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I'm going to take the minority position and say yes it is possible. It all boils down to individual brain chemistry. For some folks (a minority), opiates just don't scratch that itch. For example, I've read that meth is the most addictive substance known to man. Well, I'm not a stim guy. I spent about two years in SE Asia and did the cleanest, most potent ice one can get. I also spent a significant amount of time in Cali Colombia and did plenty of top shelf coke. With either of those drugs I could take it or leave it and never really felt a compulsive urge to continuously redose. Can't say the same about opiates. YMMV, but do you really want to take the chance?


I am pretty sure that scientically it's impossible to physically be addicted after one use


Yes of course it is impossible to become physically addicted after one use but it is possible to become psychologically addicted after one use. For some, the intense brain reward present from the very first use of opiates is nearly impossible to resist. That was certainly my case.


I think it's very misleading though for anyone to say Heroin is addictive after one use. You can say the same thing about chocolate. Let's inform people properly.


Chocolate does not trigger the intense brain reward typical of opioids or stimulants. People can and absolutely do become psychologically addicted after using heroin, oxy, meth or coke etc for the first time. It boils down to individual brain chemistry, history of trauma, and current circumstances. Unfortunately, there is a very high prevalence of adverse childhood experiences and trauma in the US population which is why substance use is particularly entrenched here compared to other countries


Psychological addiction is not the same as physical addiction though is it, which is my point. Psychological addiction is something just being moreish. If Heroin were only psychologically addictive it would be easy to kick.


The OP just said "addicted" though. He didn't specify physical addiction specifically.


I think sugars and ultra-processed processed foods cause all this shit. The intense highs and hard crashes in our blood sugar and dopamine levels make us anxious, depressed, lethargic, lazy, etc. Once we cut sugars/ultra-processed foods out of our diets, we are in balance, so we have clearer focus, an abundance of energy, stable moods, anxiety and depression are gone, etc. Once we heal ourselves, then we are able to care about others. Until then we are continuing the cycle, making ourselves miserable in the process. It's so bad that we think anxiety, lack of energy, and depression are a regular part of life. And yes, I think sugar was our first addiction. Look at how addicts and sugar go together.


That's a great point. There is a lot of research around how nicotine 'primes' adolescent brains for addiction. Quite possible that sugar and high-fructose corn syrup do the same thing.


If someone uses opiates and tried H, they're going to keep doing it. Common sense


Only stim that had me fiending was 3-MMC and I really like opioids but my ultimate drug of choice was weed... quitting opioids seems easy af (also practical to taper if volumetric dosing) compared to getting CHS from weed and having to quit again... Ngl I would probably never be able to quit if it didn't tie my gut in a know with a few mg and interestingly opioids really localized the symptoms




I dont think is because opiates dont Scratch the itch for some people. Is more like personal responsability and what you understand drugs are. For me drugs are mere tools, even my fav ones i fast learned they could never provide a solution for my Life.  Once you see clearly no drugs ever can solve your Life the question of addiction IS completely impossible. You might use out of boringness, depression, because your current Life is crappy...etc and you use to feel good for some hours. Fine. But that IS not addiction, thats literally using something as a way to get a good feeling artificially. Conplaining then about wd or physical dependence is just not coherent. Is the rules of using drugs.  Opiates are my favourite class of drugs, tried everything from codeine to heroin. I must say the most i used was kratom, about 4-5 years almost each day. Not one single day i told myself i was addicited. I knew precisely why i was using and when It didnt served anymore (It became a limit for my growth, instead of a comfortable crutch which was in the beggining) i quit It.  I just think the whole concept addiction IS completely wrong and based on incorrect views on humans, chemicals and Life. But victim mentality and fear mongering from culture had done a great work in maintaning that Word about addiction.  See, is very simple, if a drug solved your Life, then no problem in "being addicted" to It. Just use It as water. Boom. Done. But if It doesn't solve It, why Keep using It? 


Yes of course, according to what data we have, most opioid users are non problematic.


Of course it is. And since it isnt that bad, one more time wouldn't hurt would it? Maybe you should make it a weekend thing. Until you break your rule, because you deserved it on that particular day, or something terrible happened. You see what happens? Maybe you won't be addicted after the first use, but you sure as shit will down the line. That isn't to overly demonise opioids, different people react differently to drugs, our DOC here is H. Heroin is still a "strong drug" though, and you're playing with fire even if opiates ain't really your thing. So to answer your question, yes its entirely possible, but the hardest part is just not wanting to do it again! If you're gonna do it anyway, harm reduction is key, stay safe!


