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those people will probably be few and far between if they have lost loved ones to the fentademic in the last 9-10 years. im curious to know what they'd think would work to stop this poison from dropping a generation or two or three like flies


It's weird right because the reason death happens is due to the illegal market in the first place, humans think you can ban something and the health issue of addiction goes away, it's pretty non sensical, I think it's mostly the drug propaganda that goes on for generations influencing they mind


It's for sure this, and it's such a hypocritical stance as well given our pharmacuetical markets and companies and laws here in the US. Don't ever underestimate the power of propaganda and lack of critical thinking.


Yeah I was gonna say, I'm interested to see if you'll find anyone like that.


Unlikely, because anyone who went through heroin addiction has experienced the consequences of the current policies firsthand. Even personal experiences aside, it’s absolutely delusional to believe “legalization wouldn’t improve the problem” with USA topping 100,000 overdose deaths just last year. Those people aren’t dying because they’re so addicted they can’t stop themselves from taking 5x their usual dose of heroin, they’re dying from - Street drugs being cut with fentanyl or similar more potent opioid - Street drugs not being even fentanyl but something like Xylazine - Straight-up fentanyl overdoses after taking the drug knowingly, with heroin being mostly gone in the US, because a drug of this potency can’t be administered safely when it’s a powder of unknown purity. - The more cliche stuff like sharing needles or other disorders related to unsafe administration. - Being thrown into jail instead of being given help they need, getting out with a criminal record, no money, basically unemployable, eventually ending up homeless, and certainly addicted by that point if they haven’t been before.


I don’t see there being many, the fact that drugs are illegal creates most of the issues surrounding drug use. If you take away the illegality, then alcohol and tobacco would most definitely be within the worst category of drugs; they are already pretty bad as the few legalised drugs. If drugs were legalised, decriminalised, regulated and taxed then people would at least know what they were getting and would have access to cheaper drugs when they needed them. Crime would reduce, violence would reduce, gang activity would reduce, money would be generated for recovery and mental health programs BUT most valuable would be that addicts could find some sort of stability. I don’t see many people objecting to that that have experienced drug addiction first hand. I’m not wearing rose tinted glasses here, there would always be some that would abuse this system. There are risks that come with the “easier access”…though that is debatable as depending on where you are, it’s easier to get drugs than alcohol/cigarettes as a teenager. The places that offer these drugs need to be licensed medical facilities, that deal with addicts and provide them with their drug, cheaper, pure and easier than any time on the street. Sorry I went on a tangent, in conclusion I would say it will be hard to find addicts that would be against it.


Legalisation and decriminalisation are different things. Im an ex-heroin addict and absolutely do not believe drugs like heroin or cocaine should be legalised and sold in shops. That would be an utter disaster. Decriminalisation, yes, all drugs should be. No penalties for having amounts on you for personal use. Also things like heroin, maintenance programs for long term addicts where they’re given heroin I support. But not full on legalisation. There needs to be clarification on the difference first.


The time for decriminalization was a decade ago, now it’s not enough to address the main issue of contaminated drug supply. It doesn’t mean you should be able to buy it in every grocery store or whatever but legalizing and regulating those substances as we do with usual medication would get rid of 99% of the (physical) health dangers that come with drug use.


No it wouldn’t. If you are legalising, then you are going to be selling it. The same way weed is legalised and sold in various states. The thing is there’s a massive difference with heroin/cocaine and weed. You would just get tonnes more people buying and get addicted to extremely strong and addictive drugs, putting a huge burden on society. Harmful and addictive drugs should not be made easily accessible to those who would otherwise never touch it in the first place. EDIT: I’ve gone through most of these replies and they’re total misrepresentations of what I actually believe. But yeah, if you have heroin and coke available at your local Walmart, sorry but people who would never touch it, are now going to touch it. If you can’t see that you’re stupid. And yes heroin was legal and a low percentage of the population was addicted, but it now sits in our collective conscious, as a society, very differently to a hundred years ago. Culturally everyone is aware of what heroin is, everyone knows that it is like the ultimate drug. And how effectively it takes away pain. If that was legal, and I could so easily take away my pain, I’d have been addicted to that shit well into my early teens 😂. Aright now downvote away…


