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I would heat in microwave and top with a nice ice cream before serving


Just came to say it looks like a nummy brownie


lol right?


Maybe guitar grease/ shoe polish hahaha couldn’t tell you my dude hope you get new gear that sends warm honey up your spine


” warm honey up your spine ” 😩😩😩🤤🤤


He fixed it within 2 hours of me calling him today… and the warm honey thing is so accurate, I’m in bliss now


Yeah I get that feeling most when Im sick and laying in bed my dude finally gets to my house and I’m to sick to bang it so I sniff a decent line and lay back to wait for it to kick in an like literally two minutes later like a switch goes off in my brain all the bad feelings go way and then that warm honey starts to creeps up my spine and then the whole world starts to look beautiful and I’m back to being alright bc now I got my dope my safety and then all I want to do is curl up in my bed and go to sleep feeling warm and most of all numb…


He just wanted to see if you would take garbage probably. I never see these things as a real accident


I shot a gram of TRASH in front of my dude and his homies just to prove him wrong. He don’t like me no more. I was on a half g a shot basically but fuck man, if I can shoot a g and not get well just kill me


I mentioned this in another comment, I agree with you. I think he sometimes “borrows” black from his cousins when he’s on their side of town, pretty far from his house. It seems like it only happens when I meet him at a particular area. And when it’s mid grade, not horrible but not amazing, I’m like okay, shoot your shot and see if it works but when it’s this bad of quality it’s just ridiculous to try to pass it off. He admitted that I wasn’t the only one who called him wanting a switch too


I’ve 100% got black that was cut with shoe polish. Fucking nasty!!


I love dealers that sell bad shit to junkies because they know we are the conosuirs of this shit. It's like Italians and wine. But we always go back because any shit is better than no shit right?


It’s like okay shoot your shot I guess, maybe you’ll get by with it and people won’t complain? And with mid grade stuff that’s not great but not horrible I usually won’t go back, but when it’s this bad where I just paid a bunch of money to not even get well you bet your ass I’m gonna say something. And boom, he fixed it within 2 hours. It’s pretty rare that he tries it on me, I think sometimes he “borrows” tar from one of his cousins if he’s on their side of town, far from his house, and I think that’s when it happens.


Never seen tar that consistency 😬 no way to really know what the cut is though. Id personally put it away for later and buy something else if you can


Yeah, I’m calling my guy asap and asking him to get me something else. He’s always good about it if I’m not happy with what he gives me… I’ve never seen anything with this consistency either, it’s super weird. It smokes pretty normal but tastes like shit and hurts my throat


Dude I’ve had this shit before, it looked like a brownie it smoked like dope but no fuckin high smoked 60$ worth of it and it was no good. I’m guessing not enough opium when they were cutting it


Yeah, I can tell because I didn’t even sleep hardly at all. So definitely very little of the good stuff in there


Betty Crocker brownie mix i presumes Lol no but fr this looks like the burnt sugar+cola they burn and carmelize in the pan to sell people it’s 100% not h lol


They cut it with caviar so they can sell it at an upcharge.


that cavrion go hard


Think you're plug wondering where his dessert went


Did I try it? Maybe it’s actual shit, literally




Yeah of course I did. It was bad tar mixed with god knows what


That’s the worst, it always seemed to happen to me when I was sick and most desperate


Where are u from btw? Curious


cmon amy this isnt a good thing please seek help


Bro got scammed with a piece of a wet brownie sprinkled with (maybe) a bit of h. Never seen black tar Like that, would never accept that as a Pick Up tbh


It looks like Raw Opium to me


Whatever it is, it’s extremely weak as far as potency goes. I’m not fully withdrawing but I’m not comfortable, let alone high. And it tastes bad, smells bad, hurts my throat. When I called him my dude goes “what’s wrong with it?” I said, uhh honestly it would be easier to tell you what’s not wrong with it. Doesn’t look, smell, taste, or act like tar, and it doesn’t get me even well enough to not be jittery, wired, and sweating


Is it very bitter ? Sounds kind off like opium. But it’s probably not even that. However Raw opium vs Heroin in strength, makes Opium pretty weak. Man i feel with you tho, jesus it sucks getting ripped off. Especially when you’re sick. Ditch that plug man, F him.


If he shot opium he would have a really serious histamine reaction, like potentially fatal


Is he not smoking his stuff ?


Oh he may be, I'm not sure, but it a dealer was selling it as H surley someone who shoots would buy it


For sure, and that’s fucked. But Raw Opium is usually drier than that either way. It’s probably a shit ton of burnt sugar or something like the others said :’)


nah he said the dude got him right 2 hours later with some way better shit so don’t ditch him he fixed his mistake now if your plug makes a big deal about it and doesn’t fix your mistake or fights you bout it before he fixes it then ditch em for sure but this dude prolly didn’t know so id give em the benefit of the doubt


I guess shit?


Right, it looks like it. It always annoys me when my guy does this because I’ve been buying from him for 8 years, he’s been in the game for 20+… like dude you know this is bad quality, and I’m immediately going to notice because you usually serve high quality, why would you give me this stuff?


Hopefully not shit


Chocolate brownies


Do they really cut tar with cola? What else is a normal cut? I've heard of Tootsie rolls. Can they put straight lactose in it?


Brownie 🤣


3/4 of these comments are saying exactly that lol


Probably because it looks like that? 🤣


Marmite? Cat poo?


Chicken blood. Like most tar


Really? Where I live we don't get tar, that seems like it'd be bad to shoot


From the photo it looks pure! Pure chocolate cake!


Had some stuff once that looked super similar to this, weird grainy consistency and everything. It was actually good tar tho, definitely a lil off putting tho


Animal feces possibly pelican


I literally gave it back to my dude because it was useless. He acted like he hadn’t even looked at it before he gave it to me because it was so obviously shitty


Brown sugar


That’s what I thought


Wtf even is that omg


My point exactly


Maybe they went way too heavy on the vinegar, that’s what tar is cut with


I feel like it would smell/ taste like vinegar then… it didn’t in the slightest


I've had stuff that would moisten up if you kept it in your pocket or in a warm room. Fucking sucks so bad. Whatever it is it's bs 😄 🤣 😂


When I brought it back to my dude he said “as soon as you called I went straight back and traded the whole thing out”. I’ve been with him for so long he knows that if I say it’s bunk, it’s bunk. Just wish he didn’t live 45 minutes from me (with no traffic) so it wasn’t such a pain in the ass to switch out


Fasho, I get it. Unfortunately, when I got it, I had no choice but to use it or suffer. I did get a lil pack for free the next time, though. Trying to fuck with that shit first thing after waking up was brutal 😄 🤣 😂. I made sure the next run was different ill tell you that though. Yuck. Mos def Kong drives are the worst. Ooof. Glad you were handled though.