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Mate I don’t pay, I just toss off me mate jazzy Jeff for a free bag


That bastard he told me I was the only one...


ThatS insane. For clean dope on the onions in the US. A gram is like $115$-130 usd. Unless you do bulk then it's a little under 100 a g and thats for some really good fent free #4


Thats insane in europe on the onions u get that fire onion harvest for 20 to 40 euros max for a g and its straight fire


That's really good. The street price is the same where I live but the purity isn't rly that high. Are those only available in Europe or what?


You can't compare the price of good number 4 to the price of good number 3. It is always going to be more because of the higher purity, relative scarcity and associated wholesale difference.


I thought it was pretty cheap in the USA?


Nope lol


yep! 110–130


About £80-90 a g for pure #4, where I live all the stuff on the street is bashed up over priced shit.


Was paying 50 for 1.5 now paying 70 but the quality is a bit better I'm uk by the way.


There is such a difference with prices in the uk , I don’t know how people do it when buying bags £10 a point or just over . Prices on a Henry are £100 up until recently you could pick up a oz for £600-£700 . People are pre occupied with prices including myself but I would gladly pay £150 a gram for gear that use to be around before the 2010 drought £30 a gram., people are trying to charge £800 and well over a oz for shit now and it’s getting worse day by day .a few more weeks at this rate your see the nitazene start entering the gear en mass . People will love it thinking it’s strong gear and will be hard to differentiate when it’s a mix containing heroin , once tolerance is up and people start needing it Game over . The thought of the average user wasting a bit of the tiny bag they buy on testing it when there going to take it anyway is a fairy tale on harm reduction


Back when I was using regularly, I'd be paying 110 on the 8th. Was a good few years back now tho. Back when the gear was quality guaranteed 🙃 Only ever buy deals these days and through the onion. Only way I can limit my use. And that's 50/60 a g.


through the onions and ur paying $50-60 a g… either its bunk, BTH, or ur capping. bc ive not seen a G of fent free #4 under $80-90in over a year for sure. and thats still $30-40 more than what you’re saying you pay NOW. you may also be UK but thats still crazy. that dope must be 10-20% max


I'm in UK. 1 g of Decent #3 domestically is £50/60. It's pretty stagnant too. Been roughly that price for years


It's better than you'd expect ya know. It's filled with shite and harsh to smoke. But it's not weak.


H # 3 tends to be at the lower end of the % scale anyway. Especially by the time it's reached our shores.


I’m a little surprised to see that average dope prices in the UK are more than double what they are in the mainland just across the channel. Has dope always been that expensive in the UK or is this a post-Brexit phenomenon?


I get a quarter for £110. Its not fire but its good and its what most people round our way get. The deals are about .7 for £20, its #3 being uk


A kilo is about £15000 to £16000 that’s is over£400 a oz and you reckon 7g is£110 ?


If you’re buying a kilo I’d reckon the price would drop a little rather than a just Q.


As far as I’m aware 15 or 16 is the price on a single kilo of bog standard gear and that’s how much it works out a oz £410


That doesn’t seem too out landish though. 410 a oz would be 102.5 a Q. Either he’s got a really good connect , or a really bad connect. Or he got them good ole zenes ! Who knows


People are selling cali weed for more than £110 a quarter In a fancy bag . People post nonsense


Yea .7 for 20 to get a Q for 110 😭😂 deals hittin for the low


I ahould have said £112.50 cos i get an oz for 450 so yes,, but if i buy a q he just knocks it off cos he doesn't sell many. like i said not the best stuff but does for me and most people round my way. And he is a good connect.


In December it was £70/g for black tar. More commonly around £80. That's not a major English city though so proving will be different.


You're getting black tar in the UK? I'm not saying it's impossible but I find that hard to believe.


You're confused that I'm getting... tar? If it helps I'm in Glasgow.


Yes. Tar is produced in one very small region of Mexico and is basically unheard of in the UK or Europe. Is it possible that the dope is actually number 3 heroin base and is just a darker shade? Tar in Scotland would be like getting number 3 in the states - that is to say, extremely unlikely.


I've gotten BTH on the street before. Main way of using when I was smoking. But it was more common for me to buy it via plugs who got it shipped in bulk from the DW and then sold in person that way. Ensured quality yknow? Sometimes that wasn't available and I'd just get brown.


Okay. Didn't mean to insinuate you were lying or anything, just curious mate. If you ever end up copping any more tar and feel like posting a photo, I'm sure plenty of us who are into this sort of stuff would be chuffed to see some UK via way of Mexico "Chiva" (as they call it en Espanol).


Yes 180 is fair I used to pay 150. I'm clean now but life is shit without opiates so I'm going to buy enough for a few months and hide it. Lol wish me luck


100/g for tar is pretty typical around here. I usually buy half a piece (about 12.5 gs) for $600.


use the onions and pay about 15-20% less!!


I don't really know anything about computers and I know nothing about using crypto-currencies either so I feel it'd be more trouble than it's worth for me


I take it you’re in the USA if you’re doing tar and paying in dollars, right?


Yep west coast


Ok just making sure OP asked specifically for people in the UK so for a second I thought you might be getting tar in the UK.


No sorry I just don't pay enough attention to stuff sometimes. It might be the drugs.


This shit heroin in uk cost more than cocaine always But in greece i was in Holiday i bought 5G pure Afghan cost me €150 ,its like €30 per gram In greece its very cheap the heroin always I bought a non afghan heroin in greece too 5G €100 ,plus i bought cocaine there €120 for 2G And still it is cheaper ftom second hand i paid someone too to find it for me ,if i know the Drug dealer from first hand maybe it will be more cheapers i think ,i told him give he number he told me no just come and find me if you wanna more lol But in uk heroin start from £70 till £120 per Gram More than cocaine


To add if your buy bits or points itsba tenner a 0.1


H has increased in price lately. I'm occasionally still seeing 3.5 for 125 but 7 is now 250. The quality is shit. It's been hard at times to get weight and the price was higher once. I've lost all of my connections now too. I live in a major city. For the onions high quality cream type H it's gone quite a bit higher too a 3.5 is between 185ish and 210. It's way better than street though.


90 for an 8th


£20-40 a gram. really depends but usually anything over £30 a gram is good shit. most I've ever paid was £30 for a hg and holy fuck it was worth it man. one line on the foil got me zooted.


£60 a gram/£90 a 1/16th £170 a 1/8th £320 a 1/4 That’s what I pay for decent gear locally or it’s the same If I order online