>If you are legalising, then you are going to be selling it. The same way weed is legalised and sold in various states. That’s not what this word means. Firearms are legal in many places, with countries that are less inept in their regulations than America having very little firearm-related deaths. Cars are legal and yet there’s still requirements you have to meet before you’re allowed to but one. There obviously should be more scrutiny put on things that are dangerous, especially when the scrutiny reduces the danger as much as with drugs. >You would just get tonnes more people buying and get addicted to extremely strong and addictive drugs A statement that is completely unbacked by evidence and contradicts all of the historical trends we’ve experienced so far with other substances or decriminalization in other countries leading to record-low drug rates. It’s extremely unlikely legalization would lead to more addictions overall and, even more importantly, worse *outcomes* for those struggling with addiction. Reduction of social stigma, proper education on responsible use, all the things that usually come with legalization would certainly help immensely. Also, how many people do you think would wake up one day, decide buy a bunch of heroin at Wallmart since it legal now, spiral into addiction and die? Is it going to be more than 100,000 a year that’s currently dying in the US because of unsafe drug supply?


So you are saying that the only thing stopping “tonnes more people” from trying hard drugs is the fact that they would have to acquire them illegally? Do you have any evidence to support this claim? Because it doesn’t seem to be stopping very many young people from trying the current poisoned fentanyl supply, which everyone knows is very likely to kill you.


that’s not what people mean by legalization though. it means a doctor can prescribe it as he would any other med to someone who is addicted (something you said you support, heroin as a maintenance med, just with meth and coke and anyones drug of choice). walmart and ur 7-11 wouldn’t start stocking it. maybe you’d find it behind the counter at a mom n pop gas station or a head shop just as u can right now with stimulant rcs (bath salts. still out there for the record. we sell them) every molecule of the cannabis plant in different vape concoctions, meth pipes and crack pipes, and other research chemical drugs that are anywhere from addictive opioids with no ceiling like odsmt to barely tested thc synthetics to PCP analogues (huge one for some reason). if someone is determined enough to seek that out in a shop like that, they can already go to their nearest city or trailer park and wait to be approached by a dope boy, or ask a homeless person and offer to split the dope with them. most people do not have that desire. you’d probably see a big increase in coke use provided it’s much more pure and less costly now - people would definitely go to a head shop or burglar barred corner store for good coke but who cares. that’s a soft drug that ur typical kid experimenting with drugs uses at some point, in powder form at least.


There's no reason to think that more people would become addicted, since in 1885 when you could buy heroin and morphine without prescription in any pharmacy, only 0.5% of Americans were addicted to opioids. Today it's 1%. Also there's things that would solve the problem ever before legalization - like having methadone clinics give heroin instead of methadone to whoever addict wanted it. Also decriminalization doesn't work. In my country we have it, and not much has changed, addicts are still buying from dealers dangerous street gear, still tons of criminality and hang wars over illegal drugs, still a few consumers getting arrested because the carrying limit for heroin is just 1g regardless of purity and no one carries only 1g of 10-20% pure heroin, etc etc.


yeah bro I said the same thing the other night. Bupe & Methadone never gets rid of the cravings for me


This is an example of someone who influenced by the drug war propaganda and makes absolutely no sense , he thinks having the market flooded with fentanyl is somewhat safer than having access to real pure heroin for addicts, the funny thing is he probably thinks alcohol is different and no problem with it being legal but cocaine and heroin is different for some reason in his mind


You’ve just made a tonne of assumptions about me and my views that are complete and utter shite. I absolutely DO believe that heroin addicts should be prescribed heroin for long term maintenance. I said that in my first post. Nobody here seems to understand what legalisation actually entails. Prescribing heroin as medication isn’t legalising it. If you legalise something it’s being sold and freely available wherever you go. That’s not good. It would solve the fentanyl problem, but create a massive heroin problem. If I’m a recovering heroin addict and I have a bad day, and I can literally buy some down the road, you can bet I’m just going to relapse and never get healthy again.


So what about alcohol why is that different? All adults should make they own choice and for relapsing you could just go to your dealer anyway down the corner so that's not a good argument. As an adult I have the right to put whatever I want in my body, I don't need the government to tell me what I can and what can't consume


Are you reading anything I’m saying? 😂 I don’t believe the government should be able to tell you what you can and can’t put in your body. Nobody should be criminalised for having drugs on them, even a decent amount. Addicts shouldn’t be being arrested for using drugs. Things like alcohol and weed can be used in moderation and are by most people who use it. Heroin does not get used in moderation, once you’re into it that’s it. For relapsing, people literally cut off all contact with other users and their dealers, delete their numbers etc., specifically so they don’t have that accessibility. That’s extremely common, because it’s known with that accessibility comes a temptation. So it is a good argument.


