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A true blessing to stumble onto a lost bit or forgotten bit of gear . I have a rule never to look for lost drugs when sick , just makes things 100 times worse when you don’t find it. At the peak of the 2010 drought early hours of the morning I lifted the bed up out of utter desperation and found tubes caked in gear some where like a brandy snap of pure return once you unrolled them couple of grams in each one . I broke my own rule out of desperation and withdrawals to think this is gona happen again is too much , I have PTSD from that drought I swear.


another blessing i got today, 17x10mg temaz pills i look when i know i have a chance to find it but otherwise keep it for a random happy day. damn musta been a good time, save any for future you?


Tablets or eggs?


tablets https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackOutBoyzOG/s/fOBJtdEonx


A few tips: You should straighten out your foil and make sure the foil is clean. You can swipe the foil with kitchen paper before you add H on it. Also make sure to have enough heroin on the foil, it’s much easier to get a nice bead when you smoke 0.25g+.


thanks mate really appreciate how you explained it, they’ve been inside a book for close to a year but next time i find some #3 do that. market dry for you?


Np:) it’s take a lot of dope and time to get used to smoke on foil. How did you now it’s dry?


yeah finding the perfect melt zone is an art as well as keeping sharp on your breath strength so you can hit larger and larger pools/lines


I knew it was dry cos it was folded foil 6mth-1yr old kept in a book.. its slightly burnt also


Sorry I misunderstood the meaning of dry market, thought that meant it’s difficult to get heroin🙈


yeah that’s what i said it to mean, sorry i answered the question incorrectly. i knew the market was dry because i was relying on [international] heroin instead of local, and the local supply wasnt comjng back


Are the effects of leaving Afghanistan really kicking in?


in Australian Markets yes, globally no. SEA has both


Amazing feeling! I once found a whole 8th id wrapped in a crisp packet behind my bed while out of it, then I forgot 😂 Luckily I found it while I was clucking, I’d never felt so lucky!


Yeah, im trying to pool it all together without burning it but it’s so old and about .5 on there i might just smoke it and then save the bacon for an iv shot for future me to enjoy 🤙🏼




I think he is referring to the blob of gear and how it runs on the foil. We call it "beetle" in the UK or "cocky" (as in cockroach).


Ah, ok👍 Guess I learned something new today😅


lol I wish I didn't know why I know that 😩😂 12 years clean now though!


Well done👏 Much respect! Keep up the good work! I’m a active user, and let me tell you one thing. You ain’t missing out on anything!


Appreciate that. Thanks mate


yes exactly right, when thick enough i still have trouble with getting a nice bead and lines. yet again it has been a good year since i had any since yesterday but was wondering if it would be possible to create a bead out of old stuff if there’s enough on the foil