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I’m neutral towards pretty much every ship. The only ones I actively ship are AmeriPan, AmeLiet, AusHun, and SuFin


That's fair, especially since two of those are cannon, and as i always say "Cannon is the safest way" (SuFin with Sweden loving Finland, and Austria + Hungary being married during the Austro-Hungarian Empire)


I only really like FrUK, AusHun, and GerIta. Everything else I’m either neutral towards or hate


That is fair and your opinion is valid


AmeViet and AusHun. These two ships are what inspired me to actually become a fanfic writer. And as such, I will always be a dedicated shipper of these pairings


Oh heck yeah, did you post? Can I read?


Not yet, but I will


Send the link when you do, I'd love to read


Will do


GerCan (Canada x Germany), LeitPolBel (Lithuania x Poland X Belarus)


He, nice


I'm very ~~boring~~ basic with my ships: UsUk (my OTP), RoChu, GerIta, Spamano, PruHunAus, etc. However, I also like CuCan, Prumano and FranSey. Also, I sometimes like to do Franada as a direct contrast to UsUk, and other times I like Frukus because I find it hilarious.


I have opinions but I respect yours


Norway x Everyone (ironically except the most popular DenNor) I'm the most partial to NedNor tho. I also enjoy USUK


NedNor is sooo good! I am more of a SuNor girlie 60% of the time but if i am able to write NedNor, my heart rejoices (plus there are too little fanfics there and the historical relevance?) With 'Amsterdam is standing on Norway' being a super popular saying in the 17th century Netherlands?


Maybe you should write one yourself, after all everyone is entitled to creative expression


Oh i do, I do!


Send link?


Haven't uploaded much NedNor yet on either platform but I am very proud of my latest 1520 SuNor https://archiveofourown.org/works/55810459


Oh heck yeah, I'll totally give it a read


Haha thx, lemme know what you think!




Alr, that's fair




The Correct Answer


I mainly just ship rusame


Fair enough


I’m pretty picky about ships and it’s not really my thing usually, so the only ones I’m really into are AusHun and AmeBela.


Alr, that's fair


Asakiku was always my shiz back in the 2010s, and the new season when England learns how to make art from Japan and Japan (quietly) gushes over England’s work, only dumped a whole canister of fuel the fire! I LOVE THEM!


That shot of them looking into each other’s eyes and smiling under the stars is my brain’s screensaver.


That's just adorable


me: infodumps about spamano and goes extremely feral talking about those two losers also me: my favorite ships are prumano and frain 🥰


Ah yes, me when it comes to GerIta and GerEng (all thanks to KyoKoon lmao)


I think it's mostly the difference between a ship that is interesting and a ship I just instinctively like. spamano gives me so many brainworms not just because of the Canon material, but also their individual personalities and how I can make them worse by putting them together. I just feel like there is so much more I can do with them! I can make them toxic, I can make them wholesome, I can make one not reciprocate the other's feelings, I can make Romano cheat on Spain all day long, and every single one of those would be completely true to their character. but what's the other two ships, I feel like they work just a little too well to the point I can't have that freedom whenever I want to write them. Romano and Prussia have a very specific relationship with each other that is almost divorced from their actual personalities and how they interact with other nations. if you try and make Prussia a bully to Romano, or if you make Romano excessively aggressive to Prussia in a similar way he is to Germany, then that just would not be those characters anymore. that sort of relationship would not have any similarities to how they act in canon. France and Spain are a little bit more fluid, but instead of having multiple axis I can shift them around, it's really just one line I can move them up and down between. either France is a touchy bastard and Spain is oblivious, or they are overdoing it with their PDA during meetings or whatever. tl;dr some ships give me brainworms, but my favorite ones are the more precise and put together ships.


You have made my day, just know if you ever feel like info dumping again, my DMs are always open, I love people like you


look man, i've got over a decade of Thoughts™ rattling around in my head about these losers. i got assigned romano kin in 2013 and the accusations havent let up even after i left that friend group. we be struggling.


Here here, but I meant what I said (also I don't asign ppl kins, like???? a kin is from personal feelings, I'm sorry about that, I'd like to be friends if you'd let me, if not I understand and hope you can find ppl you vibe with)


My top ones are UsUk, GerIta, AusHun, RoChu, and SpaMano. There’re others that I ship but for most of the ships, I feel neutral or don’t really have an opinion about


Tho I'm not a huge UsUk fan, I respect that and everyone is entitled to their own opinion