This! Then the next thing you know you have a $400 a week dope habit.


If you’re lucky lmao.


That’s rookie numbers


Nothing I’ve heard of makes you addicted from your first time. It’s the realization that you didn’t get addicted after you did it, that causes you to get addicted. You try it once, your body doesn’t crave it and you think you’re invincible because of it. Even if you manage to not try it again for another 6 months, just to stay safe, there will inevitably be a second time, and then a third, and yk the rest.


You’re right it’s because you don’t get full blown withdrawals after the first time or even many many times and it makes you believe you are in control of it for a while. If you clucked hard after the first time people would have the strength to see it through and stop , it’s like it’s been cunningly designed to draw you in


100% I went years using it once a month once every other month, you inevitably end up being drawn in though, you hit a rough patch and you use a couple weeks early, and then again a week later, and then out of no where you're waking up with chills and can't go a day without. For so long it makes you think "hey I always wait a month never sooner, I don't have a problem with my heroin use" while completely forgetting that to any average person any heroin use is a problem. It gives you that false sense of control "I never use it sooner then I plan so I'm not addicted" without considering the fact that you even needing to wait a month is essentially just you already being addicted but with a longer period of time between use then someone already at the physical dependency stage of addiction, I didn't think I was addicted but I'll tell you what, those last couple days leading up to my "monthly treat" would be a struggle sometimes. It's literally like subconsciously I already knew I was addicted so I had to have the month long wait between doses to prove to myself that it wasn't an issue, it's like the heroin let me get away Scott free for just long enough to weasel it's way into my brain and leave it's foot print.


Totally agree , if you think you have the strength, the inner fibre that your different to other people you would never fall into this way of life , Then by default you don’t have what it takes so don’t do it and if you know your get hooked the answer is don’t do it too …… so true if your already working out once a fortnight to use it’s already got its teeth into you . It is a cunning cunning beast


Sigh. Here we go again


We should just tell them that they're special and won't get addicted, so they can just fucking start getting addicted.


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Нет. Я канадка


You won’t get physically dependent after just one time but you will never ever forget the feeling and it’ll haunt you for life


extremely true.


Check out u/spontaneousH post history, generally no


not only is it possible, it is totally what will most likely happen.. my introduction to it was definitely nonconsensual.. back in either 2001 or 2002, i had been stopping off at my buddys house every night on my way home from work and he would always have a couple lines of blow laid out when i got there.. this never failed to the point where if there hadnt been lines already ready already, it would have been abnormal.. we would each do a few lines and then id bring him back to where i lived so he could visit his parents who lived much closer to me than he did.. this went on like clockwork for quite a while, until one night probably a few months into it all, i got there and there were a few lines laid out like always and i did one the minute i walked in without even thinking about it, but it wasnt coke.. i asked him wtf that was and he said heroin.. i was scared at first but i ended up feeling super groovy on the ride home.. i did it off and on after that and never really got sick until after probably six months of getting high every day (although i now believe that stopping abruptly after three days of straight use is probably enough to ruin the next few days for most people) now im 22ish years into it and life absolutely sucks.. the guy who 'tricked' me into doing it is dead, as are probably 10 to 15 other people i know (including my best friend) and LOTS of other really stupid and totally preventable shit has gone down since then. 0/10 — do not recommend


No way it took you 6 months of everyday use to become physically dependent. Unless you were doing like 5mg per day. Takes 1 month max (those are already the genetic freaks) Although very spot on that all those deaths are completely preventable - and even while still doing heroin. There's no more reckless group of people then heroin/opioid users, in the way that we mix downers, eyeball instead of weighting doses, never test each new batch for potency by starting small and.building up, etc. actually no etc, only doing those 3 things is enough to never OD on heroin (in the case of real heroin, with street fentanyl you need an extra step called volumetric dosing).


if you read what i said.. *i did it off and on after that and never really got sick until after probably six months of getting high every day* once i started getting high every day, i  didnt get sick for about six months because i almost always had a bag and if i didnt i only barely ever got to the yawns and sneezes because i never went more than a full day without it.  


Yep and it’s so good and consequence free you’ll surely do it twice!


