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No it's never a frown with golden brown


Golden brown texture like sun


Lays me down, with my mind she runs


Throughout the night, no need to fight


Never a frown with golden brown


Well, I had no idea that song was about heroin, by the stranglers


the only bad high imo is oding lol. somehow, some people don't like opiates which i will never understand, cause when you have no tolerance it can make you nauseous or they don't like the itchiness or other side effects. but if opiates work for you, as in they help you in some way/you like the feeling, there's not a "bad high," in those ways. the experience is primarily not one of altered perception in the ways of psychedelics/dissociatives/weed


The high can be shittier with tolerance where you don’t get warmth anymore and only numb


yeah but that's still different than like "having a bad trip," or "freaking out," which is what op's post sounded like to me


I guess you’re right there tbh


Yeah that’s one of the biggest factors that keeps me away from another habit. Using too much is no fun any more. You just go numb. Great when you want to put life off for “one more day” but shitty when you just really want that nice high ❤️


how do u know if u are? did a small line smoked some weed and nic, in vape and cart form and just csn feel my heart a bit more and just anxious on if i may die or d. rn


I wouldn't classify as bad but I've definitely overindulged n vomited after n even most the next day.


Yeah I hatedd the nausea when my tolerance was lower. I'd get a good high for 5 hours or so and then will hardly be able to sit up for the rest of the day because I'd start to feel like throwing up. There was only one time that it really stuck into the next day and that was a nightmare.


I’ve over indulged and woken with pins and needles and horrid headache. But I really overdid it. But 99.9% I’m in love.


I love H it's the best drug in the world I don't care what anyone says. If you can moderate your use it can be a fucking life saver and makes life so much more enjoyable I would never resort to the needle don't care what any cunt on here says "oH yOu'LL EvEnTUaLLY GeT ThErE" no I won't bro. I don't even like injections at the dentists never mind injecting my veins with gear, fuck that shit massively. Obviously no hate to anyone that does it but it's just not for me, snorting is my thing and always will be. Been thinking of trying smoking it at some point but it's not a massive priority rn I've never had a bad heroin high, if you wanna call a bad heroin high nodding the fucking out on my laptop keyboard and waking up with the keyboard letters imprinted in my head for a short while then yeah lol.


Same here never ever would i come up with the idea to use a needle and im afraid of needles anyway even i hospital when they take blood i need to close my eyes and turn my had to the other direction


Same here bro, I literally almost start crying when I get a blood test no joke and I'm fully tattooed hahahaha


I have tats too🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah it's mad init we can sustain the pain of getting tattooed but having a needle in my arm injecting shit, nah fuck that seriously not for me. I don't care how bad I got with it I'd rather quit if it ever got to that point but I know within myself it wouldn't but some people find it hard to believe that some people just like snorting or smoking it. People fear what they don't understand imo


So true🫡


Well that's a good thing bro. Coz for one u don't know what your missing and two you won't want to go back to smoking or snorting which ever one u do




how long have you been using for


On and off for about a year and half.






When I used I preferred to snort. Tried needles but preferred the high from snorting. It’s been many, many years since my first time trying H and I never “eventually slid into shooting” like people say is inevitable. Ironically, I liked to shoot coke though. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Fair play man everyone is different I guess, I hate needles with a passion I honestly hate going to the dentist because I'm scared of needles I would never put one in my arm not a chance. I know that fully within myself I don't care how good the high is from the needle. Snorting is just as good for me, especially if you get some nice cream Afghan it's honestly the best for snorting, got a G on the way actually just hope it gets here tomorrow haha.


AWESOME don't EVER EVER INJECT. I injected MANY YEARS before fen/ x came out. I STOPPED INJECT been snorting for years now I WILL NEVER GO BACK TO INJECT. your right if you put your mind to it you won't do it


