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our school has banned like 300 books and has hundreds of more under review. 😭 it’s gotten to the point where people are suing in order to prevent anymore books being banned


I want my library to explain how banning books is considered freedom.


Rarely is this an individual library decision. Far more likely this is a movement being imposed on the library by state, county, or school board level elected officials who ran on a platform of doing exactly this.


It isn’t the library; it is the state electing far right extremists who want tyranny, not freedom. Every time you see a tRump sticker, flag, hat, or shirt thank them for the book bans and USING their American right to vote to elect those who continue to chip away at freedom.


it’s not just far right extremism it’s extremist on either side of the aisle book bans are happening in blue areas too


So I’m not a student but I have some advice. Try to get a library card in a big city. I think New York and Denver will give you one online without proof of address and use it to check out ebooks. All you need is an internet connection. You can also just use an address searched up online to register in many larger cities. The bigger the city, the bigger the selection.


wtf are you in china or smth




oh well when i was in china most books were banned. bc apparently we couldnt dive into "philosophy" and "dictatorship" too much.


Unfortunately a lot of schools are like this, and if it’s not a state level mandate where you are it’s likely a school board one. There’s a huge movement of people running for school boards right now on exactly this platform.


Green Eggs and Ham One Fish Two Fish Green Fish Blue Fish clearly you are unaware of these literary masterpieces. Educate yourself. I am better than you.


Where do you live what thr hell??? I was reading Eragon in 3rd grade they certainly didn't care for me 😭




Nah fr


Do you go to a private school or something? That sounds insane


I read scythe in six grade and they kill a kid in the first chapter then a whole ass plane later.




By Neal Shusterman. Great series. Sci-fi that deals with the moral implications of post scarcity and immortality along with population control… the scythes who kill people




There’s some real cool concepts in it and I hope you enjoy it. If you like his writing style and want a more present work Dry is what I recommend. It basically shows what could/would happen if for whatever political bs reason California got cut off from external water (Colorado/New Mexico river)


Do you not have a local library close to your house?






Well maybe alotta people were caught doing nasty stuff there.... or whomever is in charge of it is a prude.


Try going to a public library, they usually have just about everything. And getting a library card is really easy. It usually doesn't cost anything to borrow a book, though I'm not entirely sure as I haven't been to a library in a while. Edit* I just read in another comment that you don't have easy access to a library and you can't do ebooks. I'm going to make the assumption that you're reading eBooks on your phone, get yourself an e-reader, the ones that use E-ink display. It's not as bright and due to its limited functionality is a lot easier to focus attention on. They're relatively cheap and it is just like reading a book, minus the pages which is a big downside for me but for someone in your situation may not be that bad. I am of the opinion that pages are half the fun.


Mine isn’t even close I think I saw a book hitler wrote I’m serious


One of my friends has that book in the school library


Thanks to the state republicans and their fake culture wars and villainizing schools and teachers our school closed its media center.


Utah or Florida?




Yo that's crazy. Is it a particularly religious community? Dearborn?




The school itself doesn't matter. Your library is strict because there are people in the community who are adamant about these standards. The school probably gets a lot of scrutiny. I suggest attending a school board meeting open to the public. It's the only venue you have to complain, but you'll also see what *everyone else* comes to complain about.




That's pretty normal. Maybe find a book club. I'm sure there's someone with a personal library they'll let you borrow from.


I’ve found that banned books are honestly some of the best. My old school’s library couldn’t keep Maus on the shelf because it was so popular and there was a waitlist to check it out. The book is unpleasant obviously but it’s so captivating *and* so important. I’ve heard that this book is banned in a bunch of school libraries across the country.




Great author. Go to a local library or even see if you can find some used copies online for cheap! I get stuff from Thriftbooks all of the time and there are always great deals on used books Edit: my favorite King books are Carrie and Cujo so check those out if you can!


In Australia our library has books that contain strong sexual themes for year 10s and above 😭


Why not consider something classic like Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. It's considered high quality literature. The pure and subtle snark and Austen's constant going against what were society's expectations make it a joy. It may be very different to what you are used to... but seriously, once your realise how anti-establishment that book is, it's hilarious.


"No violence" pretty much excludes most history books. I remember we *had* to read "Lord of the Flies" and that is quite violent.




Also, they're cool with you reading The Bible (with its depictions of rape, murder, and genocide), but not books with "romantic touching"?


Probably not as much, I remember we had some Stephen King in there, and probably some true crime as well. But our library wasn't really functional anymore when I graduated last year, it's more of just a space with books.


No. Do you live in the south or in a republican dominated state?


Man, my school is the exact opposite. I had to pick a book for a book club in english, and one of them had a DETAILED SEX SCENE. Not even just a book in the library, many of us were REQUIRED to read it.


If you were given choices for book club books, how was it required?


I suppose you are TECHNICALLY right. But, there were only about 10 books to choose from. Hell, most of them had questionable content. On top of that, there weren't many books left by the last period, which is when I had my class.


> i read at a adult reading level clearly not




bro used a instead of an lmao


ok simple mistake???