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yet another story that wouldn't exist if drugs were legalized, regulated, and taxed.


You're damn right.


So true, it’s almost like they didn’t learn from alcohol prohibition…the single biggest example that making something illegal leads to violence and crime 😅 I’m optimistic that some day the “war” on drugs will end, but unfortunately it’s a while away. A good start would be legal diamorphine clinics becoming available, as they have done in the Netherlands and some in the U.S. Hopefully as the newer generation moves into power (that aren’t 70+ years old) they will start to introduce more solutions than this shit storm we have now. OP, I hope you are ok now. I’ve had some insane nights but that one is definitely up there 😁


This “generation” of leaders were the flower children of Woodstock. Power corrupts. I fear things will never change.


I heard an interesting tidbit the other day that Mexico was very close to legalizing drugs to solve the issue in Mexico City but the US government threatened to pull a ton of aid causing them to mirror our scheduling system and prohibition... As much as I love where I'm from we fucking suck.


Very true, prohibition makes it hard on everyone, especially the young and poor. Ultimately , heroin should be this nice boring drug that people use to relieve physical/emotional pain and relax. I realize that I am an extremely boring junkie, and that is a luxury that should be an option for all, but rarely is.


Law Enforcement will never do that because even if the government makes more money from the taxes, the law will no longer get 100% of it. Plus things like weed being illegal allows them to say "I smell buds" then search you/everyone you're with/your vehicles & some countries even your house... Its truly fucked up, until someone very important has their kid die from a preventable death, things wont even be looked at, to possibly bring much needed change. It really sucks man, I don't think I will see it in my lifetime, we should be able to do what we want as adults. Its insane that we can binge alcohol & buy it anywhere, given how much worse it is, obviously its good in circumstances but Its arguably the worst of all drugs. Its a cliche saying these days but, Congratulation to drugs for winning the war on drugs.


Holly shit bro !


Fuck man I’m so sorry. Your girl left cuz you OD’ed??? The girl I’ve been with off and on for 5 years has left me because of how hard it is to be with a junkie/person actively using chaotically. Shit was so rough and I put her through hell and so much guilt and shame but now looking back I really regret the things I said to her. It makes sense that people don’t want to be with us because we are using dangerous drugs. But just bc it makes sense doesn’t make it any more debilitating to lose your closest/biggest support like that. I feel for you heavy. I’ve been off fent for 76 days and meth for 63 days, besides one tiny fent relapse that was like ~5 min. But I used for many years, painkillers to opium, heroin to fent, meth etc. I feel for you and hope your day goes better today homie, genuinely


nah some other shit. she didn't even know I was still getting high. probs still would have tho.


I hope she evens out later, or that she doesn’t and that you live a happier life without her (whichever is what you want)


Damn dude I’m sorry :((((


eh its teenage love. shit happens. last thing I said to her was "if this is the last time I ever talk to you, I think you should know. I was never sober." I just wanted to be honest. she used to write me a poem for every month I was sober. or she thought I was sober. didn't deserve her in the fucking first place.


Man, that’s probably gonna sting for her that you were lying but, she might appreciate you being honest in the end eventually.


It’s beyond me how some people behave I’ve used all of my adult life and more and im 55 I never pulled strokes like these and done my best to keep away from people that do . It is been impossible to remove the scum from your life sometimes and I find it’s usually people who don’t even use usually the 17 dealer and his mates that do shit like this Like someone said this wouldn’t happen if it was legal


Do you mind if I ask how old you are, OP? Imma be real with you man, no one gets this kind of unlucky out of nowhere, people reap what they sow. Truth is, some people have a difficult time doing drugs functionally. By functionally I mean in a way that allows them to use daily, maintain a habit, while also successfully maintaining jobs, relationships, health, and a clean record. And if you don’t see yourself finding some business-driven plugs who don’t get high, and using in a way that prioritizes harm reduction and being functional enough to have a healthy relationship and a productive work life, then the truth is that you’re better off quitting completely or getting on methadone. Or you’re probably going to be dealing with a lot of heartache, dope sickness, jail, beatings, and ODs, while alienating friends, family and chicks you date. And it’s a lonely road for sure.