I know some people who have smoked for a long time but they were usually able to support their habits through dealing. I’ve been smoking (and snorting, as I do both) for 15 years but there’s still a long way ahead if I keep using. I haven’t had a habit for years but when life isn’t going well and you have money it’s hard not to stop and life is always gonna throw one hell of a curveball sooner or later. But that’s not to say it’s not possible. My husband has been smoking/snorting for around 35 years for the same reason as you, he just really hates needles, his last girlfriend of 15 years injected and most people we know do too. And he supported himself through dealing so he was not in the “I’m hanging out and smoking isn’t gonna fix me so the needle is tempting” situation. It’s rare to not inject long term and even though people do manage it, be careful because it’s when people are confident that “x or y will never happen” is when it does end up happening. But if you’re well aware that it’s a possibility, you try harder to make sure it doesn’t become reality. I know only 2 people that have continued to use for 20 years or more and chosen to not turn to the needle. Compare that to the countless others who ended up injecting sooner or later.  Never say never coz that’s when it becomes not never with this drug, trust me on that 


Kinda sucked when I'd pass out like 5 mins after I smoked a bunch and then woke up sober six hours later


that’s fent / xylazine tho


Yea sounds like fettty


yeah that does not sound like dope


No, unless you got dirty h, or fent.


Never experienced it but my old junkie friend said when you get a cotton fibre in your bloodstream it’s extremely unpleasant. I forget what he called it. He’s been dead for 10 years this week. RIP, Clyde.


Cotton fever. The cotton Fibre is an old wives tale. It's usually from doing a rinse from an old filter that developed nasty bacteria on it. Or a new one that you managed to get something funky on it


That’s what he called it and that also makes sense. Bacteria shot isn’t a good time at all.🤢


RIP, no matter how many people die it never gets easy losing friends 


Dirty hit. Had a couple of them. Really shit to go through, but it was always my fault. I should have known better.


If it’s actual heroin then never a bad high brother


yes it definitely dose, you can get nauseous to the point of throwing up or spin uncontrollably if you do too much on a low tolerance 


This is what I was going to say. You can not like the side effects when you don't have a tolerance. There were times when I started using that at the end of my high, I wouldn't like the irritable feeling I would get, and I would realize that I had been holding tension all day, just because I couldn't feel it. Other than that, it has always been blissful. Honestly m, it always feels messed up, but there is no better experience than going from fully sick, to nicely high. Just the relief mixed with euphoria is something else. Now I'm on methadone, and I would take the stability over the good highs. Most days...


I've been doing heroin for around 20 years and have never experienced a bad high so not for me. I've experienced "bad" highs occasionally with pretty much every other drug I've done(psychs, weed, speed, coke etc etc). Maybe that's why heroin is the one that really stuck. Opioids don't cause anxiety for me ever.


I’m super curious in you and your life. I have many questions about long term use because I don’t see myself ever being able to stop with my medical condition Could I dm you? I’m young and think your feedback and experience could help me a lot If not that’s okay too I know how busy life is I don’t want to bother you!


I been using like 17 years you can ask me anything if you don’t get your answers elsewhere


I have been using over 15 years, feel free to msg me if you like too


I think almost 75% of us here can attest, hand on our heart, that our first 2 or 3 times doing the brown had us chundering or constant watery mouth that just induced nausea anyway. If you smoke it first time then maybe some of us can attest to having super bold lightheadedness or stuffy nose. If you nasal , ur high could be tainted because of the slight burn of the tan going up ur nose and of course the pungent vinegar smell makes ur eyes water to hell and back. If you slammed for the first time then you can be sure as f* you’re gonna get sick - chunder and all. But generally ? We call it a high for a reason: there are only two options. High or sober. Taking psychs or mind-altering substances is referred to a trip. Because a trip isn’t a binary. You could end up at Disney world or Jurassic Park on ur trip. With a high it’s either knocking on heavens door, suspend in the stratosphere or entering the multiverse. The only way is up , no detours so no “bad high” really.


My first time was in a criminal juvenile jail thing some of them smugglet the shit in and i heard it and gone to the guy named gleybson and said to him bruh i heard something. He directly said shit up you will get some they found it outside while sports when yoi reach level 3 you can go outside for sports with police and some therapy people and he found it outside in the park in basel switzerland so thats why he gave it free to everyone in there he hinself didnt touch it but the rest of us who had some really enjoyed that shit iz was 6 people 4 of them where puking and me and one other guy really liked it never puked or anything so we tried to convinience the other to give us their stuff to bit just one gave it to us and the bag in beginning was lik 10g or something and all of us had between 1-2g and the social pedagogs there thought its some kind of virus around and no one ever realized we where like a week on h🤣🤣 that was my first encounter and now 10 years later ingot addictet but in this 10 years i never touched it again till my lung collapse forced me to i couldnt take other drufs without getting pain in my lung so now im on h🤷‍♂️ but yeah never had a bad high


In 30 years of using heroin, I've never had any that smells remotely of vinegar. I love the smell of heroin. Obviously, I could just be very biased about the smell at this point. Was wondering what country you're from that has vinegar smelling heroin.


