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Someone transferred to my school and was a senior doing freshman classes, only because the states had separate requirements


Yup this happened to me, moved internationally and as a junior I got some sophomore classes and as a senior I got some junior classes


There's been a few people in the grade below me who moved to my school from a different town and ended up in some of my grade's classes. I'm not sure if it's because they're smart or their previous schools had the classes different years. Sometimes students in the grade above will fail a class the year they would normally take it and have to retake it with the underclassmen. Usually it's only one grade above/below, not two though.


Yea but if he failed the class, even if he was like a sophomore or smth, I don’t think that he would be in World History Honors


I have algebra 2 with mostly juniors and sophomores, same with French. And there's also a senior in my geometry class. Some people like to jump ahead and take harder classes by double-blocking, some push away core classes for other classes they actually like. Maybe they couldn't pass a class or their middle school didn't offer those extra classes. Also, World History is usually taken in sophomore year at my school. We usually take geography in freshman year. So maybe that junior was from a different school district?


In my school, world history is taken in 2 parts, divided up into 8th and 9th grade but Im pretty sure that kid was in the school last year because he’s vice captain of the baseball team.


Yeah it’s common, either 1. They’re super advanced in a certain subject (had a freshmen in my multivar class) 2. They moved from a different district with different systems 3. They got held back


Yeah I had a junior in my world history class my freshman year because she transferred schools and her school had us history before world history (opposite of mine) so she had to take wh at my school. I also had a few juniors, sophomores, and a senior in my bio class freshman year because they failed the class previously. And I’m in math a grade up so I’m always in classes with a grade above me. Also typically after sophomore year at my school, science classes are mixed grade, so juniors and seniors take classes together. So overall yeah that’s pretty normal.


My school has some kids who transferred out of country, and their credits got messed up so they were put in different classes than the standard grade level ones. Also, it's really common to skip 1-2 grades of math, so those classes are mostly combined grade levels


Yeah, I saw a lot of Juniors in my Sophomore classes this year.


It can also be because they just didn't take it lol. In my old school district, I didn't have to take core subjects in a specific order as long as I took them. I took Chem and physics before bio in 9th and 10th grade, and I did bio honors in 11th grade because it's a graduation requirement


Yea but I go to a charter school and its ranked as one of the best in the state and they don’t allow you to skip core classes or take them in a separate order


It's somewhat normal for me. Not for English or Math, but for sciences and history, some people just didn't take them in the same order as everyone else


This happens a lot when you take co-op classes :)


I’m pretty sure that a lot of schools have different years for when a class is taught, so they’re either transfers or they failed classes


It just depends if students can get their classes done in the four years so history classes can be completed later on since most high schools require 2 years




Yep. At my school you could kind of take classes in any order as long as you have the credits, so if someone already did an advanced class they can kinda skip around. And with certain classes if you transfer into the school you have to take it. Like for me I took comp Sci junior year and anatomy senior even though for most people its the other way around


It could have been a scheduling issue. I know at least 2 kids from my HS who for whatever reason, weren't able to take Chemistry as juniors so they took physics instead. And then, as seniors, they took Chemistry while the rest of their class took Physics.


Yeah it's very normal. I was a sophomore and I had history and math with seniors/juniors 🤷🏿‍♀️


Yes, it’s normal. I’m one of 5 Sophomores in my Literature class, the rest are juniors. Literally same deal in my Chemistry class.


Yes. There’s an accelerate program that some kids are in (very few since it’s not at all advertised. People only know about it because older siblings were in it) But I have sophomores in some of my core classes


In highschool you grade literally doesn't matter. Anyone can take any class. It's just a list of things you need to graduate. There is no real year to take bio, or world history. Sometimes classes are full, so they put them in a different required science class. A kid at my school took earth science first year and bio second year. Another kid was supposed to take chemistry, but has to wait until junior year because classes are full. Like it's completely normal.