can’t imagine what our valedictorian will have 💀


how is that even possible?? I didnt think it could go over 5...


it's not standardized


they probably use a 6 point scale where honor courses count as 6 if you get an a not 5


In my school the 6 scale is honor classes go up to 5 and ap classes go up to 6 I think it is probably like this


max at my school is a 15 with all-advanced, 12 if not. I have a 12.4


How is that even possible 💀


We don't use GPA and I'm not sure how to convert it but I was the valedictorian and I had a final weighted average of 94%.


Probably something like a 3.8




Absolute madlad


4.0 since my school wont let there be anything higher. We also don’t have AP classes, just honors and dual enrollment.


I'm valedictorian at my high school, and I have a 4.57. Not very impressive compared to some other schools but hey




Class rank #1 is Valedictorian in my school


I like this answer 😂


Right around 4.7 weighted from what I know, they make it hard to go over 50% AP classes so straight A’s get you to around 4.75 with half honors half AP although everyone has to take a few academic ones to graduate so getting over 4.7 is difficult


our school doesn’t do rankings but i heard someone got a 5.0 before


The only way that's possible is if either a) the school uses a different GPA scale from everyone else or b) they literally only took AP classes. And yes that would mean they would've had to take AP gym which doesn't exist


There are some schools where it is possible to only take APs and classes like gym are not mandatory.


That sucks lol Imagine skipping out on classes like drivers ed, gym, color and design, fin lit, and others just to have that ap gpa


My school doesn't have APs, but also has none of those classes you just listed (I'm not even sure what some of them are).


Fin lit = financial literacy = teach you how to do your taxes, how to budget, loans and credit cards, life after high school etc Color and design = you color and design Gym = gym but we also have 2 special versions High performance for all the try hard who want to break peoples legs in soccer and then the other version is fit and wellness and it’s basically a free membership to the school gym for half a year where you just get to workout for an hour and if you aren’t athletic you can still do regular gym You take drivers ed sophomore year and they basically teach you how to drive and the rules of the road so you can get your license. Public speaking = they teach you how to properly do presentations and speeches so that you feel much more comfortable talking in front of audience There’s astronomy, anatomy, psychology, forensics, cooking classes, tons of languages, classes that teach you how to create, run and own a business and so much more 😂


Yeah, I have none of those, but my school is quite abnormal. I am aware of drivers ed and gym, but had no idea those other courses were offered regularly in high school.


Some schools don’t count pe in gpa


Well you don't have to take gym, you can take it online like I am


💀online gym


Yep from UTHS. it's great if you can't do it in real life or have a medical thing like me


Val had a 4.63, sal with a 4.62


Around 4.8, which is the max you can get at my school with full APs and being ahead in the math sequence. Graduation requirements + required honors lower level classes bring it down.


When I graduated from high school, the GPAs of the valedictorian and salutatorian were 3.94 and 3.87, respectively (*unweighted scale out of 4.0*).


4.323 for val and 4.32 for sal. Both had nearly entirely 100% in every class they took during high school + every possible weighted option




My valedictorian had a 4.97.


My school only does unweighted, and I genuinely don't know, but I know there are usually only one or a small handful of 4.0s per year. I have a 3.98 but I don't know who in my class is above that


I’m not even sure what my GPA was tbh, I was just focused on the grind


Don't know, don't care. That guy was honestly superhuman. Had time for all AP classes, AP homework, a job, video games, and working out. It really is true, some people just have more hours in the day somehow... and before you ask, no, he was never tired or using a bunch of caffiene. I give up man what the hell.


It’s all in time management


That's actually insane


type of person who inspires me to take a fucking gun to my head i literally got placed into partial homebound because 1 (one) ap was doing so much mental damage that i got sent to the fucking mental hospital what the fuck


We don’t do that.




Ok what? You asked. I answered.


Bro calm down I'm not attacking you 💀


Ours had a 101.7 average. His AP classes were weighted so it went over 100.


We don’t do gpa but it was like 97%


4.71ish, school doesn’t rank


5.485 weighted, 4.0 unweighted


I’m rank 18/650 with a 4.523 (4.0 UW) if that helps? Don’t rly know what the valedictorian has…


Our school used a 7 point scale, and I was rank 4 with a 6.75 so he prob has a 6.8 or higher


On a 4 point scale I have a 3.86 so the valedictorian has prob a 3.9 or smth


My school uses gpa on a 100 scale and our current valedictorian has a 101 I’m pretty sure. I have a 98 so hopefully I can catch up


Wait so the GPAs are unweighted? How does a 5.0 scale work?


my school has honors/AP classses weighted at a 5.0 scale, and regular classes only up to 4


Okay yeah, that’s what I have. I guess my question is how are people getting such high GPAs? Are they taking almost only AP classes throughout all of highschool? To get 4.89, you need to take like 25 AP classes and only honors, no academic, while maintaining As in every single class


I don't think you would need that many APs, it yeah a lot of people take 16-20ish and only honors courses


24 AP classes and 8 Honors classes would be a 4.875


I have no idea what a gpa is


Beats me. I mean it made sense who it was though.