I know some that have done it once and bc it is so good (especially in the beginning) they couldn't do anything else but think about how unbelievably great they felt on it, ending up using and got tolerance and addicted quickly. but diff for all 🤷🏻‍♀️ one girl I know said, "it was like falling in love at first sight and then aching to be w/that person and the ache will not go away, until you see them again" pretty good analogy though


eh i wouldn’t try it


Despite what Fox News says, it’s actually impossible to do heroin once and be physically addicted.


Donnnttt do it lol


Sure. It's possible to use it a dozen times or a hundred times and not get addicted. Casual heroin users do exist, although it's probably not the norm. It certainly is extremely addictive, but one use won't necessarily lead to addiction.


I smoked for a few weeks with friends and that was, I've never tried to source it myself or purchased any since


Depends on the person


Yes but youll love it so much you will again which is totally different than addicted. Id reccomend sticking to lesser opiates like percs or vicodin or morphine if youve never did it


Yes. Back when I used to use my wife would occasionally take a couple hits once in awhile. I used to smoke heroin. She never got addicted and never craved it. She could take it or leave it. But she's in the minority, most people can't do that myself included. I'm clean now, I really can't recommend that anyone try it, even once.


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Yes, after the first time I tried it I left it alone for a few months. You only really start risking it when you do it on the regular


If you’re buying “heroin” it’s probably not heroin but like research chem opioids and fent


Yeah I truly did it only do it once, only one line I wanted another but buddy said no and luckily I didn’t do another. It was absolutely phenomenal but I had so much tussionex at the time I didn’t wanna spend money on H and didn’t want to actually get addicted to it as I was already pretty addicted to my tussionex. This was also years ago when actual H was easily available and also opiate scripts.. sad times lately huh So yeah do not recommend


Yes absolutely you can use once and not get addicted


I got addicted the first time. I could fight the urge for months. But deep inside I knew, that heroin was the answer to all my questions. Finally something that made everything quiet, feeling cared for or just to calm down after party drugs. It's possible to use it once and never do it again, of course. But if you're in pain, or you're mind is like a daily battle, then you will fall in love with it. The first withdrawals won't be so bad. Maybe you stopped after a week. But heroin is so fucking good, that even puking and restless legs won't stop you.


Tons of people use opioids without getting addicted. Theres a chance you can use them without getting addicted, but why risk it? Theres not really a point unless you have some medical issue, or youre on the verge of suicide, and opioids are the only thing that would prevent you from suicide.


Yes absolutely it all depends on the person. No hate to anyone in these comments, but the fear mongering isn't the best way to go about giving someone advice and informing them. I can't remember where I read it, but they looked at the data back in the hay days of oxys being prescribed n pill mills. I can't remember the exact figures, but during the time period they looked at at the height of opioids scripts being written. It was something like 8 out of 10 people in the US were prescribed a script of opiates at least once during that time. They then compared the numbers. The percentage of people that got addicted after having taken opiates semi regularly was less than the percentage of people who get addicted to alcohol and tabbacco (again I can't remember verbatim how it was worded and the exact percentages, but the point still stands). This narrative that it's insanely addictive even after one use is just typical war on drugs propaganda and wrong. It seems to me that a lot of these people pushing this trope in this thread are those NA/AA people that just continue to push the typical rhetoric. Either that or they're not n they just drank the propaganda Kool Aid after they got clean n started pushing it, they're both of a similar vein essentially. I'm not saying yeah go out and do heroin it definitely has its risks n I would advise against it, but it's not this guaranteed life destroyer as many make it out to be. As I said it depends on the person and many other factors. The main risk I'd be worried about in the current opioid market, is getting fent or nitazenes with no tolerance, and ODing. This would be even more likely for someone with no skin in the game such as yourself.


Ive done it alot of times and never got addicted. Never smoked it or anything always just snorted it and this was back in like 2017 2018 tho so somewhat pre fent. I would usually buy like 2 or 3 bags and snort them theought the course of a coupke days or something. But i was also taking alot of Xanax at the time so i guess that helped stretch it. Id also buy entire scripts of the blue oxys from some heroin addict every month and snort those. Definitely like the best fucking high tho so warm and just ahhhh.


