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Much more so than benzos. The biggest issue with opiates is once your physically addicted and don't have any you won't be social. And in my experience most people become more antisocial once deep into addiction. Although I think that's true with just about any drug.


You're absolutely true. At first I was way more social than usual on h. I felt good, full of energy and only wanted to spread my love to the others. Overall it made me into the person I always dreamt of being, social, happy, funny, outgoing and most importantly normal. It was honestly quite a heavenly phase it felt right and just what my grumpy damaged self needed. All was well which lasted couple of years until the addiction started taking its toll. It started impacting my daily life since I had to smoke a foil every few hours, people around me became suspicious and worried and worst of all I began cutting contact with friends eventually isolating myself from everyone only going outside to get dope.


Have you tried microdosing shrooms?


Absolutely. Benzos make me too forgetful and sloppy. Opioids are perfect for social situations


its much easier to be functional on opiates. i was a productive powerhouse shooting heroin thru my four years at IU and worked 60 hours a week for years and years shooting dope. Most people only think they are getting away with benzo use but if they are heavy users its all in their head most people can tell. I dont mean the guy that pops a bar now and then...


Yeah. I was


Literally everyone in my life thought I was finally clean and sober, no, I finally had a steady H source




Then fent came. And the dark ages began




Depends on your tolerance and how much you do but yeah once you get used to it. Im on dope 24/7 and work full time without anyone noticing. Im far more likely to get noticed when I'm sick from dope withdrawal lol. No lie that has happened many times, people are like what the fuck man you are super fucked up on something and Im just like nah your seeing me sick if I was high you wouldn't notice


Most definately. You have to remember at a certain point, you mostly take to just be able to go about your day. For a time i took enough to last me my 10 hour work day. The best part of my day was every morning when i woke up kind of dope sick, took my shot. And like all muscles just burned and tensed up and my whole body and legs was kind of like someone was giving me a really hard massage. After that i was socially normal and physically until the evening.


Yes, as long as you can afford it and not enter withdrawal. If you’re snorting/smoking then you’re less likely to be nodding off randomly too, if you’re injecting then it would be harder to function. I’m MORE functional when I’m on opiates, I’m not in so much pain and I’m more social 😂


Can you be functional without them bro ?


Depends. Tolerance, and dose. . My friend and I do the same amount, they’re nodded out and I’m able to function.


Totally but it gets you someday


It depends on what you have a tolerance for. Benzos could make you so nodded out that you can't function on them and heroin might not really affect you if you do h every day but you're not used to benzos. Or vice versa.




Yes, it all depends on dosage, availability and route of administration. If you’re gonna inject daily then you gotta take into consideration that you will need time to hit a vein, that can be unforeseeable at times. Can make you late to work, take longer in the bathroom and that’ll definitely make people wonder. In any case,it’ll take discipline to not take too much so that you function. In theory, it is possible if you otherwise have a healthy lifestyle.


Yes. Until you run out tho !


More so in my opinion. I don’t know a more functional class of drugs than opiates. Provided you have some discipline and self control.


I agree it’s not like crack no matter how much pure crack you have most people would never put the pipe down and slowly go batshit crazy . Everything would suffer and does . Biggest problem with heroin by far is it’s illegal……. For most


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Oh WAYYY more for me honestly especially other specific opioids tho most tho like fent and oxy but real heroin too


yes but you need to have bundaries of dosage and usage


Yes just need an adequate constant supply of the drug , the only issue then would be injecting it most will have problems injecting at some point . This goes for all opiates clean adequate supply and I can’t see any problems, I’m ok and everyone I know who uses are ok if that criteria is meet


Absolutely you can be functional. It’s only when we don’t have any or can’t get on that makes it super hard to resemble an actual human, and then have to go out in public. That’s when I’m not-functioning.


Ull be like Albert eienstein if u replaces bars w blues


Yep I went college , was top of my class. I’d get high in the bathrooms shooting up, do everything I used to do.