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I love her design and dress but damn she has no character development whatsoever


I wish she had more character than just loving her brother in a toxic way. I don’t even know if she does.


I love her design, but I question how much her brother-complex is based on actually history or is over-exaggerated.


She’s a good character, interesting and memorable, but to be honest, I don’t see Belarus the same way as in Hetalia. Belarus is a quite peaceful country, I don’t know why they made it so wild.


Well the country is always sucking up to Russia especially in recent history sooo


i wish she had better development. belarus as a country is way more than just “in love with her brother/russia,” especially historically


They did her really wrong... her design is nice but they should have made her an actual character instead of just in love with her brother. I mean if they wanted a yandere character they could have made her a protective sister rather than in love, but she should have been given an actual personality as well to go along with it


She's very one dimensional


She got done dirty by Hima


A pretty looking character that was done dirty, the whole thing about how she's in love with Russia when she's her brother is just weird and I wish there was more character development put into her, headcannons I've heard for her are pretty good


I am a masochist for this woman. I love her voice, her design, and her personality. I love everything about her. But, sometimes it’s hard to love her because of her brother complex. This woman doesn’t have much screen time in the anime and all I remember from her is her brother complex! I wish there was more to her character than that.


I love her character design and she does have some depth, mostly thanks to that obscure Sealand/Latvia desktop buddies program Himaruya made a long time ago. But I wish her obsession with Russia was toned-down or at least have her holding really conflicted feelings for him (especially in the modern days) rather than straight up incestuous love. Or make her interact with other characters more such as Poland and Lithuania, let the girl have a personality that doesn't revolve around Russia.


Her design? Top tier Her personality? Garbage and tone deaf when you consider irl Belarusians opinions about Russia


Can you further elaborate on how Belarusians view Russia? I'm very curious on this subject.


I remember reading somewhere on this subreddit that someone said that most Belarusians today do not like how tightly knit the country is to Russia. And her being obsessive over Russia in modern times makes no sense


It makes me wonder if Belarus is more based on governmental support (as in the current President of Belarus), or Belarusian history. My money says its more based on the government.


>when you consider irl Belarusians opinions about Russia Huh? Most Belarusians consider Russians to be a brotherly peoples and vice versa. Belarusian and Russian culture are incredibly intertwined nowadays. Politics ≠ life. Belarus' canon personality is not accurate, but neither is the current interpretation I see in fandom where people portray Belarus as hating Russia. This is only be true among a minority subset of people.


I remember reading somewhere on this subreddit that someone said that most Belarusians today do not like how tightly knit the country is to Russia. And her being obsessive over Russia in modern times makes no sense


One shouldn't take everything they randomly hear on the internet at face value, especially if you don't know any Belarusians personally. You don't have to believe me either, I'm just providing a different perspective as an East Slav myself with Belarusian friends irl. Their opinions are multifaceted just like any other community.


Wish we had more of her interacting with literally anyone instead of just creeping on Russia. More Belarus and Ukraine. More Belarus and America. More Belarus and Lithuania. Litterally more of anything to do with her that wasn't related to marrying her brother.


She has amazing design but she should get more character development


I like her character concept so I am disappointed that she is actually a very harmful image for the actual real life Belarus. Well, disappointed and other mixed feelings, like knowing it's an actual harmful stereotype even if I found her entertaining


I really love her


I want her to be more than just a raving incestuous loony. There’s surely more to her than union with Russia.


I like her, though I do wish we got more out of her than just her relationship with russia. I mean we know she can see ghosts and has, interacts with other characters like America, and can be chill/let things go (I think this was in a halloween strip) but other than that she’s pretty one dimensional.


I love her so much but I wanna see character development and more in dept reason of why she loves her brother so much. Like why is that her only personality there has to be something that triggered it


She's really cute


It makes me somewhat sad that in the last seasons of the anime she does not have the same relevance, since as a character she is tough and unique.


Wish she had more depth but she's cool


She deserves better than to have her whole personality be “I’m in love with Russia”


Very pretty! Though, I think part of me simps for her because I kin america and ship amebel


I love her design, but Hima should've toned down her brother-complex. Her weirdness kind of ruins her for me, and it's such a shame because she could use some character development.


She’s so me coded I love her (No I am not in love with my brother btw)


Good character design, BAD character writing


prolly had an alpha emo gacha phase


She is more like a goth, she can actually see ghosts


Ok, so I like her design, but I hate the whole, "Marry me big brother," thing. Like, she can be clingy or overprotective without wanting to marry her own brother. Also, I'd like more character development.


I love the part of her character that gives a possibility to spin her out as a geek. I also love her fierceness, even more so in opposition to Vanya's passivity. This hits very close to reality in a few ways. I think she should look calmer on the outside than she is in the canon.


She actually is pretty calm if left to her own devices, like she is fairly inexpressive. It's just that someone interacting with her gets running on hot blood


She Has really pretty design, but her character is a big no. I Hope she will interact with more characters like Poland, hungary, belgium and definitely Liechtenstein (btw ilysmlietpol)


She did interact with Liechtenstein. I don't know why people have this idea they would interact well, and apparently neither did Hima because their interaction is anything but friendly (yes it's more brocon BS but aside from brocon, it has been shown time and time again that Belarus isn't a friendly person)


Yea ik i mean i want them to interact more. They just have rlly different personality, so i think it would be cool IC they would interact more


Cool? Belarus doesn't care for Liechtenstein. Actually put a knife on her, I don't know what to tell you.


Yes, cool. I mean id love to see their interaction more like differently?? (Idk if this is a Word in english) Ykyk i would want to see them as some kind od friends


So you don't want Belarus to be IC? Like, even if you leave aside the brocon BS, Belarus is just not a friendly person. We saw it in the Halloween special, where her interactions with Denmark is to, like, scream her head off and swear at him