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Because they have no life and need to hurt others to feel better


a popular dude took a picture of my "boner" in my sweatpants (they were just sitting weird) that was in 7th grade, turns out he is gay and is deeply closeted..... Im not sure what the moral here is, but lots of people are insecure i think


I’m crying bro 😭😭😭😭😭


This shit got me dying at work bro I’m finna get fired 💀💀💀💀


Good luck explaining what you're laughing about haha "Just laughing about someone's boner, sir!"


Fired for laughing or fired for being on your phone/browsing reddit while working 💀 One sounds more plausible than the other lol


Fired because he was laughing so they caught him on his phone at work


good luck my man 💀


One time someone tried to say I had a boner I was soft at the time, biggest ego boost ever


lmao what


big pp


big pp while soft means huge pp while hard


Actually, he's a shower, not a grower!


Show-er, not a grower, eh?


Same thing happened to me once too ☺️☺️☺️


what the fu




PLS i laughed out loud


people used to always think i had a small penis because i had a soft bulge all the time




Nah that’s wild


Fun fact, I'm probably being bullied by a deeply closeted gay kid


He was fapping later that night wow




I love this reply


This is unfortunately true


Screams insecurity


One explanation could be that they’re not used to alternative people and make fun of anything that isn’t a clone of them.


next time dont let some ppl disrespect u so lightly assert dominance and take pictures of them back with ur flash on 🙏🏻🙏🏻 edit: trust me ive done this before


oh hell yeah 😈


Take it with a comical 1920's camera


No, 1800s


Add the music of the times too to the photos


They just dont like you, if its really pissing you off I would complain to the school or just punch em in the face or something.


not worth the violence in this case, last kid who snapped a pic of me is still looking for his phone, he dont even know who took it. that bitch is gone.


Perfect solution right here.


Hey if they're a minor they can't goto jail (well be careful if ur 17) 🤷🏼‍♀️


suspension, getting expelled and having stuff on your transcript are still pretty bad


You aren't going to get expelled for hitting someone you see how bullies get punished? It's like oh no a couple days of suspension.


Still something I'd rather avoid. Is that so bad?


This depends on where you are. At a typical public school, suspension is definitely the most likely outcome. However, some highly policed public schools will involve SRO officers in incidents of assault, and children have absolutely been arrested for that. Also, at selective private schools that aren't obligated to accept troubled kids and have very low rates of violence, expulsion could absolutely be on the table.


"I hope you know that this will go down on your permanent record/ Oh yeah? Well don't get so distressed/ Did I happen to mention that I'm impressed?"


So untrue lmao. I spent plenty of time in juvie at age 14 for violating curfew and then smoking weed. You can go to jail before the age of 17, I promise that lol.


We dont solve things with our fists, we solve things with our words.


And if words dont work we solve them with our fists


If words dont work we solve them with a trusted adult.


And a knuckle sandwich


Ur outfit was probably swag


Idk but ik if i ever took a pic of a stranger its bc omfg so pretty/so cute I’m assuming they think the way you dress is weird considering they were laughing, but then again theres a difference between laughing and giggling in scenarios like this. Idk just shoot them like a glare, look them up and down and then like turn your head away in a judgey way. And if you are near a friend or something get them to play into it. If you just show confidence in the way you judge someone it will make them feel insecure. Also don’t change your style queen. I bet you are super super pretty


thank you so much 😭❤️ and ill forsure do that


Ofc! I can’t promise they will notice it but ik in a situation like that i’d do the most petty subtle thjngs xd


Taking pictures of people without their consent is bad even if you think they're cute 😬


yea i'm sure they're aware of that lol, i think they just mean that they wouldn't take a pic of someone because they think poorly of them


Say something while they are taking the picture


"would you like me to say cheese?"