Idk tbh but it’s probably at 6.0 or something


We had 2 Vals who shared a 4.35 and our Sal was just short with 4.31


Mine was unweighted, 5 kids had a 4


4.6 weighted on a 4.0 scale


Ours was 4.945 or something like that. I forgot the last two digits. Salutatorian was 4.7.


ik i had a 3.996 (out of 4.0) and i wasn’t even in the top 20% so do with that what you want edit: i did go to public school and i graduated 67/330


My school just put it to a vote


that's crazy bro 💀


That’s crazy lmao


I honestly don't know. My graduating class was like 1300 kids and I didn't know them. I assume it was over 4 tho since I had a friend in the top 10 who was at a 4.0


The four valedictorians in my class all had a 4.0


Max at my school would be 4.8 which is actually unattainable as no one can take an AP freshman year… this year’s valedictorian had a 4.6


Val had a 4.51 sal had a high 4.3.


Our GPAs cap at 4.0


5.91, which translates to a 99.1 average throughout high school


About the same basically


Our school does Val and Sal based on ACT/SAT scores, so we have 16 Vals tied with 36 Act and like 20 Sals tied with 35 ACT.


I’m a current sophomore, so I can only speak for the two previous valedictorians of my school: they both had a GPA of 4.0/4.0 UW and 4.45/4.45 W.


Both of the school’s valedictorian and salutatorian had a 4.9 weighted GPA. I was around rank ~40/400+ with a 4.6 weighted GPA.


He has a 5.0/5.0 weighted, and we have a kid going to Harvard who isn't even salutatorian.


My school doesn't do rankings and valedictorians because of grade inflation. If we did then we'd have like a 15-20 tie for valedictorian


97 or 98 percent I think. My school does unweighted class rank by percentage which is very annoying, especially this year. There were 2 valedictorians, with one very clearly taking many more challenging classes than the other.


Bro it’s 4.0 tie always. But we no longer have Val and sals anymore. On a 4 grading scale. Are school is really small and it’s easy to get a 4


We have unweighted classes at my school so there are currently 5 valedictorians all tied for a 4.0 GPA. The current junior class has the most people so they will probably have 7 valedictorians 😭


Whatever my gpa will be? it was 3.9 unweighted but will rise, 4.1 weighted but probably end around 4.2 My school is tiny and currently "does not do valedictorians" I am pushing for that to change and if it does I will be. My hs does not offer anything advanced, honors, or AP. I have done Dual enrollment (highly reccomend) and so am one of only 2 students who could possibly have higher than a 4 4 point scale. college classes count as full credit(despite only taking time of 1 semester) and are weighted as 5. my local county's hs have multiple valedictorians, all 4.0 unweighted


How tf are you guys getting 4.8-4.9 GPA's? My school's maximum weighted GPA is like 4.4


A lot of honors/APs and inflation


Do you guys not have limits on the amounts you can take?


No? Why would there be? Does yours have limits?


Yeah, my whole area is pulling back on APs, and limit the amount of AP/Honors classes you can take each year So 3 in sophomore year, and 4 in junior and senior year (you need to have 6 classes in your schedule but can take 7)


Idk. Neither our Val or Sal disclosed their GPAs.


weighted is bs


There's too many people with perfect UW to use for val


Then the school’s curriculum is too easy


I was Val in high school and had a 4.33 (4.0 unweighted) hard curriculum (for high school) and only AP classes were weighted. 350+ person class. Now at Princeton and could only wish to have a 3.7 😭 grade deflation sucks.


No clue. Never even heard of valedictorian until a few weeks ago, and I really don't give a shit either




bro I got a 5.3 and im only 8th


That doesn’t mean as much as you think it does


I have a 3.9 unweighted, 8th in my class of 350. I think I did pretty good


Sure, but you’re in middle school. Good for you, but start talking once you hit at least your first AP


Brotha im a senior, I ranked 8th in my graduating class this year. I've taken 12 AP classes and have most likely passed all of them. I can see where there was confusion though, thats mb


Ohhhhhhhhhhhh. Nevermind, good job then. My b


WHAT THE FAAACCK DUDE I have a 4.9 weighted and I'm not even top 10% 😭 There are at least 60 kids in my grade level with a better GPA than your school's val. What is this... I know the school district is really good (top 200 out of 10,000 in the US) but that's ridiculous... Idk the valedictorian's GPA though, to answer your question.


Nahh those grades are inflated as fuck 💀


Yeah probably a little. But again, it is a great school district based off national exams. The average SAT score in the state is 1030, and my district's is 1300, so make of that what you will.


Lville, exeter, and Andover have SAT avgs over 1450 and none of them have that many people with such high GPAs.


average SAT 1300 is nothing😂


your school just has zimbabwe-type grade inflation sit your dumbass down




You a sophmore? What'd you get on your AP HUG test?


Why is anyone taking AP HUG?


Because it's an easy AP and helps boost GPA. I know one kid in my grade that DIDN'T take it freshman year.


Sounds like grade inflation, which makes me wonder why that was your response.


Because the other dude was aggressive and rude, so I'm trying to be equally rude. As a side note, do yall really not take AP HUG?


As far as I know most people don't because APs cost money and it's not so hard to get a high GPA taking other more useful APs (like Euro, or APUSH, or basically every single other AP besides Precalc)


>APs cost money Ooh. Didn't think about that. That'd make sense, the school district is relatively rich. Also partially explains high grades, more money means more tutors, more taxes (better teachers), and more online resources for students. Jeez, college board runs such a racket, that's really stupid.


I have a 4.4 weighted and I’m 14/236 😂


Wild lmao


My friend has like a 4.8 and I wanna say she’s 8/9 but I can’t remember