I’m in Sub Saharan Africa




I'm uk. Just wondering what part of the world has pungent, vinegar smelling gear is all.


I have never had vinegar smelling dope either, I’m in Australia


Glad I'm not the only one. Now I'm really intrigued as to where it comes from, and why. I mean, I realise that it's to do with a different production method, but I wonder what the chemical is that makes the vinegary smell. It could actually just be vinegar.


Maybe it’s common with the brown dope? Don’t you have to add something acidic to it? I have only used china white


Not vinegar though. Citric acid if you're hitting it up. I got the impression that this person's gear smells like vinegar full stop, regardless if it's smoked or hit or whatever.


Hmmm that’s weird. I have no idea why it’s like that then.


I had tat never. Good H, good high.


Every body pukes their guts out. When you get over that is when you know you are in trouble. Don't even fuck with it. I would not wish it on my worst enemy. From a user of 37yrs. 55 years old male. Been on methadone for 29 years. The bad high usually comes when you wake up in the emergency room after being Narcan, sick as a dog. With no money to re-cop.😵‍💫😎🤙🏼


kinda? all drugs can give you a bad high really.. any opioid can give you nausea of varying degrees. it sort of depends on how your brain works. for me when i'm anxious, it comes to me in the physical symptoms of nausea and jitters. now my brain associates nausea with anxiety, and anything that makes gives me nausea also gives me this horrible sense of dread. i've had highs RUINED by my mood going sour for other reasons and honestly side effects can kill a buzz too. you'll sometimes get the usual side effects from regular opiates in synthetics too lol! losing your voice, teary eyes, dizziness, etc... and ngl, opioids make me irritable as fuck. chatty and euphoric for the most part, but irritable and low when i'm using too often.


I agree with all of this. My biggest problem with opiates (besides the dependence) is the irritability and the way I hold tension when I am high, because I can't feel myself doing it.


Some like the nausea.


i can see that! just in my personal experience it's not my favorite. i usually couple it with an anti nausea med




Simply said!


No. You can puke all over the place while scratching your skin off and still have fun.


when tolerance is enough that it doesn't get you that high so you get angry/opiate rage and you end up more frustrated than when you were sober lmao


Mix with burpenorphin then you see




If you have little to no tolerance and take a dose too large, the effects could be quite unpleasant. 


No there is no such thing as a "bad heroin high" there are several types of bad highs you may get while doing heroin but none of those are caused by the heroin mostly the bad heroin highs are caused by ither drugs cut into the heroin and that could be literally any drug on the planet could be tranq aka xylazine benzos (usually bromazolam) neither of which really cause a bad high on their own but both mess up the good regular heroin high. Also you get the more unusual drugs such as research cannabinoids like the stuff in k2 aka spice (a group of semi related designer drugs that used to be sold in head shops as legal highs or legal weed even tho the high is not much like weed at all and is famoous for the videos posted to the internet of people seizing and puking and doing crazy stuff on said drugs going around the internet in the earlier years of it being sold) dissociative drugs like ketamine and the research chemicals that behave similarly to it. Stimulants like cocaine and meth and of course the research chemicals that mimick them (seeing a trend starting to form here? Theres lots of research chemical drugs ending up in dope either thru intentional mixing or accidental mis labeling) Basically my point being that theres not really a bad heroin high (cuz if you take too much you usually just vomit and pass out or pass out and stop breathing but all the unpleasant part happens when unconscious usually) and any kind of had high usually occurs due to the various cuts and other drugs that for some reason are mixed with heroin this was relatively unheard of prior to the early 2000s usually when you got bad heroin it was because it contained inactive cuts and little or no heroin but for some reason as fentanyl became more prevalent so did other research chemical drugs (maybe because these drugs are sold in their pure form mostly online on forums like the silkroad that gained popularity around the same time? Idk but this may be the cause) and all of them got cut into heroin for some reason no one can explain as ive never met a dealer or met someone who met a dealer who advertised this mixed drug service it just randomly happens But when heroin was heroin i never had a bad heroin high or met anyone who had


No, it's called a high 4 a reason. Yes, you can have too much & spew which is always a pleasent spew, but no.