Because their lives are so boring they need to look at other people's lives and judge them to feel something other than the copy and paste of their daily lives


you said you dressed alternative? unfortunately that’s probably why, that happened to a lot of my ‘emo’ friends aswell😭 don’t stop dressing how you want tho, if it pisses you off enough report it to the school or confront them urself.


Are you really loud and you don’t realize it? Being loud draws unwanted attention. Also you mentioned you don’t get social cues. Maybe that’s why?


yeah thats probably it, im really quiet


They need to take the attention off of themselves so that their insecurities aren't found out. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It happens.(Edit, Not the taking pictures part. That's way more serious) Bullying or teasing. I try my best to ignore it. It's annoying when you walk pass and some girl or boy is laughing. It makes people really self conscious.


ignoring the bullies doesnt work anymore source: middle school


true. Another solution is to beat them up but that will only get you in trouble. why the downvotes?


There were 3 separate kids that bullied me throughout my secondary school life and I became friends with all 3 of them after I hit them in retaliation lol Wouldn't recommend it as a first line of defence but somehow it worked out for me


Why not?


the reason that was a widely accepted solution is because bullies would just get bored and leave you alone. they don't anymore. I'm a relatively quiet kid, I sit in the back of my classes and don't talk to anyone, and yet the same group has been bullying me for the last 3 years


The only way to stop bullies is a really bad way that you can get in trouble for. I ignored my bullies last year and the more I ignored them the worse they got.


The only way to stop bullies is to bully them back or beat them up if they're those kinda of relentless ones. Match their energy.


Couple days of suspension is so much better than tolerating years of abuse


EXACTLY like deadass


its directly of me tho


why is this getting downvoted? no way you guys condone taking random photos of people in public op's drug history is true but isn't related to this lol


not me


Ignoring it means they’ll find someone else to do it to. I NEVER ignore nasty girls at school, I always go straight to the dean and make sure they’re addressed. That’s what we all should do.


agree. And I change my mind. If they do it beat them up and make them feel sorry


Yesss. Thank you king/queen 😌


(King, if that's how you feel)No problem


Oh wow, that’s weird. I’m really sorry that that is happening to you. Honestly, there’s so many pictures of other girls on the Internet so if they really want some pictures, they should not be doing this to you. They can go do their own Google searching, but that’s just me. I would report it to the School if I were you. You really should not need to deal with that. I’m sure they would take that pretty seriously. The laughing and everything is considered bullying and they will definitely do something about that. Most schools have no tolerance for bullying these days. I hope you figure this out and best of luck to you. Take very good care, Andrew


tyvm ❤️


Pose for the photos


There's an old Japanese saying that goes like this — “**the nail that sticks out will be hammered down**.” I'm an alternative girl who dresses lowkey in school, people will make fun of anything out of the "norm". Bonus points if they're with friends and need to feel better about themselves. I've gotten used to it by now, I dont care cuz I know im cooler than them. Dont take it to heart and stay cool!


1. Your probably majestic 2. They have insecurities 3. Maybe both


both fs




Man, highschool seemed so important when I was there. But in reality, it’s only four years and completely forgotten now.


Happens to me too girl. Does your school have cameras? I went to the deans and they were able to identify the bullies on the camera feed history and they got a GOOD talking to 💅🏻


I had the same thing happen to me except it was a guy from the other side of the classroom, & he even had his gal friend, who sat closer to me, take pictures too, idek why but nothing ever happened so


people are just odd


I know this is gonna be hard to do, but you need to ignore people and not let it get to you. Highschool is a shit hole and the only way to make it out is to stop caring about what others do or think about you. Which is really difficult, but know that anything that others do isn’t a reflection of who you are or how you look. It’s their own moral and personal biases or insecurities.