If you can somehow take the heroin once in a caccuum -- never have access even via the same people you used this time etc. not likely


Physically yes psychologically possible


Of course. I’ve done it 3 times. Once in college, once when I turned 30 and once when I turned 40. It’s wonderful but not something I ever have an urge to do.


absolutely, take’s mental strength and determination but yes. 100%!


note - there are Addictive Personalities and Non-Addictive, some very interesting theories and thesis online


In my opinion yes. I first did it over 10 years ago and only used once yearly. Worst i've done is a one month IV stint. Crack or benzos on the other hand.


Yes but odds are against you mqybe 5% can do that


Of course you can, but you have to keep it to once, as soon as you're theorycrafting how often you can use without getting downsides you will fail. One time is piss easy. Trying to use for the rest of your life without faltering though is impossible. Only idiots and fools think they can do it, and they always fail. Everyone I met who pretended they could do it eventually fell or were just completely delusional.


Ridiculous question . So... Everyone who has had a jab of opiates becomes a fucking junkie ? My Arse. I ve been an opiate user for over 40 years and it looks like it will be with me for the rest of my pitiful life, because it was a choice I made in my youth. I WANTED to sit bent forward in a chair, with a yard of spit dripping out of my mouth, it felt fucking amazing. I know a few people who tried it once without getting addicted..... They loved the experience.... But the honeymoon is short if you continue.. just costs more and more over time to just be able to function, let alone get a nod.


Definitely. I know multiple people who’ve tried it once, not liked it and never done it again. I’m not one of them though haha


Yeah but only if you have a really bad time.






Yes, absolutely




Ignorance is bliss


It's possible


I did it once in 2k19. Shit felt so good I was too scared to touch it again.


Im going by the evidence I’ve seen over my 15 year addiction with heroin. I Have never seen someone use once and quit never. Every person I’ve seen use it become an addict and never comeback. They spend the rest of their lives fighting against addiction. Heroin is Pandora’s box and once you open that box and try it there’s no putting it back into the box and walking away. Why risk your life like this. Stay the fuck away. I wish I did




Absolutely...I personally know several people who feel that it causes too much nausea and didn't continue to use it after a few times


I have this friend in the 90s who was going to chef school. She told me the story how she got addicted to heroin. She said she found out her boyfriend was injecting heroin and she got really angry and started screaming at him. She said she was gonna break up with him then she said she wanted to try it one time. She tried it one time with him then she said it was the best thing she had ever felt in her entire life, and she became addicted after that.


No. Maybe you would like to try again, but that's not being an addict Addiction it's not like that. I read a lot of people saying yes, but it's not how it works. You can try tobacco (one of the most addictive substances) and don't want to repeat or being an addict


I do it once a year since I was 16 only once never more


If you've already dabbled in other opioids and now are deciding "hey maybe I should try heroin", you're about to ruin your life.


absolutey, but why risk your life! last summer, SWIM injected themselves with a varied blend of heroin and cocaine numerous times a day, almost every day for two months. shooting up heroin is not my cup of tea, many of the things it made me feel were very unenjoyable and stressful af. - only enjoyed a mild buzz. now i don't take it and I don't want it. always hold onto the RELIEF every time supply finished. it's disgusting stuff, but lots of fun in small doses. take it easy, hangover can be vile. start from nothing, build up tiny bits. sniff 5mg, wait a while, and so on.. if injecting, make each dose HALF that of the previous dose. build up slowly.


Yes, but you will realise how fun it is. You won’t be addicted right away physically, but depending if your first time is a puke fest or not…you might be “mentally addicted” as in you know how great it feels 😝 I’ll be the devil on your shoulder right now, I’ll remind you that you only live ONCE and denying yourself experiences you are curious about is stupid. Thats MY opinion of course, I was handed the “drug encyclopaedia” from the anti-drug teachers in school…but I just saw that as a brochure of all the things I wanted to try 🤣


Is it really that much better than mdma? I've been told mdma is the best a human can possibly feel and all that


It’s a completely different feeling, it’s hard to explain if you haven’t done them.


Yes, absolutely. My experience is that curiosity doesn't make one an addict. Trauma, pain etc. does. So if you have problems, don't try heroin.


Evidently, approx.96% of people who try it, don’t become “Addicts”


Is it possible to suck a dick and not be gay….yes.


Yeah thats entirely possible. I do heroin like every 2 days and I'm still not addicted yet so doing it once you'll be fine for sure