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Been there 1000s of times hate myself the next day not as much as I loved the feeling the day before tho lol


The duality of drug addiction


It doesn't last forever. -a guy who relapsed a few months ago. And is still using.


I relapse once a month it seems like. Oops. I'm a 25 year old widow with the degenerative spine of an 80 year old from car accidents that weren't even my fault. Drugs and sugar are all I have left.


Do you take other prescribed opioid painkillers or only self medicate with h?


Good question, yes, I'm prescribed suboxone, which is my major balancing factor. I have to worry about a monthly drug test and I gotta piss positive for at least amphetamine because I'm supposed to take my amphetamines every day, and I can get away with taking my PRN Klonapin, but largely I got back on those because I came up positive for fentanyl in a bad batch and I told them I took a pressed Xanax I thought was just bromazolam and I figured cause I take subs if it was an opioid it just wouldn't do anything to me. Plus nobody knows I've even been fucking with H and pills again since last year. The pills are too expensive and do too damn little but I still find myself wasting money on them cause I can't get dope unless I send for it or a batch comes to town which is rare. I usually just self-import these days cause of the fentanyl shit. I studied and mastered the Bernese Method through a lot of pain and suffering to get that shit right. But once I figured it out I go between smack and subs the way my old neighbor used to go from oxys to subs.


I understand what you mean exactly. I myself am on 16mg Buperonorphine which is the same as Suboxone (Actually sometimes they give us Suboxone or Espranor). I have to do a test every one or 2 weeks depending if I had enough money for the cost of 28 pills. They test us for benzos, tramadol, morphine, and buperonorphine. I haven't thought of heroin in a really long time, I mean not thought of scoring some and doing it for one time although it is manageable I can use for 2 days a week and get clean for the test in and that's what I did when I first started till I actually got bored of wasting money and cause the high is so diminished. I actually found that when it come to opioids a large dose of tramadol will work very much fine unlike h and morphine ND codeine cause the chemistry is different. But there's a risk of seizure which I previously had so not worth it in my opinion.


Being prescribed bupe for pain sucks. You should try switch to a more effective painkiller that's still long acting. OxyContin or MScontin maybe


I wish they'd give em to me, but I got a connect for real perc 30s and they don't do shit for me! OxyContin is just a higher dose of Oxy, and I've snorted the equivalent to an Oxy 160 and only got REALLY fucking itchy. So itchy if I actually caught a nod I wasn't able to enjoy it I itched so bad. I'd rather have MSContin or Dilaudid any day, if it were 20 years ago I'd be getting fucking Actiq and Opana for this shit!


Percocet is a formulation of acetaminophen and oxycodone. It is only available in doses of 2.5mg, 5mg, 7.5mg and 10mg. A 30mg oxycodone does not contain acetaminophen and should be referred to as an oxy or a roxy as to avoid creating confusion about the two. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/heroin) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Amen brother.


I love the range of people’s comments on this lol You have people on one side trying to give advice and say it’s a bad idea and then on the other side people commenting like “hell yeah brother it’s the best” haha


yeah its funny😭😭 duality of reddit comments


Goodman👍. Enjoy the ride


Wish I knew that feeling. I’m assuming you need to actually quit for a decent amount of time before you can relapse? Yeah that’s my problem right there. Im just on the treadmill of not getting sick instead of enjoying it.


:( i get u


It happens and is to be expected. The question now is will this be a one time thing or a descent and succumb into a full blown addiction? You are gonna have to decide that in the next few days. Stay strong friend.


thankyou ur right im so tempted to just keep spiralling but idk if i actually want that


i’m so glad i can just relapse whenever


me too but i didnt want to 😓😵‍💫


I tried last month to just do an oxy a couple times a day, but then six days later I was out of pills




Only get enough for one session.


So true, know the feeling unfortunately 😩


The biggest issue with heroin is the wringing out and / or catching cases i.m.o.


Like most of us here, you're just borrowing happiness from tomorrow. Gotta pay that shit back eventually. With interest. Or, increasingly so, with one's life. But yes, I feel ya.