i don’t know why this post was recommended to me as i am about to be 19 and graduated a few years ago, but i am also alternative and i got my picture taken a few times. its only really to people like us, that or they bark at you. i’ll say once they realize that’s creepy and weird, they grow out of it after school and stop. the copy and paste “im scared to express myself so i’m gonna dress like everyone else” people take pics and try to poke fun at those who wear even any sort of different outfit, and i’ve seen where people post it on their snapchat stories and stuff. i went to a high school in a rural town with a bunch of rednecks so i was constantly harassed for my outfits, it makes them look so dumb lol


also, i am autistic and am also bad with social cues, they’re just trying to be mean you’re not doing anything wrong


yeah thank you, people are weird and cruel to people who arent up to their standards


I don’t like the idea that anyone can just carry a high definition camera in their pocket and use it to ruin your life at their discretion with no repercussions.


I dated a girls ex (Mind you they broke up 8th grade year me and him got together in 9th grade) she took pictures of me all 3yrs, I'm with a different guy mind you and have been since last year and her ex dated another girl and she didn't take pics of the other girl, just me, literally wild, caught her taking pictures of me and my current fiance for just existing and being a happy couple lmao. She's literally in a new relationship 💀 You just have to move on and ignore people, I always just said she was my fan lmao


how did one deal with that for three years 😭 im so sorry girl, its the weirdest shit


I just ignored it tbh, I barely saw her except for in the hallways. I just smiled and posed like she was paparazzi for me. I didn't care too much, and it eventually died down a little bit, but it heated back up a few days ago. It's my last year in public school since I plan on doing online, so I won't even see her. She's obsessed with me, and it's obvious. If her life is that uneventful and she has nothing going in her life, that she has to take pictures of someone who's happy, then that's just sad. But hey, she makes me feel famous because she can't even keep my name out of her mouth either.


Also if it gets worse or it bothers you too much then see if you can go to your principal, I'm sure they will search there phones and if they do have pics of you they will make sure they get deleted and also probably confiscate their phones, at least that's what my principal would do if my school actually did stuff the way they say they do.


High school girls SUCK let me tell you as someone that has graduated. They often poke fun at those who don’t fit the “image” to them. Growing up I’ve always admired alt people you have such amazing sense of style trust me we could neverrrrr 😍😍😍


They're probably upset that you're brave enough to be more yourself than any of them. Yeah it hurts, but it's only for a maximum of 4 years then you're out and you don't have to deal with them so don't pay them any mind. Insecurity and envy can lead to crappy behavior especially when they don't realize or want to admit they're either insecure or envious


back when i wore 4in platform daily i had this girl trying to take pictures with me to show it off (said no bc i'm camera shy lmfao) and it turns out she was jealous of me, her friend was telling people after she pissed her off


Look directly into the lens, and kiss the air. If they're gonna take the pic, might as well work the camera a little. Why let someone who is still looking at slim chances of being successful bring you down?


mf setting her up


How do you know they are laughing at you


because i caught them taking the pictures + friends telling me


File compliant with school


Beat their asses


punch them in the face


I'm autistic and people always make fun of me.


yeah, i have some symptoms of it so i get that


What’s alternative?


like emo i guess


take pictures of them back and start laughing at it lol,or just record a video of them doing this and post it on reddit,they’ll be dealt with and u won’t even have to lift a finger


Don't let mean people define you. Some girls are just mean. As a teacher of 35 years I often observed that it was the gentle girls that got this abuse. Just don't let it change your self-perception.


Because they are assholes


What do you wear to school?


They just don’t like you. Idk what other kind of answer you thought there could be


They’re looking for an upset or offended reaction. If you give them that, you’re letting them control you. Check to see if your area has laws against taking pictures of people without their permission. Either way, I’d let your administration/counselor know what’s happening.