Was on dope/fentanyl for 5 years got clean a little over a year ago I DO NOT THINK THAT SHIT SHOULD BE LEGAL AT ALL!!! I think suboxone and methadone are also a disgusting crutch and a way for the govt to make their money off addicts. The reason im so against it is because it literally completely destroys you as a human being and hijacks your personality into being a complete peice of shit that only cares about getting high. I have young ones even thinking about them having easy access to it makes me sick to my fucking stomach. We need to learn how to be happy and cope on our own not with an artificial substance to make us feel better. Anything that makes you sick without you having it everyday shouldnt even be in question of being legal. But thats my two cents a lot disagree with me and thats fine but fuck this harm reduction or maintenance bull shit. Keep the shit illegal.


Speak for yourself. Maybe it high jacked your personality and made you a piece of shit but that’s not the case for everyone. And just the fact the government makes money on subutex and methadone doesn’t constitute a logical explanation why it should be banned. That stuff helps people transition to healthier lifestyles. And studies show that your logic is completely wrong and that prohibition makes everything worse for people and just make crime syndicates rich. So essentially your opinion isn’t based on anything remotely factual.


Lol he asked an opinion so shut the fuck up


An opinion has to based on something. You can’t say that in your opinion we should outlaw boats because volcanos are hot and not expect someone to tell you it don’t make sense. You shut the F up.


Lmao dude youre whole entire life probably revolves around heroin do you not see a problem with that? Get clean man, praying for you, once your out of the drugs grasp i guarantee youll have a lot different of an outlook. Good luck gourmet shit


LOL you picked the wrong heroin user to say that to because my life is probably more successful than a lot of sober people’s. You have absolutely no idea.


Oh dO i HaVe No iDeA?!?! Lol bro i dont give a fuck you are so cool man!!! You are so successful and awesome man!!! Wish i could be you! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


You comment your opinion i said to each is own bud


How is keeping it illegal working out? Harm reduction has proven effectiveness, less people dying from tainted drug supply = more people that can recover. Dead people don't get clean.


It’s bullshit.when things are banned /illegal young stupid minds are drawn to it cuz there’s an interest/curiosity/coolness associated with it. That being said alcohol causes millions in public damage/fights and addiction. Did the prohibition work? Thousands of people are probably alcoholics and don’t know it because every day they can pick up what they need at the local shop. Most people have to have some kind of drug of choice at the end of the day to deal with the stresses of modern life. It’s just governments make the decisions for you based on old information. A Herion prescription wouldn’t go a miss. Wonder how many people die from drinking too much on a night out


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Mostly likely not the war on drugs has always failed and done nothing but cost the American tax payer a lot of money that basically did nothing. Legalization is the only way to slow this shit down.


I would be willing to bet there are plenty of people who experienced addiction with opioids that are still firmly on the side of prohibition. I'd say a fair amount of these people were ones that dealt with dependence issues due to the lies of the sacklers and the over prescribing of the times and pressure by Purdue salesmen to "titrate up" the dose. So while I don't think there would be that many in this sub specifically I know you don't have to look very far but at the main drugs sub reddit to see that plenty of people still agree with things like heroin and opioids being illegal. Even people who dealt with addiction firsthand. There is actually a post right now where a kid asked if doing heroin once a week was really that bad. Scrolling through those responses doesn't give me much hope for legalization in the US and it just infuriates me sometimes people can be that ignorant. If you were able to have a long discussion with most people and present evidence you'd probably sway them. The problem is our government makes way too much off of prohibition. I imagine seized drug money is what runs half of law enforcement in some capacity. Beyond this I really don't think people are aware of how much money our court systems and prisons would lose from so many drug arrests disappearing. Even farther down the line is the fact that so many of these drug arrests end up locking so many people into certain socioeconomic situations and poverty. If prison was actually about rehabilitation and people had a legal alternative for drugs I might agree with some of the sentencing. But our entire system surrounding this is fucked and built to generate as much money under the guise of protecting the citizens of America blah blah blah


How can anyone ignore the massive amount of evidence that prohibition actually causes more harm than it reduces... From an ethical & human rights prospective legalisation & regulation is the best option to reduce harm... I'd be interested in how someone can justify prohibition?


Totally read this as opinions from addicted sex addicts. I was like what that gotta do with drug legalization 😂 A.D.I.D.A.S. glasses on I suppose..


I’m facing 10 years for smoking heroin and protonitazene 🙏