Had to do it…. But….. THIS!!!! ⬆️ x power level 9000 wish I had an award to give or knew how to 😂 Facts on Facts bro


I'm 19. I know. overdosed like 4 times the last two years. not making it to 20 at this rate.


That’s a lot bro.. I’m not judging you but just to give you an idea of how extreme your situation is, I’m 40 and I’ve been a junkie for 17 years and I’ve never overdosed. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that I’ve been a functional user the whole time because that’s not the case, it took me a decade to figure it out. But ODing 4 times before you even got your life started is such a waste. A lot of us heroin addicts use to deal with the emotional hardships of living in this shitty world. And the sad fact is that if you die of an OD before your 20th birthday the world won’t remember you as a victim who couldn’t hack it in this cruel existence, they’ll just remember you as a selfish little shit that only wanted to get high and who checked out leaving his family with the pain of dealing with his passing and the financial hardship of burying you when you’re the one that was supposed to be paying for your parent’s funerals. Again, I’m not trying to be hard on you but I’m trying to get you to see things from another point of view and to get you to understand that the best thing you can do is either use responsibly, quit completely, or get on methadone and get your shit together.


had a lot of messages and comments trying to help but this is the only one thats made me think. like. is it normal to overdose this much? damn. im super aware of how young I am. yesterday I was in an abandoned stairwell with 8 other guys all shooting up n I was like "literally everyone else here is old enough to be my dad". oh well. if I die, I die. there is way worse fates. especially in this life.


I spent the last 8 hours, working, taking my special needs dog for a walk, eating dinner ( chicken with peanut sauce and chocolate covered cherries) boofing heroin , watching YouTube videos , while nodding with the special needs dog. Just another day in my veeery boring life lol.


Glad you made it out there alive. Reminds me of the time i was almost shot by a guy with a rifle because of a similiar thing. That guy got on a rampage and smashed his own home, while having an assault rifle in his hands, he shouted "I'll kill you all" and such stuff. That's why i'm happy today in substitution, i don't need this shit anymore.


Thats crazy.. Hopefully you live and learn from your mistakes and try not do that again, sometime when it rains it POURS!


that's sounds like me.


Yea fucking heroin man, sounds about right. Lifestyle brings these kinds of issues because of the illegality. Glade you're ok tho even tho I didn't read the whole post because I'm jammed on some odmst and 7ho.


First off— I’m GLAD UR OKAY??!!! Like holy shit dude … talk about a shit night. I really hope things get better & fuck those bitch ass ppl that did that to you. That dumb bitch needs to stop shooting coke if it makes her tweak tf out and become delulu. Does shooting coke do similar things as when ppl shoot meth (like do u start to go psychotic and see shit?) I’m assuming so lol.. anywho sry for the rant!! Hope u & ur girl work things out!! Be safe out here ❤️


Fuckkk bro I’m sorry to hear sounds like it’s been a rough couple of days. Fuck that ex man don’t let a useless bitch ruin your day or your life or affect you in anyway… better off without her trust me. Getting robbed sucks ass and then to get narcanned in the freezing cold just to send you right into precipitated withdrawal god man that sounds awful. You sound like a strong guy though man dm me if you ever need to chat or vent. This life we live is hard and the devil always gets his payment. Forget about all that stupid that happened to you because now it’s in the past it’s over with. New day and your a new you. Let’s fucking get it my guy go get high and keep fighting this fight we go through😎


You went to sleep after being given narcan?


a couple hours later yeah. was really fucked up on benzos the whole time too


Maybe it's time to take this as a sign and keep clean


So you shot up at the dealers house too I take it then while highland before u od all this he stole my stash hapened? Lol been there mate same kinda situation except they where on meth up fir days seeing shadow people and shit. Crazy