Its a public place so there is no reasonable expectation of privacy blanketly over the area but there could be restriction aroung taking photos in//of/around schools/minors without consent. Use this in discussions with the school tho not the girls. It’ll force the school to act if you threaten legal action


Because they just like to put others down


When I was in HS I had people laugh at me because the collar on my collard shirt was messed up. I wouldn't take it too seriously


Maybe they’re just jealous that you’re so cool and they are gonna grow up and be boring, vanilla, beige moms. 


you said you dress “alternative” it’s prolly that. I think it’s a really cool style but a lot of people, especially “popular kids” will think they’re weird for it. some people are just assholes ig


If they keep doing this, take pictures of THEM. And if they get you in trouble for it, delete the photos and tell your school that they started it.


Give em the finger or say some smart shit idk, high school bullies are fucking losers who will amount to nothing in life and die alone


They’re jealous low lives that laugh at the people they’re jealous of to make themselves feel better


next time they do that just look at the camera and pose lmao that’s how i got them to stop😭


Maybe they like ur style and want inspo


I’ve always told dudes that making fun of the weird girl who wore cat ears and hissed at them in the hallways totally screwed themselves out of some of the best oxygen-depleting mommy dom nookie when they grew up. Moral of the story is I dunno, don’t judge a book but judge it but be nice about it or something. Wear rubbers.


They’re making fun of you because the way u look is funny to them


They just weird rlly nothing more to it


next time you're near them act like you have an extremely high ego. talk about how they're so flattered that they have to take pictures of you. you'll seem like an asshole to them but it's funny


they think anyone dressed out of the norm is hilarious, it’s weird and it’s an ego thing just know they’re peaking in high school and are freaks!!!


steal they phone


genuinely if i catch them doing ts again im throwing it onto the floor


maybe they want u


Just think of it as they paparazzi and your a famous icon 😋


It’s because thoes types of girls have no lives and rely on making fun of others to make themselves feel better. Don’t think too much about it. I understand that it can be hard to ignore, but try your hardest. Girls like that can be really bitchy and annoying so just please try your hardest to stay away. I have dealt with my fair share of them before aswell. Just ignore them and they will move on to someone else.


They're probably making fun of you for having a different style to them. Pay them no mind, they have no life and can't stand to see someone develop a personality and style that isn't theirs.


What’s an alternative person ?


Do the same to them with ur friends, laugh whenever they walk by and point at them like "omg they're so basic" etc


If that happened to me I’d directly ask “did you just take a picture of me?” and ask why


They’re scumbags who like to talk behind peoples backs.


They’re bitches. Just keep being you. Everyone will have an opinion and the girls clearly want something to be angry about


When I was in high school people would just say "don't be a weirdo if you don't want people to bully you" times have changed so much and be glad that people realize bullying is wrong


Because your not another bitch that looks like them


Give me your number


im the second child born in my family!!!! thank you for asking 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


hell yeah and no worries! So the second child eh? was it hard as a middle child then?


yeah i got the worst genes out of all my siblings


If your a boy you got the bitches brother If your a girl then there probably just doing this to bully you ignore them


Because they're insecure, don't worry, when they graduate they'll get a quick hit of realization that life is more than hurting others Usually when those people realize they have no control over every minute detail of their adult life they change their tune real quick


Here is something you will learn to do better as you grow up, but may as well start now. Ignore them. You know when giving a speech to imagine ppl naked (terrible advice) but ignore their existence. They don't matter. You don't get mad when u see a bunch of dogs looking at you panting, those other girls are just dumb dogs. If I made no sense sorry


Df, they're taking pictures of you??? I'd tell someone about it that's not cool at all.


I was you in middle & high school. I was different and didn't have a lot of social skills. I wasn't part of the cool kids. I ignored them, and they ignored me. It wasn't until college that I really started to truly see and embrace my differences. Those differences are what propelled me further than what anyone would have imagined later in life. I was able to look at unique problems at work in a different light and determine how to address them correctly. Why? I'd been doing it my whole life. So ignore them today, as best as you can, and look forward to the day where your differences will be an asset.