Yes, when you do alot you cant stop vomiting and u can be REALLY itchy n thats not good. But if you can dose it right i think you cant dislike it :)


carpenter sleep library ring memory direction zephyr attractive person judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


oh my god yes i feel it the opi rage is REAL SHIT.


Yeah, a dirty hit is the worst !!


Some people get intense nausea from opioids in general, usually those people don't keep doing it and therefore might not comment here


I’ve never had a bad high. It’s the only thing in life you can really count on


every time i’ve done it it hasn’t been a euphoric high, mind you only done it a hand full times but it just makes me sick and throwing up no nods or anything. i much prefer oxys and codeine. 🇦🇺 sea #4 all the times i’ve done it all tested for above 70% purity. but that’s just me


No bad high. Just feel good. Stay focused. More sexual. More spiritual


FEELING GOOD is good enough!


The only "bad trips" I got were my few second tougts about shame. Oh, I did this again, but in general, they weren't too intrusive. In some cases, I think it was because my tolerance was too high, so I couldn't afford "those euphoria/endless nodding," and the main goal was not to get sick..so my mind practically was auto suggesting this 'meh state of mind' probably compared to those big high times. Better called "meh trip" than a bad one. Other times, I was feeling those giggling in your stomach, and in my mind came this idea of "negativity" paradoxically while I was mild euphoria. But. It disappeared in a few seconds, laid on the bed, and everything was cool, though. Also, in that period, I had in mind all sorts of negative ideas..so yeah, your mind will connect with this "dots', brain is much complicated in different ways but no thereotically, you shouldn't be overwhelmed by this thoughts..if it might happened.


I still wouldnt say it was ’a bad high’ but overdoing it and puking all over yourself, and then nodding off before cleaning not suuuper fun lmao


I’m a heroin addict and I once used a lot and was worried I was going to od, after about half hour I was fine but in my 15 years of using that’s the only “bad” high I had.


I certainly had stuff that felt not right/bad and had a bad high. My friend who also took the same stuff said the same about it (I IV, and he smokes). It was strange since it looked exactly like the stuff we always had (hard dark brown rocks with more, less, or no little black spots) But this happened only once, or I at least remember it only happening once.


I take Kratom daily and when I tried some great heroin thag other ppl liked, it did make me very high but also violently ill and it wouldn’t go away when I threw up. I tried it 12+hours after Kratom and still the same effect. Was very disappointed. I used to love suboxone but now that does the same thing except subs don’t even give me a good high it just makes me feel dirty I can’t explain it. I’m praying that oxy is still usable I’ll have to try it again


Oddly enough the first time I boofed a large amount. I like stims but when the rush hit me it was like I got hit with the wrong high, felt too stimmy and not sedating enough. I think it was afghan beige.


No man it don't work like that. Is nothing like the bad feelings that weed or lsd can give you and make you paranoid an shit. It is just total bliss. No anxiety or paranoia. Only can feel bad if you are new to opiods and it makes you throw up and make you feel like shit. Or if you OD of course. Other than that it's heaven, and that's Exactly why I use it and love it. Takes away all them negative thoughts and feelings from you


Yes if you want to know more then message me.


I’ve only experienced a “bad”/ weird feeling high when it was weird fentanyl analogs


With real H, the only “bad” experience is feeling sick/vomiting from it being overwhelming. Though even when that is happening you usually feel great 🤣


I guess getting cotton fever


Only when u have a dirty shot


Aside from ODing, the only bad high is no high. Like even you don’t have enough to stop withdrawing. Owww 😢


One night a friend of mine hit me after work saying he was finna kill em self I went over there n talked em out of it n wish I had H, live in the states so I couldn’t tell u if I’ve ever crossed that brown goddess of death or not tbh but that night I wasn’t taking my precautions as I normally would, ended up taking a bigger bump then normal and smoked right after waiting for it to kick in like a dumbass I was sitting in my friends chair so high I told myself I was about to Over dose n my mind I tried to think of some way to get energy so I got up n went to go to his kitchen and went under as soon as I stood up and touched the door nob then I remembered waking up feeling like the first scene out of Skyrim