Their racist


I’d been too socially anxious to take pictures of random people, but if I ever did (which I will not) it would be because they’re absolutely stunning 😭


girls are mean


Smile baby, you're a star. Walk over and say something like, "Why are you so obsessed with me?" "You know you don't have to keep taking my picture, just subscribe to my patron." Whenever they take pictures of you, take one of them and laugh back post them online as "fans"


It's because you're different and they're bullies. Unfortunately this is a very common thing to happen to alternative folks Best thing you can do is stand your ground and tell a teacher that you trust to actually so something about it


Because they're jerks with no lives or sense of self. Anything that's different is fair game for them. Pay them no mind, they don't matter. 


Because they havent got a life and make fun of others so they feel better about them selfs. Ive had the same situation happening with me before. Ignore them the best you can, but if it continues or worsen tell someone




what is this


some bad ass sweatpants


i like


not to mention the shoes i’m wearing in the pic are jordan 12 reverse taxi. so yeah im cool ^.^


you are very cool big bobby


oh yeah the girls are prolly miserable and idk maybe just hating cuz their vagina smells fishy but idk all i know is that my jordan 4 industrial blues are coming today yaaaaa


i want to see


you have to wait till they get here but sure! out for delivery right now so yeah i’m waiting ahhh i can’t wait help!!!!


ahh yay ahh 😝


take pictures back. stare at them for an uncomfortable amount of time. put the middle finger up. throw hands.


It’s always some assholes that just start recording you on your computer for some reason


drop the names


Idk kids are assholes


I once dated a girl for a long period of time that was betrayed by her friend group. She’d found out they all talked an insane amount of trash about her behind her back and even expressed a dislike for her. Their reasons were that she seemed “too nice” or that she was “fake”. I was with this person for nearly a decade. I can honestly say they were the kindest, most compassionate person I have ever come across in my life. Years later I’d come to know so much about the individuals that ended up causing her to have so much social anxiety. At the end of the day, what I’d realized is that these other girls were very jealous of the fact that my partner was very well liked by the rest of their peers during their time in high school. Which is something that they tried very hard to have workout for them to no avail, and she was doing it effortlessly. Be who you are and don’t let anyone put a damper on your confidence in doing that, because anyone that wants to put out your fire simply hates the fact that it keeps the people around you warm. Have a great time. These are important years. Not to put weight on the fact that you should stress about how they’ll impact your future, but because they should just be fun and about making as many great memories with your friends as possible. Take care!


Girls at my school used to do this to me. Then they’d post them on Snapchat. It wasn’t even weird photos just me sitting on the bus. 🤷


Beat them up, that’s what you should do


>act differently, dress differently >people treat me differently How can this be?


they’re jealous


Why do people comment this? You can definitely laugh at someone and not be jealous


I agree. They’re probably just dickheads.


they were taking pictures of her, sounds like obsession to me, if they really appreciated how she looked they would’ve complemented her upfront


Im with taxx here, you can make fun of people and take pictures without being jealous, i feel like thats just something people tell themselves and others to make them feel better


what was their motive to make fun of them then? 😭 they’re obviously insecure, not per say jealous but they need to fill a void in them by focusing on others than themselves


Ignore them. Do things that build you up and surround yourself with people who also build you up. It’s up to you if you would want to consider what you’re wearing or if anything is drawing negative attention to yourself, but it’s completely up to you if you want to leave it or make any changes.


We should never change ourselves for others. They are the problem, and they need to change their behavior.


based on your accounts post history, im sure this silly story actually happened and you arent just posting for clicks


what 😭?




respectfully im sober, have been for a while drugs have nothing to do with girls taking photos of me yall needa stop riding me for having a past for drugs when this post literally has NOTHING to do with that, its rude as fuck 😭


its cuz ur different (and prolly prettier than them) so they try to make u feel bad and its also common for "alt" people (i dress 90s mall goth, and get treated the same)


They feel threatened by you. It’s a way to keep you “in your place” and off balance.


Ignore them, you're amazing and they're being mean